Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 39

Today was the day when Eldest Master Ling was leaving Dingzhou.

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Lu An will also leave Dingzhou today. Madam Ling planned to keep Lu Qian this time in Ling's house for two months before returning to Jizhou.


As for Lu Hong, he originally planned to stay in Ling's house for a longer period of time but suddenly changed his mind a few days ago and wanted to go back to Jizhou with Lu An.


... Only Lu Qian knew the real reason. Lu Hong was clearly dejected and had no face, to face Ling Jingshu again, so he wanted to leave early.


Ever since Lu Qian knew that Lu Hong was planning to leave, his mood couldn't have been better. Once the eye-catching elder brother left, he and Ling Jingshu were the only two left, so they could slowly cultivate their relationship.


"Brother, you are leaving with our father today, I will really miss you." Lu Qian suppressed the joy in his heart and kept a reluctant farewell expression on his face. It's just that he was really happy in his heart, and the corners of his eyes and brows inevitably showed that a little.


How could Lu Hong fail to see Lu Qian's insincere words?


The two brothers, who were once close, had an estrangement because of Ling Jingshu, and they almost turned against each other. There was no longer the intimacy and friendship of the past. Lu Qian wished that his brother would leave as soon as possible!


Thinking of this, Lu Hong didn't know what it was like, so he cheered up and said: "Second brother, you stay with your mother at Ling's house. If you have any thoughts, restrain yourself, and don't waste your studies." 


Lu Qian smiled: "Thank you for reminding me, brother. I will go to the Ling family school every day to attend, and I will never waste my studies." After a pause, he continued: "As for the matter between me and biǎojiě (1) Shu, brother, don't worry, just wait for the good news."


There was a victor's complacency in his tone.


Lu Hong's eyes darkened, and when he thought of Ling Jingshu, his heart ached and he couldn't laugh anymore.


On this side, the two brothers were fighting with each other.


On the other side, Madam Ling was also saying goodbye to Lu An: "The master will go back to Jizhou first, and the concubine can't accompany the master, so I feel really uneasy."


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Lu An replied nonchalantly: "You haven't been back to your mother's house for many years after you've been married, so it's okay to stay longer, don't worry about Jizhou. Let Aunt Liu take care of the inner house for a while." 


Hearing Aunt Liu's name, jealousy and hatred flashed across Madam Ling's eyes quickly, then disappeared, and she said with a smile: "Master has good eyesight, Aunt Liu has a gentle and generous temperament, and understands the general situation. It is most suitable for her to take charge of the inner house." 


Lu An didn't pay attention at all. Seeing that Madam Ling's expression changed for a moment, he said directly: "I will leave the marriage between Ah Qian and Sister Shu to you."


Ling naturally agreed with a smile on her face.


Seeing that it was getting late, Ling said with a smile: "The master will lead Ah Hong to Yonghe Hall now, bid farewell to Mother, and set off early!"


Lu An nodded.




The Lu family soon arrived at Yonghe Hall.


At this time, Yonghe Hall was already full of people. Everyone came to see off Elder Master Ling and Lu An father and his son.


Old Lady Ling was holding her eldest son's hand and telling him earnestly: "...It's a long way to go to the capital, so be careful on the road. When you arrive in the capital, you will send someone to deliver a letter back. You don't have to worry about anything at home. The fourth, the fifth, and the others are holding on..."


As she spoke, her eyes were already red.


Being over seventy was already a rare longevity. They are saying goodbye now, and the next time they meet will be probably when she closes her eyes.


Eldest Master Ling also understood this point in his heart. Looking at the white-haired Old Lady Ling with a loving face, Eldest Ling's eyes sparkled, and he choked up and said: "The son is not filial, he can't always be by his mother's side..." 


The mother and son were emotional, everyone gathered there can't help but put on a show, bow their heads, wipe their tears, and touch their eyes.

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When the Lu family came, Old Lady Ling stopped crying.


Lu An led Lu Hong forward to say goodbye.


Facing her son-in-law and her unrelated grandson, the old lady was not so excited anymore, and she kindly told them to be careful on the road.


Lu Qian's eyes fell on Ling Jingshu with some eagerness.


Since her rebirth, Ling Jingshu's attire has changed a lot. She used to like pink and bright colors, but now she likes plain and clean.


