Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 30

The father and daughter had finished talking about their business, and they didn't know what to say for a while, and they were speechless, feeling a little inexplicably awkward.

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Fifth Master Ling coughed and broke the silence: "Ah Shu, you are fourteen this year!"


This age was just the time to look for a good marriage. Madam Ling's probing words from that day were still in his ears, Fifth Master Ling had thought about it later, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a good marriage.


Ling Jingshu heard the implication of Fifth Master Ling's words and immediately responded: "Father, all I want to do now is to cure Ah Xiao's illness, and I don't care about lifelong matters. Wait for Ah Xiao and me to come back from the capital and then we will talk about getting married again."


Looking at Ling Jingshu, who looked calm and composed, Fifth Master Ling felt a strange feeling in his heart.


Shouldn't a young girl in her boudoir be shy when she mentions marriage? Ling Jingshu was too calm and peaceful...


Ling Jingshu raised her eyes, and a hint of pleading appeared in her beautiful and bright eyes: "This is related to the happiness of my life. My daughter implores her father, no matter who opens their mouth to ask father, don't agree easily. Please make a decision when I come back."


It is true children's marriage should be ordered by their parents. However, parents who cherish their children always ask their children about their feelings before making a decision. Ling Jingshu's request didn't sound too much, Fifth Master Ling thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.


At this time, Fifth Master Ling would never have imagined that Ling Jingshu was taking Ling Xiao to leave Dingzhou for the capital, and she had already made up her mind that she would never return.


While talking, there was a knock on the door.


Fifth Master Ling never liked being disturbed in his study, so he asked in a deep voice, "Who is it?"


Madam Li's smiling voice sounded outside the door: "Master, it's the concubine and Ah Luo."


It was Li's mother and son.

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Fifth Master Ling's expression suddenly softened a little, and he ordered Ling Jingshu to open the door.



Seeing Ling Jingshu coming to open the door, Madam Li was not surprised. She smiled and shouted: "It turns out that sister Shu is also here. Why don't you let me know when you come." 


It was clear that she knew she had come, so she led Ling Yu on purpose to disrupt the situation. In recent years, the indifference and unfamiliarity between her and Fifth Master Ling were greatly due to Madam Li.


Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips and replied, "I wanted to say something privately to my father, so I came here quietly. I didn't expect to alarm my mother."


Madam Li was choked, secretly annoyed. However, in front of Fifth Master Ling, she would never break her face with Ling Jingshu. This was also the brilliance of Madam Li.


Madam Li immediately changed the subject, smiled, and said to Fifth Master Ling: "Because of the old lady's birthday, the family school had a seven-day holiday. However, Ah Luo doesn't want to be idle for a day and wants to study early in the morning. The concubine thought, the master has nothing to do in the mansion, so why not bring Ah Luo here, and the master personally teach him to read and write." 


Although Ling Luo was small, he inherited Madam Li's cleverness and cunning and walked up to Fifth Master Ling in a serious manner. He bowed and saluted: "I beg my father to give me more guidance."


A six-year-old child acting like an adult was both cute and pleasing. What's more, Ling Yu was the youngest son of Fifth Master Ling. Men generally have strict requirements for their eldest sons, and they always spoil their youngest sons a little bit.


Fifth Master Ling smiled wryly and agreed without thinking.


Joy and pride flashed in Madam Li's eyes, and she glanced at Ling Jingshu intentionally or unintentionally.


So what if Ling Xiao was smart back then? But he is a blind cripple now. AlthoughFifth Master Ling had some pity for Ling Xiao, he liked his youngest son the most.

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Ling Jingshu secretly sneered in her heart.


Let Madam Li be proud for now. Soon she will make Madam Li taste the pain of life.



Madam Ling had been staying in Yonghe Hall all the time, but after Lu An came, she had to take care of her husband's daily necessities, so she spent less time in Yonghe Hall. However, Old Lady Ling never lacked someone to accompany her. Sons, daughters-in-law, grandsons, grandchildren, and granddaughters all scrambled to serve Old Lady Ling.


Today Yue Shi brought Ling Jingxian here.


Madam Yue's eyes were red with a grievance as she complained, '...Second Master brought back his concubine and illegitimate son, but my daughter-in-law did not mistreat them. It was just that she said a few words yesterday, which made Second Master unhappy, and he scolded me. Xianjie, who loves her mother deeply, argued with Second Master, and in his anger, he actually hit Xianjie. Poor Xianjie hasn't seen her father for several years and has been looking forward to his return day and night, but who would have thought that they would meet under such circumstances? Mother-in-law, please help us mother and daughter to resolve this matter..."


