Lightning Bolt

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A month had gone by and I turned eight years old.

I was in the middle of honing my skills in my room. As I focused, I released magic power from both my hands at the same time.

Feeling confident, I let out a sigh of relief. “Phew… I’m getting better at this.”

The magic that emanated from my right hand was roughly the size of a soccer ball, while the one from my left hand was the size of a baseball, with a range of 20 to 30 of magic power, just like my sister’s release.

To my surprise, I was able to release the magic almost simultaneously, a sign that my abilities were improving.

“Hehe, with this, I can further experiment with synthesis magic. Ufufu, uhehe.” I thought, my mouth still curled up in a smile.

However, I quickly realized that it was too early to be celebrating. I still needed to conduct various tests. Now then, shall I go outside and conduct my experiments?

As I pondered my next move, I heard a commotion outside. The sound of hooves echoed in the distance. Did someone arrive? Curious, I left my room and headed towards the living room.

As I entered, I saw my father talking to Glast, with whom I had been spending more time recently. I bowed my head in greeting, and Glast raised his hand in return.

“Hello, Uncle Glast. Isn’t today a day off?”

“Hey, Theon. You’re right, but…” Glast smiled and held up the bag he had been carrying. “Here, it’s the promised item. Take it.”

Finally! The item I’ve been waiting for has arrived.

I eagerly received the package and opened it to reveal a pair of gloves – or rather, a gauntlet.

“They’re lighter than I expected,” I thought to myself as I examined them. “But they seem sturdy enough for my experiments.”

Smooth leather with a pleasant texture had metal embedded in it in the knuckle part of the back of the hand, fingers, and palm, giving the gloves a very sturdy impression.

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“I followed your instructions and sewed together high-insulation mica and durable, fire-resistant leather. I embedded thunder steel and used copper and silver to increase conductivity and promote discharge. The metal on the back of the hand is made of high-purity steel. It can also defend against attacks just in case. And at the fingertips, there are high-quality flint stones. They can ignite with friction and are relatively sturdy, lasting for several years. This is… the first magic tool,” explained Glast with a satisfied expression.

Glast appeared to be confident in the magic tool he had created and it was convincing, given the level of craftsmanship put into it.

My father, who was standing behind him, seemed resigned to the situation. I had already informed my parents of my request to create the tool, which was for emergencies and future experiments.

I had requested it as compensation for my actions as I wasn’t causing anyone any trouble. It was perfect. However, if I became stronger, I would need to get a new one.

I named the magic tool Thunderflare gloves. They were easy to put on and fit me well. The artisan’s high level of skill and attention to detail was evident in the decoration of the gloves, making them truly wonderful.

“Wow, this is amazing… I didn’t expect it to be this incredible,” I said.

“Heh, it’s nice to be praised, but let’s wait until you actually use it,” Glast replied.

“Okay. Let’s try it out in the courtyard.”

“Sure thing. I’m looking forward to seeing this lightning magic in action.”

A smile was plastered on my face as I made my way to the courtyard, my family trailing behind me with hesitant expressions. I hadn’t shown them my new synthesis magic, nor had I revealed my simultaneous magic power release. It had taken me over a month to train my left hand, and I had been eagerly awaiting this moment. During that time, my mind had been flooded with various ideas for magic experimentation.

Finally, I was ready to conduct my experiment, and my excitement was palpable. I couldn’t contain my elation and began to skip towards the center of the courtyard.

“Uh-oh, Theon’s got that grin again.”

“Oh my, I’m anxious about this…”

“It’ll be fine… hopefully.”

Despite my family’s concerns, I positioned myself in the center of the courtyard, and they all stood nervously by the entrance, watching me. With a wave of my hand, I signaled to them that it was time.

To begin with a simple demonstration, I focused my concentration to gather magic power in my right hand. I then brought my index finger and thumb together, creating a satisfying snapping sound that ignited the magic power and produced blue flames that seemed to materialize upon contact with my palm.

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Although the Thunderflare gloves were able to resist both fire and electricity, they were not meant for prolonged exposure to these elements. This meant that I could safely utilize magic on nearby objects or activate magic while it was in contact with my body.

“Woooah!” someone exclaimed from behind me, clearly impressed. My family had witnessed many of my magical experiments in the past, and I had given Glast a brief overview of this particular experiment.

This was a significant accomplishment for me as I could now cast Flare with just the palm of my hand. With intense focus, I projected the blue flames forward.

Initially, everything felt normal, and I didn’t feel any different than before. However, I quickly created magic power in my left hand and directed it towards the flames.


Suddenly, a loud explosion echoed throughout the area, accompanied by a shockwave and flames that enveloped the surroundings. Despite being small-scale, the explosion could have easily blown away a part of a living being.

“Whoa! What was that?!” Glast’s surprise was a good reaction, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“It seems different from Flare,” my father said, looking perplexed.

“That, you see, is created by magic power–” my sister began to explain to my father, but she was scolded a little.

Considering the power it had, it was only natural for them to think it was dangerous. I’ll apologize later.

After that, I attempted to create Flare in both of my hands simultaneously. Once I had established the magic power, I released the Flare from my right hand and directed it to come into contact with the Flare from my left hand, which was positioned slightly apart from the other.

However, to my disappointment, nothing happened. It appeared that the magic power, once established as Flare, did not have any additional effects when overlapped with another Flare.

