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Volume 18, Chapter 8

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Sunday, February10th. The time was almost 3 P.M.


Tatsuya took Miyuki with him as they visited the Kitayama Family's mansion. No, it would probably be more accurate to say that it was Miyuki who was taking Tatsuya there.


The reason that the siblings were visiting the Kitayama Family was because Shizuku had invited Miyuki yesterday in the classroom. At first, Miyuki thought that it might have been an invitation to a formal Tea Ceremony, which was why she intended to wear a furisode (long- sleeved kimono). But when Shizuku had cleared up the misunderstanding by saying ‘I just meant having regular tea', Miyuki had blushed in embarrassment.


The two of them kept their shoes on as they entered an elegant Western- style room. Looking at the painting that hung on the wall and the vase on display, Tatsuya couldn't help but wonder, ‘Just how much did these cost?' However, he immediately brushed that thought aside. Tatsuya and Miyuki weren't children anymore, so he wasn't anxious about breaking something. However, he thought that if he paid too much attention to the value of those items, it would prevent him from feeling at ease.


When they entered, Shizuku was already seated. Shizuku's outfit was composed of a one-piece long-sleeved dress that fell to her knees, and a collar that covered her neck. She was also wearing high-heeled pumps. It wasn't an outfit as formal as something like an "afternoon dress" but it wasn't a mistake to say that she had probably put some thought into it.


In fact, Miyuki was dressed in a very similar manner. Tatsuya had received Miyuki's advice as to whether or not he should come dressed casually or formally, but still, he couldn't help but secretly feel relieved at not having misread the mood of this gathering.


In the end, Tatsuya had chosen a simple dark suit. He had considered coming in his school uniform but decided against it, and had instead opted for a suit that would match Miyuki's clothing style.


Seeing Tatsuya and Miyuki, Shizuku stood up.


"Welcome and thank you for responding to the invitation."


Clasping both of her hands at her abdomen, Shizuku performed a courteous bow, which was quite an excessively formal greeting.


"Thank you for inviting us."


Matching Shizuku's gesture, Tatsuya returned a well-mannered response, though he was somewhat lacking in grace. Miyuki followed after her brother half a second later. It was a graceful, impeccable bow.




Shizuku urged Tatsuya to sit. Her concise way of speaking hadn't changed, however, and her actions were twice as polite as usual. There must have been a reason for Shizuku to have fully entered ‘Young Mistress Mode' today.


Shizuku signaled using her eyes to a nearby maid who had been waiting patiently. Despite being a maid, she was already in the first half of her thirties. Her face was agreeable, but it only took a glance for Tatsuya and Miyuki to understand that this woman had not been chosen for her outward appearance. Rather, it was her skill.


The sound of boiling water could be heard not long after she elegantly placed the kettle on the electromagnetic cooker and turned it on. It was highly likely that before boiling, the already-hot water had been prepared.


The maid took a teapot out of the insulation device. She then put tea leaves in the pot that was now hot enough.


She stopped the electromagnetic cooker immediately after the hot water started to boil, and after which, she then poured the hot water into the pot that contained the tea leaves.


Promptly covering the teapot with the lid, the maid cast her gaze downward and took a step back.


"Tatsuya-san, if you prefer coffee, I can have it prepared immediately."


Her manner of speaking was the same as always. However, the mood was different. It looked like Shizuku was slightly nervous.


"No, I happen to like tea as well."


For now, Tatsuya also returned an answer with the same tone as always. He opted against trying to inquire as to why she was so tense. He would probably understand pretty soon anyway so he didn't see any reason to press the issue.


"By the way, Shizuku."


Following Tatsuya, Miyuki also spoke in her usual tone. "Is Honoka not coming today?"


"Umm… Yes, well…"


Shizuku remained evasive, implying that she'd prefer it if they didn't ask.


Shizuku was at a loss for words. Miyuki, whose social etiquette was the highest of the three, knew better than to try and force an answer.




Amidst the silence, unexpectedly, the maid who had been staying silently behind Shizuku spoke up.


"Eh, ah, thank you."


It was a warning to not let the tea steam too much. Shizuku opened the lid of the pot, stirred the contents for a bit with her spoon, then pulled the lid over it again.


After that, she took the ceramic tea-strainer, lifted the pot, then evenly filled the three tea cups in front of her. The cup filled until the last drop went to Tatsuya, and the nearby cup was placed in front of Miyuki.




"Thank you."


Tatsuya voiced his gratitude while Miyuki silently bowed.


"It's delicious."


Miyuki was the first to voice her opinion, to which Tatsuya strongly nodded.


"Shizuku, you're not only skilled with green tea but with black tea as well."


"It's nothing much…"


Shizuku was slightly embarrassed and averted her gaze. "Miyuki, have you already tasted tea made by Shizuku?"


"Yes, Onii-sama. The green tea that Shizuku prepares is delicious, too."


"…Miyuki's was better."


With a curt expression, quite obviously to hide her embarrassment, she answered so as she brought her gaze to Miyuki.


"Miyuki, Onii-sama?"


"Eh? Ah…"


Miyuki didn't immediately understand what Shizuku wanted to say. She quickly understood that the question was ‘You're calling your older cousin Onii-sama?'.


However, this was a rather natural question. At school, Shizuku had witnessed Miyuki call Tatsuya ‘Onii-sama' countless times already.


"I have been addressing him that way since junior high school so… You can say that it has become a habit."


Still, Miyuki answered politely. Maybe it was because she felt slightly guilty that she went as far as to add an explanation.


Which invited another question. "Since junior high school?"


"Yes, umm, a lot happened."


Miyuki answered ambiguously. She had started to call Tatsuya ‘Onii- sama' following the events in the summer at Okinawa when she was in her first year of junior high school. Before that, her mother had forbidden them from acting like a brother and a sister.


Even though she had been a child who didn't know anything, the very memory of her selfish behavior towards her beloved brother caused her to feel uncontrollable disgust. Those were days of her life that she'd rather forget. Moreover, the exact events of this affair had to be kept secret from others.


An awkward silence invaded the place once more.


However, a well-timed knock from the door saved them from the atmosphere.


A maid, different from the one who helped with the preparations of the tea, opened the door.


"Ojou-sama, Danna-sama (Master) is here."


"Let him come in."


Without asking for Tatsuya and Miyuki's opinion, she answered right away.


It seemed that today's invitation had come from Shizuku's father, Tatsuya immediately thought.


"Forgive me for interrupting in the middle of your conversation."


Shizuku's father, Kitayama Ushio, stood next to Shizuku and greeted Tatsuya and Miyuki, who had already stood up as a sign of respect. Even though Ushio was wearing a buttoned-down shirt with a double-knitted jacket, it couldn't be said that it gave an untidy impression.


"We should be the ones saying that, forgive us for intruding."


If Ushio was indeed the one who had invited Tatsuya and Miyuki, then it would have been appropriate to thank him for it. However, Tatsuya kept acting as if it had been his daughter that had invited them. Keeping it that way would probably make for an easier interaction, Tatsuya thought.


For a mover-and-shaker of the economic world to employ such roundabout ways, Tatsuya couldn't help but wonder what exactly it was that he wanted. Tatsuya wasn't so much excited as cautious about the whole deal. They weren't mere high school students anymore. The top companies in the world might want to make an ally out of the Yotsuba, and even just making their enemies aware of such a relationship would be advantageous.


Tatsuya was once approached by Shizuku's mother. However, a mother's worry had prompted her to act that way in order to protect her daughter from a possibly undesirable person they knew nothing about, so she had questioned him. Tatsuya was under the impression Ushio wouldn't do the same.


"Not at all, I'm the one intruding on a gathering of young people, after all."


"There is nothing strange or impolite in what you did. On the other hand, we came here without extending a greeting to you. We are terribly sorry."


"Shizuku was the one who invited you, do not worry about such things. To begin with, there is no such need in this house. Incidentally, there happens to be something I'd like to talk with you about."


"If it's alright with you."


"That's a relief. Please, let's sit down and talk then."


After saying so, Ushio took the seat opposite Tatsuya's. A moment after, Tatsuya, Miyuki and Shizuku sat down.


"Well then, there is but one thing to talk about. That is, the negative campaign towards Magicians."


Although this subject had been well within what Tatsuya expected, the fact that Ushio got down to business immediately surprised him a little.


"Both my wife and daughter are Magicians. I can't help being concerned. With the current tendency of people to hate Magicians on sight, I'd like to know what the Ten Master Clans plan on doing."


"Even though I can't give too many details on the matter, it was only before New Year's Eve that I was officially recognized as a member of the Yotsuba. Also, Miyuki lived separated from the Main House. We're far from being in a position wherein we are aware of the Ten Master Clans' decisions.


Ushio nodded with a calm expression. There wasn't a trace of suspicion in his gaze as Tatsuya answered him.


"I see. I heard from my wife that the leaders of the Japanese Magic Community have different rules and customs."


Tatsuya lightly nodded to confirm Ushio's words. That was not to say that Ushio was done.


"Still, there's no way you haven't heard anything, right? Can you at least tell me if they actually plan on interfering?"


The only matters that Tatsuya was aware of were things related to his own mission. But it wasn't particularly stated that he wasn't allowed to talk about the contents of said mission.


"Even though it might be something that you are already aware of since it was made public, the Ten Master Clans are looking for the mastermind behind the terrorist attack. It has been decided that the culprit will be handed over to the police but I will join in the search as well."


