Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 36

How could he not remember?

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Aunt Xia (1) passed away five years ago. At that time, he was already eleven years old, already the age he could remember. He witnessed his beautiful mother's face grow weaker and sadder day by day, and she spent her days crying and hoping that his father would come to see her one last time.


It was a pity that Fifth Master Ling was so annoyed because of Ling Xiao's blindness in the accident that was supposed to be caused by Aunt Xia. His heart was as cold as iron, and he never saw Aunt Xia again. Aunt Xia died of depression.


At the moment of dying, only he was kneeling beside the bed. His eyes were swollen from crying, and his voice was hoarse from crying...


Thinking of the situation that day, Ling Ting's eye sockets turned red quietly.


Ling Jingshu's voice rang in his ears: "Speaking of it, this is actually a muddled account. Ah Xiao's eyes became blind, and his father didn't find the real murderer behind the scenes, so he blamed Aunt Xia. Poor Aunt Xia couldn't argue with anything and died of injustice. ....."

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Ling Ting's whole body was shocked, and he suddenly raised his head: "What did you say?"


"Gege has heard what I said clearly."


Ling Jingshu said slowly and clearly: "Ah Xiao's accident back then, his injury had nothing to do with Aunt Xia at all. All of this was caused by Madam Li secretly. She secretly ordered someone to make the ground next to the rockery slippery and easy to fall, and then asked someone to lead Ah Xiao over. Ah Xiao's fall, his injury from knocking on the rockery was all in her calculations. The person in charge at the time was Aunt Xia, and Madam Li was raising a baby in the yard. No one would suspect her." 


"After hurting Ah Xiao, she blamed Aunt Xia again, and got rid of all her troubles in one fell swoop. Afterward, she gave birth to a son who won all the favors of his father, and will take over the fifth house logically, which is just brilliant!" 



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Ling Ting's chest rose and fell unevenly, and a wave of angry flush spread across his face. He struggled to maintain his composure and said, "These are just your speculations. You don't have any concrete evidence to prove that it was Madam Li who harmed Ah Xiao and blamed it on Aunt Xia."



Ling Jingshu twitched the corners of her lips: "I really have no evidence, everything is just my guess. You might as well think about it, who is the biggest beneficiary in this matter? Whoever benefits the most is the murderer behind the scenes. From this idea, it is very easy to deduce that it was Madam Li."



"Just think about it, what good will Aunt Xia get by murdering Ah Xiao? At that time, Madam Li had already married into the family, and the son she will give birth to will be legitimate. Even if Aunt Xia killed Ah Xiao, you, an illegitimate son, could never become a legitimate son. Let's take a step back, and assume that Aunt Xia really had this idea. At that time, Aunt Xia was in charge, and if any accident happened, she would be naturally be the main suspect. If Aunt Xia was a little smarter, she would not have chosen that time to harm Ah Xiao!"



"Over the years, I've been thinking about what happened back then, thinking about it, and finally figured out the inside story. Gege must have thought hard and pondered many times! You may even have doubts about Madam Li in your heart, but since you had no evidence, you didn't dare reveal it at all. You laid low in order not to be noticed by her, and not get attacked by her again!"


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Ling Ting: "..."



Ling Ting clenched his lips tightly, with hatred in his eyes.



No need to say anything, his expression already said it all!



Ling Jingshu had been paying close attention to the changes in Ling Ting's expression, and then slowly continued: "Madam Li has a cruel heart, and now she has won our father's heart, not to mention her youngest son is most favored. Of course, we siblings are a thorn in her side, but you, a bastard, are also a thorn in her flesh. If she wants to deal with you, she just needs to do something about your marriage." 

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These words hit Ling Ting's most secret worries.


Ling Jingshu looked straight at Ling Ting: "Gege, don't you want to avenge Aunt Xia? Don't you want to be the pillar of the fifth house? Now you have the best opportunity in front of you." 



Ling Ting took a deep breath, calmed down, and said: "There is no need to beat around the bush anymore. What do you want me to do?"


T/N Woo hoo the counterattack begins

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