Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 34

No matter how thick-skinned Fifth Master Ling was, he still felt feverish behind his ears. As a father, at such a time, he can't admit that he didn't raise any money for medical treatment. Under the respectful and trusting eyes of his daughter, he was even more embarrassed to just nod like that. 

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Fifth Master Ling cleared his throat and said: "Ah Xiao has been blind for many years, if he can really be cured and return to a normal life, no matter how much it costs, it will be worth it. You have collected the money given by your grandmother. I also have some silver bills here. The amount is not much, and it is also your father's wish. Take it for your expenditure there!"




As he spoke, he took an extremely thick book from the bookshelf. He opened the book, and there was a stack of banknotes in it. Like Old Lady Ling's, they were all Longsheng bank notes, five hundred taels of silver each. Obviously, Old Lady Ling gave it to Master Ling in private. 




Old Lady Ling had three biological children. The Eldest Master Ling was in the capital all year round, and Madam Ling married far. It was human nature to be partial to Fifth Master Ling. No one knew how much private money was given to Fifth Master Ling in this way, but he had enough to regularly invite his friends and companions outside. Even Madam Li could only look at this money helplessly; never dared to inquire how much was there or dare to reach out to take home. 




Fifth Master Ling took two silver notes and said in a generous tone: "This is five hundred taels of silver bills, and two are one thousand taels. These are the banknote of the Longsheng Bank, which can be redeemed by any bank all over the country. When you arrive in Luoyang, you can exchange it at any time. Here, take it."




"Look at that expression of being ripped off!" Ling Jingshu sneered in her heart, but took the banknotes, with a moved and grateful expression on her face: "Father has been so generous to Ah Xiao, I thank father on behalf of Ah Xiao."




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Intentionally or unintentionally, the stress of the word "generosity" was high, and she glanced at the stack of bank notes again. Fifth Master Ling hesitated for a moment, and took two more bank notes with some heartache: "I don't know how long you sister and brother will stay in the capital, It's better to bring more silver to be safe."



Ling Jingshu immediately took the banknotes but didn't go away. She asked Fifth Master Ling with concern: "Father gave us most of the money in his private house. Is there enough money to spend in the future?" 



The four thin banknotes in Ling Jingshu's hands formed a sharp contrast with the rather thick banknotes in Fifth Master Ling's hands. It was too much against his will to say that most of the private money was in his hands. 




Fifth Master Ling's face began to heat up again. Gritting his teeth, he quickly took out four more banknotes and stuffed them into Ling Jingshu's hands. Then he quickly closed the book: "I don't have much use at home, and your brother and sister have to spend everywhere when you go out. Take them all!"




A total of 4,000 taels of silver bills, this time she really squeezed out all the "fatherly love" out of Fifth Master Ling. Ling Jingshu was also a little satisfied, collected all the silver bills, and left after thanking her father.




Fifth Master Ling was still heartbroken over the unreasonable loss of four thousand taels of silver notes. After putting the book back on the bookshelf, he sat alone in the chair and felt distressed for a long time. 




Soon after hearing the news, Madam Li knocked on the door of the study in a hurry. After pushing open the door, she couldn't wait to ask: "Master, shǎozi and the others are going back to the Capital tomorrow. I went to shǎozi 's place just now, and I heard from shǎozi that Ah Jing and Ah Xiao will go to the capital together tomorrow. She said that they wanted to find a famous doctor for Ah Xiao to heal his eyes... What the hell is going on? How come I have never heard the news before?" 


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Probably because she was too shocked and annoyed, she forgot her mask of being gentle and caring. Madam Li's tone sounded like she was questioning him angrily. Fifth Master Ling was already distressed by the huge loss of his private house, so he was also very unhappy when he heard Madam Li's questioning tone. 




His complexion suddenly sank: "What? Ah Xiao is going to the capital to seek medical treatment for his eye disease. Could it be that you, a mother, are not happy?" 




What Ling Jingshu said before suddenly came to mind. Could it be that Madam Li will really not be happy to see Ling Xiao's eyes cured as Ling Jingshu said? 




Once the seeds of doubt hit the ground, they quickly took root and germinated. Fifth Master Ling looked at Madam Li with a trace of suspicion and unkindness. 





Madam Li's expression froze, she smiled reflexively and softened her tone: "Master misunderstood. If Ah Xiao's eyes can be cured, it will be a great joy. It's too late for me to be happy, so how can I be reluctant. It's just this matter came too suddenly, I was not mentally prepared, and I was taken aback for a moment, so my tone was a little hasty." 





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Fifth Master Ling raised his eyebrows and said "oh" lightly. With a rising tone, it is obvious that he did not believe Madam Li's words. 





Madam Li was secretly annoyed. Hearing this all of a sudden just now, she was so shocked and astonished, she couldn't care about anything else for a moment, so she came to question Fifth Master Ling like this. The real face that had been hidden for so long was almost revealed in front of Fifth Master Ling... But it's not her fault. 





No matter what, she never thought that Ling Jingshu planned to take Ling Xiao to the capital to treat his eyes. If his eyes are really cured, Ling Xiao can start studying again and take the imperial examination. With his talent, he may be able to obtain fame in a few years. The status in the mansion will be higher and higher, and with the support of Old Lady  Ling wouldn't Ling Yu, who is still young, be suppressed and unable to hold his head up? 





It's a shame she didn't know about it until today. The brother and sister duo will leave Dingzhou with the Eldest's family tomorrow, and it was too late even if she intends to do something. All of this must be caused by that stinky girl Ling Jingshu! She didn't know how she moved Fifth Master Ling, but she was kept in the dark... 




Thinking of this, Madam Li's teeth itched with hatred, but she didn't dare to show anything on her face. Madam Li pretended to be wronged and said: "Master, ask yourself, since I married into the Ling family, I have tried my best to treat Ah Xiao and Sister Shu as my own. Now Sister Shu and Ah Xiao are going to the capital. The mother didn't even know about it. I only found out when my shǎozi mentioned it today. At that time, my face was so hot that there was no place to put it, and I was so sad. In a moment of excitement, I hurried to the study ...I didn't expect the master to misunderstand me because of this, I really feel bad..." 




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As she spoke, she began to cry. Madam Li was not particularly beautiful, but she had the style of a mature woman. At this time, weeping mournfully and in a low voice it aroused pity in those who saw her. What's more, Fifth Master Ling had always had a heart for pitiful and weak women. 





Seeing Madam Li crying so emotionally, he finally relented, and his tone softened: "Okay, I'm just talking casually. I really don't doubt you. Don't cry." 




After a pause, he said: "Only my mother and I know about Ah Shu's taking Ah Xiao to the capital for treatment. Everyone in the mansion was kept in the dark, and we were not deliberately trying to hide it from you. You don't have to worry about it." 




It's not because of her! Madam Li gritted her teeth in her heart, and quickly stopped crying, wiped her tears with her sleeves, and said with a forced smile: "I only hope that the doctors in the Capital can really cure Ah Xiao's eyes, and sister Shu's painstaking efforts of accompany Ah Xiao to the capital all the way is not in vain." 





But what she thought viciously in her heart was that, may the blind man never be cured again in this lifetime. It would be better if there was an accident on the road, and the siblings would never come back again.




T/N Woo hoo the mask of the stepmother is coming down step by step. And how good was our FL in extracting money from her father!!


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