Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 38

Ling Jingshu nodded, then whispered: "Don't be in a hurry about this matter. You must plan carefully before taking any action. It should look like an accident and must have nothing to do with you. This way, even if Madam Li suspects you later, she will have nothing to pin on you."

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Just like the "accident" of Ling Xiao in the past.

Ling Ting nodded to show that he understood and was in agreement.

The two whispered some details and the way to contact in the future, until after three, Ling Ting left.

Ling Jingshu exhaled a sigh of relief, and the expression on her face was hidden.

A young life will fall in the near future. Although it will be done by Ling Ting, the real mastermind was her... In front of Ling Ting, she showed a calm and composed face but had been shaking in her heart.

But thinking of how the lives of Ling Xiao and Bai Yu ended in her previous life, and how ruthless Madam Li was, the hesitation and fear in Ling Jingshu’s heart were immediately suppressed.

When Madam Li started to scheme against Ling Xiao, he was only eight years old, and she had not hesitated. Later, when she poisoned the 16-year-old Ling Xiao, did she ever have any sympathy for him?

After Bai Yu married her brother, she was tortured, humiliated, and died painfully. This must also have been the handiwork of Madam Li.

Tooth for a tooth, blood for blood!

The kind and weak Ling Jingshu was already dead. She was reborn and she wanted revenge. So it was necessary for her to be ruthless. First, she needs to use her chess pieces to deal with Madam Li and her son. Then in the future, she will kill the Lu family and fight against Princess Changping...

Even if her hand was dyed with blood, even if it meant going to hell after death, she will not stop her revenge.


"Miss, why is your face so ugly?" Bai Yu's voice interrupted Ling Jingshu's thoughts.

Under the soft candlelight, Ling Jingshu's expression was serious, and there was no blood on her pretty face. It is shocking.

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Ling Jingshu came back to her senses, and twitched the corners of her lips: "It's nothing. I just thought of something, and I feel uncomfortable." After a pause, she lowered her voice and muttered to herself: "Bai Yu, I'm a little scared."


Bai Yu was startled and leaned over and asked: "What is the lady afraid of?"

She was secretly afraid of her own changes! She was afraid that she will become an unscrupulous person who only thought of revenge, becoming a completely different person, and becoming ugly...

All the words rushed to the lips and almost rushed out. When she saw the face of Baiyu’s concern, she swallowed it back.

This darkness can be carried by her alone. Why should she let Baiyu know and be confused?

"I have grown so big, I haven't traveled far." Ling Jingshu quickly found a high-sounding reason: "I think there will be some uneasiness in my heart when I start tomorrow morning."

Bai Yu was so smart and sensitive, she knew her master was being perfunctory and insincere. However, if her master did not want to say, she will not go to the bottom of the question. Following the words of Ling Jingshu she asked: "Yes when I think of going to such a faraway place, the slave is also worried! However we are going with the main family on an official boat, and they will take care of us on the way. So I am not worrying too much."

Suddenly laughed and said: "It’s already late at night, Miss should go to bed! We have to get up early tomorrow!”

Ling Jingshu agreed with a nod.

After putting her master to bed, Baiyu carefully blew out a candlestick and kept another candlestick in the corner. That light, was driving out the darkness of the room, but couldn't drive away the darkness in Ling Jingshu's heart.

It took a long time to close her eyes and fall asleep.

In her sleep, she dreamed of the night of dying.


"This is the three-foot white cloth given by the palace." Madam Ling’s eyes flashed with vicious pleasure, leaning down and looking at her on the ground: "You are also blessed. Queen Mother personally gave a secret decree and bestowed this piece of cloth."

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Lu An stood at Ling's side, and there was a trace of resentment in his eyes.

This was a secret decree given by the Queen Mother to take Ling Jingshu's life; he was not that bold to keep her alive in secret.

Her face was pale, her heart was full of resentment, and her eyes were full of hate and unwillingness: "What did I do wrong? Why should you do this to me?"

