Synthesis Magic

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Well, I’ll do what I can for now, anticipating that I won’t receive any news for a while.

My research had hit a wall, but there was one thing that had been nagging at me. Armed with a few tools, I made my way to the courtyard.

“Hey, Theon, what are you up to?” Marie, who was practicing her sword swings, asked me as she wiped off some sweat.

It was a pleasant sight, quite different from what I was used to. She peered at the items I was carrying.

“A cup and a candle? What’s the plan?” she asked.

“Just wait and see.”

I placed the candle on a flat rock in the courtyard. The flames were not from my magic Flare, but from a regular bonfire. The wind wasn’t strong enough to extinguish the flames, just enough to make them flicker. I covered the candle with the cup. As soon as I lifted the cup, the flame went out.

“Fire needs oxygen to burn. So, when you create an enclosed space like this, it goes out. You know that, right, sis?” I asked her.

“Eh? Y-yeah, of course I do!” she replied, though it was obvious that she had no idea.

While blocking off oxygen is a well-known way to put out a fire, it’s more common to extinguish a fire with water or let it burn out naturally. Plus, most conventional lamps are extinguished by blowing air on them. Although covering a fire with a lid is a common method, it’s not one that we use often in our household.

“So, what’s the point?” she asked.

“I was just curious about what would happen if we tried the same thing with magical fire. Let’s give it a go.”

“Isn’t it going to go out?”

“Let’s find out. What do you think?” I asked, holding out my right hand and producing a gas flare. It lasted for about three seconds before I immediately covered it with the cup, and then opened the cup right away.

“Oh, it’s still burning!”

That’s right. Despite there being no oxygen, the fire didn’t go out. What could this mean?

Regular fire needs three things: an ignition source, oxygen, and a combustible material.

I used to think that fire magic used magic power as its combustible material, and I assumed that oxygen was still supplied normally. However, that was incorrect.

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Fire magic doesn’t require oxygen. So, does magic power possess the properties of both a combustible material and oxygen? No, that’s not the case. In fact, lightning magic works differently. When magic power is applied, it produces an electric current.

From this, I understand that magic power is a variable form of energy that reacts differently depending on what it comes into contact with. It has the characteristic of amplifying or maintaining the state of the phenomenon it comes into contact with.

Furthermore, I discovered that oxygen wasn’t necessary. This means that magic power compensates for all the necessary elements of the phenomenon. Even without oxygen or a combustible material, it can be sustained by simply contacting the fire phenomenon, regardless of the conditions. In other words, magic power can continue to amplify the phenomenon itself in any situation.

Despite all that, fire magic is extinguished when water is applied. This part is still somewhat unclear, but perhaps it’s vulnerable to water due to its opposing properties that cancel each other out? Hmm, it’s still ambiguous. I put the that part on hold.

Flare’s fire has a special effect on materials. I now know that it’s not just regular fire.

“Now that we know, does it mean something?” My sister asked.

“I’m not sure yet. I just know that it’s different from regular fire. The same thing probably applies to lightning magic too.”

As the idea dawned on me, I stood up abruptly and walked towards the center of the courtyard. My sister looked at me curiously and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I have something in mind to try, sis. You can release your magic externally, right?”

She nodded and replied, “Yes, I can. But it’s not very stable, and I can only release a small amount of magic.”

I knew that my sister’s magic output was significantly less than mine, but she was better at controlling it. She could manipulate magic power on the palm of her hand, something I couldn’t do. If my magic output was 60, hers would be around 20-30.

“So, here’s what I’m thinking. I’ll shoot Flare into the air and keep it suspended. Could you hit it with a clump of magic? But please shoot from a distance,” I explained.

My sister tilted her head but agreed nonetheless.

I knew that Flare didn’t need oxygen or combustible materials to exist. It was fueled by magic power. I wondered what would happen if I provided magic to a Flare that was already present. Would it become more powerful?

As I shot Flare into the air, my sister aimed her magic at the suspended Flare. I waited with bated breath to see what would happen. Would it burst into flames immediately? Would its power increase? Would it change color?

The clump of magic collided with Flare, creating a deafening explosion. I was hit with a blast of heat and wind, and the light generated by the explosion was blinding.

It all happened in an instant. A blue flame burst into the air, producing an explosion.

My sister screamed, and I panicked, thinking she was hurt. But she had only fallen on her butt.

Relieved that there was no damage to the surrounding area, I watched as the flame disappeared without a trace.

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“What was that just now?!” my sister exclaimed.

I was just as taken aback as she was. I never thought something like that would happen. Why did it happen? I just supplied magic power, that’s all. Why did it explode?

It was difficult to think that it was caused by the sudden surge of magic energy. That’s because I didn’t think that supplying less than half of my magic release would significantly increase Flare’s power.

That explosion clearly contained a considerable amount of energy. All because I simply collided magic power.

