Volume 18, Chapter 9

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Ever since the US military had interfered in the tracking of Gu Jie the day before yesterday, there had been no progress in the operation. The events of that night gave Tatsuya a great sense of futility. If there was one saving grace, it was that the National Defense Forces didn't start fighting his comrades. Tatsuya was so disheartened that he plunged into a state in which he had no motivation to participate in the mission anymore.


The issue of USNA troops helping Gu Jie escape had already been reported to Kazama by Maya. She, too, requested for Kazama to look into the situation. However, even though a full day had passed, nothing had been found.


Katsuto, Mayumi and Masaki were the same. Even in the meeting held by Katsuto, nothing noteworthy was brought up. After Tatsuya, omitting specifics, gave his report, other than witness reports in Zama, nothing came up.


Masaki had considered skipping school and devoting all of his time to the mission, especially since he had already changed residences in order to focus on the search. Though, if he were to do that, it would cause his father and Third High's Principal Maeda to lose face, hence his frustration.


Since losing focus in the middle of an experiment could cause injury, he held his anxiety in, and kept his cool during the lesson. But sitting at the computer terminal, he found himself unable to concentrate. Realizing his current state, he stood up to grab a bite to eat.


The day before yesterday, Masaki had been invited by Honoka to sit at the table with Miyuki. To him, it was an unexpectedly fun time. As though Miyuki had anticipated it, she didn't show signs of being intimate with Tatsuya. Instead she had spent more time talking to Masaki, seemingly worried.


But today, he didn't want to show his defeated face to the girl he liked.


Thinking so, as soon as lessons ended, he stood up and left for the canteen alone.




But before he could leave the classroom, a girl's voice rang out behind him. The two girls standing there were neither Honoka nor Miyuki.


"Please accept this!"


Faster than Masaki could reply, a small box with a ribbon was pushed to the front of his chest.


Reflexively accepting it, before he even had the opportunity to ask "What is this?", the girls ran off with shrill voices.


"Ah, they ran off!"


"Then, me too!"


Taking advantage of Masaki's shocked state, other classmates started swarming around him. To be exact, five of them. Like the girls before, they presented neatly wrapped boxes before exiting the classroom.


"Ichijou-san, you sure are famous." Masaki heard laughter, and turned around.


There stood three people. Honoka was in front with Shizuku and Miyuki behind her.


Miyuki smiled while looking at the boxes Masaki was carrying. Masaki felt anxious —— although that feeling was unjustified.


"What is this…?"


Still in a confused state, Masaki directed a shocked face towards Shizuku. His expression was unusually easy to read.


"Today is Valentine's Day."


Masaki went rigid. Slowly, he looked down at his hands. There were seven boxes in his hands. Even if he tried to conceal them, he couldn't.


Although hiding them now would have no meaning, Masaki hadn't realized the date, and was upset.


"At this rate, it's likely to increase."


With a casual word, Miyuki severely beat down Masaki.


He placed the boxes in a carrier bag he received from one of his new male classmates —— even though he hadn't asked for one and nobody said a word about it —— and placed it beside his desk. Though his original intention was to eat alone, he followed Honoka to the cafeteria.


At this point, Masaki finally noticed the atmosphere in the school. As the anti-magician sentiments had cast a shadow over the students' hearts, compared to previous years, it was lacking in liveliness. Even then, it was certain that there was a sense of anxiety and anticipation.


"Ah, they're here, they're here." Recognizing Masaki, Erika smirked. "Erika, stop that."


"What? It's fine. There's no need for Miki to be jealous of him."


Though Mikihiko tried to stop Erika with a bitter face, she ignored him completely.


Putting an untouched meal on the table at the seat beside Masaki, Erika quickly asked.


"Ichijou-kun, how many chocolates did you get?"


It would be nice if I could at least put the food in my mouth, thought Masaki. This was because he was in the midst of blowing on his food and was about to eat (his food was hot).


"Chiba-san, what are you saying all of a sudden…"


"Today, when I say chocolates, I'm obviously referring to Valentine's chocolate right?"

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As Erika's rebuttal was truly only describing her question, Masaki was unable to reply.


"So, how many? I bet on more than single digits."