"Your fault is that you are the original wife of Ah Hong." Madam Ling sneered: "Princess Changping has a noble status and she wants to be the wife of Ah Hong. It is a blessing that Ah Hong has cultivated for many generations. The princess can't naturally have the reputation of robbing people; so she is only waiting for you to be 'violently killed' so that Ah Hong can become a Fuma." (1)

"So Ling Jingshu, accept this fate and kill yourself!"

No, she did not want to accept this life and kill herself.

A few women held her and she struggled hard. Madam Ling did not want to wait any longer, so she wrapped the white cloth around her neck and strangled her with all her strength...

Ling Jingshu woke up from the nightmare, tried to calm the disordered heartbeat and breathing, and turned her body to the inside, forcing herself to continue to sleep.

In the confusion, she fell into another dream.

"Ah Xiao, Ah Xiao, wake up." At the age of eight, she sat by the bed and looked at the unconscious younger brother Ling Xiao, tears like a broken pearl, kept rolling.

No matter how she shouted, the young Ling Xiao still stayed on the bed motionless.

The picture changed rapidly, and there were thick layers of white yarn on the head and eyes of Ling Xiao. The doctor carefully removed the layers of gauze, and the beautiful eyes were shrouded by a layer of fog that could not be opened. He said nothing: "Ah Jing, I can't see it... What will I do in the future?" do?"

The sound of the unhappy music kept echoing.

"Ah Jing, I can't read anymore in the future."

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"Ah Jing, my cousins ​​are calling me a scorpion in the back."

"Ah Jing, I can't do anything, just like a waste person..."

No, Ah Xiao you are not a waste.

In my heart, you are the best young man in the world. I didn't even have time to see you for the last time, just say goodbye to you. It was Madam Li who killed you...


"Miss, Miss." The familiar hand wiped the tears on her face, and the voice was full of distress and concern.

Ling Jingshu opened her eyes, and the familiar face of Bai Yu came into view: "Miss, are you having a nightmare again? The face is full of tears, and the slaves still hear you a few words."

Ling Jingshu sighed and asked: "What was I talking about?"

Bai Yu was hesitant and said the truth: "The slaves only heard that you have been calling the name of the young master and said that you would avenge him."

Ling Jingshu’s heart trembled and she immediately said: “I had a nightmare, dreaming that someone had harmed my brother.”

This explanation made perfect sense.

Bai Yu invisibly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and said: "It’s just a dream, it’s not true. The sky is bright, my lady you better get up early. Later, you will have to pay homage to Master and the old lady."

Ling Jing calmed down and nodded in agreement.

After getting up and dressing, Ling Xiao came with a happy face. When he entered the door, he couldn’t wait to shout: "Ah Jing, have you had breakfast? Eat faster, let’s go to the grandmother."

He smiled happily: "I have been so big, and I have never gone so far from home. And now I will be traveling on an official ship! I don’t know if I will get seasick.”

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The smile on the face was brighter than the sun, driving away all the darkness in the heart of Ling Jingshu.

Ling Jingshu also laughed: "Dà bómǔ (2) must have prepared the medicine for seasickness. You will take the medicine and board the boat later."

Ling Xiao’s enthusiastically nodded, and then he sighed with regret: “It’s a pity that I can't see and so I can’t appreciate the scenery along the way.”

Ling Jingshu’s heart was faintly painful, but her mouth smiled and comforted: “I will tell you one by one. I will cure your eyes in the future and you will see what you want to see.”

Will he really have the day to see the sky again?

When Ling Xiao thought so, he began to get excited. The expectations of the trip to the Capital were almost always on the face.

Ling Jingshu stared at Ling Xiao, and the last trace of haze in her heart was swept away.

She only hoped that the doctor's medical skills were so brilliant that they can cure her brother's eyes. As long as Ah Xia can become normal, she will be willing to do anything.

All the darkness and sin will be carried by her!


T/N What a hard-hitting chapter to translate. The author is brilliant in portraying the pain she felt at the last moment in her life.


1. Husband of a Princess

2. Wife of father's eldest brother.


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