I stood up and helped my sister up.

“Are you okay, sis?”

“Yeah, I’m just a little surprised… Did you know this was going to happen, Theon?”

“No, I didn’t expect it to turn out like this either. I thought it would just increase firepower.”

“Yeah… why did it turn out that way? We only applied it with magic power.”

It exploded just by applying it with it. It’s as if a spark had ignited an explosive. Is magic power an explosive? There’s no way that’s true.

No, wait.

I believe that magic power is a variable substance. I think that’s probably not wrong.

But something bothers me.

Magic power burns when it touches fire.

Magic power discharges when it touches electricity.

Fire, burning, oxygen, combustibles.

Electricity, flowing, discharging, thunder.

Electricity… electricity?

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I suddenly realized something and quickly approached the thunder ore in the corner of the garden.

“Theon!? What’s wrong?!” My sister hurriedly followed me.

I immediately generated magic power and applied it to the thunder ore. Electricity flowed through it.

The shape of the current was like “thorns”, just like the impression of lightning. But if I thought about the reason why the current took this shape, the doubt was resolved.

The current flowing through magic power was for some reason “the same shape as lightning that runs through the atmosphere”.

What does this mean?

I generated magic power in the palm of my hand. It faintly glowed, a magic power. It was magic power, but not really.

“Ah, I see! That’s it! It wasn’t magic power! It’s not magic power!”

“Huh? But didn’t you say that it was magic power?”

“Yeah! That’s right, this is magic power! But it’s not magic power! This is ‘air reacting to magic power’!” I gazed at it with conviction.

That’s it! Magic power is emitted from the body and emits light in the magic aura state. This probably means that it’s reacting with the atmosphere.

I wonder if the light is amplified by UV rays? Could it be reacting to sunlight? If so, that would explain the heat generated.

At the time, it wasn’t clear whether magic power was reacting with the air, but there was definitely air resistance when casting lightning magic.

Flare doesn’t require oxygen, as it combusts solely on magic. On the other hand, there is air resistance with lightning magic. This could mean that magic power is playing the role of oxygen and laying the groundwork for amplifying the phenomenon.

This alone doesn’t prove anything. But Flare certainly burned without oxygen, and applying it magic power that reacts with oxygen resulted in an explosion.

If magic reacts with matter or, in this case, the properties of a subject, and amplifies them, then the magic released into the environment probably contained a significant amount of oxygen and amplified its properties.

That’s what happened with Flare, which made contact with fire. Perhaps it exploded due to excessive oxygen supply or some similar reaction. Magic interferes with the air upon release, so it’s affected by its properties.

This raises a question: why doesn’t magic power that interferes with the air explode when it comes into contact with normal fire?

This is probably because the properties of normal fire and the magical fire of Flare are different.

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This is not a mistake, as I also knew from the battle with the goblin that there was a reaction when magic power comes into contact with the creature.

So, perhaps by amplifying the magic that came into contact with the air, the magic explosively generated tremendous power. Maybe that was the explosion that occurred earlier.

“Oh, yes! This could be a significant breakthrough! Here it is! It’s here! Whoa-ho!”

I was starting to get excited. A big opportunity had presented itself right in front of me. There was no doubt about it. The chance for a breakthrough had arrived..

“Theon, you’re making that weird face again… Well, as long as you’re happy, it’s fine!” my sister exclaimed with a smile.

Excitedly, I called out to her, “Sis! Sis! Come here and help me!”

“Sure, what do you need?” she asked, walking over to me.

“I’m going to use lightning magic, so hit it with your magic over there,” I said, pointing to a spot in the distance.

“Wait, isn’t it going to explode again?” my sister questioned with a worried look.

“I don’t think so if my estimation is correct. But stay a little further back just in case.” Despite not fully understanding what I was doing, I was unable to contain my excitement.

I produced a stick-shape made out of magic power as long as possible and touched it through to the thunder ore. I signaled to my sister and had her use her magic to hit the tip of the wand.

A momentary burst of electricity ensued. Thanks to the magic I had touched with my sister beforehand, I could clearly see the tip, which was now devoid of any current.

“It disappeared…? I wonder why. Flare exploded, didn’t it?” my sister asked, confused.

“Probably because of air resistance. I think the magic in contact with the atmosphere prevented the current from flowing. In other words, this is it! The magic comes into contact with the air and amplifies it like any other phenomenon!” I explained excitedly.

“Theon, I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” my sister said with a laugh.

“Me neither! But I figured out that there might be an understanding!”

I was elated, unable to hide my joy. My sister watched me with a happy expression.

In magic research, there are failures and setbacks, but breakthroughs like this make it all worth it. It’s a moment of great happiness and enjoyment.

I realized that my mother was out for the day, and I felt relieved that I hadn’t caused an explosion that would have drawn her attention. But for now, I decided to name this magic “Synthesis Magic” and step into new territory once again.

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