"I see. The declaration made by the Japanese Magic Community will soon be carried out, then. Will measures be taken against this anti- Magician crusade?"


"I haven't heard anything in that regard."


"I see…"


Ushio let out a deep sigh after hearing Tatsuya's answer. A teacup was placed in front of him by a maid who had been on standby near him.


Ushio thanked the maid with a quick glance and quenched his thirst with the presented drink.


"Like I said previously, I cannot just shrug off this anti-Magic movement as if it was someone else's problem. If the Ten Master Clans need help, then I can cooperate to deal with the media."


With the backup of the Kitayama group, it's certain that they'd get considerable influence over the media. Even if the antagonistic trend couldn't be reversed instantly, weakening it would be possible.


Tatsuya deemed this a desirable offer. He knew how powerful public opinion truly was. Even the Yotsuba couldn't survive without the support of the Japanese community. In today's World, there was no room for an independent country where Magicians were in charge.


"Unfortunately, I am not in a position wherein I can speak or represent the will of the Ten Master Clans. Neither I nor Miyuki are allowed to represent the Yotsuba Family at the Master Clans Conference, either."


However, Tatsuya's answer was a neutral one.


"Moreover, I think that in the current situation, intervening on behalf of the Magicians with the media would be undesirable for Kitayama-san. Taking Shizuku-san into account, this only strengthens my opinion."


A sharp light emerged from Ushio's eyes. Until then, he had been wearing the face of a father, but right now, it was probably the face of one of the pillars of the business world.


"Now, I have to wonder why?"


"The anti-Magician movement is much like an anti-socialist movement. It would be no mistake to say that Magicians are currently an outlet for the dissatisfaction of society. Even under normal circumstances, Kitayama-san is already the target of jealousy and discontent due to your thriving business, so I think that we shouldn't give activists even more material to be agitated about. These people don't discriminate. Not only your wife and Shizuku-san, even you and possibly Wataru-kun could be exposed to their malice."


Ushio took the tea cup and brought it to his mouth.


It wasn't because he was thirsty, but because he wanted to evaluate Tatsuya's speech thoroughly.


"…Even though I think categorizing all the criticism towards Magicians as anarchism is dangerous, I understand that you are worried about the well-being of my children. Still, are you fine with this?"


"If Magicians… No, if students of First High ever become victims of malicious acts or crimes, then it is quite likely that I will ask for your help."


"…So you're saying that you have no intention to prevent the damage before it actually occurs?"


"It is impossible to follow the actions of every student outside of the school. We could encourage prudence, but anything beyond that would be difficult."


"That is certainly the case."


Ushio turned a fleeting glance of appraisal towards Tatsuya.


It however quickly disappeared behind a composed and smiling face.


"I understand your stance. I will exert caution as well. However, if the situation ever degrades, feel free to come and consult me anytime. I might sound persistent, but again, this isn't just someone else's problem for me."


"Understood. When that happens, I will be counting on you." While bowing his head in respect towards Tatsuya, Ushio stood up. "I'm done troubling you. Please, enjoy yourselves."


Leaving such parting words to Tatsuya and Miyuki who had stood up as well to bow, Ushio left the room.


◊ ◊ ◊


Tatsuya had refused Ushio's offer because it wasn't his duty to handle the media.


It wasn't like the Ten Master Clans thought that intervening in this matter was unnecessary, though. On the night of the day Tatsuya and Miyuki visited the Kitayama mansion, Kouichi invited Congressman Ueno to an expensive restaurant.


Congressman Ueno was a young politician of the government based in Tokyo who was known for being friendly towards Magicians. Not too long ago, it was said that he would ascend to the post of Minister.


However, with the recent anti-Magician trend, he had suffered quite the setback and was now in a tricky position. Still, it wasn't like he could just jump ship and change his camp, it was much too late for that. Due to this, he had to remain passive for the last few days.


After the garçon (waiter) brought Kouichi a cup of coffee, he then instructed him to not let anyone enter for a while and to close the door behind him.


"Did you enjoy the meal?"


"Yes, it was delicious."


"Glad to hear it. I will transmit your praise to the Chef."


"Don't trouble yourself with that, I will tell him myself. Recently, there has been quite a bit of eavesdropping and spying in Akasaka and Shinbashi, so I couldn't find the time to properly relax. This sort of establishment is quite useful."


Kouichi and Ueno were both roughly the same age. The conversation between them was always smooth and natural.


"Well then, Saegusa-san. Shall we talk about the real reason for my presence here?"


The one who ended the ceremonies to get down to business was Ueno. "If I had to venture a guess, I would say that it's about the media?"


"As expected of Ueno-sensei. You hit the nail on the head."


Kouichi nonchalantly flattered Ueno. However, Ueno only displayed a wry smile. With the current situation in mind, there wasn't really anything else Kouichi would want to talk to him about. He didn't feel awkward about it, but he was conscious of the fact that it had been something rather easy to guess. He didn't feel like the praise was warranted.


"This is a request from none other than Saegusa-san himself. I am ready to take some risks as well. Should we put some pressure on the media? Or should we try to turn the hate towards the terrorists by saying the Magicians are also victims in the affair?"


Ueno was broadly grinning. Even though as a politician he was still rather young, he had already acquired quite the knowledge and experience in the power struggle that he had to go through to enter the government.


"No, I don't plan on asking for something so unreasonable."


However, Kouichi was apparently against this strategy. If Kouichi had accepted Ueno's proposal, it'd have been a consequent debt, which Ueno might have planned on using in the future to be granted various services from the powerful Saegusa family.


Currently, out of all the Ten Master Clans leaders, it was no doubt Kouichi who possessed the most experience in negotiations. Seizing the initiative against someone like Kouichi was something Ueno simply wasn't good enough to do.


"What I'd like to ask of Ueno-sensei is to take extreme care that, if any Magician is ever harmed due to the actions of the anti-Magician group, such a crime wouldn't go unpunished."


Kouichi's request was a fairly small one compared to Ueno's proposal from before.


"Not forgiving a crime is par for the course but… Is this really all you want of me?"


Kouichi smiled and shook his head at Ueno's incredulity.


"A society where the natural matters are dealt with the way they should be is exactly what every citizen hopes for, Ueno-sensei. For instance, if students of First High were injured by activists of the anti-Magician group, even if the victim would be the Magicians, an excuse such as "self-defense" could be used to make them the culprits instead."


"No, surely these kind of things…"


"Are you sure?"


Ueno felt like he had been caught in an illusion, seeing Kouichi's artificial eye letting out a suspicious light even through his sunglasses. It seems he had been caught up in the atmosphere.


"Since there was a possibility of being threatened if I decided to use Magic, in order to protect myself, I resorted to violence. …Can you really say that neither the media nor the usual anti-Magic community would support such a reason?"


Seeing Kouichi's discreet smile, Ueno couldn't help but swallow his breath.


"If they start out with threats and harassment, and Magicians react even the slightest in return, the anti-Magicians could resort to violence and defend themselves with that kind of self-serving claim. And with the media and politicians backing them, it would only increase their sense of superiority. Can you honestly tell me that won't happen?"


"This is…"


"Spreading false information and revealing illegal acts that a group has done, then threatening them and inciting violence towards them… It's not an unusual way to crush an opponent party and their reputation. However, we can't allow Magicians to be on the receiving end of such a farce. I fear that this country may end up in a deplorable situation, one where Magicians are all but ignored if they complain about injury, damage, or the like.


"Saegusa-san, don't tell me you…"


Ueno's voice trembled. He wasn't afraid about the situation Kouichi described possibly becoming a reality. Rather…


"Are you thinking about sacrificing students of Magic High Schools and Universities to reverse the public opinion…?"


The faint smile of Kouichi disappeared, he looked at Ueno.


"If nothing happens, then there will be nothing to worry about. But it is still impossible to halt unjustified acts against Magicians before they occur."


Locking eyes with Ueno, Kouichi's smile deepened.


"Even if the police decided to keep a close watch, it's not like they would be really able to interfere until a real problem popped up. Therefore, if such a thing happens, it must be dealt with quickly and fairly, as all affairs should be, even if the victims were to be Magicians. Ueno-sensei, I will count on your cooperation."




Returning an answer that had a lot of trouble coming out, Kouichi looked at Ueno with a suspicious smile once more.


◊ ◊ ◊


Monday, February 11th. As usual, Tatsuya was headed to school accompanied by Miyuki and Minami. While he was going to his classroom, he felt a strange atmosphere on the school grounds.


On the day following Gu Jie's declaration about the recent terrorist acts being his doing, the atmosphere had been quite tense. However, it wasn't exactly the same this time. Although anxiety was definitely part of the mix, you could feel that curiosity was the prevalent sentiment. If you were to strictly compare the general mood, it was pretty similar to when Lina had come to study here.


The classroom of Class 2-E was no exception. "Good morning."


"Good morning, Mizuki. It seems like everyone is restless, did something happen?"


While returning her greeting, Tatsuya asked Mizuki if she had any information about this phenomenon.


"I, too, can't say for sure but… It appears that Ichijou-san from Third High has come to our school."




Even though he did not rise his voice too loud, it was a fact that even Tatsuya couldn't help but be surprised.