Both Flares maintained their form, shimmered briefly, and then disappeared without any notable change.

“What was that supposed to mean?” Glast’s question was reasonable. There was no change.

“…I don’t know.”

“Perhaps Theon was trying to test what happens when two spells are overlapped. The result seemed to be nothing.”

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“Oh, I see.”

“Hmph, I may not be as knowledgeable as Theon, but I also have some knowledge about magic.”

“Muu! I know about it too!”

For some reason, my father and sister were competing with each other. My sister has been accompanying me for a long time, but she’s not good at thinking or studying. My father, on the other hand, seems to be better suited for this kind of thing.

As I experimented further, I discovered that using the same magic in an overlapping manner didn’t produce any significant difference. Intrigued, I decided to weave magic power in both my hands and attempt to combine them. Surprisingly, the synthesis was perfect. It dawned on me that if the state of the magic power, in this case including the atmosphere, was the same, it was possible to combine them. It seemed as if the atmospheric magic power bound them together. Is that it?

With the magic power in both hands bound together, I snapped my fingers, and twice as much fire as the usual Flare was released. It stopped a few meters away and continued to shine brightly, emitting a considerable amount of heat. This lasted for about ten seconds before it disappeared.

I realized that when the amount of magic power increased, the power of the magic and its duration also increased. Flare alone was relatively weak and didn’t have much effect, but the synthesized magic Flare was twice as powerful as a fireplace. It was a highly effective magic but required caution since it could cause severe burns if it came in contact with the skin.

“Does that mean Theon combined two types of magic power to create that Flare just now? Did he merge them during casting?” Glast asked.

“That’s likely the case. Theon always experiments with different techniques and analyzes the results. Look at his focused expression and contemplative demeanor. He may be my son, but he has a fearless look about him!”

“But to be honest, he just looks like he’s slackening his cheeks. It’s a bit creepy, don’t you think?” Glast added.

“Dad also had a similar reaction to Uncle Glast at first,” my sister chimed in.

I was unable to contain my excitement as the results I obtained exceeded my expectations. I was grinning from ear to ear with joy, and my excitement had reached its limit. It’s natural for anyone to feel this way when they receive something they’ve been longing for, whether they’re a child or an adult. Jumping around in excitement and showing off a wide smile is a universal response.

My father retorted, “Hmph, is that all you can see? Theon has such a dignified face.”

Glast replied, “You’re such a doting parent…”

But I was too focused on my experiment to pay attention to their conversation.

I experimented with fire magic by increasing the concentration of magic power to create a gas flare. The results were similar to those of Flare. Two gas flares remained unchanged, but when one was made of magic power, a small-scale explosion occurred, and by stacking magic power together, a high-powered gas flare was produced. This could be compared to a burner and could possibly even create holes in iron.

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However, my focus was on lightning magic, which is why I had requested the creation of the Thunderflare gloves. Fire magic was just an added bonus.

Shooting electric current towards a target with lightning magic was usually a hassle as it required contacting electricity with magic power release. I discovered that by allowing my released magic power to touch thunder ore, electricity would flow towards me instead.

Getting the current to reach the target was complex. I had to extend the magic power to the target’s distance, touch the thunder ore in the middle, and create an electric current flowing simultaneously between me and the target. It was a challenging process.

Connecting the thunder ore and target by releasing magic power and allowing it to contact both sides from the outside was also an option, but it was low in usefulness and troublesome as it required knitting the magic power from the outside to both sides.

Thankfully, Thunderflare gloves made this task effortless, and the results were immediately evident.

I charged up magic power in both of my hands, then spread my arms and twisted my waist into a stance reminiscent of a famous manga’s special move. With my wrists touching, I turned my palms towards the target and discharged the electricity stored in my Thunderflare gloves. The thunder steel reacted to the magic power and released a surge of electricity that shot out in a flash of red and a deafening roar. The lightning bolt crackled and arced sideways, traveling a distance of about ten meters before disappearing.

I trembled with excitement and let out a deep exhale. This was exactly what I had been dreaming of!

“I did it. I finally did it! The completion of lightning magic… no, Lightning Bolt is completed!” I exclaimed with joy, my body shaking with excitement.

After struggling for so long with mediocre results and contemplating what to do, my efforts and hardships had finally borne fruit.

The completion of the first magical tool – Thunderflare gloves, Lightning Bolt magic spell, and the discovery of synthesis magic and its experimental results. Everything had worked out perfectly. Magic research that had previously made no progress had suddenly made significant strides.

“This lightning magic is incredible. The results are even more amazing than I thought!” I said, still in disbelief.

“It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. Hey, Theon? Theon!” My sister approached me, calling out to me as I seemed unable to respond. She touched my shoulder, “Theon? Are you crying?!”

“Ugh, sis. I did it… I did it…” I said, tears streaming down my face.

I was overwhelmed with joy. I had yearned for magic, struggled and suffered for it, but now my efforts had finally paid off. Some may find it silly, but the use of magic is something that doesn’t happen in reality. Yet, here I was, able to make it happen with my own power. The rush of happy emotions was too much to contain.

“Aw, Theon, you’re such a crybaby,” my sister teased as she wrapped me in a gentle hug. I welcomed her embrace without hesitation.

In this world, I was blessed with both magic and a loving family. I was born in my previous world with the sole purpose of coming here. The longing for magic had been a constant in my life, but now, in this world, happiness seemed to overflow in abundance.

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