Then, she covered her face with a handkerchief and began to cry.


Ling Jingxian's eyes were also red, and she choked up and called her grandmother.


Looking carefully, the delicate Qiao's face was indeed a little red and swollen. It can be seen that Second Master Ling used a lot of strength in his anger. 


The old lady Ling didn't want to interfere with the affairs of her concubine-born son's room.


Madam Yue was jealous and spoke harshly. Seeing that Second Master Linghad brought his concubine and concubine-born son, all she did was make a fuss. If Second Master Ling hadn't become angry, he wouldn't have lost his temper. 


However, Ling Jingxian's face with finger marks on her face and mottled tears was really pitiful.

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Old Lady Ling sighed and comforted: "Okay, both of you, mother and daughter, stop crying. When the second child comes tomorrow, I will say a few words to him. No matter how much anger you have, you shouldn't let it out on Sister Xian. The girl's skin is the tenderest, how can she withstand such a strong hand. "


Madam Yue wiped her tears with a handkerchief and thanked her.


Ling Jingxian begged: "Grandmother, my father treats me and my mother coldly because we get together less and leave more. In a few days, my father will leave Dingzhou, I beg my grandmother to let our mother and daughter go with my father..."


"Shut up! Madam Yue interrupted Ling Jingxian urgently: "It's all nonsense. If we all left with your father, wouldn't we be unable to fulfill our filial piety by your grandmother's side? Never say this again."


Ling Jingxian was so wronged that she didn't dare to say anything.


Madam Yue looked at the old lady Ling apologetically again: "Sister Xian is still young, so there are many inappropriate words, mother-in-law, don't take it to heart. "


Old Lady Ling had lived to be seventy years old, and was already a shrewd person. How can she not see this little trick of Yue's mother and daughter, and said lightly: "Sister Xian is also right. The husband and wife live in different places, after all, it is not a long-term plan. Tomorrow, I will have a good talk with my second son, and let him take both of you mother and daughter to the post."


Madam Yue was overjoyed but said in her mouth: "How can this be done. The second master has been traveling outside. If we insist on leaving, the second master will be the first one to be unhappy."


Ling Jingxian lost no time and muttered in a low voice: "Mother, isn't our eldest bómǔ (1) also staying with bóbo (2) in his place of posting?


The voice was not loud, just enough for the Old Lady to hear.


Old Madam Ling was a little unhappy. Listen to the voice, it's strange if it wasn't discussed before. It seems that Madam Yue has already had this thought.


A Concubine-born son's wife has the audacity to compare herself with the main house!

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Eldest Master Ling was a serious fourth-rank official. He had been in the capital for many years and bought a mansion to live in. It can be regarded as taking root. On normal days, he was busy with official duties, and it was important to have Madam Sun go out and socialize with various government official wives.


Second Master Ling was just a mere county magistrate, and it is enough to have a concubine around him to serve him. It is reasonable for Yue, the main wife, to stay in the old house to serve her mother-in-law.


If Madam Yue really wanted to leave, she should have said it clearly. Old Lady Ling would have allowed it even if she was not happy in her heart. Madam Yue just played tricks like this, so it made people feel unhappy.


Old Madam Ling's face darkened, and there was a little coldness in her voice: "It's natural for you mother and daughter to want to go with the second child, and I have no intention of stopping you. What is the purpose of bringing up the eldest room? If such words get out, won't it make people think that I, the old woman, have treated your second wife harshly in recent years?" 


Old Lady Ling had been in charge of the family for many years and was extremely dignified. At this time, she had a stern face and no smile, and Yue's mother and daughter suddenly felt embarrassed.


Yue and Ling Jingxian opened their mouths at the same time: "Grandmother (mother-in-law), please calm down..."


Old Lady Ling was not in the mood to listen to their mother and daughter's chatter, and waved her hands impatiently: "I'm a little tired, you two go back first!"


Madam Yue had no choice but to lead Ling Jingxian to leave. Before the two of them walked out of the inner hall, Mo Kui came in with a smile and reported: "Informing the Old Lady, Miss Ninth has something to ask for." 


The old lady Ling who just a moment ago was "a little tired" immediately said: "Quickly let sister Shu come in." "


Mother and daughter Yue: "..."


1. Elder brother of father,

2. Wife of the elder brother of father.

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