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Volume 18, Chapter 10

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For the Magicians dealing with the depressing mood from the aftermath of the terrorism, yesterday's Valentine's Day was a long-awaited day for the Magic High School and Magic University students to safely show their feelings.


However, the time they could be intoxicated in such an atmosphere, was only a day.


Friday, February 15th 2097 A.D. What all Magicians, high school students, university students, civilians at large and people related to magic feared, finally come to a head.


No… perhaps it should be said that it had come to start.


At 11 A.M. in the morning, in front of the Magic University main gates. The demonstration by the anti-magician organization, included plans to break through the university gates with brute force and engage the police there.


As a bank for vast amounts of intelligence pertaining to national defense, entry into the Magic University was already tightly controlled for unrelated personnel. The police stopping the forced entry by demonstrators was not them siding with the magicians but a matter of national policy.


However, the people holding negative sentiments against the Magicians failed to understand this. Or, rather, they did understand but purposely chose to misinterpret the situation. Some of the demonstrators made use of their strength, falling to violence.


Initially, they were knocking against the policemen in groups. Upon being pushed back by the police officers, they intentionally fell down, construing themselves as victims of abuse of authority. Subsequently, what followed was only to be expected.


"Ahh… Those guys, so they've finally started."


Looking at the news displayed on the large screen in the canteen, Leo said this helplessly.


"They're too much, honestly…"


It's unclear if it was accidental or planned but after pulling out those over-excited protesters waving the demonstration cards around, even the other protesters started throwing stones at the police officers-Mikihiko frowned upon seeing this. (The road leading up to the Magic University gates didn't actually have stones, the stones were picked up by demonstrators from the weed-proofing sheet by the tree, then thrown)


The broadcast cut to a live feed of the thugs among the demonstrators being pulled aside.


"…The number of people arrested so far is 24. Is that number large? Or small?"


This question was raised by Masaki, who had joined Tatsuya's lunch group, since he did not know the situation in the capital.


"Compared to the number from the anti-war protest before, the number is small, but compared to recent events it can be considered on the larger side."


Tatsuya answered Masaki's question.


"However, Tatsuya. It looks like the number of people throwing stones compared to before has doubled."


Without thinking, Honoka interjected. She has, these few days, been very enthusiastic.


"If they wanted to arrest everyone present there, the police would need many more officers there."


"Even if they can't arrest them on the spot immediately, the cameras on the streets would have captured them. Hence there's no need to be anxious, arrests can be made after the fact as well."


Having relatives who were police officers, as well as having lots of fellow disciples affiliated with the police, Erika followed up on Tatsuya's comment.


"Eh? Erika, that, is that your brother?"


Zealously watching the news, Leo queried Erika while staring at the screen.


However when everyone's eyes turned to the screen, the feed had already cut to the reporter.


"Those should be counted as civil law crimes too… Plus it's a case related to magicians, I'm afraid he was probably called here to deal with the thugs."


Actually having discovered Toshikazu even earlier than Leo, Erika replied indifferently.


Although not really out of consideration for the brother and sister's poor relationship, Mikihiko changed the subject.


"Exactly how many people here participated in the protest?"


"Neither the police nor the media has released the numbers…"


As Mizuki said, the government not releasing the number of protestors was already something to be expected for a long time. As for the media, they could have analyzed the pictures taken from above in the air to roughly approximate numbers but perhaps out of consideration for the police, they did not do a report on the total numbers. As for the organizers' published numbers, nobody would believe them.


"From the pictures on television, it's probably about 200 people, plus minus."


"So in total, about 300, 400… It might be more than 500 people."


In reply to Tatsuya's estimates, Masaki inferred the scale of the protests before sighing.


"People have the freedom to think for themselves, but despite that, for the side being viewed as enemies, it's really disheartening to see this."


"I feel the same."


Responding to Masaki's complaints, Miyuki concurred. In the next second, Erika angrily shouted "What!?".


On the television feed, lawyers were criticizing the actions of the police in making the arrests.


"What's with 'This is encroaching on the freedom of speech'! 'Freedoms of assembly and association must be respected as well'!? That's a failed attempt at illegal entry and obstruction of performing of public service!"


"Although I agree with what Erika said… the number of people giving the same excuses as those lawyers is probably substantial."


Nobody refuted Mikihiko's ominous prediction.


◊ ◊ ◊


"Inagaki-kun, are you alright?"


Toshikazu asked with an expression that did not show much concern, "I'm fine."


Inagaki replied with a dishonest attitude.


In actuality, the news broadcasted yesterday at noon had been purposely cut and edited to become that video.


In the video feed, police officers were suppressing the thugs who were using the demonstration cards as weapons. However, in the midst of that, in order to prevent onlookers from entering the driveway, the police had set up a human wall but were instead beaten up by some thug wielding a blunt instrument.


Perhaps they were trying to rescue their companions who were arrested.


That thug was caught by one of the alert plainclothes police officers mixed in with the crowd of onlookers, it just so happened to be Inagaki.


Because Inagaki had used magic while capturing the thug, the man was still in a state where he could not be questioned.


Hence, his ties to the group of protestors was still unclear till now. Although it couldn't be concluded that they were definitely connected.


The assailant with the hidden weapon could have been related to the anti-magic protests, but no one reported as such, yet it could also be seen as not letting the thugs be seen as connected to the protests by viewers. Such intentions were obvious.