Had Masaki just come to Tokyo, then it wouldn't have been that surprising. Tatsuya had heard from Maya that he was participating in the terrorist search under Katsuto's guidance. That is why him leaving school for a while and staying here was in the range of predictable events.


Still, there should have been no need for him to come to First High. After all, Hachioji, where First High was situated, was quite a distance away from Tokyo where the residence of the Juumonji family was located. The Magic University where Katsuto was currently studying at was at Nerima, which was also pretty far away. It was difficult to think of his visit to First High as incidental.


It couldn't be that he is going to transfer to First High…?


"From whom did you hear this story, Mizuki?"


"From me."


The answer came from behind Tatsuya. She didn't come from her usual place near the window, but from the entrance of the classroom of Class- E and stood behind him.


"Good morning Erika. So, have you seen Ichijou?" Tatsuya asked so, turning around.


"Although, it's not like I saw him with my own eyes or anything."


Erika gave up trying to surprise Tatsuya, and answered his inquiry with a bored face.


"Ichijou-kun was taken by the Vice-Principal to the Principal's office, or so people say. I asked around to see if this wasn't just a joke, but apparently pretty much everyone has the same version of the story, so there's probably no mistake."


Erika had a lot more acquaintances than Tatsuya. If you were talking strictly about how many people knew them, then Tatsuya came out on top. However, in terms of having a social life in First High, Erika was leaps and bounds ahead.


This was information gathered by Erika from her asking around. So it's true that Masaki came to First High then, Tatsuya thought.


"The Principal's office, then…?"


The story about the Vice-Principal taking him to the Principal's office was also probably true. Tatsuya thought about the possibility of it being for ‘That' scenario that he had imagined.


Miyuki wasn't a person who enjoyed themselves in speculating about other's affairs in the way Tatsuya did.


"Everyone, as you probably all already know, Ichijou-kun from Third High will be staying at a house in Tokyo for about a month…"


It was not simply a guidance teacher from Class-A that was now talking, but the Vice-Principal Yaosaka himself, and right next to him was Ichijou Masaki.


The fact that Masaki was present was already quite the shock, but associating this with the fact that it was the Vice-Principal himself who was doing the explanation, it managed to overload the students to the point his words took a while to actually register.


Even though no one dared to whisper to each other while the Vice- Principal was there, a restless atmosphere permeated the classroom. This mood was even further strengthened when Yaosaka pronounced the words ‘Business related to his family'. There wasn't a single student in Class-A that didn't understand the meaning of those words. House, in other words, Ichijou Family's business. The students knew that, without a doubt, this was related to the other day's terrorism events.


However, there was a distinct difference in enthusiasm between the gazes that the boys threw at him and the gazes of the girls.


"Vice-Principal. Does that mean that Ichijou-san will transfer from Third High to our class?"


One of the schoolgirls raised her hand, her question mixing curiosity and hope.


This was something Yaosaka had already explained, but he persevered and repeated once more.

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"There will be no transfer. As you probably understand from his uniform, Ichijou will remain in Third High's registry. However, since he will not be able to follow his course from here, for a time, using the network of Magic High Schools and Universities, he will follow Third High's curriculum using this class' terminals."


Asecond-year student from Class-A unfortunately dropped out two months ago. That person's desk had stayed empty.


"Even though practice sessions will be separated, he will study with everyone. No doubt it will become a good stimulus for everyone present,


Ichijou-kun included. I hope you will all get along and have friendly competition. Well then, Ichijou-kun…"


Urged on by Yaosaka, Masaki took a half step forward.


"My name is Ichijou Masaki, from Third High. This chance of studying together was due to the kindness of everyone from First High. It will only be for a short period of a single month but I look forward to cooperating with you."


At the same time Masaki bowed, a warm applause erupted in the classroom. Since Class 2-A already had experience with this sort of event with Lina's temporary visit last year, they were the class that was the most accustomed to the whole experience.


This fact weighed in Principal Momoyama's decision to put Masaki in Class-A.


It was absolutely not due to consideration for the recent proposal of the Ichijou Family to the Yotsuba Family.


——However, Miyuki couldn't help but view this in a dubious light.


While she openly clapped with the others and maintained her smile, she internally sighed.


◊ ◊ ◊


During that day's lunch period, Masaki didn't sit at the same table as Miyuki. He gave precedence to deepening his friendship with the males of his own class, Class-A, and was currently in Morisaki's group.


Watching from her seat in the distance, Erika muttered ‘surprising'.


"I thought he'd try to stick to Miyuki for sure…"


"If he did that, he'd probably be hated by both the guys and girls of his class."


Smiling wryly at Erika's blunt opinion, Mikihiko objected.


"Since Lina was a girl there wasn't really anything strange about her and Miyuki being together but Ichijou-san is a man so…"


Smiling as well, Honoka aligned with Mikihiko's opinion.


"Yeah I guess. Having your ass chased around by hordes of girls on your first day really gives you the image of prince right?"


"Erika-chan, that word…"


Though Mizuki slightly reproved Erika's ungraceful comment, consent was also mixed in.


Erika turned towards Mizuki with a mischievous smile on her face.


"Was there something strange in what I said?"


"Ass is a bit…"


"So ass is no good then. How about butt?"




"What kind of person was Lina?"


While Erika and Mizuki had started to play around —— or more accurately, Erika had started to one-sidedly tease Mizuki —— Shizuku asked Honoka a question.


"Now that I think about it, we didn't really talk about Lina to Shizuku much."


Lina had moved to First High under the guise of a student exchange program, and that exchange partner had been, of course, Shizuku. Since they hadn't even met while moving to each other's countries, Shizuku basically knew nothing of Lina.


"I heard that she was a blond-haired beauty.


"That's true. Golden hair and blue azure eyes, such bright colors. She was really cute."


"More than Miyuki?"


"Eh? No way."


Honoka had instinctively answered, so she was stealing glances at Miyuki who was smiling with a troubled face.


"Umm, maybe their types were different? I mean, Miyuki is in the "beautiful" category."


Seeing Miyuki becoming more and more perplexed, Shizuku actively nodded to Honoka's words. As expected of best friends, this pattern in their behavior suited them well.


"However, if I had to put Lina in a category, it'd be "lovely". Her face was like that of an expensive doll's, but at the same time she was… friendly, easy to talk to… cheerful, bright, and definitely lively."


"I think those words are basically the same."


"Ugh… A-anyway, she gave off what you'd call an American vibe."


"That is rather rude to Americans in general…"


"Overall I guess she would be a good match for Miyuki!" Honoka dodged Shizuku's heated argument,


"Her Magical power was also amazing. She was a good match for Miyuki in that aspect as well!"


Such was her conclusion.


"Equal to Miyuki? That's impressive."


Shizuku was genuinely interested about that part, so that sentence of hers wasn't meant to tease.


"Considering she had been sent, in a sense, as a representative of the USNA, it was to be expected."


Hearing Tatsuya, Leo and Erika couldn't help but put on a grin. Both of them, however, firmly understood that Lina's identity was to be kept a secret. They wouldn't do something as stupid as mouthing off in a place where someone might hear them.


Not knowing about Lina's identity, Shizuku tilted her head in wonder at seeing Erika and the others' smiling faces.


"Putting aside her Magical prowess, she was quite an entertaining person. Shizuku would've certainly liked her too. ——She was pretty vulnerable to heated arguments."


Before the conversation could shift in an unwanted direction, Tatsuya gave a casual remark.


"Tatsuya-san. I'm not the high-king of tsukkomi."


"Onii-sama… I think this is rather rude to both Shizuku and Lina."


Receiving successive objections from Shizuku and Miyuki, Tatsuya apologized with a "My bad" while smiling.


"Still, to think Ichijou-kun would come to First High, I never imagined this even in my dreams. Was a clear reason given for his transfer?"


Thinking that the subject of Lina had run its course, Mikihiko asked the three people from Class-A about something that had been on his mind since this morning. ——The reason he used an overly polite tone was because, of course, those three students included Miyuki.


"He's not transferring, though."


"Due to matters concerning his family, he's going to stay in Tokyo for a while. It looks like he is going to follow Third High's theory course online using our terminals. That's why he's not wearing First High's uniform, but the uniform from Third High."


"By family business, does that mean the Ichijou Family?"


Hearing Honoka's explanation, Mikihiko turned a frowning gaze towards Tatsuya.


"With the recent events in mind, he might be here for something relevant to the terrorist attacks… Tatsuya, do you know something?"


Receiving a direct question, Tatsuya did not lie nor did he use his right to stay silent.


"Do you know about the recent declaration made by the Magic Community?"


"Umm, you mean the one about searching for the terrorist mastermind?"


"Ichijou came to Tokyo for that reason. And while I'm at it, I'm going to add that Saegusa-senpai, Juumonji-senpai and myself will join the search."


This was, in part, to show the World that the Ten Master Clans wouldn't sit by and forgive acts of terrorism. It was one of the things declared to the media by the Magic Community. Since Tatsuya understood that much, there was no real reason to keep it a secret.


"I see… say, Tatsuya."


"What is it?"


"Umm, can I help?"


Mikihiko's reaction, however, was fairly unexpected for Tatsuya.


It was more of a retaliation for the terrorist act against the Ten Master Clans —— They weren't exactly looking for Gu Jie. Moreover, homicide, casualties and the like, these were normally jobs for the police. Even if they were the Ten Master Clans, there is such a thing as overstepping their authority.