With Masaki staring at her in shock, Erika hurriedly covered her mouth. Looking at her happy eyes, it was clear that she felt no guilt whatsoever.


"Such a bet actually happened…? Erika, who are you betting with?"


There was no undertone of finding fault with Erika's words in Tatsuya's question.


"I can't say."


"I'm no longer a member of the Public Morals Committee, you know?"


"Isn't the head of the Public Morals Committee here?"


With Erika pointing towards him, Mikihiko, with his left elbow on the table, rubbed his brow and let out a large sigh.


"Tatsuya, Erika…, that is within the jurisdiction of an Autonomous Committee Member."


"Is that so? But still it's a secret."


Erika said as she stuck out her tongue, and once again turned to face Masaki.


"Then, how many were there?"


"The amount doesn't matter…"


Masaki's tone was considerably brusque. Probably because he came to understand there was no need to hold back towards Erika.


Anyhow, Masaki had no intention to continue discussing the topic. Even if Miyuki thought nothing about it —— for Masaki to receive chocolates


——the discomfort of him remembering his past fickleness was enough.




"It was seven."


But Masaki's hopes of keeping it secret were instantly dashed. Honoka and Shizuku both spoke out the number at the same time.


"Eh, seven huh… It's still high noon. By the time you return home, it will, without a doubt, reach double digits."


Though Masaki wanted to switch the topic as soon as possible, it wasn't just Erika who was really getting into the topic.


"Seven? You only just transferred schools; that's quite impressive."


Leo nodded in an exaggerated manner. He didn't look like he had any ill intent but even if there was no ill intent, he couldn't laugh without causing offense.


"It's not a transfer. Speaking about it, Saijou, how many did you receive?"


"Me? Zero."


Having said that, Masaki wasn't really vexed with Valentine's Day. He wasn't that petty. Thus, towards Leo's unexpected answer, Masaki struggled awkwardly over a reply.


"Still, you sure are composed, huh, Leo."


"That's because I have club activities." (I'm guessing he's implying he'll get some at his club?)


Seeing Tatsuya and Leo converse in such a manner, Masaki felt relieved.


"What are you being so proud about? Anyhow, they're obligatory chocolates."


"Says the lonely girl who has no one to pass obligatory chocolates to."


"Unfortunately, it's not that I don't have such people, but that I don't have the intention to do so."


"Even if you say that, the end result is still the same."

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"Aren't you the one being too hopeful on receiving anything?" (referring to club activities)


…With Leo and Erika arguing, Masaki became flustered yet again. "Both of you, stop it…"


A tired Mikihiko interjected. At that time, Masaki shared the same equivocal sentiments.


◊ ◊ ◊


After lessons were over, Tatsuya headed towards the school entrance. The hunt for Gu Jie was still on, so he was still in the Student Council.


Although it was a "search", Tatsuya himself had not done much information gathering. Rather, Tatsuya's job was handling the clues that they had been (illegally) provided via the Perception magic users' analysis results and their cooperative relationship with the intelligence agency, starting with Yoshimi. If they had no information about Gu Jie's whereabouts, all they could do was wait.


Since the day the American Military had interfered, they had not been able to obtain any valuable clues. They were well-aware that as time passed, it would become more difficult to capture the target, but rushing around and trying to gather information unsuccessfully had only worn everyone out. There was absolutely no point in any of it. Had today not been Valentine's Day, he would have been on his way to the Student Council for the first time in a while.


Tatsuya's gait was a little heavier than normal as he made his way to the school gate, and when he heard running footsteps behind him he stopped.




Honoka had called out to him at almost the exact same moment that Tatsuya turned around to look at her.


Standing behind Honoka was Shizuku. Tatsuya was relieved to see that Honoka had someone with her. Maybe it was mean to Honoka, but he didn't feel like being alone with her today.


"If it's not too much trouble, can I have a moment of your time?"


Honoka sounded a little nervous, but she had an unwavering determination in her eyes.


"Should we go somewhere else?"


Tatsuya in response, rather than nodding his head. "Err, no, that's fine, right here is okay."


Honoka, then, from an antique bag —— a type called a "school bag" from 100 years ago —— produced a flat box that had been wrapped up neatly.


