"We had a request from the guild to go to the southern mountains to retrieve the golem's core. So, we thought a carriage would be a good addition to our journey, so we came to rely on Gaiszer."

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After listening to Ataru's explanation, Gaiszer’s expression instantly became stern, as if he was troubled.


"Of course, it's no problem for us to lend you the carriage. If the carriage should break down or the horse should die, that's fine too. The two of you have done a lot for me. ...... But a golem core?"


Apparently, what Gaiszer was concerned about was the golem.


"Is it really that hard? I'm sure you've seen what me and Caro are capable of......."


Ataru's words, which he didn't expect to be so worried about, made Geiszel laugh as he bowed his head as if to make up for it.


"Of course, I know how good you two are. I know of course that the two of you are very capable. However, it may be quite difficult to not only defeat them, but to target their core."


Ataru couldn't help but lean forward, wanting to hear about it because it was an important part of fulfilling the request.


"What do you mean?"


Remembering that Ataru didn't have any common sense, Gaiszer nodded once and then spoke up.


"Yes, golems have a strong and rigid body as well as a powerful regeneration ability. Even if a golem loses an arm, as long as the core is intact, the arm will regenerate after a while. In other words, the core can be said to be the heart of the golem......."


Apparently, a golem's abilities are so well known that even non-adventurers are aware of them, and Ataru's face turns grim when he hears that this may not be as easy a request as he had thought.


"Oh, I see. ...... The core is the weak point, but we can't destroy it in this request."


He understood why Gaiszer was worried about Ataru and Caro, as he had to bring them back without being able to take advantage their weaknesses.[1]

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"Oh, um, may I?"


Then Caro raises her hand timidly, looking nervous.


"Hmm? What's wrong, Caro?"


Ataru relaxed his troubled expression and turned his head to listen to what Caro had to say.


"Um, the golem, ......, I think I can probably handle it."


Ataru and Gaiszer were surprised by her confident statement, and they both looked at Caro. Puzzled by their gaze, she continued to speak.


"Well, well, it is a golem, but it is certainly a weak point because the nucleus controls the regeneration ability, but it seems that the magical tube connected from the nucleus is spreading its regeneration ability, so I wonder if it should be the exit of that tube or crush it ......"[2]


When Gaiszer heard Caro's opinion, he was disappointed to find that it was not a good idea.


"Caro-san, I think that's a tough call. That would be a method that would be an act of God......."


She was referring to an even more pinpoint attack inside the hard golem's body, one that required precision like threading a string through the hole of a small moving needle. But even when Gaiszer pointed it out, Caro was confident.


"I think Ataru-sama can do it."


It wasn't just blind trust, but also based on Ataru's abilities. It's not the usual respectful and passionate gaze, but a serious and strong-willed gaze that made Ataru slightly open his eyes.


"I see......."

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Then he compared his own abilities to this mission and understood what Caro was trying to say.


(Garden: Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


"Maybe I can get ....... No, I rather wonder how the rest of them are going to get it, except me."


Ataru murmured, it was a natural question.


Since no other weapons in this world were the same as Ataru's, it was unlikely that they could use the same method. That was Ataru's conclusion.


"The other way is to attack it with enough firepower not to destroy the core, then break down the rock covering it and forcibly pull it out when the core is exposed."


"So, if the attack is too strong, it will destroy the core, and if it's too weak, it won't be able to surpass the regeneration rate? ......That's one troublesome enemy."


Caro and Gaiszer nodded at Ataru's statement that they understood.


"But I think we're getting somewhere. It's almost like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. ...... I'm sure they've left by now, so we'd better get moving."


Ataru stood up with a refreshed look on his face, followed by Caro, who was happy that her idea had been accepted, and Gaiszer hurriedly stopped him.


"Is it really that soon? At least wait a little while for Kyle to come back. ......"


"I'd love to, but ...... I'm still sorry, but this request is in competition with another party and the party that brings in the most cores gets the best rewards. So, I want to leave right away."


The words of Gaiszer, who would be taking care of the carriage this time, made Ataru hesitate, but he decided to give priority to the request.

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"'I see. ...... So, we'll talk again when you come to return the carriage. I hope Kyle will be there when you do."


Then Gaiszer felt it was wrong to keep them, so he smiled calmly and withdrew from the scene.


"I'm sorry, but we're going to need you to show us where the carriage is."


"Oh, right. Excuse me, this way, please."


Gaiszer stood up in a hurry and led them through the house to the backyard.



They arrived at the backyard, where there was a good-sized stable, the carriage itself was in a shed nearby.


"I'll be with you for a while. Please wait a moment."


As he entered the stables, Eustace, who had traveled with him before, looked up. As Ataru approached Eustace, he called out to him and stroked his head, bringing his face close to his in a happy way.[3]


"Hahaha, Eustace seems to have grown quite attached to you."


On the way to the escort mission, Ataru took a liking to Eustace and helped feeding and brushing him himself, so they naturally became friends.


"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to borrow your carriage for a while."


"Yes, we don't plan on riding in the carriage for a while, so please take your time."


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As Gaiszer said this, he skillfully attached the carriage to Eustace. An ordinary nobleman would not be able to do this because he would have his servants do it, but Gaiszer, who did it all the time, was very familiar with it.


"...... I'm probably the only adventurer who would let a nobleman do this for me."


As Ataru watched, he memorized the procedure so that he could do it himself. Gaiszer did not seem to be offended, even though he knew that it would not be possible under normal circumstances.


"Haha, I guess so. Well, I guess I'm more of a problem than Ataru-san in this case. ......"


Gaiszer, who thought that those who could do it should do it, finished attaching the carriage and muttered to himself with a wry smile.


"Well, it's a good thing you're helping, isn't it? It looks like everything's ready, so let's go, Caro."


Ataru, his cheeks twitching from the smile, called out to Caro, who was nearby playing with Eustace. Earlier, Caro was taught by Gaiszer how to maneuver her, so she urged her to her coachman.


"Yes! Thank you very much, Gaiszer-san. I'll take good care of Eustace and the carriage!"


Caro smiled and bowed before getting in, and Gaiszer[4], whose heart was warmed by her smile, followed suit.


"Have a safe trip, both of you."


With the gentle words from Gaiszer at their backs, Ataru and Caro began to drive the carriage towards the southern mountains.


[1] Changed the line a whole lot for better reading.

[2] Had a hard time with this line, so please help with it if you would.

[3] I don’t remember what name the horse had. Also, would appreciate some help with the sentence.

[4] Pretty sure it’s a mistake on the authors part here. Should probably be Ataru not Gaiszer.

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