The bullet Ataru fired pierced Cyclops' armor without losing momentum as it gradually melted it, and finally broke through it to reach the inside of the body. The insides of Cyclops' armor, which had melted into sludge, and exposed the soft parts inside.

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"Bah, you idiot!"


The man who could only watch in stunned amazement could not hide his surprise that Cyclops' armor had finally been broken.


"But that's not enough to defeat my Cyclops!"


The man spat at Ataru as he barked, "Don't get carried away with just one blow". Certainly, the small scratch on this blow was the reason why the Fire-Type bullet released by Ataru were able to take effect after that.[1]


"Who said it was over?"


Ataru's mocking mumbled words didn't reach the man, but they did reach Caro's ears. Caro took the words as a signal to run towards Cyclops.


"Here we go!"


She was holding Klaus' sword, which had been used during the battle against the giant golem, and she retrieved it and stabbed it into the wound made by the Fire-Type bullet. He then quickly ducked down and moved away from it.


"...... now!"


After confirming that Caro has left the battlefield, Ataru shoots a magic bullet at the sword. The wizards who were waiting for a gap there fired thunder magic all at once in response to these words.


This was the same method that had been used to defeat the giant golem, but the simultaneous attack of everyone who could use magic here was far more powerful than the previous one, and a thunderstorm struck Cyclops, blinding his vision. Even Cyclops was unable to resist, and it was enough to destroy his huge body.


"No, no way!"


The man shouted in panic as he reached for Cyclops, but his shouts were futile as Cyclops' core was destroyed and it crumbled into a heap. The only thing that remained was a pile of metal pieces.


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"Don't move!"


And Caro put a dagger to the neck of the man who felt a chilly sensation.


"Damn it! How did you do that!"


The man who was swearing in frustration was not the fighting type and was easily taken down by Caro. The other adventurers noticed this and brought ropes and tied the man up so that he could not resist.


"Well, that's a relief......."


After confirming this, Ataru breathed a sigh of relief that the battle was over. Then Flaria approached Ataru with a surprised look on her face, completely astonished.


"Who the heck are you ...... and what are you people? I can't believe you have this much strength. ......"


This is the first time that she had seen an adventurer with this kind of strength, but now that she has seen an adventurer with a much greater strength than she had expected, she started to speak respectfully to Ataru. She was not only surprised, but also terrified, wondering how an adventurer of this caliber could have remained unknown until now.


"If you're asking me who I am, all I can say is that I'm an ...... adventurer. You know my rank is high, and my weapons are a bit special. ...... Didn't I tell you this before?"


Ataru, rubbing his neck in a troubled manner, was telling the truth, but it was not an answer that Flaria could accept. She kept staring at Ataru, her brow furrowed, wanting to know exactly who he was.


"But don't you need to do something about him?"


However, Ataru looked at the bound man as if to divert the conversation. There was the guy surrounded by adventurers, and he was being held by the ropes in frustration.


"That's right! I have to go!"

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Flaria, who was the guild master, was in a position to send instructions to the members here, and she had to interrogate the criminal who was using the golem. She realized this and rushed off in a panic.


"Yare Yare(Good grief), what an unreliable guild master."


Ataru, who shook his head in disgust, was completely exhausted from using the power of his eyes all the time to shoot with precision and sat down on the spot to rest without effort. It was the first time he had ever used this much power in a fight.


"Ataru-sama! Are you okay!?"


Caro, who saw the situation, rushed over with a tearful expression. Her eyes were shaking with anxiety as she looked here and there to check on Ataru's body.


"Hmm. Oh, ......, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired, that's all. I just can't open my left eye."


(Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


He smiled soothingly at Caro, but Ataru actually felt pain in his left eye and kept one eye shut while he did so.


"You're not okay! What should I do? Should I cool it down? Or should I warm it up?"


It was the first time Caro had seen Ataru in such a weakened state, and she was flustered and, in a panic, trying to figure out what to do.


"Caro, calm down. I'll be all right in a while."


"Yes, yes! Ataru-sama, use the bullet that cured me, and you'll be cured!


When Caro heard Ataru's words about recovery, she remembered the healing bullet. She clung to him as if to say it was a good idea.


But Ataru slowly shook his head.

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"In case I didn't tell you this, the bullets I make have no effect on me. For example, if you hit me with a lightning bullet, it won't hurt me, and the lightning won't affect me. In the same way, recovery has no effect on me."


Caro's face quickly turned pale at the new revelation. And she was about to start crying like a lost child who doesn't know what to do.


"Well, then, Ataru-sama's treatment..."


"You can't!" He was about to say this out loud, but was interrupted by Klaus, who noticed the situation and rushed over.


"It's all right! You're not the only one who can do that"


As if he knew it, Klaus had brought along one of his companions who could use recovery magic. They are used to traveling, so they could have expected this to happen.


"Let me see. ...... This is like a temporary overload of magical power that's causing your eyes to overheat. It's hard to cure completely, but ...... "Healing"!


The magic that the woman chanted as if praying enveloped Ataru's body in a pale light. This is the first recovery magic that he has received since coming to this world. Would it even work on Ataru since he's a person from another world? Ataru was vaguely thinking about this, but the warm, enveloping magic was working without a problem, and by the time the light settled, the pain in his left eye had lessened.


"That's about it. I think the pain has subsided a bit, but I think you need to rest for a while before you can use it as usual. Then."


She said this quietly, and then simply walked away from Ataru.


"Ah, thank you!"


As if flustered by her unexpected behavior, Ataru turned his back to her and thanked her, but she didn't look back at him.


"Sorry, she's a nice girl, but she's not good with guys. Except me. ......"


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Looking back at Klaus who said this with a wry smile, she glared at him, and Klaus went back with a troubled smile on his face.


"Ataru-sama, are you alright ......?"


Caro, still with a worried look on her face, asks again about Ataru's condition.


"I'm feeling much better. Healing magic is amazing, I wish I could use it."


"I heard that you could learn to use it with practice. It might be a good idea to ask someone to teach you. If we can use some kind of magic as a secret technique, it will broaden our tactics. ......


In this world, it is believed that if you have magic power, you can use some kind of magic, although it may not be suitable for you.


Ataru also has magic power because he can use his magic eye. And even Caro had some magic power inside her, though it was not a lot.


"So, our next goal is to be able to use magic. If possible, it would be nice if we could increase our magic capacity as well."


Ataru, who didn't know the common sense of this world, had the image that the amount of magic power would increase as the level increased, just like in a game. He had such an image in his mind.


"...... What? Will your magic capacity increase?


Ataru was extremely surprised as if he had received some kind of shock from Caro, who was puzzled.


(Garden’s corner: I will stand by that Caro is best girl. ¾ just one more now…. Remember to stay hydrated. Next chapter will be out in around 2 hours max.)


(Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


[1] たかが一撃決めたくらいでいい気になるな、とそう男は吠えるようにアタルに吐き捨てる。確かにこの一撃はあの小さな傷がついていたからこそ、それをきっかけにアタルの放ったジャイロバレットが効果を発揮できていた。

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