Today Ling Jingshu was wearing a moon-white dress, her long hair was pulled into a simple hairstyle, and there was no decoration except for a gold hairpin. There was no makeup on the face, but the eyes were as bright as lacquer, the eyebrows were not painted but dark, and the lips are not painted but red, beautiful and dazzling.


After that day, Lu Qian kept his promise and never went to Qiushui Pavilion again. Occasionally they met in Yonghe Hall, but he just took a look from a distance and didn't get entangled.


His brother was leaving today. From now on, no one will stand between him and Ling Jingshu.


Thinking of this, Lu Qian could hardly restrain the joy and excitement in his heart. For a moment, they didn't notice that Ling Jingshu's siblings were standing with the people in the main room.




Lu Qian quickly noticed something was wrong.


The people in Eldest Master's room stepped forward to bid farewell to Old Lady Ling one by one... Why were Ling Jingshu and her brother among them?


When Ling Jingshu and Ling Xiao knelt respectfully to say goodbye to Old Lady Ling and Fifth Master Ling and his wife, Lu Qian's premonition grew stronger and stronger.


The Old Lady Ling gently urged: "Sister Shu, you and A Xiao will go to the capital together this time, and everything will be arranged by your dàbó (2) and bómǔ (3) on the way. When you arrive in the capital, no matter what you want to do, you should first ask your bómǔ for guidance."

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Bómǔ: "......."


There was a loud bang.


Something seemed to explode in Lu Qian's mind, and his whole body froze.


In fact, not only Lu Qian but everyone who didn't know the inside story was shocked when they saw this scene.


"Sister Shu, what are you and Cousin Xiao going to do in the capital?" Ling Jingxian could not hold back anyone and was the first to blurt out: "When was this decided, why don't we know anything about it?" 


At this time, the roads were inconvenient, and the long journey was quite hard. Leaving home was even more important. Ling Jingshu and her brother were leaving Dingzhou, how could there be no news about it?


Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled, but did not answer the question.


Sure enough, Old Lady Ling gave Ling Jingxian an unhappy look: "Sister Shu is accompanying A Xiao to the capital to seek medical treatment for A Xiao's eyes. It is not a sightseeing trip that we need to make a fuss about it. So, it is not a surprise that you don't know. Could it be that we have to beat gongs and drums to make a lot of noise beforehand?"


Because Yue's mother and daughter made a fuss about leaving with Second Master Ling, Old Madam Ling had been holding back her unhappiness. At this time, there was a bit of accusation and scolding.


Ling Jingxian was so dishevelled by the scolding that she didn't dare to speak anymore.


Seeing her daughter being scolded, Yue felt her face burning and wanted to open her mouth to intercede for her daughter. But seeing Second Master Ling staring at her fiercely, she had to hang her head and remain silent.


It was only at this moment that Ling came back to her senses, and said with a busy smile: "It turned out to be because of A Xiao's eye disease. There are indeed many famous doctors in the capital, and it is reasonable to go to the capital to look for famous doctors. It is really commendable for Sister Shu to have such a heart."


But, why do you keep everyone in the dark about such a thing?


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Lu Hong seemed to have thought of something and quickly glanced at Lu Qian.


At this time, Lu Qian's delicate face was almost bloodless, his whole body was stiff, like a small abandoned animal, and he looked a little pitiful.


Seeing it, Lu Hong felt both pity and relief.


Lu Qian kept saying that Ling Jingshu was interested in him, but now it seems that it was Lu Qian's wishful thinking. Otherwise, why would Ling Jingshu deliberately hide from Lu Qian such an important matter as leaving Dingzhou for the capital?


Maybe Ling Jingshu left so suddenly and hastily just to avoid Lu Qian...


How could Lu Qian not think of things that Lu Hong could think of?


He wished he could rush to Ling Jingshu immediately and ask everything clearly! The foot has already moved a step uncontrollably, but he restrained himself.




He can't be so impulsive!


Lu Qian secretly gritted his teeth and told himself to be calm.


The painful lessons from the previous life were still vivid, if he still wants to make trouble like in the previous life, Ling Jingshu will hate him more and more... It takes half a day to go to the pier, and he still had time to get close to Ling Jingshu and ask everything.


1. Cousin from your mother's side

2. Elder brother of the father

3. Wife of the elder brother of the father


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