The police officer who was almost assaulted sustained no injuries because of Inagaki. Inagaki, who protected him, however, though luckily not suffering any fractures, had pretty serious bruises left on his hands. Most importantly, however, injuries of this degree were very common in the Chiba dojo.


Moreover, Inagaki was also one who was able to become the next head's left and right hand man through his ability. He was only forced to receive the blow with his hands in order to protect the police officer as well as the onlookers around from being hit by the blunt weapon, yet he was able to cleverly dodge in a such a way as to prevent heavy injuries.


From Toshikazu's perspective, there was some obvious swelling in another spot.


"Eh? Inagaki-kun, was your head hit too?"


Toshikazu, surprised, asked Inagaki who was holding his forehead while frowning. The parts hit by the thug should have only been the wrists. For someone with Inagaki's level of skill, it was impossible to be hit when catching someone by surprise.


"No, while listening to the police inspector's story my head started to hurt…"


"You… It seems like you once again need to properly relearn to be respectful to people with a different rank."


After that short spurt of verbal abuse, Toshikazu said "If you are feeling unwell, it's fine to go home" while leaving his side. Lately Toshikazu had seen Inagaki perform that gesture of grasping his head many times. This time, he tried to distract him from it with a joke but Toshikazu truly felt worried for Inagaki.


◊ ◊ ◊


That night, there was a fairly intense conversation about the incident on the news with both people in favor of and against Magicians. That was not to say that there was a specific program where both pro-magicians and anti-magicians debated each other. On various channels, fairly heated debates started happening.


Carrying on the tradition of using channels in the analogue broadcasting time period, the famous congressman, Kanda, harshly criticized the way the police handled the situation.


"…The demonstrators did go a bit too far, however, it is clear that the police went too far by haphazardly arresting people. The police officers were equipped with both helmets and shields, and were perfectly prepared to defend themselves. Not a single police officer got hurt in the confrontation with the demonstrators."


"To be fair, one of the police officers in plain clothing received a beating. However, that police officer who did not have anything get broken and only got bruises, retaliated against normal citizens by using magic to attack. That was clearly excessive when taking into account the power of a magician's attack."


"I think that police officers should be even more cautious when using magic than when using guns. I am against the use of magic in all situations. I plan to propose a bill to the parliament to increase restrictions on the use of magic and the punishment for it. I want Magicians to first ask for the approval of a superior before being allowed to use magic."


During the broadcast of the cable and the internet Culture Communication Television Network, Cal-net, Congressman Ueno, who advocated for the rights of Magicians, calmly answered the casts questions who wanted to remove the rights of magicians.


"Since the beginning, the Magic Universities have been severely restricting outsiders from freely coming and going. They deal with a lot of research for the country and important requests for national defense. They did not respond harshly to the anti-magic doctrine demonstrators."


"The demonstrators did not only swing around metal placards as weapons, but they also threw stones. In that situation, it was likely that not only the students from the Magic University would've gotten hurt, the people passing by as well could have gotten hurt. The police cannot evade the claims of negligence when they left the insurgents from the anti-magic doctrine alone previously."


"Currently there are already strict rules on the use of magic. In this incident, the detectives complied completely with those rules while arresting the perpetrators. On top of that, they had to bind the legs and feet of those people because they interfered with their duty of protecting the safety of citizens. If they had not done that, I think that the citizens could have gotten hurt."


"It has been scientifically proven that completely overpowering people by way of magic is safer than by using gas or a stun gun. It would be a loss for society if the public were to see magic techniques as the enemy. It is merely superstitious."


Kouichi had an expression that looked like a teacher who was grading the exam of an average student while watching the broadcast together with Mayumi.


"Only congressman Ueno seems composed. I wondered if he would bring up any more extreme claims."


While being forced to watch the broadcast together, Mayumi responded with a murmur without trying to hide her displeasure.


"Do you think that Ueno-sensei's argument is bad?"


Kouichi turned an amused look to his eldest daughter, Mayumi, through his lightly tinted glasses.


"Congressman Kanda is a clown, however, it seems like it's become more common for the audience to take such exaggerated speakers more seriously. It is the mark of a childish and idiotic know-it-all to decide things from an emotional speech, but the general public conveniently stops thinking and joins in on the surge of emotions. It is a shrewd method, but I think that person can easily deal with the situation."


"I also think that Ueno-sensei is playing the crowd in a rather lackluster way."


"He is expected to cool things down, not rile people up. Both parties should try to calm the situation."


Mayumi frowned after hearing the words of her father who normally did not say anything bad about people.


"What should we do now, father?"


"First, we observe. It was unexpected of Cal-net to be on our side, however, let's see if they call out that actress this time."


"That actress? Could it be you are talking about Sawamura Maki-san?"


Mayumi hadn't heard that her father knew who was backing that performer. Speaking of that prominent actress, it had not occurred to her that Sawamura Maki had visited this house last year in April.


"Yes. I know about her."


"I don't really know a lot about her… So, why see if they call out Sawamura Maki-san?"


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"She is the daughter of the Culture Communication Network's chairman."


"Ah, so it is like that."


Mayumi responded in a relatively sweet tone to the revelation of her father.


After having watched the same broadcast with the politicians' performances, Takuma called up Maki.


"Oh, Takuma. Is something the matter?"