The Ten Master Clans were cooperating with the police to change the current opinion on Magicians. If they borrowed the help of someone outside of the Ten Master Clans, it wouldn't have nearly the same impact.


"I'd rather have you take care of the anti-Magician group's actions."


Tatsuya oriented Mikihiko's concern in another direction. It wasn't just for the sake of changing the subject or anything, it was a problem that needed attention as well.


"The anti-Magician group?"


"Weren't you the one who talked about students being observed and also being victims of abusive language?"


"Ah, yeah. You're talking about that."


It was Monday, during the second week of this term, he was talking about the content of a report made by the disciplinary committee.


"…It was a brief conversation, but you remembered it well, huh?"


"I was actually just thinking that you may have forgotten about it."


Hearing those unexpected harsh words from Tatsuya, Mikihiko blinked several times.


"This happened before the terrorist attacks. Right now, the public opinion of Magicians is in a critical situation, and to begin with, Humanists don't exactly think highly of us. So coupled with the recent happenings, there is a possibility that direct violence might be employed against the students."


Tatsuya's way of concluding matters was to strengthen Mikihiko's sense of the incoming crisis. When Tatsuya thought that Mikihiko was quietly pondering, he had in fact taken out his terminal to check some data.


"There is no report of assault yet… Still, it's true that the number of harassment cases happening outside of the school has clearly increased…"


The data Mikihiko was currently poring over was a damage report that the disciplinary committee had gathered.


"I'm sorry, Tatsuya. Looks like I really screwed up. Until now, I was only paying attention to the school's interior."


Even though Mikihiko was blaming himself, one couldn't help but sympathize with him. Ever since the terrorist's (Gu Jie) declaration on Wednesday of last week, the students were fairly agitated, anxious even. Quarrels would erupt within the school grounds at the drop of a hat. Despite the fact that those were rare occurrences, there were cases where it even developed into scuffles between students. As a member of the disciplinary committee, Mikihiko's priority was, of course, the troubles that happened within the school.


"Would you mind sharing this data with the Student Council? Until last week we had been counting the number of incidents, so I'd like to compare with yours."


Despite saying that, since the voices of concern came from the students themselves, he had to report to the staff room at the very least. What Tatsuya meant was that he wanted to write a report on the consultations made to the disciplinary committee rather than the Student Council.


"Understood. I will do my best so that Tatsuya can concentrate on his duty."


"He's counting on you, disciplinary committee chairman!"


Erika cheered on a Mikihiko who was nodding with motivation. Even though her tone had been half-joking, Mikihiko understood that she was genuinely encouraging him.


◊ ◊ ◊


After the class ended, Tatsuya decided to visit Class 2-A's room. "Onii-sama, did you come to get me?"


Miyuki, who perceived his approach, went out to meet Tatsuya in the hallway. For Tatsuya, who should've been going towards the student council's room, it was unusual for him to come and get Miyuki.


"Yeah. I also have a few things to talk about with Ichijou." However, Tatsuya's answer disappointed Miyuki slightly. "Ichijou-san? Understood. I will call him."


Still, she didn't show her disappointment. Miyuki showed a smile and went back to her classroom.


Her smile gave Tatsuya a sense of discomfort.


It wasn't the first time this had happened. He saw that smile a few times already this year, it was a different smile from before. This sensation reminded Tatsuya of the Yotsuba Family's ‘New Year's Meeting'.


That event caused an undesirable change in Miyuki. Tatsuya's intuition told him not to ignore this matter as it might cause unwanted trouble.


However, he wasn't allowed to ponder on the issue right now. "Shiba-san, thank you very much… Shiba, what do you want?" Right now, he had to give priority to Masaki.


"Ichijou, are you aware that Juumonji-senpai is planning a meeting to talk about our mission?"


Tatsuya didn't need to explain in detail what this mission was about. As members of the Ten Master Clans, both of them knew that they had been ordered to search for the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks.


"No, this is the first I have heard of it but…"


However, since Masaki had just come to Tokyo, he did not know about it.


"Well, even if I say a meeting, it will be more like an exchange of currently known information between Juumonji-senpai, Saegusa-senpai and myself. You should come along as well."


"I see…"


Masaki pondered over Tatsuya's invitation. It didn't take him that long to come up with an answer, just less than 10 seconds.


"If it's alright with you, allow me to participate."


Masaki fully understood that for this kind of investigation, communication and sharing information was important. What he was worried about was that if he, as a student of Third High, were to join a meeting composed exclusively of First High students, the mood might be awkward. Though after realizing it wasn't the time to have such petty thoughts, he immediately came to a conclusion.


"I see. Today's meeting will be at 1800 Hours. I will send you the map, so please take out your terminal."




With a slight feeling of surprise, Masaki took out his own personal digital assistant from his pocket. With this conversation flow, he had expected a "Then, let's go together" due to him being a Third High student. To be honest, Masaki wasn't thrilled with the prospect of walking together with his rival in love, so if he had been asked to follow him around, the offer would've been declined. He sort of lost his momentum at this anticlimactic result, since Tatsuya proposed a totally different course of action.


Masaki was also remembered that this wasn't Third High, and a slight feeling of loneliness invaded him.


"Did you receive all the data?"


Masaki's change of expression didn't escape Tatsuya's eyes. However, Tatsuya had no interest in what Masaki thought or felt. He asked in a business-like manner if he had received all the information needed.


"…No problem."


"Then, see you there at 1800 Hours."


After Masaki had nodded to his parting words, Tatsuya turned his attention to Miyuki.


"Miyuki, let's go?"


Even though Tatsuya was exempt from student council activities due to the search mission he was given, he thought that since he had come all the way to the classroom of Class-A, he could accompany Miyuki there.




After Miyuki nodded to Tatsuya with a smile on her face, she turned to Masaki to say goodbye.


"Then, Ichijou-san, we will be going."


"Do your best for the student council activities." Masaki answered so with a meek face.


After seeing Masaki off, Tatsuya and Miyuki headed towards the Student Council room.


Even though Tatsuya had his back turned, he could feel his gaze. There was no ignoring Masaki's subdued acrimony this time.


◊ ◊ ◊


At precisely 1800 Hours, Tatsuya went into the restaurant that Katsuto was waiting in. He left at 1900 Hours.


There was no progress to be reported today by any of them, either. They had shared information about the affair in Kamakura during the day. Of course, they only shared information they could freely talk about. That was why tonight's meeting ended after an explanation of the current investigation led by Masaki. Therefore, it was over in a time that was neither too short nor too long.


Afterwards, Katsuto, Mayumi and Masaki ate dinner together, but Tatsuya declined and went home. Of course he had also been invited, but they didn't insist after he had refused. Katsuto and Mayumi seemed to have considered Tatsuya and Masaki's antagonism due to Miyuki.


In the train that was bringing him back home, Tatsuya thought about Miyuki. She had forced a smile for a long period of time when he had come to get her after school at her classroom.


It was not like today was the first time he had noticed this. After they came back from the Yotsuba meeting of the New Year, it happened quite a few times, and it caused Tatsuya to feel anxious every time. However, since it looked like Miyuki didn't want Tatsuya to notice, he hadn't asked her about it until now.


However, after seeing her today, he couldn't stop thinking that way anymore. It was pretty easy to understand that she was forcing herself. Before solving the worry he had been having, Tatsuya thought it was necessary to talk to her.


While he went from his cabin to the commuter that would take him home, Tatsuya thought about how he should bring up the subject into their discussion.


Bluntly asking would be a bad move. Forcibly making Miyuki talk might hurt her as he wasn't aware of the nature nor the gravity of her worry. Leading her to it with other questions might be the same as forcing her in the end. It's not like she was a prisoner whose information needed to be extracted, and the purpose wasn't to learn about her worry.


Tatsuya stood before his own house, not having decided anything. Stepping forward, his hand that was extending towards the door knob was slightly slower than usual.


"Welcome home, Onii-sama. ——Did something happen? Are you feeling ill!?"


Usually, he would have already opened the door, but seeing him being slower than usual, Miyuki's face was drained of color.


"No, I was just thinking about something. I'm back, Miyuki."


‘What are you doing, worrying Miyuki that way…' thought Tatsuya.


It wasn't like he had his momentum taken away, but he still hadn't confronted Miyuki about it even as they finished dinner. It was already getting quite late.


After finishing his meal, Tatsuya declined a tea-time offer and went to take a bath. Feeling refreshed, he decided to try to talk to Miyuki once more.


When Tatsuya came back to the living room, he was met by a Miyuki who had put on a knee-length classic one-piece dress with frills. She had already removed the white apron that she had on a while ago.


"Onii-sama, I will make coffee immediately, please wait for a moment."


Even faster than Tatsuya could open his mouth, Miyuki quickly said so and left her seat.


Could it be that she is avoiding him? Tatsuya quickly denied this possibility.


He doesn't think that she is avoiding him.


Miyuki had seen through what he wanted to ask her, and didn't like it. That is what Tatsuya thought.


However, it was undeniable that the fact that this caused Tatsuya anxiety was something Miyuki was conscious about. As opposed to Tatsuya who only knew about a vague restlessness of hers, Miyuki perfectly understood the reason for his.


What on Earth could Miyuki be worried about…


"Sorry to have kept you waiting."