"Please take this!"


They were standing on the single road leading from the school building to the front gate. Tatsuya and the other two weren't the only students passing by. Now, a few of the other passing students had slowed down to see what was going on as they walked past.


It was not that Honoka had been so nervous that she didn't notice the circumstances. Rather it was the opposite. She had displayed her determination in front of all the other students watching them.




Tatsuya had not refused Honoka.


"But are you sure about this though? You know I'm engaged to Miyuki." Tatsuya's response might have been even more cruel than a rejection. "It's fine."


But Honoka was not discouraged in the slightest.


"I know how it is. That aside, I would be very happy if you would accept these."


"…I see. Then, I will take them."


Having been spoken to in such a manner, even Tatsuya had nothing more to say.


"See you tomorrow."


"Wait a sec."


Shizuku had called out to Tatsuya, who still had Honoka's box of chocolates in his hand as he was turning to leave.


"Use this," said Shizuku as she handed a stylish bag to Tatsuya. It was a black-and- white patterned imitation leather bag, shaped similarly to a tote bag, but with an airtight fastener on the opening that made it completely waterproof.


Tatsuya hadn't brought his bag with him today so he had no place to put the chocolates away, so he was very grateful for Shizuku's offer.


"Sorry. I'll be sure to give it back."


As Tatsuya took Shizuku's bag, his brow furrowed slightly because the bag was a little heavier than he expected it to be.


When he went to put the wrapped chocolates in the already-opened bag, he realized there was yet another box already inside the bag.


"It's for you."


Tatsuya raised his head at the sound of that perfectly-timed voice.


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"It's just a little present, nothing special." Shizuku with a mischievous smile.


"Oh, and don't worry about returning the bag."


She immediately turned around to hide her blushing face. A thin smile spread across Tatsuya's face.


The tension between him and Honoka had been eased by this lighthearted atmosphere.


If it had ended there, it would have been a picture-perfect image of youth.


"Okay, me, too!"


But due to a surprise interloper, the curtain could not be drawn on that scene.




Ignoring Honoka's irritated tone as she called out her name, Eimi ran right up to Tatsuya.


"Here's a present from me, too!"


The item he was happily handed was a tiny box that fit perfectly in the palm of his hand.


"A, ah…"


Since Tatsuya had taken Shizuku's "present", he had no excuse for not accepting this one too.


"Eimi, what about Tomitsuka-kun!?" Honoka demanded an answer from Eimi. "I was gonna go give it to him after this!"


Eimi showed not even the slightest hint of timidness or embarrassment.


"You looked like you were about to head home, Shiba-kun. I figured that today was the only day I could give you a present like this."


Tatsuya was totally indifferent to this. "Then, I shall as well."


Subaru stepped out from the shadows of the nearby trees as she said this. What she handed Tatsuya was not a box but rather a small parcel.


"Ah, I think you already understand, but this is just a present."


"Of course I understand."


With a forced smile, Tatsuya accepted the parcel.


Honoka looked like she just didn't even feel like protesting at this point. Tatsuya thought that it was surely over now, but…




This time it was a first-year student that called out to him. It was the new girl that had been paired with Minami during the girl's Shield Down event of the Nine Schools Competition. She was accompanied by her fellow classmates, and Tatsuya's bag, which he received from Shizuku, was now so full of chocolates that it could not possibly hold anything more.


◊ ◊ ◊


After his meeting with Katsuto and the others, Tatsuya headed back home once again, and when he arrived, he was greeted by Miyuki sitting with both hands on her knees in the entranceway of the house.


"Welcome home, Onii-sama."


"Miyuki… What's going on?"


Miyuki was sitting, wearing a long one-piece dress with a frilled apron on top of it in a manner that looked not unlike the way a Japanese wife would wait for her husband to arrive home. ——Tatsuya felt there was no mistaking that she was sitting that way to block his path.


"Is there something wrong?"


"No… nothing's wrong."


Miyuki did not move, so Tatsuya was left standing in the shoe-changing area of the entranceway.


"By the way Onii-sama, it seems like you've brought some luggage home with you? If you don't mind, I'll put it away for you."


