Fire Attribute Magic

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“I still can’t see anything at all,” he said.

We’re in the living room, having a conversation after the earlier discussion. I showed Father my hand, which was glowing with magic. By the way, I’d already told my progress to Marie, so she wasn’t surprised.

“It’s shining quite brightly, so if you can’t see it now, you might not be able to see it no matter what.”

“Hmm. But Marie, you can see it, right?”

“Yes, I can. There’s a ball of light gathering in Theon’s right hand. But it might look different to him. Theon, can I touch your hand while you’re gathering magic?”

I hesitated. It was this magic that had allowed me to defeat the goblin. If Marie touched it and something similar happened to her, it would be terrible. However, if I only let out a small amount of magic that was warm to the touch, it might be okay.

“Just wait a moment, I’ll suppress the amount of magic a little… Okay, I think this should be fine. If it feels too hot, let go of my hand, okay?”

“I got it.”

As I reduced the amount of magic, the brightness also diminished. Marie then touched my hand.

“It’s a little warm, but not enough to burn me. If the magic keeps increasing, I wonder if I’d end up like the goblin?”

“That might be possible. I think it only happens to objects with a magical reaction. That’s why it should be fine for Dad to touch it. But it could be dangerous if the other person has magic.”

“I see… So I could get affected too.” Marie said.

“Probably, but we still don’t know for sure. There are still a lot of things we don’t know.”

“However, if that’s the case, then it might be effective against magical creatures?” my father asked.

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“Well, I can’t say for sure. The goblin might have just had magic, and that’s all. Maybe only that goblin had it. Just like how some humans have magic and some don’t.”

“So it’s not necessarily effective for everyone. I see.” he nodded repeatedly.

Marie and I exchanged glances, both of us harboring the same doubts.

“Um, Father… even though we just had this conversation, you’re adapting to this pretty quickly, aren’t you?” I said.

“Huh? Well, if I believe in something, there’s no end to the doubts that could arise. Since I might be helping you with this in the future, I want to understand it properly. Even though I can’t see it or sense it, I might be able to recognize it eventually, right? Besides, what parent wouldn’t take an interest in something that their child is interested in?”

I thought to myself, “No, that’s not quite it. You’re just a doting parent.” But I didn’t say it out loud. Still, I was glad that my father was taking an interest in this. I really like his way of thinking.

“However, if that’s a reaction to magic, it’d be dangerous to release it recklessly,” he continued.

“Of course, I’ll be careful. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“I see. Is this all we can do for now then?”

“Unfortunately, yes. But there’s something I want to try,” I said. “I want to create a small fire.”

“In that case, why don’t you do it outside near the well? It can be extinguished quickly.”

As my father and I were talking and heading outside, I noticed Marie’s displeased expression.

“What’s wrong, sis?”

“It’s nothing. I’m not angry that you’re talking to Dad or anything. It’s just that it feels like you understand each other better now than when we were before, and it’s annoying!”

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I see, so that’s what’s bothering her. But I guess it can’t be helped. Sometimes, there are things that only men can understand. My father had mentioned that magic was dangerous, but he must also enjoy thinking about these unrealistic things. It’s not discrimination, just a difference. I’m sure women can understand some things that men can’t, too. On the other hand, I don’t understand much about women.

“Theon! You coming?” my father called from the courtyard.

I wonder why he seemed a little excited. Well, I was the same, but I kept quite about it.

“I’m coming! Let’s go, sis!”

“Fine, let’s go already!”

When we went outside, my father had already arranged the firewood. The preparations for the campfire seemed to be complete.

“There’s a well in the corner of the courtyard. Let’s move there.”

He had a flint in his hand, and his eyes were shining. He’s kind of cute in his own way, even though he’s my father.

“Alright, go ahead.”

After striking the flint a few times, sparks flew and a flame was lit. As he blew on it a few times, the flame grew brighter. He’s really skilled at this. I could never do something like this.

“Thanks, Dad. Can you step back a bit now?”

He nodded and took a step back. The two of them watched from a distance.

I sat in front of the bonfire, bent my knees, and began gathering magic. I let the magic in my right hand gather and touched the fire with the light.

In an instant, the fire ignited in my hand. It was a brief event. The flame had not touched my hand. It had only touched the magic. Yet, the fire spread as if it had touched gasoline. A blue flame burned from my wrist to my fingers.

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It was hot. It was so hot that I panicked.

“I’m burniiiiingggggggg!!!”


“What the hell are you doing?!”

My father quickly grabbed a bucket of water and poured it on me. Fortunately, the fire went out immediately, leaving only a burnt smell. The damage was less severe than I expected. Perhaps it was because the fire was caused by my own magic. I didn’t suffer any burns, but it was still really hot.

“That was close… thank you, Father.”

“Seriously, that was dangerous! I had a bad feeling, so I filled the bucket with water just in case.”

“I-I know. I feel so embarrassed. Thank you so much.”

My father and Marie sighed, as if to say there was nothing to be done about me. I, too, felt regretful about what had happened.

“But what was that just now? It looked like the fire suddenly spread to your hand.”

“Father, you know how magic reacts to other people’s magic, right? I wondered if it only reacted to magic or something else. I tried two things. One was touching someone with high magic power. I tried this with a goblin, and it worked. And the other was touching some kind of phenomenon. That’s what I wanted to see, and as we just witnessed, the flames turned blue, indicating that the magic had indeed spread through the fire. I’m sure that this happened because the magic touched the fire.”

“I see… So when magic touches a fire-like phenomenon, it causes some kind of reaction. Maybe there are other reactions too?”

“Probably. That’s why I want to experiment more. But I don’t think there are many types of phenomena to experiment with. For now, I want to study with fire. It wasn’t what I expected, but it definitely reacted to magic.”

“Actually, now that I just saw it with my own eyes. I have no choice but to believe it. Your words were true.”

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Father nodded happily. I felt happy too and smiled.

“See, you two really understand each other. I’ve no idea what you’re talking about…” Marie commented.

“Well, you have your own talents, Marie! And you helped us a lot. Thanks to you, we learned about the existence of magic.”

“Is that so? Yeah, you’re right! I helped, didn’t I? Hehe, that’s because I was there!”

“That’s right!”

Marie quickly regained her good mood, and I find it adorable.

As we chatted, I couldn’t help but think about the intense reaction that the magic had when it touched the fire. And when I thought about the results, it hit me – was this magic?

It wasn’t like I created something out of nothing, but the magic that I released from my hand had ignited the fire. That seemed like it could be a fire attribute magic, right? It made me wonder if casting fireballs might be a possibility in the future.

“Hehehe, I can cast a fireball! Uhehehehe!” I couldn’t help but laugh in excitement.

But then, I noticed my father’s expression. “Uh, Theon, why are you making that weird face? What’s going on, Marie?”

Marie just shrugged and explained, “Oh, that’s just how Theon reacts when there’s progress with magic. Don’t worry about it, Dad.”

“I see…” He mused, feeling a bit torn. “It’s interesting to discover a new side of my son. Should I be happy or sad? I’m not sure.”

Despite their conversation, I continued to think about the possibility of using magic in the future. It was thrilling to think about – even though there would be challenges, there were also so many rewarding moments to look forward to. I was starting to really love this world.


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