Maki seemingly sounded like she had been surprised by the sudden call. If it had been the Takuma from a year ago, he would've probably said something like "Don't play dumb with me" in an unhappy voice. However, even if those were still his real feelings, he seemed to be able to hide them now.


"Sorry for calling at this hour. I wanted to give you my thanks."


"Your thanks?"


While hearing the doubt in her voice, Takuma was able to hear some slight noises in the background.


"If you are in the middle of work right now…"


"I'm in between photoshoots so I don't mind. So what is it?"


Even though Maki was laughing Takuma did not want to trouble her, so he kept it short.


"Congressman Ueno was on your cable network. The host also seemed quite favorable to Magicians. Was that your doing? I'm honestly thankful."


"What for something like that?"


Maki let out a disappointed laughing voice.


"It is true that I advised my father to not take an anti-magic stance, but that wasn't just because of your request, you know. There have been some new developments, and if you don't keep up with them, you could lose profits. Father is an entrepreneur so he just made some calculations. We also did a favor for Ueno-sensei so you really don't need to thank me.


"You still helped me out, I'm truly grateful."


"Is that so? If that's the case, then I look forward to you returning the favor."


"Ah, you can ask me anything."


Takuma apologized once more for bothering her during work before hanging up.


◊ ◊ ◊


It might be obvious, but a lot of people were also unhappy because the mass media didn't take a one-sided stance on anti-magicians.


The fugitive, Gu Jie wasn't only unhappy, but he was also impatient.


The main goal for his act of terrorism was to entangle the Ten Master Clans and the citizens, changing the public's opinion so that Magicians would be seen as enemies. Gu Jie also predicted that the Japanese magicians who got cornered by this change in public opinion would evade criticism by using the Ten Master Clans as a scapegoat. His plan was to then use the Ten Master Clans to remove the Yotsuba Family from society.


Dividing the Magicians was certainly effective in creating an opening against the Ten Master Clans, but at the moment, Gu Jie realized that things would quiet down before anything could happen.


"Like this, there is no meaning to it. It is not over until I make those people who have stolen my revenge from me suffer like I did."


43 years earlier, Gu Jie was driven out of his homeland by a single failure. He, who held great power and fame for an Ancient Magician, lost everything in a short time and got erased socially.


In the middle of his heart being torn by humiliation, Gu Jie swore that he would take revenge.


He wanted to thrust the Magicians of the Kunlunfang Institute era who exiled him into the same wretched circumstances that he experienced and laugh at their grief and resentment.


He couldn't think of another way to avenge himself.


However, enacting his revenge became impossible. The people whom he wanted to take revenge on were crushed by the Yotsuba.


Having lost the target of his vengeance, having his opportunity stolen, he turned to those responsible.


To banish the Yotsuba from society just like he once was.


"——I won't kill them. I don't want to kill them. It would be best if they lived miserably crawling through the mud."


The suicide bombing attack was the final plan for that purpose.


To deny the usefulness and contribution from the Yotsuba, the Ten Master Clans and all of the Japanese Magicians, to steal their status, their honor and pride from that place.


After he could witness that pitiful sight, he would only want to find a quiet place to die. However, if that plan failed, he wouldn't concoct another plan. He did not plan to rot while he was bringing his revenge to fruition.


At any rate, he needed to get out of this country at once. He did not have the time to slowly plan for his next attack. Gu Jie was aware that he only had a small amount of time left.


The reason why Gu Jie could continue to escape was thanks to the many connections that Zhou Gongjin, who lived all over the place, had prepared.


Not being able to quickly use Hliðskjálf was a serious wound, however, Gu Jie had always thought that it was dangerous to rely heavily on that tool. He should rely more on his blood companion than that unidentified tool. He reaffirmed that belief yet again.


Time was ticking so he wouldn't spend time erasing his tracks, and for the purpose of leaving the country as fast as possible, he needed strong pawns under his own control. It wouldn't do if their potential wasn't higher than the reinforced magicians he had stolen from the Japanese army.


Gu Jie then remembered that his familiar had carved a seal on a pupil from a magic clan with high potential.


‘The person's character wasn't an issue, and it seems like it would be fine if that person from that clan became my puppet'.


By using that pupil as bait, he could fish for his teacher. Gu Jie continued working out his plan.


◊ ◊ ◊


Saturday, February 16th. The anti-Magic Association held another demonstration today. However, this time, the target wasn't the Magic University. Their course was heading from the central government agencies to the National Parliament. Unlike yesterday, no one turned violent.


However, that didn't mean that they did not cause any trouble. There was an incident 400 kilometers west of Tokyo that occurred at Second High in Nishinomiya. Two high schoolers were attacked by anti-Magicians on their way back from school.






Having heard of the incident, Tatsuya returned to First High and was greeted by the surprised voices of Miyuki and Honoka.


"I came back after hearing about the incident at Second High." Tatsuya dispelled their questions in a single sentence.


"What are the details of the incident?" And, moreover, returned a single question.


"The female students were attacked by hoodlums on the way back from school, however, they were safe thanks to other students rushing over to help them. Merely by being repelled, the hoodlums were fairly severely wounded because the students mistook the strength of their magic. By the way, Minami-chan is connecting to the audio conference channel of Second High."


Just as Miyuki finished her explanation to Tatsuya, Minami reported that she had connected to the line of the president.


Nodding to Minami, Miyuki talked into the microphone.


"First High Student Council President, Shiba Miyuki, here. Second High, can you hear me?"