"As you can see, I have no luggage. …Why are you doing that?"


Miyuki lowered her eyes and hid from Tatsuya's gaze.


"Well… when you came home from school, it looked like you had luggage with you and I was simply asking."


Having heard her explanation, Tatsuya finally realized the source of Miyuki's irritation.

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"I didn't get anything from Saegusa-senpai. She just loves to play pranks."


The word Tatsuya had said, "pranks" called to mind Mayumi's prank from last year —— those extremely bitter chocolates —— but he didn't want to derail the conversation.


"She is the eldest daughter of the Saegusa Family so she doesn't understand how her actions affect others."


In response to Tatsuya's flatly-spoken statement, Miyuki took a small breath.


"You've never given Ichijou a gift on Valentine's Day, right Miyuki?"


Miyuki had never given her classmates or upperclassmen gifts on Valentine's day. She didn't like all the fuss involved. But that wasn't the reason why she didn't give any gift chocolates to Masaki. The real reason was that she knew that if she gave Masaki chocolates as a gift today, she couldn't just pass it off as a "gift." Tatsuya's words called that to mind and Miyuki understood what Tatsuya was trying to say.


"When Honoka gave me chocolates I clearly reminded her that we are engaged. She still wanted to, so I didn't say no."


Miyuki suddenly raised her head, looking wide-eyed and confused. "That's…! Onii-sama, that's a little…"


"Pitiful, right?"


Miyuki looked down again. It was the same position she was in before, but now the atmosphere was different. Her cute, pouty mood was gone now. A heavily strained atmosphere now formed between Miyuki and Tatsuya.


"I know you might feel that I'm pitiful right now. Thinking about Honoka, maybe it would have been better to clearly refuse, but…"


Miyuki stood up without raising her face.


"Onii-sama, you haven't eaten yet, right? I will go and prepare something now, so please wait in the dining room."


Ignoring Tatsuya's self-reflection, Miyuki turned her back to him.


Tatsuya had told them that he would have dinner when he got home, so neither Miyuki nor Minami had had eaten dinner yet. It was a regular pattern for these past few days.


The three of them sat together around the dining table, but the mood was awkward and dinner ended on a somewhat sour note.


"Thanks, it was delicious."


"She should have refrigerated it first," thought Tatsuya as they all stood up from the table. He collected his dishes and started to head for the kitchen.


"Sorry, Onii-sama. Can we sit together for just a little while longer?" Miyuki stopped him with those words.


With a nod, Tatsuya returned to his seat.


Miyuki and Minami exchanged a look, then Minami began to quickly clear the table.


Miyuki produced a large dish covered in a silver cake dome from the refrigerator and brought it to the table.


"To be honest, I don't know whether it was right or not for you to accept Honoka's chocolates."


Miyuki was staring at Tatsuya intently.


"I don't understand it, so I'm not going to think about it anymore. You may think of me as a cruel girl for this, but I have many other things to worry about."


Miyuki inhaled sharply. It wasn't for what she was about to say next, it was to calm herself down.


"If you are going to concern yourself with Honoka, Onii-sama, I ask that you do it in moderation. I really don't want to have to do something unnecessary."


With that, Miyuki lifted the cake dome. A powerful bitter scent wafted over the table, teasing Tatsuya's nose.


It was a simple bitter chocolate whole cake with no fruits or cream on it. But despite its simplicity, the surface of the cylindrical cake was so perfectly smooth and shiny that there was no way it was made by an amateur.


"Since I went to all the trouble of making it, I was hoping you would try it Onii-sama. Will you accept this Valentine's chocolate from me?"


Minami placed a plate with a knife and fork on it in front of Tatsuya.


Tatsuya was a little hesitant to take a piece, but he took the knife and made a cut in the cake.


He cut out a 1/6th piece for himself and then placed his fork on his own plate.


"You know, I was actually looking forward to this, too," said Tatsuya as he returned Miyuki's gaze with a smile. "I'll go make some coffee!"


Miyuki stood up daintily and went to the kitchen.


Having turned her back to Tatsuya to face the hand-mill coffee maker, Miyuki's cheeks were bright red, and her lips trembling uncontrollably.

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