Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 35

"Miss, the clothes and luggage of the four seasons have been packed. Jewelry and other things have also been packed." Bai Yu reported softly: "There are eight wooden boxes in total." The accompanying maids also packed up their own which was no less. 

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Ling Jingshu hummed, and said casually: "Later, grandma will ask Mo Kui to send some jewelry and pearls, just take them with you." 





Today, grandma gave five thousand taels of silver, and another four thousand from Fifth Master Ling, plus the private money in her and Ling Xiao's hands, the total was over ten thousand taels. There were also all kinds of fine and soft jewelry, which could also be sold for a large amount of silver. If she was economical, it will be enough for her and Ah Xiao for half a lifetime. 





Bai Yu responded, and couldn't help but whisper: "Miss, you brought all your private money with you. Maybe you don't plan to come back to Dingzhou in the future!" 





No wonder Bai Yu had such a guess. Ling Jingshu not only took the money from her private house, except for the bulky and fragile things in Qiushui Pavilion that were not suitable for long-distance transportation, all other valuable things had been packed. Just to accompany Young Master Xiao to the capital for medical treatment, did she need to bring so many things? 




Ling Jingshu stared at Baiyu, and said in a low voice, "Will you be surprised if I say yes?" 





For Ling Jingshu, besides Ling Xiao, Baiyu is the closest person in the world. Although Baiyu was just a maid, in her heart, she was like a sister. Except for the secret of rebirth, she had almost nothing to hide from Bai Yu. With Bai Yu's intelligence and keenness, it will be a matter of time before she realizes her true intentions. 





Sure enough, Bai Yu was not surprised when she heard that, but there was worry in her eyes: "Miss, although the master and wife don't care about you and the young master, with the old lady around, no one in this house dares to neglect you. Once the young master's eyes are healed, he will be able to study again and take the imperial examination. For all of this, it is necessary to stay with the Ling family. It is not an option to stay in the capital, after all, it is the main house, (1) and it is not a long-term solution to live under the fence." 




"Furthermore, after another year or two years, the young lady and the young master will both reach the age to talk about marriage. The old lady and the master have to decide on the marriage, so what will happen if you don't come back to Dingzhou?" Bai Yu thought very earnestly. 





Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips and said lightly: "I have thought about all the problems you mentioned. I will find ways to solve them one by one in the future. Don't mention it, even in front of Ah Xiao." Ling Jingshu's expression was calm and her tone was firm. It was apparent that she had made up her mind. 





The advantage of Bai Yu was that she was loyal and didn't talk too much. What the master had decided will only be carried out silently and obediently, and will never question. Even if it was such a major thing that can affect the fate of one's life, Bai Yu will nod and agree softly. 





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Back then when she believed Madam Li's words and agreed to give Bai Yu to Second Master Li as a concubine, Bai Yu was obviously unwilling in her heart, but she nodded silently like this. Looking at Bai Yu's calm and beautiful face, Ling Jingshu felt a bit of sourness in her heart. Bai Yu, I failed to protect you in my previous life. In this life, I will take you and Ah Xiao far away. No one can hurt you two anymore. 




As for Madam Li, she hurt Ah Xiao and Bai Yu. Even if she leaves Dingzhou, she will not let Madam Li have a stable and comfortable life. 




"Baiyu, after it gets dark, send a message to my gēge (2)." Ling Jingshu's eyes flashed coldly, and she whispered: "Just say that I have something important to tell him, and let him come here without letting anyone know. When the time comes, you will guard the courtyard gate and lead gēge to my room." 





Bai Yu was very surprised by this sudden order. However, Bai Yu didn't question this order but just nodded in response. 





After dark, Bai Yu quietly went to see Ling Ting. Ling Ting was a little surprised when he saw Bai Yu coming to see him, "What's your purpose?" Bai Yu explained his purpose in a low voice but respectfully: "This servant came to see the young master under the order of the young lady. The young lady has something important to discuss, please Eldest young master come to Qiushui Pavilion tonight."