While Tatsuya was still throwing conjectures around, Miyuki entered the living room with a coffee tray. He was pulled out of his deep thinking by Miyuki, and he instinctively raised his face and looked at his watch.


Putting the coffee cups and the saucers on the table, Miyuki anxiously peered into Tatsuya's face.


"Umm, Onii-sama… Are you really feeling alright? Are you sure that you aren't tired? You seemed fairly distracted tonight."


Tatsuya wanted to click his tongue for his blunder. He had made Miyuki worry once more. This wasn't the time to be lost in thought, he said to himself.


"Miyuki, won't you sit for a moment?"




However, this was his chance. In this situation, although he thought it was slightly unfair, Miyuki wouldn't be able to run away or change the subject.


"What I'm worrying about Miyuki, is you."


If this had been last year, that sentence would've brought Miyuki immense joy.


However, as she was now, her eyes swam all over the place trying to avoid Tatsuya's gaze.


"What are you so worried about?"


Miyuki refused to look at him directly. Still, not stopping at that, Tatsuya went all in.


"I don't… such a thing."


Miyuki's answer had absolutely no persuasive power whatsoever. Understanding this fact herself, she wasn't only looking away, but was averting her whole face.


"Miyuki. Won't you tell me?"


Miyuki looked at him from the side, blinking restlessly. Her eyes were still not focused on anything. For her, keeping a secret from Tatsuya was probably impossible.


If Tatsuya had looked at her for 10 more seconds, Miyuki probably would have given in and shared her worries. However fate is whimsical, and this time, it was on her side. ——One could see it as bad luck that she was deprived of her chance to alleviate her concerns.


Miyuki stood up panicking when the sound of the video phone rang out. Even though there was a wireless console under the table, Miyuki jumped with vigor and went towards the panel on the wall.


Miyuki raised a voice of surprise when she saw the displayed name of the one calling.


"Onii-sama, it's a call from Oba-sama!"


"Put her on."


As he answered, Tatsuya had already moved in front of the screen's camera.


Miyuki pressed the answer button of the panel.


On the video phone's screen, Maya's face appeared.


"Good evening, Tatsuya-san. I was worried you may have been in the middle of something."


Although it wasn't easy to understand what she meant since they were facing each other, Maya's gaze was turned towards the table where the coffee cups were.


"No, it's alright. Oba-ue, what business brings you here today?"


For someone like Tatsuya, such an answer lacked composure. However, Maya did not comment on it.


"Last Saturday, Gu Jie managed to run away. Since we understood how, I thought I would let you know."


Hearing this, Tatsuya thought "Is this something that the Head of the Yotsuba Family should say?". However, this thought was premature.


"It seems like our communications have been intercepted."

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"…Strong codes are supposed to protect the communications between members of the Yotsuba Family."


"We use a code changing every hour like the national defense but apparently this measure has been defeated."


As Maya said, the encryption key used by the members of the Yotsuba changed every hour.


That was why Tatsuya went to the Magic Association every month to meet an envoy who would hand over codes for the following 60 days (The extra amount being there as a reserve). Even the encoding machine that Ayako gave to Balance contained 43,200 codes, and to prevent an eventual theft of the codes from the machine, security of the highest order had been included.


To think that all of those security measures have been for naught was hard to believe.


"Then, should I think of this very call as one that might be intercepted as well?"


However, no matter how hard a thing it was to believe, Tatsuya didn't really have any reason to doubt it, thus, he accepted it as the truth.


"Indeed. That is why the next time we find a clue, we will transmit it to you by letter."




Even if she said that she would send a letter, there was no way she'd entrust it to the regular mail services, thought Tatsuya.


And one more thing. Since she contacted them tonight, it means that a new clue had been found today, Tatsuya understood that she planned on transmitting this information tomorrow.


"That is all I wanted to say about this matter… Oh that's right, Tatsuya- san. Did things go well with Juumonji-dono and the Saegusa Family's daughter? The Ichijou Family's son also joined from what I heard."


"If you're talking about the meeting, everything went well."


What is this about suddenly, thought Tatsuya, but he answered without giving much of a thought.


"Is that so? Please do your best. However, getting along too well is a no- go."


Tatsuya looked at Maya with a quizzical expression.


Was his expression that strange? A smile appeared on Maya's face.


"My, my, didn't you notice? It wasn't Juumonji-dono who made the Saegusa Family's daughter participate, but the Saegusa Family itself. Using the meetings as a pretext to make you and her have something like a date."


What are you saying in front of Miyuki. A vivid panic awoke in his heart, however, it wasn't shown on his face.


"So they had such an intention. I will be careful."


Showing his displeasure with a frown, he returned such an answer.


"Yes, do so. Then I bid you farewell. I wish you a good night as well, Miyuki-san."


"Thank you very much."


"Have a good night, Oba-sama."


The call ended. In front of the now pitch-black screen, Tatsuya turned towards Miyuki.


As he expected, Miyuki was pretty angry. However, it didn't show on her face.


A strong malaise invaded Tatsuya. And yet, he felt like he knew the cause.


Tatsuya didn't feel any joy at being envied. He never wanted Miyuki to sulk or blame him, not even once. At the same time, he never thought of Miyuki being jealous as a bother or troublesome, either.


Tatsuya thought that there was no reason for Miyuki to restrain herself in any way. However, this could also be seen as his younger sister growing up, or even a proof of her growth; that was one way of looking at it.


There were also people who say that a woman's envy represents the depths of her love.


Still, one cannot say that envy is a virtue. While his intuition told him that this change in Miyuki was undesirable, his common sense judged that it might be a suitable change for a lady.


You can be open about your jealousy like before, was something that Tatsuya couldn't tell her.


◊ ◊ ◊


The next day, February 12th, it had started to snow.


Due to the thick clouds that were covering the sky, it was still dark outside despite the fact that it should have been sunrise soon.


Coming down from Yakumo's temple, Tatsuya was running down the street at a speed nearing 60 kilometers per hour.


With his speed and the current weather, it was pretty difficult to identify the people he was passing by. Even so, anybody would've been able to recognize that woman, especially Tatsuya.


She had quite a peculiar appearance.


To be precise, Tatsuya couldn't have recognized her face. Her casquette (cap) that dropped to her eyes, large sunglasses, and muffler that covered her face all kept her face hidden.


Even though he was running on a downhill slope, Tatsuya managed to stop two steps in front of her.


"Good morning, Yoshimi-san."


Yoshimi made a quick bow in response to Tatsuya's greeting.


She took a portrait envelope out of her coat and presented it to Tatsuya.


Maya's messenger was Yoshimi. "I have accepted it."


Tatsuya said so after receiving the letter, and upon hearing this, Yoshimi's face moved up and down ever so slightly. Tatsuya wasn't even sure if she was actually looking at him behind her sunglasses.


Failing to perceive her expression, Tatsuya looked at Yoshimi's face once more. And, he felt that it was really unnatural. Trying to hide her face in plain view, if he had been the one observing, no doubt he'd have thought her to be suspicious.


Since it was roughly in the middle of winter, it wasn't that strange to have a muffler up to her nose.


The casquette might also be acceptable in the world of fashion, The combination of those two wasn't anything out of the ordinary. No doubt, the problem came from——


"Yoshimi-san, I think that this appearance has the opposite effect, it makes you stand out quite a bit. Shouldn't you remove the sunglasses?"


Despite knowing that it was uninvited interference, Tatsuya offered some advice.


Twice, Yoshimi shook her head left and right.


After coming back home and taking a shower, Tatsuya decided to open the letter he received from Yoshimi before having lunch.


"…Onii-sama, the preparations for the meal are complete."


Miyuki came from the dining hall to call Tatsuya. She immediately realized what the letter he had in his hand was about.


"Is this what Oba-sama talked about yesterday…?"




Tatsuya nodded while standing up, he then handed the letter he had just finished reading to Miyuki.


Miyuki took the letter with a bit of hesitation, and opened her eyes wide as she read what it contained. The look on her face was filled with surprise.


This letter suggested that there was a possibility that Gu Jie's escape was made possible due to the cooperation of soldiers of the Defense Forces.


"It seems like no organization is unrelated to shady things. The Defense Forces are no exception. Though, I'd like to think that only a part of it is rotten."


Tatsuya took the letter from Miyuki's hands and put it back into the envelope he held.


"That being said, we shouldn't dwell on our past mistakes, especially when our target is willing to harm us to gets what they want. We have no reason to show restraint."




Miyuki looked up at Tatsuya's face with an anxious expression.


Tatsuya smiled while lightly patting his sister's head then headed towards the dining room.


◊ ◊ ◊


Class 2-A's lesson at 1 o'clock was practice. Today's subject was ‘The definition of Magic's ending conditions'.


There was no Magic that lasted forever. There was a limit to the effective time of every Magic. But at the same time, with Magic that didn't have clear time limits, there was no way to precisely understand how long the effects would last.


It is impossible for a Magic Sequence to interfere with another. Unless we're talking about unusual Magic like Spell Dismantling (Gram Demolition) and Spell Dissolution (Gram Dispersion), interrupting the casting of a spell is impossible. Only overwriting the phenomenon alteration with more power is possible.


Thus, for a Magic to overwrite another, an interference strength greater than that of the Magic you want to overwrite is required. That stays true even if your objective was to "return an event modified by Magic to its original state". In the case of a Magic with uncertain ending conditions, the load on the Magician would increase even further. That is why the definition of ending conditions for Magic is an extremely important factor in a Magician's ability evaluation.


