"Damn it!"

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The attack was quicker than it looked, and Klaus prepared a new sword, which he tried to use to block Cyclops fist.


"Watch out!"


However, Caro rushed from the side and forcibly stopped the action. Concentrated on the enemy in front of him, he was suddenly struck by a fierce blow, but he is well passive at the point where he is thrown away.[1]


The Cyclops fist slammed into the ground where Klaus was standing, and at that moment, a tremendous tremor hit the surroundings, and there was a big hole there where the dust cloud had left.


"Oh, you can't catch that with a sword. ...... Thanks for the help."


At first, he wondered what he would do to Caro, but when Klaus saw the results of Cyclops' attack, a chill ran down his spine.


"No, more importantly, we're not out of danger yet!"


Shaking her head in thanks, Caro quickly stood up and adjusted her posture to accommodate the Cyclops' behavior.


"Yeah, I guess so."


At first he was worried about what would happen if the Cyclops were to attack.


"Oh, I didn't know there was such a thing as ......."


Flaria stood dumbfounded at a distance from the huge hole in the ground and Cyclops massive body. The other adventurers were also stunned by the strength of Cyclops attacks, their mouths hanging open in despair. Even the golem, which they had all fought together to finally defeat, was more powerful than the Cyclops, so it was no wonder.


Some of them, however, grasped the situation and began to move on their own, determined not to let things go on like this.


"Hey, Flaria! Some of them are starting to get fired up. What are you going to do if you don't call out to them?"

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In order to wake her up, Ataru pressed his fist firmly against Flaria's side and urged her to do so.


"Haha, yes, that's right! Everybody, don't panic, watch the enemy's movements as you attack! The opponent is quite strong, reestablish the front line with A-rank adventurers!"


Flaria's loud voice reached the ears of the dumbfounded adventurers as she reminded them that she, the guild master, had to be firm.




After confirming that the adventurers had regained their will to fight and were moving, Ataru decided that he would have to work as well. The first thing to check is whether the adventurer's attack is effective or not. Next, where is Cyclops weakness?


Ataru's experience of failing in the previous battle against the giant golem made him more cautious and strategic.


However, as it appeared, the Cyclops was stronger than the giant golem, and even if the adventurers' attacks had hit it, they didn't seem to have done any damage.


The adventurers' attacks didn't seem to do any damage. Caro and Klaus, who were in the front line, avoided the attacks and tried to hit the weak joints, but the damage was still not enough. The magic that Klaus' companions, the wizards, unleashed seemed to have little effect.


"This is too hard. ...... Weapons attacks are no good, and magic attacks don't seem to be working either."


A bitter Ataru sensed that the adventurers were completely outmatched. But he couldn't just give up here. Ataru, who was looking around for something to do, caught sight of something unusual.


"Hmmm, that's ...... Flaria. The man with the long hair over there, do you know the kind of axe he's using?"


There was an adventurer at the point where Ataru pointed when he asked Flaria. He had an axe with a magical edge, a rare piece of equipment that could be recognized by its design alone.


"I think it's probably a weapon made of magic steel. Looking at the color of the magic, I'd say it's probably been imbued with Fire-Type magic."


The tip of the blade is a whitish red, while the rest of the blade is a bluish black, so Flaria concluded.


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"I see. ...... magic steel and Fire-Type magic. Any of those could be used ......."


Ataru thought of something and quickly checked the list of bullets.




But from Flaria's point of view, the action looked like Ataru was just mumbling while looking at the air. He must have some kind of plan, but at first glance, his behavior seemed suspicious.


I'm sorry, but I'm not going to answer that. You'll have to keep an eye on the battle situation and give me instructions. ...... I'll do what I can."


(Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


He replied crisply and went on to check the rest. Because they've defeated so many monsters so far, He has more points and more types of bullets available for purchase. He's not going to stop looking for a bullet that will help him get out of this situation.