"Second High Student Council Vice-President, Kudou Minoru, here. I can hear you loud and clear."


The voice that responded through the speakers belonged to the person with whom they performed a joint operation with last fall at Nara, Kyoto.


"Minoru-kun, you became Second High's Vice-President, right?"


"Yes, surprisingly, it seems like I became the Vice-President. By the way Miyuki-san, won't you switch your video connection on?"


"Eh, I don't mind."


It was good manners to not start a video meeting from the start. It speaks for itself that suddenly connecting to a camera on the corner of a terminal could sometimes be embarrassing.


Before long the conversation was switched to video after initially having connected by voice. After less than a second, Minoru's face was reflected on the large screen inside the Student Council Room.


The sound of people taking deep breaths could be heard around the room many times.


The members who did not go on the preliminary inspection or went to the thesis competition saw Minoru's face. Be that as it may, a beautiful face on par with Miyuki's from the opposite sex was enough to overwhelm the girls apart from Miyuki.


Minoru lightly opened his eyes because he was surprised after seeing Tatsuya in the Student Council Room of First High. Minoru had heard from his family that Tatsuya was assisting in the search for the terrorists. However, he knew that it wouldn't be appropriate to ask him any questions about that now.


"This is sudden, however, Vice-President Kudou."


Since she was talking to the Student Council of another school, Miyuki used her best tone of voice to ask a question.


"Could you tell me the details of the attack that happened to one of your school's students?"


"Certainly, President Shiba."


Minoru also responded in a tone of voice fitting for the Vice-President of Second High.


"About an hour before now on the way from our school to the station, first-year female students from this school got surrounded by 6 men who appeared to be around 20 years old."


Having heard that story, the members of the Student Council, the Chairman of the Public Morals Committee, as well as a female member from the Public Morals Committee all knitted their brows at the same time.


"The men started preaching ‘Humanism' doctrine to the girls in a loud voice. ‘Only God is allowed to perform acts of miracles, everything that twists the established natural providence of God is an act of the Devil. Humans must live merely by the power that has been given to them' they proclaimed."


Thus, hearing the claims of the religious assailants, it became clear that they were a cult that distorted the ideology of existing religions.


The students repeatedly and firmly asked them to step aside, however, the men did not release them from their encirclement. The students used the crime prevention buzzer on their portable terminal and one of the men then proceeded to try and confiscate her terminal. The situation then turned into a scuffle.


The functionality of the crime prevention buzzer included in the portable terminal is not only limited to letting out a loud sound. It also had the functionality to call the emergency number along with information about their location. It was easy to understand the reason why the men tried to obstruct the use of the buzzer.


"Having heard the disturbance, other students came running over. Three first-year students and one second-year student. The second-year student pushed his way through the wall created by the assailants, and the first- year students followed through the gap he created, then they got into a brawl with the cult followers. Their opponents were larger and on top of that, it seems like they also knew Chinese martial arts. At the moment that the second year student got knocked down, the girls from the first year finished their magic and made the cult followers powerless."


"How were the injuries?"


"The second-year student's nose was broken, his eardrum got ruptured, his ribs got cracked and he had internal bleeding in various places in his body. There was also damage to his internal organs, it seems like a fairly serious injury. One male first year student broke his collarbone and another one got a concussion. It seems like he took a blow to the back of his head. No other male or female student seems to have any other injury that stood out."


"How about their opponents?"


"The magic used was ‘Spark' and ‘Press'. One person's pulse became irregular because the effect of ‘Spark', while another person fell down, hit his head and cut the inside of his mouth, so it seems like he also broke a tooth. The rest got some bruises and scratches from being pushed down by ‘Press'."


"I heard that the side of the criminals bore serious injuries, however, but isn't the second year student the one with more serious injuries?"


Minoru showed a slightly bitter smile because of Miyuki's remark. —— He regained his composure and the bitterness disappeared from his smile.


"The irregular pulse right after having received the magic attack seemed quite severe… Even though I know that some people's blood pressures easily become irregular, the degree of the damage caused by the electrical attack was unknown before investigating. I think that turned into the story of ‘A severe injury'."


The reaction of the First High students was separated in those who felt relief and those who let out a bitter smile.


Incidentally, Miyuki was in the group who felt relief and Tatsuya in the group that let out a bitter smile.


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"If that is the case, it does not seem like the first year students went too far in their self-defense, right?"


"Now the President and one of the Vice-Presidents are going to the police together with a teacher. I can't confirm if they know if they will return but it probably shouldn't be a problem right?"


"Is that so. Well then, could you please inform me of the result when the president comes back? Just sending an email is enough."


"Understood. I will inform you by email."


"Please do, Vice-President Kudou."


"Yes, certainly. Well then President Shiba, no, Miyuki-san. I'll be taking my leave."


"Yes. Farewell Minoru-kun."


Cutting of the television meeting switch, Miyuki turned her head towards Tatsuya.


"Onii-sama, it is as you heard. Like Minoru-kun said, it seems like using magic for self-defense is still a delicate subject."


"Even if it's not deemed to be a crime this time, the problem of whether it's appropriate or not still remains, right? There is no clear standard yet for the degree of magic use that is allowed for varying degrees of danger. Worst case scenario, the use of magic could be altogether forbidden by a judge."


"Shiba-senpai, isn't that too unreasonable? If such a ruling were to happen, wouldn't that mean that in the end, magicians don't even have the right to defend themselves?"