Generally, there were two ways of defining such a thing. One was to include the magic's effective time (start to finish) directly into the Magic Sequence. This method had been put to great use in Taurus Silver's flying devices.


Another was to define the conditions of the Magic's success. Until the objective of event modification is achieved, the activation continues. Hence, it is a method to put an end to the effectiveness of the Magic Sequence itself. This method tends to be used a lot in practice.


Today's class was about practicing Magic spells with variable durations of effectiveness. The training method used was for a student to change the color of a plastic ball from white to red, then to green, then to blue, and 10 sets of 3 color changes were to be performed in 30 seconds. Although the time and frequency could vary, the average of 1 second per color remained.


If the change was done too late, then the time limit would be exceeded. On the other hand, if it was executed too soon, the interference strength required to overwrite the previous Magic Sequence would increase. If this mistake was to be repeated multiple times then performing the Magic would progressively become harder, putting a lot of stress on the student.


Today was merely a practice session, not an evaluation, so the students had to group up and alternate in using Magic. The one not performing the Magician's role had to perform the role of a timekeeper. In other words, while one of them executed Magic, the other kept track of the various timing aspects that this practice required; the timekeeper had to focus on the numerical stopwatch on his terminal, or at least that was how the previous training session went.


The problem was that the number of students from Class-A during the previous session was odd. The option of forming groups of three people was abandoned and in the end, a single person had to practice on their own. As luck would have it, that person had been Miyuki.


Actually, everyone in the class had wanted to raise their hands and pair up with Miyuki. The problem was that everyone else had already picked their partner, and now wanted to switch. It wasn't like nobody wanted to group up with her.


Since yesterday had been the day of lessons and experiments, such a problem hadn't popped up. Much like last week, the situation today shouldn't have happened. ——If it hadn't been for the fact that Masaki had just ‘moved in'.


"Shiba-san, would you pair up with me?"


After Masaki had been told the goal of this practice session by the teacher, he had gone towards Miyuki. He proposed pairing up to the lone student.


Noise flittered across the practice room. Words of regret and some curses escaped the lips of various boys in the classroom. It was limited to a mere "Damn, too late!".


"Yes, with pleasure. I look forward to working with you, Ichijou-san."


Even Miyuki might have found it unpleasant to practice alone. Hearing Masaki's request, she nodded with a radiant smile.


When Masaki heard the explanation for the exercise, he muttered "Isn't that easy?".


These days, the second year students of Third High were practicing the use of Magic on a target behind a wall. That being said, the real purpose of this was to be able to cast Magic on an invisible opponent, or one taking cover behind an object.


Compared to the combat application oriented practices of Third High, Masaki couldn't help but think of First High's practices as a way of competing in cleverness.


And after watching Miyuki performing the task, this impression only strengthened. Miyuki perfectly changed the color of the ball in 10 sets within the allotted time of 30 seconds. What Masaki felt admiration for was the more bright and vivid colors of the ball than her perfect timing. This plainly showed the level of her interference strength.


"30 seconds exactly. As expected of Shiba-san."


"Thank you very much. Ichijou-san, you can start whenever you want."


With social etiquette in mind, Masaki had praised Miyuki's talent, and being urged on by such a lovely girl afterwards, he was now brimming with enthusiasm.


All unneeded feelings disappeared in an instant, and Masaki was now focused on his target like in a real combat situation.


"How about the count? Do you want the notice set at 10 seconds?"


Hearing Miyuki's proposition, Masaki was about to say "There's no need", but reconsidered.


"…Alright then, please set the countdown for the last 10 seconds."


Thinking that just for him, Miyuki would do the countdown had its charm for Masaki.




It seemed like his cheeks were about to loosen when he heard Miyuki's crystalline voice.


"I entrust the signal to you."


Masaki once more focused on his Magic. His mindset had already switched to a war-like state.


"In that case, 3… 2… 1… Start!"


While Masaki was setting the time-based ending conditions in his head, he executed his Magic in succession.


Red - - Green - - Blue.


Red - - Green - - Blue.


The lively colors he created were in no way inferior to Miyuki's.


Masaki felt satisfaction at the fact his Magical power wasn't losing to Miyuki's.


Red - - Green - - Blue.


Red - - Green - - - Blue.


Maybe caused by his idle thinking, his rhythm started to fall apart. To correct his mistake, he tried to adjust the timings.


Red - Green - - Blue.


According to his own time perception, the discrepancy had been dealt with.


Red - - Green - Blue.


Now, however, the problem lied in the fact that due to his adjustments, he was too far ahead.


Red - - - Green - - - Blue.


Masaki waited more than 1 second in order to slow down his sets. Red - - Green - - Blue.


He then managed to get back to the regular interval. He decided to make the final adjustments during the countdown.


"10… 9… 8…"


Miyuki's countdown started.


His error margin was less than a second's time.


Masaki opted for correcting the error on the final sequence.


"3… 2…"


Red - Green, "1…"




The plastic ball went back to its original white color. "It's over."


Slightly late, Miyuki reported the end of the time limit.


"Remaining: 0 - 7 seconds. It's very hard to imagine that this is your first time Ichijou-san."


Miyuki turned a smiling face towards Masaki.


Masaki hid the cramp that was forming on his face and returned a smile.


The passing line for this exercise was for the last color change to be within a single second of the timer's end. The reason he managed to clear the exercise was thanks to the countdown. When thinking that Miyuki managed to perfectly time hers without Masaki's assistance, he really couldn't feel pleased at all.


"Just 30 seconds. Not bad, Honoka."


"Eh-he-he, this is my area of predilection after all."


Hearing the nearby voice, Masaki received an even stronger shock.


Using the remaining time for the session, Masaki finally managed to achieve the clearing conditions on his own.


◊ ◊ ◊


After the morning classes ended. "Ichijou-san."


Masaki had finally managed to recover from the shock he had received from having to actually put effort in the practice session from before. He was called by a girl from the side.


Masaki turned his face towards the voice. He was like any other Magician and possessed a good memory. He could remember Honoka's name almost without any lag.


"Umm, Mitsui-san was it?"


The fact that he remembered her name was not due to her previously introducing herself nor hearing her name from someone else. He remembered her as the victor of this year's Nine Schools Competition in the Mirage Bat category.


"Yes, my name is Mitsui Honoka."


Honoka nodded with a pleased face. She didn't have any interest in Masaki, but knowing each other's names would make their interactions smoother. Honoka had smiled in relief.


Masaki interpreted her smile as pure courtesy as well. "Ichijou-san, would you like to go to the dining room together?"


"Huh, with me?"


That was why, such an invitation took him by surprise. "Yes, with us."


Honoka looked over her shoulders. There stood Shizuku and Miyuki.


When she met Masaki's gaze, Shizuku nodded without changing her expression. No, well, maybe it had been a bow? Shizuku's reaction had been that ambiguous.


As for Miyuki, she was displaying a smile that hid what she was really thinking. But at the very least, to Masaki, this smile didn't give off the impression that he'd be a bother.


"…Is it alright for me to go with you?"


Instinctively using the polite tone again, Masaki replied so.


Realizing that his eyes were turned towards her, although her smile still looked slightly bitter, Miyuki's expression softened.


The smile that gave off a faking sentiment turned into a warm smile. "Yes, certainly."


To Miyuki's answer,


"It would be my pleasure!"



Masaki stood up with vigor.




This first person who saw Miyuki's group, who was slightly late for lunch, had been Erika.


Yesterday she had thought 'He will try to stick to Miyuki for sure' and was surprised when Masaki kept his distance. But now she was suspicious that Masaki was acting exactly like she originally predicted.


She wasn't the only one. Leo and Mikihiko were also looking at Masaki with intrigued eyes.


"Umm, Onii-sama… Is it alright if Ichijou-san shares a seat with us?"


"Of course."


However, Tatsuya' answered as if it had been obvious. An immediate response.


Rather, Masaki was the one who was puzzled right now.


Masaki, who was standing there dumbfounded, was spoken to by Tatsuya in a direct —— that is to say, not in a particularly friendly way




"Ichijou, do you know how to place an order? The purchase system of the cafeteria should be something rather standard."


"Ah, yeah. No problem."


"Let's go, Ichijou-san."


Being urged on by Miyuki, he went towards the ordering machine with her. Honoka and Shizuku followed just behind him.


Having retrieved her meal, Miyuki sat down next to Tatsuya. Masaki sat down right in front of her.


Honoka was next to Masaki, right in front of Tatsuya.


Erika, who had been sitting in front of Tatsuya, gave her seat to Honoka and moved next to Miyuki.


Erika, who had purposefully taken a roundabout path around the table, suddenly spoke to Masaki.


"Ichijou-kun, how's the investigation going?"


Masaki almost choked on his freshly acquired bowl of soup. Since he had seen Erika a few times already, he wasn't surprised at her overly familiar attitude. What had surprised him was the fact that she asked him such a question about a duty verging on a grey line with the law, in a place where anyone could be listening.


"Erika, Ichijou has just arrived in Tokyo. No matter how outstandingly superior a Magician he is, there is no way he'd accomplish something like that in a day."


While Masaki was struggling to find a way to answer, surprisingly for him, he was rescued by Tatsuya.


"I guess that's true."


