Invisible Change

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I was watching Glast with a worried look on his face in front of me. We’re in the living room of my house, and as usual, my entire family was gathered there. All four of us were sitting around the table, watching him closely and looking concerned. I was also worried.

It had been a few days since I had invented the thunder flint and electric lamp, and we hadn’t heard from Glast until that day when he came to visit. We were eager to hear the results, but looking at his expression, we weren’t sure how to ask. We had decided to invite him into our home to hear his story.

That was the situation we were in at that moment. What had happened? Could it be that he couldn’t sell anything at all? If so, it would be my responsibility. Nobody might blame me, but it was definitely my responsibility. While trying to contain my anxiety, I waited for Glast’s words.

Then, with his eyes swimming and his lips trembling, he said, “They’re all sold out.”

“What?” I exclaimed in disbelief, caught off guard by his unexpected words. “Sold out? Wait, did they sell?”

My father, however, was pleased with the news. “That’s good news,” he said, nodding. “Why don’t you seem happier?”

Although Glast’s words were true, his demeanor remained the same.

“It’s good that they sold out,” he explained. “I had a friend put the products on display at a shop, and they sold out immediately. The price was affordable, and customers who found the products at the store spread the word by mouth. It was a big hit, and people kept asking who made them and how they were made. Of course, I didn’t tell anyone. But then, they started asking me to make more…”

Glast glanced at me, and I understood what he meant.

“In other words, you want to ask Theon to help you?” Father asked.

Processing the thunder ores was something anyone could do, but the process required Flare, a type of fire magic. Without it, the unique property of generating electricity would disappear, making my expertise essential.

“Y-yes, you’ve already helped me a lot, so I don’t want to ask for too much! If Theon doesn’t want to do it, then that’s fine. Let’s just call it quits. But, you see, this situation is quite unusual. As a businessman, I want to make money when I can. Of course, if you help me, I’ll pay you for your services. I’ll even come to pick you up and send you back on a horse from Istria to here! How about that?”

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My father asked me with a glance, “What do you think?”

I was pleased to hear that I could receive payment for my work. Well, I didn’t need money right now, so I would probably put it away at home for the time being.

Moreover, considering the request I had made before, it would be better to have a situation where I was with Glast for a while. At the moment, I could only see him when my father and I went to Istria or when he came to our house. That was inconvenient for both of us.

However, there was a downside to this plan: less time for practicing magic and training. I also wanted to research synthetic magic. But when I thought about the future, it seemed like I should go along with his proposal.

“I’ll do it.”


“Yes, but only once every three days. And there may be times when I have to take a break due to my schedule. Uncle Glast, I’ll let you know ahead of time. Also, it might be difficult to do it for a long period.”

“Oh, that’s fine. That’s more than enough!” Glast nodded happily.

It was great to be able to earn a decent income at this age. Even if I couldn’t keep the money, the fact that I had earned it would make it easier for me to ask my father for something.

In the end, I agreed to help him from today onwards.

Fast forward, we were in the courtyard. I got on Glast’s horse and turned to my family.

“Listen, Glast. Make sure you deliver Theon before it gets too late. It might be difficult to go back and forth, so you can stay overnight if you need to.” Said my father.

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“Ah, sorry about that. I appreciate it. I’ll take good care of him!”

“It’s hard to say who’s taking care of whom here… Anyway, Theon, be careful. Don’t do anything reckless on your own when it comes to magic; you tend to lose control.”

“Yes Father. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

“And Marie, you stay home.” My father said to my sister, who was eagerly trying to get on Glast’s horse.

“Eeeeeeee?! What?! Why?!”

“Theon alone should be enough, don’t you think?”

“But I’m worried if it’s just him! I’m sure I can be of help in many ways!”

Sure, having my sister around would be helpful and reassuring for me.

Recently, when my sister was around, I was allowed to do magic experiments, but only simple ones. If the experiment was dangerous, my father would be present.

I had been following this rule, and it seemed that my father trusted me. However, he didn’t trust my sister entirely. He drew the line at this point. The experiments take place in the courtyard or in my room, and I reported to my mother every time. If I were to go to a distant place where my parents couldn’t watch me, I guess it would be different.

Having my sister around might make me do something reckless. However, we’ve agreed that if my sister is present, I can do some experiments. I think this is what my father has in mind. I had been obedient and well-behaved, not causing any trouble or being selfish. I’d been pursuing my own path in magic and causing trouble only in that regard. Other than that, I should be normal. My father recognized me as a dependable son.

Well, I guess I was overdoing it a bit by living up to his expectations too much. Perhaps I should deviate from that in the future.

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My sister had been grumbling all along. It’s amazing how she stood up for her beliefs. She thought she can persuade him if she persisted. And it was effective for my father.

“Okay, okay. Marie, you can go too… Don’t cause trouble for Glast, okay? And don’t do anything dangerous. Got it?”

“Uh! Yes, I got it, Dad! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Theon!”

Marie immediately mounted the horse and pounded her chest. What a quick move.

My father sighed in resignation.

My mother didn’t say anything at times like this. She just smiled or looked worried behind us. She was probably trying to support my father, who’s the head of the household.

“Now that everything’s settled, let’s go. I’ll send you back in the evening.”

“Sure, thank you.” With that, Glast ran his horse.

As we got farther away from home, I talked to him, careful not to bite my tongue. “How about the promised items?”

“Wait for about a month! I’ve enlisted the help of a skilled tailor, so it’ll be fine! As for the other request, I have an idea! We’ll talk about that later, okay?”

“Yes! I’m okay with that!” We talked loudly over the sound of hooves. My sister was clinging tightly to me from behind.

“What are you talking about?”

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“I’ll tell you later! It’s going to be a long story!”

“Ugh! Fine, I got it!”

After a few hours, we arrived in Istria, started processing thunder ores, and left the shop around 3 p.m. in the afternoon. We asked Mr. Grast to take us home. My father seemed relieved that everything went smoothly.

After that, I started working part-time regularly. On the days in between, I decided to spend my time practicing magic.

Synthesis magic required a combination of two types of magic. It’s better to do it with my sister, but I wanted to be able to do it alone.

So I thought, what if I could release magic power from another part of my body when releasing it from my right hand?

The power released from my right hand is 60. The remaining 40 is still in my body. I thought that maybe I could release it from another part of my body.

As a result, I was able to do it a little bit, but it was very difficult to concentrate on both my right and left hands.

Little by little, I was getting better at it.

I have other things I’m thinking about, and synthesis magic has a lot of potential. But for now, I want to be able to release magic power simultaneously from multiple parts of my body.

The experiment with synthesis magic will come after that.

I continued to train in magic and went to Glast’s shop again a few days later, practicing in between. I kept up that routine for a while.

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