Izumi rebutted after Tatsuya's pessimistic prediction.


"It would be fine to use methods of self-defense not involving magic."


However, when Shizuku presented her hypothesis, Izumi was not able to make a new objection.


Having heard the answers of Minoru, the regular meeting came to a close. After returning home, Tatsuya sat down at the dining table.


"Seeing how much damage was done to both sides, will they realize it was a legitimate case of self-defense?"


"Yes… it's not clear yet. I feel like Onii-sama's prediction from earlier really hit the mark."


Tatsuya and Miyuki both had the same worry. Finding the right criteria to set limits on Magician could lead to a judge outright forbidding the use of magic for self-defense, purely based on his ideological standpoint.


"…I think it would require some time to request clearly written rules about using magic as self-defense through the Magic Association. Assuming that it would be granted."


With regards to existing laws, removing the cases where the use of magic was allowed for the duties of government officials and civilians who acted as agents for official business, it was actually fairly ambiguous. If there was a situation where there was an urgent need for the public good, the interpretation of the wording becomes quite broad.


That is, historically, when magicians have been used as a tool by the government. the government had freely used magic to preserve public order and quell disasters, and thus the regulations were fairly equivocal.


However, this time, it would become clear if it was insufficient to protect a single magician.


If Magicians hadn't become a tool for the country, chaos could have very well taken hold by this juncture.


"It is not certain that First High's students won't be targeted. Minami."


"Yes, Tatsuya-sama."


Minami who stood in the kitchen entered the dining room after Tatsuya called out to her.


"Minami, when I'm not close to Miyuki, try to do as many things together with her, if possible. Try to not leave her side even more than you have been before."




"From now on, try not to receive any magical attacks and don't use any magic that would injure your opponents. Also avoid ‘Reflection'."


"However, Tatsuya-sama. Even ‘Isolation' reflects the strength of an attack to the original caster. Using it together with ‘Deceleration' with my amount of magic power will lower the duration of my shield remarkably."


Alongside Minami's objection, Miyuki came to help. "Onii-sama. What if I take charge of ‘Deceleration'?" However, Tatsuya's reaction was not positive.


"No… In that situation your magic power would erode Minami's shield. You would also be splitting your concentration between the control of my seal. In that situation, small adjustments would be difficult right?"


"That is… I don't deny that"


Miyuki responded disappointedly.


"Anyways, being the next Head of the Yotsuba Family, it would be bad if you used magic on civilians. Leave everything to Minami."


Watching Miyuki nod, Tatsuya returned his gaze to Minami.


"If a situation occurs where it seems that Miyuki will be attacked, wherever you are, I will come dashing over as fast as I can. Therefore, just try and hold out until I get there."


"Understood. I will leave it to you, Tatsuya-sama."


Honestly speaking, the difficulty of Tatsuya's request was fairly high. However, above maid work, the protection of Miyuki was more important.


Minami nodded resolutely to Tatsuya.


◊ ◊ ◊


——Despite it finally being Sunday, I had to meet that annoying guy in the morning——


Thought Erika as she returned from her long run. Just then, her older brother, Toshikazu, was going out and she met him by the gate.


It did not seem like Toshikazu was going out to play. He was in his work clothes, a coat and a suit. However, Erika did not think this was suspicious. It was not an exaggeration to say that the work of a detective didn't stop on a Sunday. Or, at least, the detectives affiliated with the Chiba Family all felt that way.


Without saying anything or looking at him, she tried to sneak past him. "Erika."


Nevertheless, she was still stopped just as she had anticipated.


Erika didn't like this brother who was from another mother. And, thus, wasn't also good at dealing with her father.


She still remembered being knocked down time and time again until she couldn't stand up again from her childhood during practice.


She got irritated remembering the various times where she got ridiculed in a joking voice. It was frustrating to her that his words accurately revealed the hidden thoughts in her heart.


Wishing it wasn't such a thorn in her heart, Erika wondered what he needed from her. Since becoming a high school student, she had abandoned trying to reconcile things.


"What is it?"


The most Erika could do was to look at him with a pouting face. "There's something I want you to listen to."


However, the usual sarcasm didn't come. "So, what is it?"


She still thought her tone of voice was angry but her pouting face disappeared while she answered the question.


Toshikazu was not concerned by Erika's rebellious attitude. He felt like he didn't have the time to mind because it was different every time.


"You haven't seen Inagaki?"




Because of the unexpected question, Erika unintentionally thought about it seriously.


"…I haven't seen him lately. What timeframe are you looking for?"


"From yesterday to now."




Erika frowned because she didn't understand Toshikazu's intention. Is there a reason to worry about a healthy adult who hasn't shown up for a day?


Toshikazu averted his gaze after Erika turned to him with a strange look, sensing his discomfort.


"After that guy took the day off yesterday I haven't been able to contact him."


Having sensed the need for an excuse, he explained uncomfortably while turning away.



"Inagaki lives alone right? Couldn't he have suddenly fallen ill?"


"He also isn't at home. Where on earth could he be loitering around…"


"…You even went over to his house."


Toshikazu turned his back to Erika's quip.


"A-Anyways! If you see Inagaki contact me, as soon as possible and also inform my colleagues."


Colleagues, that is to say, the students of the Chiba doujou.


