Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1131: Chapter 1131 - Calling All the El

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

Jiang Xianrou tightened her grip on her trousers and was still uneasy after explaining it like this. She immediately asked her father, Dad, why are you looking for me?

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She asked this question twice in just one minute, showing how uneasy she felt

Come home.

The steady voice of the middle-aged man on the other end of the phone only paused for a second, and there was nothing wrong with his tone.

The calmer he was, the more restless Jiang Xianrous heart became. She tentatively probed. Dad, did anything happen at home?

She thought that her father wouldnt tell her directly, but she didnt expect him to answer her question directly.

Your uncle asked everyone to go back, and your grandfather is also there. He called some elders in the family. Except for your eldest brother, your mother and the others are all waiting at home. Its just you, and Im rushing back.

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Jiang Xianrous heart skipped a beat.

At that time, Old Master Jiang had relied on his own efforts to move the Jiang family from Rao City to Beijing step by step.

But the familys foundation was in Rao City, not in Beijing!

Therefore, the elders of the Jiang family basically lived in their hometown, and very few relatives achieved success in Beijing.

Nie Mi was the only successful person they were related to!

Nie Mi and Old Master Jiang had a decades-old friendship. Jiang Xianrou remembered that Nie Mi often came to their house when she was a child.

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It was just that as the old mans health got worse and worse and he had to be admitted to the sanatorium, so Nie Mi rarely came to their house anymore.

Even so, Nie Mi treated her differently when he heard that she was from the Jiang family when she wanted to become his disciple.

Jiang Xianrous chest thumped violently at this moment, and a storm surged in her heart.

She didnt know who Jiang Zongjin called, but it would be a big mess if the uncle called all the elders like Nie Mi.

It seemed that her father didnt know what was going on from his tone.

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Hurry back, dont make your grandfather wait too long. You know your grandfather isnt in good health Jiang Zongnan told her in a calm tone, urging her to go back quickly.

Jiang Xianrou had long lost her mind at this moment, so she agreed and hung up the phone, while her heart skipped a beat.

She couldnt calm down.

She couldnt understand, how could this matter become like this!

And why did Jiang Li make such a statement on Weibo that Qiao Nian was Zhui Guang? Huh?

Jiang Xianrou didnt quite believe this, but she was upset and didnt want to think too deeply. She pinched her palms and returned to her place in the cafe in despair.

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At this moment, Ruan Sisi had already scrolled through Weibo a few times and saw all kinds of comments. At first, she realized that Jiang Xianrou might have lied to her and was quite unhappy. After Jiang Xianrou left, she stayed in the cafe and browsed the web for ten minutes, unsure if Jiang Xianrou had lied to her

Seeing that Jiang Xianrou went out to call someone and came back, she straightened up immediately, and couldnt wait to ask, Xianrou, tell me honestly, are you Zhui Guang?

Jiang Xianrou:

Ruan Sisi stared at her, frowning again. And what do you mean by that cousin, when did you have a new cousin? Wasnt your uncles child lost for more than ten years? Did you finally find her?

Jiang Xianrou had yet to answer.

She tilted her head again and was very curious. Someone on Weibo said that shes the top student in the national college entrance examination this year. That is to say, the girl who played the same tune as you at the school celebration is your cousin?!

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