The Influence of Power

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A brief summary of the combinations, the results, and the names of each magic spell regarding synthesis magic.

◆ Combinations of synthesis magic:

・ Magic power + magic power = synergy mana
[Immediate activation by increasing the amount and concentration of magic power]

・ (Magic power + magic power) x Flare = Flare Burst
[A burst of light and heat or flare that consumes synergy mana. A more powerful version of Flare spell. Immediate activation]

・ Flare x released magic power = Flare Bomb
[The power of Flare spell is high when in contact with released magic power, but instantaneous. Activation after a few seconds]

・ (Magic power + magic power) x Flare x released magic power = Dual Flare Bomb
[The flare burst is detonated by the released magic power again. Powerful spell. Activation after six seconds]

・ (Magic power + magic power) x Lightning Bolt = Lightning Burst
[Electrical discharge that consumes synergy mana. An upgraded version of Lightning Bolt spell. Immediate activation]

・ Lightning Bolt x released magic power = decreased power
[Due to air resistance, the power of the electric current decreases. It’s impractical. Immediate activation]

・ Lightning Bolt x Flare = individual phenomenon
[Activated without interfering with each other. Immediate activation]

These are the spells that were cast the other day. The base magic is in the right hand and the sub-magic is in the left hand. This is necessary in order to combine or activate them as spells.

Just to be sure, I tried combining Flare and Lightning Bolt, but there was no change. I also tried casting them separately, but they still didn’t combine.

I’m currently at Glast’s shop in Isteria, assisting with the refinement of the thunder ores, as usual. Once it’s ignited, there isn’t much for me to do for a while because the blue fire will last. Even so, I must be present because I’m the only one who can ignite it.

“Sorry, Theon. And Marie too.”

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“No, it’s part of the job. It’s a mutual benefit.”

“I don’t really mind, because Theon is here!”

Glast laughed wryly at us being so close. “You two really get along, don’t you?”

“Well, of course,” Marie said, holding onto my arm. “I love Theon!”

For some reason, my sister has developed a habit of sniffing things. I worry about her future, but I can’t say anything anymore.

“That’s right. Well, family is a special and important existence. Treasure them. Especially the ones who are on your side and support you.”

There seemed to be some implication in Glast’s words. He’s an adult who has undoubtedly experienced various things in the past. I have no intention of delving into what that might be, though.

As we talked, we heard a knocking sound that got louder and louder. It seems that a visitor has arrived.

“Who the heck is it? The store is closed, you know… I’ll leave for a bit. Oh, it’s fine to leave that alone for a while.” said Glast, pointing towards the refining furnace and leaving the blacksmith workshop.

“Is it a customer?” Marie asked.

“Probably,” I said. “Maybe they came to ask for repairs.”

“I wonder if it’s okay for Uncle Glast to close the shop on refining days?”

“It’s fine. He seems to be making a good profit, selling the products immediately.”

It was true that the thunder flints and electric lamps would sell out quickly after being put on sale. They were quite popular. However, I couldn’t say that I fully realized their popularity. I was only helping Glast because of our agreement, and there was a reward too, so I thought it was fine.

“Hey, Theon…”

“What’s up, sis?”

“You’re getting better at using magic, right? What if you could use more varieties of magic?”

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“What do you mean…? Of course, I’d like to become even more skilled, I guess.”

“Then what would you do if you could? Would you just keep using magic?”

“Hmm… I’m not sure.”

I wondered about it. I didn’t necessarily want to use magic as a means of self-defense or defense of others, but I had begun to think that way since the goblin attack. So, there were reasons other than just wanting to use it for research. But, what would happen if there was no longer an opportunity to use it? Would I just use it for my own satisfaction?

“Theon, you know what? If it wasn’t for you, these thunder ores couldn’t be turned into thunder steels. And, if you didn’t use your magic, the goblin would’ve killed us that day… Magic really saved us, and only you could do it! It’s alright, I believe you can use your magic in any way you wish. But, I was wondering, since magic is so cool and powerful, could we use it for other stuff too?”

“Like what?” I asked.

“Um, helping people, for example?”

“Helping people?” I burst out laughing. It was such an honest and pure thought that I couldn’t help it.

“Hey, what’s so funny?!” my sister pouted in dissatisfaction.

“Sorry, sorry. You’re right. There are certainly ways to use magic to help people, so I guess it’s not entirely wrong.”

“Yeah, magic is really convenient. But it can also be very dangerous. I think we need to consider how we use it, but at the same time, it’s precisely because of that power that we can help others.”

“Wow, you sound just like Father,” I commented.

“Hehe, maybe I do. Of course, it’s up to you to do what you want, Theon. But as your big sister, I feel like it’s a waste.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t spread it too widely?” I suggested.

“You’re right, it’s very difficult to handle. Dad said it too. Special powers can affect the people around you in good or bad ways. I know it’s not an easy thing to do, but I still can’t help but think there might be something we can do with it.”