Toshikazu quickly left Erika behind as she mumbled "Well, that fine but…" After a little while, Erika had taken a shower and finished eating dinner, then she entered the dojo.


Neither her father nor older sister were inside. Erika had aimed for this opportunity to train without them in the dojo. The sisters had a different mother and a bad relationship, living perfectly isolated from each other even within the Chiba Family.


Even though it was Sunday morning, there were a lot of students practicing. In the center, were young men in their twenties. Veterans from the same generation as Inagaki could also be seen.


Having suddenly remembered her talk with Toshikazu, Erika went closer to them to have them listen to the story.


"Naitou-san, Kadota-san, do you have a minute?"


Erika asked the two while one was swinging a wooden sword and the other was giving advice.


"Oh, Erika-san, good morning."


"Ah, you came Erika-san."


Having heard her call out, the two people stopped practice swinging and looked at Erika.


"So why I called out to you… the two of you both joined around the same time as Inagaki-san, right?"




"Although, Inagaki-san is still a bit older."


"That doesn't change anything, right."


After Erika emphasized an age difference of only two years, Kadota gave her a cold look.


However quickly realizing she was not making any progress, she changed her mind.


"Well then, it seems like Inagaki-san has been missing since yesterday, so have you two heard anything?"


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Naitou who was the same age as Inagaki and probably the closest to Inagaki in the dojo, frowned his eyebrows in doubt.


"Hmm, that's weird. From his character I wouldn't think that there would be a task so urgent that he wouldn't even leave a message behind."


"Inagaki-san isn't as methodical as Naitou-san." with a thump, a fairly harsh sound resounded from Kadota's head. "…Stop joking around."


"I am just glad I didn't get hit by the wooden sword."


"Yeah, yeah, leave the playfulness out of this."


Erika turned unamused eyes to Kadota who, in spite of getting hit on the head by a fairly powerful strike from Naitou's fist, didn't show a lot of pain.


"So, the both of you don't know anything right?"


"We don't. …Attention!"


After Naitou turned his head that looked towards Erika he yelled towards the center of the doujou in a loud voice.


"Raise your hand if you have seen Inagaki today or yesterday!"


No one lifted their hand.


"No one knows where Inagaki is!?"


This time, two young men passed twenty lifted their hands.


"I haven't seen him yesterday, however, the day before yesterday I saw him around my home town."


After he said that, other people nodded as well. "You guys live in Kamakura right?"




"It seemed like he was looking for something. I thought he was doing an investigation so I didn't call out to him."


"You didn't notice anything else?"


"I only glanced at him… Sorry."


Naitou turned to Erika.


Erika returned a nod to Naitou. "Got it. Resume practice!"


Removing his gaze from the students who resumed practice and simultaneously yelled out "Yes!", Naitou turned his body back towards Erika.


"It is as you have heard. My apologies that we weren't of much use."


"You don't need to apologize to me. Originally, it was brother's task. Naitou, please confer the contents of this conversation to my brother."


Saying that, Erika left Naitou and Kadota.


Knowing very well that Erika had trouble dealing with her brother, Toshikazu, Naitou agreed with a smile.


Having been contacted by Naitou, Toshikazu got into his undercover patrol car without even entering the temporary investigation headquarters.


He called out Kamakura and flashed his lights.


While at the same time, his feeling of regret slowly rose.


The house of the Ancient magician who explained corpse control magic that they went to together was in Kamakura.


Just before that, Toshikazu received a warning from Fujibayashi. That Ancient magician was a person under surveillance of the Magic Association. It was rumored that he was friends with former magicians from Dahan.


There were signs as well. After hearing that Magician's story, Inagaki had unnaturally held his head many times.


I fear that the Magician, ‘Doll Maker,' used an Oumi Kazukiyo technique. It was probably a type of mind control magic.


Why did I fail to notice the symptoms that Fujibayashi had told me about in Inagaki?


Toshikazu tried to resist the impulse to verbally abuse himself by biting hard on his teeth but some sound still escaped from his mouth.


Toshikazu stopped his undercover patrol car one block from the ‘Doll Maker' Magician's residence and erased his presence before going to the front of the building.


It was not to the degree of Ono Haruka, the counselor of First High with the nickname "Phantom," however, Toshikazu's hiding technique was also first class. It was an easy feat to fool the passerby's while holding a sword cane in his hand. He could not deceive machines, however, if it were fellow humans, he had complete confidence that he could easily stay hidden.


While Toshikazu was erasing his presence, he extended his perception beyond his five senses to the inside of the residence. His magic didn't cover the target like a cloth, but acted more like countless threads radiating and extending from him.


Against his expectations, there was nothing hindering him. There was no isolation wall to cut off the thread nor was there a special lineage trap that would take advantage of the threads to counterattack. Nevertheless, he continued searching deeper inside the residence without becoming careless.


He quickly found the presence of Inagaki.


Toshikazu remembered to be more careful because it went a bit too easily.


However, he soon pushed away that worry from the corners of his consciousness.


The presence of Inagaki that returned from the thread seemed like he was on the brink of death, and terribly weak. Even when not eating or drinking anything for a full day, he seemed to have weakened way too much. It seemed like it would be a race against time.


There was no time to be worried. Toshikazu instantly abandoned regular procedures.


——Even if he was mistaken, he would just write his letter of resignation——


Becoming serious, Toshikazu decided to enter the residence.