"Indeed, Erika. This is not something you should ask in such a pressing manner. Ichijou-san, sorry about that."


Lightly reproving Erika, Miyuki bowed towards Masaki.


"No, well, this isn't something that needs an apology or anything."


Miyuki directed an innocent smile towards Masaki who was getting flustered. Masaki's pure-hearted reaction might have been something refreshing for her.


"That being said, I envy you, Ichijou-san."


"Ah? Umm, what about?"


With Miyuki's dazzling smile turned towards him, Masaki was getting more and more restless.


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"For you to be called a ‘outstandingly superior Magician' by Onii-sama. Onii-sama is unexpectedly nice to you."


Miyuki sent a look of reproach to Masaki while smiling. No, to be more precise, it was more like envy?


Of course it was just a joke; however, what little calm Masaki had managed to preserve was blown away in an instant, he couldn't think of anything. His concerns about Miyuki calling Tatsuya "Onii-sama" as well flew out of his mind.


Tatsuya opened his mouth. "That's not the case" he said. Maybe it had been to turn Miyuki's gaze away from Masaki, maybe it had been a straight manner of scolding her for teasing him, but anyway, it was obvious that Tatsuya had again come to his rescue.


"So after all, Tatsuya-san recognizes Ichijou-san's ability." However, as if covering for her, Honoka interrupted his sentence. "That's nice. It feels like some sort of rivalry between two men."


"You might say rival, but in terms of Magical Power, it's pretty clear that Ichijou comes out on top."


Being so directly talked to, Tatsuya had no choice but to turn his attention away from Miyuki. Without wasting time, Tatsuya turned his attention to the person in front of him.


"However, isn't what we're practicing currently Tatsuya's field of expertise?"


"Well, that is because the current theme requires precision more than speed and strength."


Without humbling himself, Tatsuya honestly replied to Honoka.


"Tatsuya-san managed from the very beginning to perfectly time every color change for 1 second."


Mizuki seemed to be completely relaxed, and she opened her mouth as if she had been the one praised.


"Really!? Tatsuya-san, that's incredible!"


Hearing Honoka and Mizuki's speeches damaged Masaki quite clearly. Miyuki, who was seated right in front of him couldn't overlook this, and gave him some comforting words.


"Even though I always stay within the time limit, I still end up being slightly too fast or too slow."


However, Honoka who sitting next to him and was even closer, hadn't noticed.


"Tatsuya-san, isn't there some kind of trick for this?"


Being overjoyed at Miyuki showing sympathy for Masaki, she couldn't help but try to draw Tatsuya's attention.


From Honoka's point of view, everything was going according to the plan.


It had been Honoka who proposed to invite Masaki to their table. She had planned on pushing Masaki towards Miyuki while using this chance to get closer to Tatsuya herself.


Saying this is wicked would be pitiful.


"All's fair in love and war" was a popular phrase that originated from a tragicomedy of Great Britain from the 17th century. That being said, in modern times, there were strategies that were established as forbidden by a multinational treaty, so you couldn't say that this phrase was true for everything.


It remained true for the matters of love, and you couldn't say that everything was allowed. For instance, using a lie like ‘I am bearing your child' to force your lover to give you money in order to part with you, those kinds of things were usually restricted by your sense of morals.


Still, what Honoka did was not exactly foul play; all things considered, this was pretty common for a girl in love. Using her friend's partner that way might be considered in bad taste, but it only served as evidence of Honoka's strong love.


◊ ◊ ◊


After leaving Miyuki at school and going back home, Tatsuya mounted his favorite motorbike and headed towards Tsuchiura. Needless to say, his destination was the National Defense Base of the 101st Brigade. It was the headquarters of the Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion.


Tatsuya was sporting a rough appearance on his bike, wearing trousers that looked like they were made out of leather, topped off with a large and imposing jacket. But the only thing that mattered at the gate was your ID, and from Tatsuya removing his helmet, he was granted access to the base.


Parking his motorbike in front of headquarters, he looked at the third floor of the building. His grave look was due to the negotiations —— neither a report nor a consultation —— that would come.


Still, it wasn't possible to ignore it. The fact that the Ten Master Clans had taken an official stance regarding the terrorism perpetrated by Gu Jie at Hakone had mainly been in order to attenuate the anti-Magician hate.


However, after hearing about Gu Jie's activities in Kamakura, it was decided that Tatsuya would have to bring them down as soon as possible. It hadn't been an order from Maya, but something he proposed of his own volition.


Gu Jie's method of using Magicians as literal tools for his goals went against Tatsuya's ambition of giving Magicians a way to live without being instruments of war.


These were irreconcilable differences. In the future that Tatsuya envisioned, Gu Jie's existence was something that could not be allowed.


Gu Jie had to be killed. In order to achieve that, he would have to get rid of the victims he used as tools…


Lightly shaking his head to settle down, Tatsuya entered the building and asked that his arrival be relayed. In reality, he didn't even want to phone beforehand, but he couldn't just suddenly intrude without at least doing that much.


There was still 5 minutes before the designated time, but Tatsuya proceeded through. Was this place shorthanded as usual? He hardly met anyone on his way to the commander's room.


"Special Lieutenant Ooguro."


He raised his voice towards the room after knocking on the door. It wasn't like his voice could directly pass through the door, but it was equipped with a microphone that automatically picked up voices. It was something visitors were unaware of.




Actually, the voice originated from the speaker system embedded inside the door. The technology had advanced to the point that the speaker wasn't visible to the user.


After he heard the sound confirming that the lock had been removed, Tatsuya opened the door.


Kazama was sitting at the desk in front of him, it seemed that today he was alone. A touch-screen terminal was on his desk, he was most likely looking over a proposal or a report until Tatsuya arrived. His responsibilities appear to have increased with his promotion.


Tatsuya stepped in front of his desk and saluted.


Although Kazama stood up to return the salute, he immediately sat down again. Tatsuya, who wasn't invited to take a seat, stayed still.


"Special Lieutenant, at ease. So, what suddenly brings you here today?"


That wasn't to say that Kazama was irritated. Even his voice had remained calm.


"Since our communication could have been intercepted, I thought that I would come and report to you directly."


"Oh… Are you saying my battalion's encryption code could have been cracked?"


"Affirmative. Actually, I was warned that there was a high probability that the communication codes of the Yotsuba Family have been deciphered already."


Tatsuya revealed one of his cards immediately. Kazama's eyebrow twitched lightly.


"…Still, I think that the codes we are using should be stronger than the Yotsuba Family's."


"I am of the same opinion. But still, I thought that this was enough of a reason to be careful."


Although Tatsuya didn't mention exactly on what grounds he had thought that there was a need to be cautious, Kazama didn't object.


"…Alright. Special Lieutenant, state your business."


"There is a possibility that the special forces training grounds of the Zama base have been corrupted by foreign elements."


The Special Forces Training Grounds —— This place had received this name due to fact that it gathered numerous Magic users who had seen their Magic Power strengthened after training there, and received the name ‘Special Tactical Soldiers'. Despite its name, it wasn't so much a training center as a place where experiments were conducted on living humans. The Defense Forces were keeping those reinforced Magicians in a few of the well-known facilities.


Just this information alone would cause a large scandal for the Ministry of Defense if it was leaked, but the Zama base had another secret. Within its walls, joint research was being conducted with the USNA.


Even though it was something unbeknownst to the rest of the world, it remained true that they were providing Japanese citizens for some foreigners to experiment on.


This was a dark side of the government that could never be made public, and a shameful heritage of the pre-war days.


Tatsuya was reporting that this kind of facility, which was constantly under extreme surveillance, had been partially taken over by foreign powers.


"…Did something happen?"


Kazama didn't ask "What?" nor "Is that true?". Neither did he ask "On what grounds can you say that?".


Kazama was trying to figure out what could have happened to make Tatsuya come to this conclusion.


"Last Saturday at dawn, during the pursuit of the mastermind behind the Hakone terrorist acts, Gu Jie, there had been interference from Magicians specializing in ‘Combustion'. Without a doubt, these Magicians were supposed to be on standby at the Zama base."


The special forces training grounds of the Zama base were especially useful in times of war, with psychics strengthened for ‘Ignition' or ‘Explosion'. The three people that Tatsuya killed last Saturday at Kamakura, after an investigation by Yoshimi, turned out to be Magicians who had been changed into ‘Generators' at the special training grounds of the Zama base.


"Are you saying that the terrorists' hand has extended as far as the Zama base?"




Kazama folded his arms and leaked a groan, a frown on his face. It had already been quite a scandal that Zhou Gongjin had concealed himself in the Uji Second Supply Base, but for geographical reasons, anything pertaining to the Zama base was immediately an even more serious matter.


It was right under the nose of the capital, Tokyo. A facility made in order to hide the truth about experiments on living beings. A comfortable cage where combatants comparable to heavy weapons were confined.


The simple fact that one of those bodies which had been experimented on managed to slip out of the base was a big problem in and of itself. If it became known that such beings had become the underlings of an anti- Japanese operative, then it probably wouldn't just end with the National Defense taking responsibility.


"Who is aware of this?"


Kazama closed his eyes and asked Tatsuya so. "So far, only the members of the Yotsuba Family."


In other words, this information hadn't leaked to the Ten Master Clans. Hearing this, Kazama's expression seemingly softened. Still, he had kept his posture with his arms folded, and his frown remained.


