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After Xu Jia Li accepted Si Weimin, the two remained in each other's embrace inside the elevator. Neither wanted to break the silent agreement of their beating hearts. The two of them weren't speaking, scared that the moment would be gone – afraid that they would wake up and realize that this was just a fragment of their imagination.

The only sounds they could hear were the fast beating of their hearts, the irregular breathing, and the sounds coming from the elevator. When the elevator door opened, signaling that they reached the rooftop, Si Weimin once again pushed the button for the 1st floor. He then again put his hand around her waist.

Xu Jia Li felt Si Weimin's arms tightly enveloped on her waist, his lips on her forehead, as he gave her feathery kisses.

Everything was so fast. She didn't even know why she accepted. It didn't seem right but it didn't feel wrong either. They had seen each other for only a day. No... it was not even a day. They had been together for only 2 hours, during the meeting for the movie. This abrupt changes and decision made on impulse scared her. It made her jittery.

She felt her palms on his chest became sweaty. She felt her whole body chill. She knew that trusting people would be hard because her heart would always be on the line yet she chose to trust him – a complete stranger.

She was a total mess, most especially her heart. All those years, she caved in, shielding her hearts, afraid to experience her mother's fate. She was even asking herself why she turned to be this way, a total emotional wreck. However, when it came to him, her emotions always betrayed her. It always turned to be a roller coaster ride.

She stared at his neck, observing how his Adam's apple moved – that elegant neck that she so wanted to touch. She sighed as she closed her eyes.

She couldn't remember how long they had been hugging each other but she knew that a part of her was in total bliss for having him.

She never felt this deep sense of belongingness. This feeling of being loved, she only knew that she had her goal. She never felt this happy, tears fell from her eyes. She bit her lips trying to prevent the tears from falling.

Sensing her sob, Si Weimin reached for her chin and gently raised her face. Upon seeing her face covered in tears, she saw how his face became full of worry.

"What's wrong? Hey, it's okay. Tell me."

Hearing the concern and love in his voice, she couldn't help the tears from falling even more. No one had ever showed her such gentleness. She sobbed so hard, shutting her eyes tight, covering her mouth, and continuously let her burden left her through those tears.

She felt his thumb wiped the tears in her face, the action only made her cry even more. He was so good, she was so afraid that she wasn't worthy of him.

"Hey, love. Look at me. Tell me what's wrong."

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Instead of answering, she hugged him tight as she continued crying on his chest. She felt his hand caress her head as he whispered in her ears,

"Okay, love. Just cry it all out."

She stayed like that. Pouring all her pain, the past, and all her doubts – she knew it wouldn't be easy, more so that she had a trust issue.

When the elevator once again made that sound, Si Weimin pushed the button for the second floor before it opened. Sensing what happened, Xu Jia Li slowly opened her eyes and stared at Si Weimin. She saw his handsome face greeted her with that mesmerizing smile of him. She instantly blushed as she spoke in a small voice,

"I'm okay now. I-I ah have to go."

"Let me accompany you." He answered as he picked up her purse, sunglasses, and scarf on the elevator floor. He put them on her, making sure that no one would recognize her when they went out and then he handed her the purse.

"Oh! Really, it's no need." She answered as she fixed her denim jacket and the sunglasses on her face.

"Let me, huh?"

She couldn't do anything but to nod as she heard the elevator door opened. He held her elbow as he guided her out of the lift. When Xu Jia Li noticed the look of disgust and irritation on the man's and woman's faces who were lining on the elevator as they looked at Si Weimin and her, she suddenly turned red.

She was just too happy that he remembered to put her scarf and sunglasses on her before they exited. It helped her hide her face so she would not be recognized outside.

With face full of gratitude, she gazed at him and said, "Thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even remember to put my scarf and sunglasses back."

"It was my fault that they were even on the floor anyway." He chuckled, his eyes shining bright.

She blushed as he heard him tease her. She turned her gaze away and focused on her path. She suddenly felt his hand on her shoulder.

"So, love, where are we going?"

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"Huh? What?"

"You're becoming forgetful, love. Too amazed with your boy friend's oozing handsomeness?"

She stared at him and almost laughed.

'Hahaha oozing handsomeness.'

She pouted and pretended to frown as she rolled her eyes. She couldn't imagine that the cold and mighty CEO like him would be like this, that aside from the fluidity of his action, he was a very funny and amusing guy.

"Pfft. What oozing handsomeness? You make me really annoyed, I lagged at most."

"That hurts!"

"What hurts?"

"This. This hurts!" He answered pitifully as he pointed at his heart.


"We've been together just now and you're already breaking my heart." He continued as he looked at her with those dewy eyes. He clenched his chest as he exaggeratedly made a face. He pretended to cry as he contorted his face as if he was in pain.

Watching him, she couldn't help but be glad for his presence. She pretended to not care as she quirked her brows and bit her lips, suppressing the laugh from escaping her throat.

Seeing her unperturbed, he said, "My love doesn't care for me. I'd rather end this useless life."

With his words, Xu Jia Li couldn't help herself but to laugh hard as she slightly hit his shoulder. Her stomach hurt as she remembered how childish he could be.

Seeing her laughing, Si Weimin had a warm smile on his face. He patted her head and said,

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"You're even more beautiful when you laugh. You should do that more often."

She stopped laughing as she put her hands to her face.

"Stop it."

"I'm telling the truth, love. Anyway, where will I take you?"

"You don't have to, I can drive."

"I never questioned your ability to drive but I'm still taking you wherever you want to go."

"Why are you so stubborn?"


"I'll drive okay?"

"Okay, you drive for now but there will be no next time."

"Yeah, whatever you say."

She rolled her eyes and proceeded to where her Audi A5 Cabriolet was parked. It was one of the cars that she had bought from her earnings. This one was particularly her favourite because it didn't get too much attention unlike the other luxury cars that most celebrities had.

She clicked the key and was about to open the door but before she could do that, she felt his hand pull open the car door.

Startled, she eyed him and rode inside. She waited for him as he walked and opened the door. When he was inside, she started the engine and drove fast.

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"Hey, hey, easy on that! Why do you have to drive so fast?"

"You're scared?"

"Love, I could drive faster that the lightning but I don't want you driving that fast."

"Are you limiting my preferences now?"

"I'm only concerned."

"Don't be. I can handle it. See?" Xu Jia Li drove even faster, grinning at the sulking Si Weimin.

"You're too stubborn. I'll never let you handle the steering wheel again."

Si Weimin's brows turned into furrow as a valley ran between the lines of his eyes and over his forehead. He was clearly unhappy with her action. He crossed his arms around his chest and glared at her face who was focused on the road.

Feeling his intense gaze, she slowed down and took a glance on his way.

"I won't do it again." she whispered, looking like a child reprimanded by her parents.

Satisfied with what he heard, Si Weimin reached for her hand on the gear levers and squeezed it mildly.

"That's my girl. Starting tomorrow, Wang Guo will drive for you until I get you a new driver."

"B-but I don't want a driver. Linqin will drive for me."

"Let her assist you. Let the driver drive for you."

She didn't know why she was obeying him. She was clearly not happy with the situation but instead of arguing, she only answered him with a smile as she drove slower than before.

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