To start with, he peacefully rang the intercom. He couldn't simply meekly open the door, but he was thinking of a pretext to break the lock. Toshikazu was getting riled up to do that however,


"Ow, the police officer from a few days ago? I opened it with my key, come in."


Suddenly hearing that reply, he prepared to dodge any questions.


Even though he his sense of foreboding was increasing, he told himself "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained" and turned the door knob.


The door wasn't locked.


Toshikazu walked into the entry hall and the hall got illuminated automatically. Nowadays, a gimmick like that wasn't that unusual because most houses didn't have windows anymore. Furthermore, it was now the second time that he came here. Toshikazu put on shoes (that were also in the house's style) and went further down the corridor.


There was an old man wearing a costume with a long stand-up collar waiting for him inside the corridor. From his appearance, you would guess his age to be between 50 years old and 60 years old. His hair was pure white, however his skin was dark with many wrinkles and cracks, however, he did not seem to have any liver spots. From the color of his skin and his looks, it seemed like he originally came from the peninsula of Indochina, thought Toshikazu. In any case, he didn't look like he was Oumi Kazukiyo.


"Oumi-sensei is out right now, however, he said to let any police agent straight through."


Said the older person in Japanese while lowering his head. Toshikazu felt like the older person had an English accent.


"Excuse me, who are you?"


Toshikazu was aware of the fact that he asked the question in a fervent manner.


"I am called Guen, an old friend of Oumi-sensei."


As expected, thought Toshikazu, he seems to be from Vietnam. Provided that it was not a fake name.


"An acquaintance of yours is here."


"Are you talking about Inagaki?"


Even though he lost his fervor, he did not let his guard down. Toshikazu continued questioning the old man who called himself ‘Guen' while warning himself to not let lose his wariness.


"Inagaki-san. Oh, right. Oumi-sensei told me about him."


The old man answered Toshikazu while having his back turned to him and leading the way.


The old man opened the door to the room.


The figure of Inagaki laying down came flying into Toshikazu's vision. On top of the bed, weakly, painfully breathing.




Toshikazu's dashed into the room. Instantly realizing that this put the old man behind him he stopped.


The old man didn't seem to notice the unnatural behavior of Toshikazu and continued walking towards the side of the bed where Inagaki was sleeping.


Toshikazu made sure he could see both the old man and Inagaki before walking closer.


"What is the meaning of this?"


Toshikazu asked another question while suppressing the anger in his voice and looking down upon the face of the old man.


"Your friend has received a curse."


"A curse?"


"My apologies. Someone is stealing his life force by using a curse technique."


"A curse technique you say…?"


Toshikazu was bewildered, however, that was not that surprising. Toshikazu thought Inagaki had received a magic attack from a ‘Doll Maker'.


But it seems like in this situation, the ‘Doll Maker' was giving medical treatment to Inagaki.


"Oumi-sensei found your friend collapsed and brought him to this residence to perform emergency treatment and alleviate the effects of the curse. Due to that, he couldn't contact you. The telephone line has also become an avenue of attack for curses."


For the time being, he had a feeling that the old man's words made sense. However, that was not proof that he spoke the truth. Toshikazu did not hear any inconsistencies.


But it was hard to take a hostile attitude here and be rough to him. Toshikazu thought about returning to his car so he could call for reinforcements.


However, he wasn't able to do that.


"Police inspector…"


He was stopped by the weak call of Inagaki. "Inagaki, you are awake!"


Toshikazu unintentionally put his left hand on top of the bed's frame. However his right hand was still free so he could be careful of the old man behind him.


Inagaki's right hand lightly grasped Toshikazu's left hand.


However in the next moment, Inagaki's hand grasped Toshikazu's wrist with the strength of a vice.

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Toshikazu tried to repress his surprise.


The strength was incredible. For having been so weak up until now —— when it looked like he could be mistaken for a deceased person, he was able to put out this amount of strength.


Inagaki's left hand jumped out from under the futon. In that hand was something that looked like a syringe.


Toshikazu used his right hand to defend against Inagaki's left hand reflexively.


Right after that, Toshikazu felt a shock on his back with the strength of a stun gun. Not having the strength to turn around, his consciousness fell into the darkness.


◊ ◊ ◊


The magicians spearheaded by the Ten Master Clans deployed their full strength to find the ringleader of the act of terror in Hakone, and the police were also investigating the whereabouts of the terrorists. However, it had already been two weeks since the terror incident and the date had changed to February 18th, yet they still had not been able to find the whereabouts of Gu Jie.


They hadn't been able to find new clues from the dead bodies of the generators obtained in Zama. While the feeling of getting stuck in a stalemate in the investigation started to float around, Tatsuya started to investigate the location of Gu Jie once again.


However, Tatsuya suddenly got a feeling of impending danger while on the way to Kamakura alone on his motorcycle. You might be able to say that he was a guy who could feel it in his bones. Stopping his bike and focusing his eyes on the deep snow, he wasn't able to find that which had given him that feeling of danger. There was no skill to look into the future.


Nevertheless, following his feeling of uneasiness he turned his bike towards Hachiouji.


◊ ◊ ◊


There was still a lot of time to go before the school day ended, however, Miyuki went to the front of the nearest station from First High.


"Miyuki-sama, I'm incredibly sorry."


Minami, who was walking next to her, frequently apologized.


"Haven't I told you many times that it's fine? This is also Student Council work so I don't have any intention to force it on Minami-chan and the others."