I got what Marie was trying to say. If you have a friend or a family member with a talent but they don’t use it, it might seem like a waste. Regardless of whether magic is a talent or not, I never considered using it for anything beyond self-defense. However, after helping Glast, I realized that magic has even more potential.

Maybe there were things that I couldn’t learn through isolated research. Perhaps, for experimental and other reasons, I could take different approaches.

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“Hey, I told you I won’t agree to it!” Glast’s voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts.

I wondered what was going on and left the forge with my sister, heading towards the store. There, we found Glast and a slender, meek-looking man standing at the entrance. The man appeared to be bowing his head and asking for something.

“I’ve already told you, the processing of thunder ores is a secret! I have no intention of disclosing it to anyone or engaging in any business involving it. I’m not interested in expanding production, and that won’t change no matter what you say!”

“Uh, I’m certain they will sell even better! Those products are one-of-a-kind, not just in our country, but in others as well. They’re sure to be a hit! If you partner with me to produce them, we’ll make even more money! You could become a respected noble, purchase multiple shops without any trouble, and even be recognized by the merchant guild’s executives!”

“I have no intention of following your proposal, even if it’s true,” Glast retorted.

“Then please sell me the information on the production method! It’s worth tens of millions of Lirums, if not a hundred million! What do you say? You could even buy that large store you’ve been wanting!”

“Absolutely not! Get out of here!” Without hesitation, Glast delivered his response and chased the man out.

“Jeez, that guy has no manners!” Frustrated, Glast turned around and noticed our presence.

“Looks like we’ve been seen…”

“What was that all about?” I asked.

Glast averted his gaze awkwardly and spoke. “Well, you see, you came up with products that have gained quite a bit of popularity. It’s the talk of the town, and I already told you it would sell out immediately. The rumors have spread throughout the city, and even the capital has caught wind of it. So, a merchant who heard the news came to negotiate. It’s happened several times before.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Hey, Theon, no need for you to apologize. It’s actually a good thing. It’s not every day that you come across products that sell like this. It’s beneficial to me, and I don’t intend to be greedy. It was your idea, and thanks to you, we’re making a profit. So it’s fine to decline the offer. But I have to ask, is this really okay? It could be seen as my achievement by others, you know…”

I asked Glast to take credit for the discovery and development of thunder flint, electric lamps, and refined thunder ores because I wanted to minimize the risk of my abilities being exposed. My father had warned me about this and I didn’t want to seek fame either, so it made sense. Therefore, I believed that no one knew about my existence yet, even though I visited every few days. Of course, there was still a chance that someone might have seen me, but I doubt that anyone would suspect a child like me as the real inventor.

When I nodded, Glast looked away, looking uncomfortable.

“Well, it’s a dangerous world for a child to get involved in business. Those money-hungry people will take advantage of anyone, regardless of their age. They’re only concerned about making a profit. They might even kidnap you and force you to work for them,” Glast warned.

“That’s really frightening. I’ll be cautious,” I replied.

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“You say that, but you don’t look scared at all… Well, if you didn’t have guts, you wouldn’t have asked for this in the first place.”

“Anyway, the other request was for today, right?”

“Ah, right. Once we’ve refined the remaining thunder ores, we’ll go. Are you mentally prepared?”

“Yes, of course.”

“I’m ready too,” Marie said as she gripped my arm tightly. She seemed to be shaking a bit.

“Don’t push yourself too hard, sis,” I said.

“No, I have to do this. Otherwise, it’ll keep nagging me.”

Just where did she find such courage at the young age of ten? I couldn’t just let my sister’s determination go to waste, so I reassured her that everything would be alright.

“Don’t worry, I’m here. I’ve also gathered information we need, so it’s mostly safe. The problem is with Gawain and Emma…” Glast said.

“I haven’t told my parents anything. I acted like I usually do, so it should be okay.”

I’m sorry, Father. Today, for the first time, I’m breaking our promise. But to be honest, if you ask me if it’s okay to do it now, I would say no. But this is something we have to do eventually. Maybe it’s too early, but I think the timing is right. Besides, Glast is with us. It’ll be okay.

“Okay, but if something goes wrong, I’ll apologize with you guys. They might forgive us if we’re only half-dead, haha!” He laughed as he spoke such horrifying things.

“But Uncle Glast, are you sure about this? We’ll be causing a lot of trouble.”

“Don’t worry, we got this. Your father and I used to do this kind of stuff when we were kids, and it was even more dangerous back then,” Glast reassured me.

I’d heard that my father was also mischievous when he was young, and though I wasn’t too interested in prying, I was a little curious.

My sister held her sword tightly at her waist, her expression hardened with determination.

After finishing refining the thunder ores at the forge, we left the shop.

“Alright, let’s go monster hunting!” Glast exclaimed, to which my sister and I nodded simultaneously.

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