Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 31

When they passed each other, Ling Jingxian glared at Ling Jingshu angrily.

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Ling Jingshu was full of worries, she didn't have the time to deal with Ling Jingxian's inexplicable provocation, so she quickly walked into the Yonghe Hall and greeted Old Lady Ling.


Old Lady Ling just got sullen so her tone was a bit hard: “Sister Shu, what brings you here? Is there something you need”


Ling Jingxuan was sensitive to the sullen tone of her grandmother and then associates it with Madam Yue’s and Ling Jing’s disgraced appearance.  She also guessed a few points about the situation just now: “What did the second bómǔ (1) and táng jiě (2) say that made grandmother so unhappy?"


Old Lady Ling snorted and her voice was full of dissatisfaction: "It is not a big deal. They both want to go with your second uncle. As long as they open their mouth to beg, I won't make things difficult for such a little thing. But instead, they just beat around the bush and play tricks in front of me, really treat me as an old fool!”


As the oldest and highest-ranking person in the Ling family, Mrs. Ling's temper is naturally not too small. Don't look at the fact that she showed a kind face on ordinary days. Once there was a real fire, all the sons and daughters-in-law had to listen to her with trepidation.


Ling Jingshu came to find Old Lady Ling today, and it was also a matter of great importance. Only when the old lady nodded, then only what she thought would become a reality. She wanted to coax the old lady into a good mood so she said: "The second bómǔ is too ridiculous. The grandmother has always been kind, as long as she is sincere, she has no reason to agree."


This is a lot easier to listen to.


Old Lady Ling’s heart was a lot of temperament, and her tone was milder: “But let’s not say these bad things. Sister Shu, you come to me, is there something to say?”


Ling Jingyshu did not beat around the bush and replied frankly: "Yes, the granddaughter has very important words to say to the grandmother, and these words can only be heard by the grandmother. Please ask the grandmother to let the servants go out of the room."


If you talk to your family, you should go straight like this!


Mrs. Ling readily nodded and ordered Mo Kui and others to retreat.




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Only Old Lady Ling and Ling Jingshu were left in the huge Yonghe Hall.


The old lady smiled and said: "There is something important, you can always say it now!"


"I came here today for Ah Xiao's business..." Ling Jingyi said the original words that had been said to Fifth Master Ling before.



Old Lady Ling was still smiling at first but gradually became serious. When she heard about the Wei imperial physician who was good at treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases in the capital, she couldn't help being moved: "Sister Shu, is what you said true? That Wei imperial physician Is it possible to cure Ah Xiao's eyes?"



"If it can be cured or not, we can't make a conclusion now. However, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I want to take Ah Xiao to try it." Ling Jing's eyes flashed with a firm light: "I already asked for father's permission and he agreed for me to accompany my brother with Eldest bóbo's (3) family to the capital. I also hope that my grandmother would approve."


Mrs. Ling thought a little and said slowly: "If you can cure Ah Xiao's eyes and let him see the light again, it is naturally a happy event. However, if you accompany your brother to the capital, I am really worried. You are a weak woman who has never been to a distant door. It is always inconvenient to go out in the long run. It is good to let your father take Ah Xiao, and you will be at the grandmother with peace of mind."


As soon as she finished speaking, Ling Jingshu fell to her knees with a plop: "I'm really touched by Grandma's consideration for me. However, I have a reason to go."


You also have a reason to go?


Old lady Ling was startled for a moment, and quickly said: "If you have any embarrassing things, just talk to grandma, you don't need to kneel."



At this time, Old Lady Ling, in front of the younger generation, was still the kind and amiable grandmother. There was a little bit of pity for Ling Jingshu.


Only when the survival of the family is threatened, will the indifferent and ruthless face with a heart as hard as iron will be shown.


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Ling Jingshu’s heart sneered, but her face showed a sad look: “Grandma, I have a strange illness. I want to accompany my brother to the capital, not only to cure his eyes but also to cure my illness.”


Old Lady Ling was shocked and forgot to ask Ling Jingshu to get up: "What do you say? What strange disease did you have?"


