With everyone in agreement, Teal reapplied to the receptionist and changed the request to allow multiple parties to receive the request. With that, a representative from each party came out and accepted the request.

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"The deadline is one week. The due date is one week, and the party that brings in the most golem cores will be rewarded with a magic tool, while the other parties will be rewarded with the purchase of cores."


All of them, satisfied with the explanation given by the female staff member who processed the request receipt, nodded their heads.


"Then I wish you all a safe journey and success with your requests."


The female staff member said with a soft smile and a deep bow, and each party dispersed.


"Well, let's get going."


Ataru and Caro started to move slowly after all the other parties had left the guild, which was now less crowded. When Ataru called out to Caro next to him, she smiled and nodded.


"Yes! ......, but what should we do? The other adventurers said that the mountain with the golem is a bit far away, do we go on foot?"


Considering their physical abilities, that was not a problem, but it didn't seem like a good idea considering the time it would take to travel and to conserve their strength for the fight with the golem.


"If you're heading for that mountain, I think we'd better get a carriage. And the golem's core is really huge."


Then, Teal approached them. He wanted Ataru and the others, who had listened to his request for the first time after he had approached them, to get the most cores they could.


"I see. I'm not hurting for money, but it's going to take a lot of space for a carriage......."


Taking his advice, Ataru pondered for a moment.


"Well, Ataru-sama. How about borrowing a carriage from Gaiszer-sama?"


When Caro saw Ataru thinking about it, her face lit up as if she had come up with a good idea. This is the nobleman Gaiszer that the two of them were asked to escort. He thought that if they were the ones who had told him to call on them if he needed anything, they might be able to borrow a carriage.


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"I see, let's just talk about it. The place is ....... Hey, do you know the nobleman Gaiszer’s house is?"


Ataru asked a question to the female receptionist. The woman smiled and nodded.


"Yes, it's just outside here on the right-hand side. It's a big house, so you'll be able to find it easily, though....... There's a bow symbol carved into the pillar next to the gate, so you should be able to find it there."


Ataru listened to the explanation, which captured the features well, and imprinted it in his brain so that he would not forget.


"I see, I see. If I can't find it, I'll ask around the neighborhood. Thanks."


"Thank you very much."


Ataru and Caro thanked the female staff and left the guild.


As explained by the female employee, exit the guild, turn right, and follow the road straight ahead.


After a while, Ataru and Caro noticed that the surroundings had changed.


"It's ...... quiet around here. It's like a quiet residential area, though the rows are more mansions than houses."


As the saying goes, this area was a mansion area where nobles lived. The mansions standing in a row were all neatly maintained, and each gate had a distinctive mark engraved on it.


"I believe she said it was a big house with a bow carved on it......."


Using the landmarks, she went door to door to check the pillars next to the gate. Her long ears and hair swayed as she walked a little further and stared up at the gate, a lovely sight.


"Big house, big house......."


Ataru, on the other hand, walks around at random and relies on the size of the house to find it.


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However, although there were many houses of a certain size around, it was difficult to find an exceptionally large house.


As they walked deeper and deeper into the city, without finding the house they were looking for, they finally saw a large building.


"Caro, there's a big house."


"Ataru-sama, there's a bow carved into the pillar!"


(Garden: Please read original at https: //sites . google . com

/view/shadowgardentl/home just

remove the spaces!)


They looked at each other and pointed to the features they had found, and the one they agreed on was the mansion in front of them. It was much larger than the surrounding mansions, and the pillar Caro pointed to the pillar which had the mark of a bow engraved on it with careful workmanship.


"So, this is it, the gate seems to be open. Let's go inside for now."


Even though it was a nobleman's house, they knew each other, so they stepped into the gate, which was unguarded, and proceeded straight to the door of the house. They were able to get to the door without anyone in particular reproaching them.


"Am I supposed to knock this?"


Ataru pointed to a door knocker in front of a large door that looked like a front door, and Caro nodded her head. Ataru put his hand on the door knocker and rang it twice.


After a few minutes of waiting there, they heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from inside.


"Yes, yes, please wait a moment!"


As soon as the footsteps stopped, the owner of the voice on the other side of the door hurriedly unlocked the door and opened it.


"Are you...... Ataru-san or Caro-san?"


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Gaiszer was puzzled, apparently not the visitor he had expected. He seemed to be surprised since they had just parted.


"It's been a while, but we're a little short on time. I'm here to ask you for a favor......."


"All right, come on inside."


Ataru began to speak apologetically, and before he could ask for details, Gaiszer let them in.


"Oh, sorry."


"Oh, sorry to bother you."


Although they were momentarily taken aback by the immediate answer, they followed Gaiszer’s lead.


Once inside, the two of them were not exactly gawking, but they were vaguely observing the inside of the house.


"Nothing fancy, but it looks like it's been thoroughly cleaned."


"Yes, it's very beautiful."


Gaiszer, who was leading the way, could hear them talking and smiled happily at them.


Gaiszer does not have a lot of money, but he still keeps his house clean. That was his own sense of pride.


Not long after, they arrived at the reception room. When he opened the door, they found another beautiful room with a relaxed atmosphere.


"This room, please someone!...... someone! Three cups for the reception room, please!"


"Yes, sir."

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He heard a woman's reply from afar to Gaiszer’s request for tea.


"...... You ask the housekeeper for tea, but you go and see the front door yourself?"


Ataru wondered at the lord-like demeanor that he finally saw.


"Well, I'm not very good at making tea. ...... And I'm the most available person in the house. It's no problem for me to go check the front door."


He was tempted to say to Gaiszer, who scratched his head with a wry smile, "How is that for a nobleman?" But Ataru, who knew how low he was, didn't say anything about it.


"The tea will be here in a few minutes, so please wait a moment....... So, what exactly is it that you want to request?"


As soon as they sat down on the sofa, Gaiszer immediately asked them what they wanted. Prompted, Ataru and Caro also sat down on the sofa.


"Oh, that's right. Actually, I've come to ask you to lend me the carriage you used to get to this city."


"I don't mind."


Ataru and Caro were surprised by Gaiszer’s quick response, even though he hadn't given any reason or conditions. They had expected that he would have some difficulty in asking them to lend him their carriage, which they valued so much.


"Yes, well, I appreciate that, but don't you have to ask why or something like that?"


"Yes, Ataru and Caro have been very helpful to me, so I would like to help you if that's all I can do."


He was indebted to them not only for the escort, but also for training his son Kyle. He also trusted that they would not damage the carriage that he valued so much.


"Oh, really? But let me tell you what's going on."


Even though he was puzzled by Gaiszer’s words, who had placed so much trust in him, Ataru began to tell him what had happened, just in case.

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