"But even so, Miyuki-senpai, is it really okay for it to be just us."


Superficially, it seemed like Izumi was apologizing as well, however, she was not able to hide her real intentions.


Miyuki went out along with Izumi and Minami to purchase souvenirs to give to the graduated students. Every year, the souvenirs are ordered from a shop in front of the station. At last year's appointment Miyuki went alone, but this year going alone wasn't enough so she brought along two other people.


"Excuse me. We are the members of First High's Student Council."


"Yes, please come in."


The person who came out to receive them from within the shop wasn't the shopkeeper, but his wife.


The shop's side had also learned various things from last year's negotiations.


"It took quite some time, didn't it, Miyuki-senpai?"


Having just left the shop, Izumi let out a complaint in a small voice. Some way or another, a fed up atmosphere drifted around after hearing the complaint coming from an elegant voice.


"Right. However, today's plans had already roughly been decided so we did our best."


Miyuki consoled with a smiling face.


"That's right, Miyuki-senpai, you negotiated wonderfully. As expected of Miyuki-senpai."


Izumi instantly lifted away the tension.


"It's not like I think it was to be expected…"


"No, being able to settle that conversation that fast was all thanks to Miyuki's strength."


Turning her back on her integrity by having just earlier said that it took quite some time and then saying to Miyuki "that she did it that fast" was Izumi's default. Of course, attached was the intention to maximize the time she spent with Miyuki.


"Still, it's wonderful to be that modest."


Up until now, it had mainly been one person that praised Miyuki. Miyuki was experienced in ignoring Izumi's excitement with a smile.


Leaving that aside, the school day would come to an end before long. Girls generally walked around with various small makeup items so it wasn't like they left school empty-handed, but It was still necessary to temporarily return to school before going back home.


"Well then, let's quickly go back to school. It isn't like we will only barely make it, but we don't have that much time left over."


"That's right."




After hearing Miyuki's remark, both Izumi and Minami nodded in turn and the three of them turned their feet towards First High.


However, after only having walked for 10 minutes the girls had to stop.


In a side street horizontal from the main street that students took to go to and from school, they encountered a group of around 10 men.


Through the cracks of the circle they stood in, they were able to see the boots that First High female students wore.


"What are you guys doing!"


Izumi, who quickly noticed the female students inside the group of people, quickly walked closer and questioned them in a loud voice.


Some people who stood next to the group of people turned around to face her. The men started talking amongst themselves "Hey, that's the one from the Saegusa Family", "Do you know that the one behind her she is First High's Student Council President". Their voices reached both Miyuki's and Izumi's ears.


"Izumi-chan, wait."


Miyuki, who quickly caught up to Izumi, stopped her by grabbing her arm.


However, Miyuki's restraint had been too late. No, the men's movement had been quick.


Leaving behind the female students that they had been pestering, they crowded around Miyuki's group.


"What is it, who are you guys!?"


The men did not respond to Izumi's normal question.


"That's the ringleader's daughter from the users of those sinful black arts!"


Except in a violent play, Izumi did not expect to have that line thrown at her.




After that person loudly shouted that, the other men also called out "Repent!" in unison.




"Izumi-chan, wait."


Izumi, who started flaring up against the men was stopped by Miyuki.


"Only God is allowed to perform acts of miracles, everything that twists the established natural providence of God is an act of the Devil!"


The men recited the verse that they had learned by ear, however, Miyuki took Izumi's hand and turned back around.


"If you won't open the path."


The men who got glared at by Miyuki showed flinched expressions, however, not responding to Miyuki's words, they once again recited "Repent!" in unison.


"Humans can only use what has been given to humans by God." Miyuki also did not want to listen to them anymore.


"If you do not move aside, that would be unlawful confinement. Are you fine with that?"


The guy who looked like the leader stopped the verse he was reciting to threaten the youth in front of him.


"Hey, shut up!"


The man next to the one Miyuki had asked that question to yelled at her. Miyuki did not pay any attention to the man's threat.






Minami gave a short response to Miyuki's call. Minami had already finished preparing a magic barrier composed of both ‘Isolation' and ‘Deceleration' that just barely did not touch the men.


At that moment, the men did not understand what Minami had done. Miyuki took out her terminal to ring the crime prevention buzzer.


The man who shouted at Miyuki attempted to grab her terminal with his hands. However, his hands were repelled by Minami's wall.


They noticed that they could not reach their hands towards the three girls.


"You think it's good to use magic as you please, do you!" A voice rose up from the crowd.


"I am merely defending myself against flagrant illegal confinement."


Miyuki answered in a clear voice to the accusation of the shameless person.


"As a woman, I can feel when my body is in danger." She added in a scornful voice.


Izumi turned to the leader with a cold look.


That look was an unbearable provocation for people who did not doubt their own virtue.


"Punish them!"


The leader lifted his right hand up and forcefully brought it down again.


Including both the people to his left and right, a total of four young men stepped forward, pushing out their right fists in front of them.


On their middle finger was a brass ring that was giving off a dull shine. "Could that be Antinite!?"


Izumi let out a panicked statement. "Divine punishment!"


As the leader's order was carried out, Miyuki, Izumi and Minami were attacked by the Cast Jamming noise from the Antinite.


Minami, who was supporting the barrier magic let out a moan.


The shaking wall was surrounded in every direction by the outstretched hands of the men.


(To be Continued in the next volume)

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