Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1130: Chapter 1130 - What Goes Around C

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

Ruan Sisi was also looking at her, and her almond-shaped eyes did not have the previous trust in them. Xianrou, are those people on Weibo telling the truth?

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Jiang Xianrou raised her head in a panic and met her eyes.

Ruan Sisi looked at her with very complicated eyes. Doubt, surprise, and disbelief could be seen in them.

Jiang Xianrou keenly caught her hidden contempt.

The look of contempt in Ruan Sisis eyes was like a needle stuck in her heart!

Sisi. Jiang Xianrou took the lead to avoid her gaze. Her face was pale as she pushed the chair away and stood up irritably, picked up the phone on her desk, and said, Ill go out and make a call first.

She left without allowing Ruan Sisi to continue asking her questions after speaking.

She hurriedly left the cafe as if she was escaping.

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Jiang Xianrou didnt go far to find a remote corner of the road. She lowered her head and looked impatiently at the text message Jiang Zongjin sent her.

The more she looked, the more anxious she became.

She frowned, took another deep breath, pinched her palms and forced herself to calm down, and then called Jiang Zongjin.

Three hours had passed since the incident happened.


During the three or four hours that the matter was fermenting, Jiang Xianrous phone was disconnected. Even Old Master Jiang had to call her twice before she answered it reluctantly.

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Afterward, she quickly turned it off to prevent anyone from contacting her.

Her actions were equivalent to preventing anyone from finding her and asking her to go to the Internet to clarify for Qiao Nian. There was originally no problem, but now

Jiang Xianrou made the first call, but Jiang Zongjin didnt answer.

She bit her lip, feeling increasingly insecure and flustered.

She looked at the phone screen, bit her lip again, and bit the bullet to call Jiang Zongjin again.

Ring, ring.

No one picked up this time.

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Jiang Xianrous face could no longer be described as embarrassed. Her delicate melon seed face was bloodless, and she looked extremely embarrassed.

People passed by from time to time on the road, and they couldnt help but look in her direction.

Jiang Xianrou knew that these people didnt know her, but she still felt annoyed.

This kind of anger and irritability accompanied her to make three calls to Jiang Zongjin. Her anger rose after he didnt answer.

She put down her phone in extreme anxiety and stood there dumbfounded, wondering how things had come to this point.

Just then, her phone rang.


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Jiang Xianrou was like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw. She couldnt see the caller ID clearly and immediately answered the call. Hello, uncle. I

Xianrou, its me.

Jiang Zongnans voice came from the other end of the phone.

Jiang Xianrous whole body seemed to fall from the cloud to the bottom of the valley again. She was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted. Dad, are you looking for me for something?

Where are you now? Jiang Zongnans emotionless voice came from the phone.

Jiang Xianrou raised her head to look at Qing University across the road, pursed her lips, and said in a low voice, My friends and I are drinking coffee at the cafe near Qing University.

Not knowing what to do, she tried to explain, You know her, its Ruan Sisi. She came back from abroad and came to visit the school today. We havent seen each other for a long time, so she asked me out to chat We have just sat down for a while.

What she meant was that she didnt lie. She was really busy with other matters and was out with Ruan Sisi when Old Master Jiang called.

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