 Ling Ting frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Is there anything that we can't talk about in the daytime, but we have to go to Qiushui Pavilion at midnight?" 





With this mysterious style, it was inevitable that people will have bad associations. 




Bai Yu replied with a look of embarrassment: "Miss just ordered the slaves like this, and the slaves don't know the details." After a pause, she said: "It's getting late, the young master will know everything after waiting a few more hours. Please be careful when the young master comes to the Qiushui Pavilion, so as not to be noticed by anyone. The servant has to go back to report, and will leave first." 




It has to be said that Ling Ting's curiosity was thoroughly aroused. What important matter does Ling Jingshu have to tell him at midnight? She also specifically told him not to let anyone notice when he went. Presumably, it was to avoid the eyeliner that Li Shi placed beside him... 





Ling Ting thought about it, but he couldn't figure out the reason. After eating dinner with no appetite, he read a book for a long time in the study restlessly and finally stayed up until midnight. At this time, the people in the mansion had already rested. Ling Ting stayed in the study under the pretext of reading a book, not arousing suspicion. 





In the dead of night, everything was silent. Ling Ting left the garden alone and quietly came outside the Qiushui Pavilion. Before he could knock on the door, the door of Qiushui Pavilion opened. Bai Yu's face appeared in front of Ling Ting's eyes, and she quickly whispered: "Young Master, please come in with this servant." 





Ling Ting hummed and followed Bai Yu into the Qiushui Pavilion. Bai Yu led Ling Ting outside Ling Jingshu's bedroom and pushed open the half-hidden door. After Ling Ting entered the room, Bai Yu immediately closed the door, guarding the door vigilantly and cautiously. … 



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Two candlesticks were lit in the room, and the light was soft and quiet. Ling Jingshu stood there pretty, and smiled at Ling Ting: "Gēge, I've been waiting for a long time." 





Ling Jingshu's already beautiful face was enveloped by the soft candlelight, making it even more breathtakingly stunning. Her eyes were sparkling in the dark. 





Even though Ling Ting was used to seeing Ling Jingshu's beauty, he couldn't help but pause for breath at this moment. He thought to himself, no wonder the two Hong brothers were fascinated by her. As for any man, who can see such beauty and not be tempted? 





Although Lu Hong and Lu Qian covered up in every possible way, the keen-minded Ling Ting had already noticed the two brothers' thoughts. Just kept pretending not to know. 





Ling Ting coughed and said, "My sister specially asked me to come over at midnight today. I don't know if there is something important to discuss." 





Ling Jingshu smiled slightly, and opened her mouth calmly, "I specially invited my elder brother to come. There is indeed an extremely important matter. " 






Ling Ting tensed up inexplicably, always feeling that what he was going to hear next would surprise him. Sure enough, Ling Jingshu said slowly: "Brother, Ah Xiao and I are leaving Dingzhou for the capital tomorrow." 





Ling Ting was startled, and blurted out: "Leave tomorrow? Why are you in such a hurry?" No, why are you going to the capital all of a sudden? Ling Xiao's eyes can't see, and he rarely even goes out of the Ling family's gate on weekdays, let alone travel long distances. 





Ling Jingshu took Ling Xiao to Luoyang which was so far away, for what? 





Ling Jingshu said lightly: "I heard that there is a Miraculous Doctor in Beijing who specializes in treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases. His medical skills are very good. He has cured many incurable diseases. Ah Xiao injured his brain in a fall and lost his eyesight. I want to take him to the capital. Seek medical advice, maybe he can cure his eyes." 





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What? Ling Xiao is going to the capital to treat eye diseases? Ling Ting's expression remained unchanged, but his heart suddenly sank. 





Although he is the eldest son of the fifth family, he was a concubine-born son. His biological mother angered his father and died of illness a few years ago. Now the Fifth family's youngest son Ling Yu was the most favored. 




Although Ling Xiao was a direct son, he had become a useless person because of blindness. In the eyes of Fifth Master Ling, he was even worse than a concubine-born child. If Ling Xiao healed his eyes, where would he have a foothold in the Fifth family in the future? 