Ling Jingying didn't have to pretend, she showed a naturally bitter face: "Besides Ah Xiao, I can't get close to any man. Even if I touch a finger, There will be abnormal reactions, body cramps, nausea, and vomiting. "


Old Lady Ling: "..."


What was this strange disease? What do you mean you can't get close to any man?


Old Lady Ling’s face was wrong and she asked in disbelief: “What are you talking about? When did this happen?”


Ling Jingshu bit her lip, her eyes were full of water, and her voice whimpered: "The granddaughter dare not hide from her grandmother. It is a strange disease that I discovered only a few days ago."


"You girl, why didn't you say this kind of thing earlier. " "Old lady Ling frowned: "Say it quickly and in detail, and don't hide anything. "



Ling Jingyi did not know how to open her mouth, and her eyes started tearing.


After thinking about it for a while, the old lady Ling guessed the reason why Ling Jingshu couldn't say it: "You are ashamed to open your mouth, is it because a man touched your hand?"



It was not appropriate for a girl who has not left her boudoir to be alone with a man. It was even more outrageous to shake hands and other intimate manners.


Ling Jingshu turned red and nodded.


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The old lady Ling was so shrewd that she guessed who the other party was almost immediately: "It's Lu Hong! "



Ling Jing was stunned. She raised her head and said with a sigh: "Not only him, but also Qian biǎodì."(4)


Old Lady Ling: "..."


Old lady Ling seemed to be choking on something, and it took a long time to squeeze out a few words: "There are no outsiders here, so if you have anything to say, just say it with confidence." Don't worry, this matter will never reach anyone's ears. "



She was waiting for this sentence!


Ling Jingshu wiped her tears with her sleeve and revealed the truth in a low voice: "On the day of my grandmother's birthday, Ah Xiao asked me to go back to Qiushui Pavilion. After I went back, I found out that Lu biǎogē (5) was there too. It's suspicious to be seen together in such a situation. I felt that Cousin Lu was acting strange and wanted him to leave. He not only refused to leave, but he also said some... nonsensical things to me. I was both shocked and scared at the time, and I sternly told him to leave. He became agitated and grabbed my hand. I felt nauseous and vomited on the spot."



"Lu biǎogē was probably scared by my reaction and soon left. After that, I did not disclose the matter. I was ashamed to say this, I thought it was just a one-time accident, so I did not pay attention to it in my heart."


"Unexpectedly, Qian biǎodì came to Qiushui Pavilion again yesterday..."..."


The following words, it seemed that it was hard to tell.


Ling Jingshu bit her lips, and her face is red.


Old Lady Ling’s heart was sinking, and she quickly guessed what happened: “Did Ah Qian tell you that he asked his mother to propose a marriage to you?"


Ling Jingshu wass silent.

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Mrs. Ling knew what the result was, but couldn’t help but ask the bottom: "What happened later?"


" I'm two years older than my cousin, and I've always treated him as a child, and I only have affection for him as a cousin. So, I rejected him." Ling Jingshu sighed softly: "I didn't expect him to react very violently, he approached me, and kept saying that he would marry me. At that time, my whole body was trembling, my stomach was churning, and I vomited it out again."



"One time is accidental. It is not an accident if it happens two times. I am scared and afraid in my heart, but I dare not tell anyone about it. I just met my father and didn't have the courage to say it. The person who loves me the most in this mansion is my grandmother. That's why I mustered up the courage to come to my grandmother..."



Ling Jingshu's eyes were red again, she looked up at the old lady Ling. Her eyes were full of trust and pleading: "Grandma, will you do it for me? You will keep it a secret, right? You will help me, right?"



Even if it was a heart of stone, it must be melted by such a look.


What's more, Ling Jingshu grew up beside Old Lady Ling, and she was most favored by her. Seeing Ling Jingshu so lonely and helpless, the feeling of pity in her heart surged.



"Good boy, I can't blame you for this matter, and you don't have to feel guilty." The old lady Ling sighed, and gently stroked Ling Jingshu's head: "Don't kneel down now, get up and talk, your grandmother will decide everything for you. "


1. Wife of Father's elder brother

2. Daughter of your father's brother who is elder than you.

3. Father's elder brother

4  Son of your father's sister who is younger than you.

5. Son of your father's sister who is older than you.

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