"Can you do this? Can you do that? ...... can do that, can do that. Caro!"[2]


When Ataru found a bullet that might break the current situation, he created it, loaded it, and looked for Caro.


Ataru's voice from a distance is usually drowned out by the sound of fighting, but it reaches the ears of Caro, who has better hearing than most.


"I'm counting on you here."


Having been summoned, Caro called out to the other adventurers and hurried back to Ataru, leaving the battle line.


"You wanted to talk to me, Ataru-sama!"


Despite the fact that she had rushed to him instantly, Caro came to Ataru's side without disturbing her breathing. She focused her nerves to make sure she didn't miss a single word that Ataru said.


"Oh, Caro. Look at the left side of his stomach, do you see the scar?"

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Caro checked the spot Ataru had pointed out to her. She, like Ataru, had pretty good eyesight and could see it from a distance.


"Oh, there it is! But that's not the only scratch on the ......"


Ataru was right, there was a small scratch there. However, Caro thinks that the tears of a sparrow, even if piled up, is only a small amount.[3]


"Yeah, that's from the guy with the axe who put it there. He doesn't even seem to be aware of it. If it were not for that, the weapon might only be able to inflict that much damage. But what if it was me who attacked him, knowing that I could hurt him with that axe?"


That was Ataru's question, "Can you trust me?" this question came from Ataru. Ataru's serious gaze reminded Caro of the time when he had healed her body. From that moment on, she had decided to trust this person with all her heart.


"All right, then. What do you want me to do then?"


Of course, Caro's answer was yes, so she immediately asked for Ataru's instructions.


"I want you to make sure that no other adventurers get in the line of fire of those scars. Can you ...... do that?"


Control the movements of the other adventurers. Normally when you’d hear that, you’d think of it as almost impossible, but Caro nodded without hesitation.[4]


"Yes, sir. Then!"


Caro returned to the front line to immediately carry out her orders.


In the battle against Cyclops, all but the A-rank adventurers would be slowed down, so he kept his distance and waited for an opening.


In other words, it was only the few A-rank adventurers that Caro needed to guide.


They had seen Caro and Ataru fight on the way to the cave and against the golem, and they recognized their abilities.

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Therefore, they trusted Caro's and Ataru's instructions and moved to open up a firing line as she signaled.


"Hmm~? What the hell are you up to?"


The Cyclops master wondered, watching the adventurer's movements with narrowed eyes.


"...... now."


Ataru's vision opens up and he fires a bullet at the empty wound. When the bullet landed on the intended target, it rotated to expand the wound. The bullet was a Gyro Bullet, a bullet that increased its penetrating power through rotation.


In addition, the head of this bullet was made of magic steel, and as expected, it damaged Cyclops armor.


"It’s still working."


However, it didn't stop there. The bullets that were filled with Fire-Type magic were gradually melting the armor from the parts that were in contact with it.


"What the hell?


The bullet was still spinning around, trying to penetrate its body, and it was still radiating heat. The man who saw it panicked, shaking his robe. He was confident in the armor of Cyclops, but it was about to be breached by a blow from a weapon he had never seen before.


(Garden’s Corner: 2/4 today, I’m doing four chapter’s today because I forgot to upload on Thursday. Since I was busy playing “Sky Children of Light” with a friend, great game I 100% recommend. I’ll be posting some picture from it in 4/4 so look forward to that I guess.)


(Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


[1] This was the best I could do with this.

[2] I honestly have no fucking idea with this one. 「……これならいけるか。あれはできるか? ……できる、いけるな。キャロ!」

[3] “Suzume no Namida (雀の涙)” - Tears of a Sparrow or a Sparrow's Tears, has the same meaning as the English idiom “A drop in the bucket” The more you know I guess¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

[4] Best I could do with my limited knowledge. 他の冒険者の動きを制御する。それだけ聞くと不可能に近い指示であったが、キャロは迷いなく頷く。彼が言うのなら精一杯やるだけだとキャロは力強く微笑む。

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