Ling Jingshu's eyes were deep, as if she had seen through all of Ling Ting's dark and secret thoughts, and asked word by word: "Gēge, are you really willing to live under others for the rest of your life?"




 Ling Ting took a breath, and his face changed quietly. These few words were enough to shock him.




After all, Ling Ting was still an inexperienced young man, even though there were some deep thoughts, he was far from being able to hide his thoughts at any time. At this time, his eyes were full of shock, and the guilt and panic of being told that the secret in his heart had been revealed, he didn't have the courage to meet Ling Jingshu's bright and eye-catching eyes, and subconsciously lowered his head.




After Ling Jingshu dropped this sentence, she didn't speak anymore and just looked at Ling Ting with a half-smile.



The room was silent.



Only the slight sound of the candle burning lingered in their ears.



Ling Ting's heart was also like a candle, flickering and flickering. After a while, he pretended to be calm and opened his mouth and said, "Did my sister ask me to come here on purpose just to say these useless things?"




Ling Jingshu looked deeply at Ling Ting: "This is not useless nonsense, but an exchange with gēge. The future is closely related. Hasn’t gēge carefully considered and planned for the future?”



Why not!



This question was always on my mind. But there were some things that cannot be fulfilled just by thinking about them.




Ling Ting laughed at himself and said frankly: "Everyone has dignity and ambition, and no one wants to be inferior to others. However, I was born to a concubine, and my biological mother died early, so there was no one to protect me. You and Ah Xiao still had a grandmother who favored you. Ah Yu is the treasure of my parents. I am just a bastard, and I have no talent for reading. It will be considered good if I can be a student in the future. The chances of being promoted in the exam are really slim."




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"If I can have a good marriage, maybe I can use the power of the in-law's family to have a chance to stand up. I am already sixteen this year, and my parents have not arranged a marriage for me so far. They obviously don't take me, a bastard, to heart. In the future, even if they want to find a marriage for me, they probably won’t pick a good marriage.”



Speaking like this, Ling Ting’s tone showed a trace of resentment.




Maybe it's because he had been depressed for too long, even though he knew that Ling Jingshu in front of him was not the best person to confide in, Ling Ting still couldn't help but continue to say: "I have no one in the mansion, no one favors me, what right do I have to think about planning for the future? How is it any different from laughing at me when you ask me these things?"




Speaking the last sentence, he gritted his teeth as his scars were exposed. The upright and handsome face was also a little distorted.




Ling Ting did indeed have a pitiful future.



A child without a mother was like grass. Their siblings were from the main line, and they are taken care of by Old Lady Ling, so their life in Ling's residence was quite passable. But Ling Ting didn't have such good luck. Fifth Master Ling blamed his eldest son for what happened to Aunt Xia back then and treated him very coldly.




Madam Li's thoughts were vicious, she neither wanted to let their siblings go nor forgot to deal with Ling Ting. She deliberately found a "good" marriage for Ling Ting.





The other party was the daughter of a general, legitimate and with a large dowry. On paper, everything seemed perfect. However, this woman had a promiscuous nature and was unfaithful before and after marriage. She also has some skills and was very aggressive. Poor Ling Ting, who swallowed his anger and wore a green hat (3), could barely hold his head up in front of people.




Now that she is reborn, not only will she have to change the fate of herself and Ling Xiao, but the fate of those around her as well. She will make sure they will have a future that was completely different from her previous life.



"I didn't mean to ridicule you." Ling Jingshu flung down another thunderbolt lightly: "I want to give a beautiful future to gēge. Let's see if gēge has the courage to take it." 



Splendid future?



Ling Ting's eyes flickered again, obviously, his heart was extremely restless. However, he was not in a hurry to get to the bottom of it and listened patiently.



However, Ling Jingshu deliberately played tricks and changed the topic: "How did Aunt Xia die back then, do you still remember?"



Ling Ting pursed his lips.



1. It meant the first-born son's home. They were going to the home of the First Master Ling.

2. Elder Brother

3. It means a husband whose wife is promiscuous. 

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