"Does Special Lieutenant intend on attacking the Zama base?"


"Negative, Lieutenant Colonel."


Tatsuya's tone had changed subtly.


"Even though Zhou Gongjin had been given shelter in the Uji Second Supply Base, I don't think Gu Jie would do something similar in Zama's base."


"Gu Jie… Is that the name of the mastermind?"


Hearing a name that rang a bell in his head, Kazama looked up at Tatsuya, unfolding his arms.


"However, didn't you just say that the experimented bodies of the Zama base had become the pawns of this Gu Jie?"


"There is no mistake in that fact. However, while it is true that reinforced Magicians from the special training grounds have been turned into ‘Generators', assuming that Gu Jie himself is present there and responsible for this would be presumptuous."


"So you think that someone in the Zama base cooperated with Gu Jie and took the reinforced Magicians out of the base?"




"Hmm… Compared to thinking that an unidentified foreigner infiltrated the base, this is certainly more realistic. However, how exactly did he do that?"


"A staff member from the special forces training ground might have been turned into a puppet. There might be a Magician capable of an operation as complex as performing the remodeling needed to create a ‘Generator', along with depriving someone of his free-will."


Kazama put both of his elbows on the desk and joined his hands while silently thinking.


"…Are the identities of the people turned into Generators known?"




Tatsuya took out an unsealed envelope and presented it to Kazama. He retrieved 3 folded sheets of paper from it. These were photographs of the 3 people that had been turned into Generators, and their bodily features were recorded as well.


"If we shared that information with the base of Zama, we could probably get our hands on the puppets in a few days. However, would it be possible for this investigation to be left to me?"


Kazama matched Tatsuya's gaze, still sitting. He was looking at him with such intensity that it probably wouldn't have been exaggerating to call it a glare.


Tatsuya then revealed his second card.


"Speaking bluntly, I know where Gu Jie's hideout is. However, that place is next to Zama's base."


"…Are you worried about involving Zama's base and having this turn into an all-out battle?"


To Kazama's low, yet heavy voice, Tatsuya returned an answer immediately.


"That is a possibility. Especially since the members of Special Forces Training Grounds of Zama's base hold a strong enmity towards the Ten Master Clans, if someone who was sent there to investigate agitated them too much, it could be dangerous."


Kazama couldn't deny Tatsuya's prediction possibly happening. This was a facility made with the goal of not letting its residents escape. Various adjustments had been made in order to not let even the bodies that had gone through the strengthening experiment have a chance of leaving. With that in mind, escape was basically nothing but a dream. Still, it was a fact that, every year, the Ten Master Clans helped in dealing with cases of escapees.


It might sound inhumane, but for the Defense Forces, disposing of them was a much safer way. If the experimented subject survived, it would take a great deal of effort to keep the whole thing a secret. On the other hand, a dead body would leave no tangible evidence behind it. Taking the power and influence of the government into account, burying such a mundane affair in the dark would be no trouble. At the very least, compared to the cost of keeping one alive, it was far cheaper.


If headquarters learned that an unauthorized fight broke out near Zama that involved a member of the Ten Master Clans, and the Yotsuba Family… They could make experiments escape on purpose to put the responsibility of disposal on the Yotsuba Family. This was a scenario that was likely to happen.


"Concerning the non-intervention promise made to the Zama base, we will need the cooperation of the General."


"We wouldn't have the time for this. Gu Jie would be able to escape."


"…Special Lieutenant, do you want to settle things once and for all?"


"I'm planning to avoid as many fights as possible with National Defense personnel. However, if a fight broke out by accident or due to unavoidable circumstances, I will erase every single trace of it."


Tatsuya was saying that if need be, he'd use his ‘Mist Dispersion' even on allied troops.


"It might be impossible to do otherwise."


With a bitter expression on his face, yet deprived of hesitation, Kazama permitted the use of Tatsuya's Mist Dispersion.


◊ ◊ ◊


It was 8 P.M. when Tatsuya finally arrived near the Zama base, having traveled from the Tsuchiura base after taking his time to settle various affairs.


He didn't talk to Katsuto and Mayumi about his coming here today. Of course, not even to Masaki. He missed today's meeting as well. Rather, members of the Yotsuba Family were his companions.


It seemed like all the members were already gathered. Tatsuya stopped his motorcycle in the public park's parking lot and stepped up to a van.


"Fumiya, Ayako, you did well in coming despite today being a weekday."


Once he was in whispering distance he called out to his second cousins in a low voice, they had been erasing their presence just like he was.




While keeping his voice down as well, although unable to completely hide his astonishment, Fumiya responded.


"I didn't even feel your presence. You keep getting better and better at being invisible."


"Good evening, Tatsuya-san. I understand that the current situation demands it, but since this is bad for my heart, could you be more considerate?"


Fumiya let out undisguised praise while Ayako reproached him. Her attitude had changed a little ever since his engagement with Miyuki had been announced.


She was less reserved, and it looked like the distance between them had shortened.


However, this was Ayako trying her best to accept the reality of the current situation.


"It looked like Yoshimi-san would faint due to the shock."


Near Ayako, Yoshimi shook her head from left to right in her usual mysterious style.


"Yoshimi-san, you don't need to hold back. Tatsuya-san, despite being so straightforward, utterly lacks any form of common sense; in this situation it wouldn't do any good to hide the truth."


Those words may have been surprisingly abusive, but Yoshimi wasn't one to have reserved thoughts. She was more the type to let her guard down.


"I'm alright. I won't be shaken by something like this."


"Eh…? But you looked pretty surprised from what I saw."


"It's not the case. I'm an adult after all."


Yoshimi had become quite talkative with Ayako as well. Her wariness might also have loosened since they were cousins. For Ayako and Fumiya, Tatsuya was their elder second cousin, from their father's side of the family.


Yoshimi, on the other hand is the daughter of the brother of Ayako's mother. In other words, their maternal cousin.


Yoshimi's full name was Shinonome Yoshimi. Although she was currently 21 years old, she wasn't going to school. Even during her high school years, she had followed a correspondence system. Thus, she could perform investigative duties while learning.


With this in mind, it would make sense if she had developed a sort of elder sister role towards Ayako, but looking at them, it was pretty clear that it was Ayako who would grasp the initiative. It wasn't due to her status as the daughter of the current Kuroba Family Head, but rather just their personalities.


"Tatsuya-niisan, are you going to change your clothes inside?"


Fumiya asked Tatsuya while ignoring the girls and their playful attitudes. Combat equipment for the upcoming operation had been prepared in the van.


By the way, Fumiya's appearance was, as usual, his cross-dressing disguise. Although, had he finally decided to be more attractive with his make-up thicker than before.




Without talking about Fumiya's pretty girl style, he got in the vehicle.


The combat suit that the Yotsuba had prepared more or less looked like the clothes Tatsuya had been wearing just a few moments ago. The only difference would be that the blouson insides were tied up. However, as far as performance was concerned, it rivaled that of the Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion's Mobile Suit.


Today, Tatsuya wasn't using the gun-shaped Silver Horn but the thought-controlled type set with a Silver Taurus bracelet. Hidden inside his blouson wasn't another CAD but a gun and a knife. If they were found by the police, it wouldn't end with just an inquiry. This was also one of the reasons why they had changed their clothes here and not elsewhere.


The helmet Tatsuya was wearing could also function as a gas mask. Fumiya was looking at his brave figure admiringly while he himself was wearing a mini-dress full of button ornaments —— that being said, all of those buttons were gas capsules and flashbangs —— when he called out to Ayako.


"We're going soon."


Fumiya, who was already looking at Tatsuya, nodded immediately.


Ayako and Yoshimi, who had somehow gone into a ‘Whose appearance is not suitable for this mission' debate, turned towards Tatsuya and slightly bowed.


Tatsuya, then, began to walk.


Directly behind him were Fumiya and Ayako, as well as several men in black suits.


The number of shadows around Yoshimi suddenly increased, and then she saw the three of them off.


"Still, the surveillance is pretty tight."


Using something that resembled binoculars —— a sensor that made infrared rays as well as electromagnetic waves visible —— she reported so to Tatsuya in a concerned voice.


The three of them were observing the target building from inside the invisibility field that Ayako produced. Yoshimi had read this ‘Memory' of Gu Jie's new hideout from the corpse of a former Generator. Although it was nothing but a private hospital on paper, in truth, this place undertook illegal requests from the army as an unofficial research facility. The intense policing they saw was to be expected.


"It wouldn't be too difficult to sneak into the building, but with this kind of heavy surveillance, I don't think they'll only have guards. There might be some other things waiting for us."


"So you think that there is some sort of trap set up?"




Tatsuya assessed the situation with his own eyes.


Considering that we're talking about an organization that was used to take on military missions, they were sure to be prepared.


The hospital's owner might have already had his heart remodeled. He may even have been killed already. Anyone would've been able to guess as much, was what Tatsuya was thinking.


Based on this, he searched both the interior and exterior of the building.


The security equipment was certainly overbearing, but it wasn't anything out of the extraordinary for a private operation. Compared to the several sensors installed throughout the Steeplechase event in the Nine Schools Competition, this was nothing.


He could see nine human shadows inside of the building.


Five of those people had a normal human's information structure. They were probably doctors and nurses on duty.


One person had noise in the information structure of his head. He was probably the director of the hospital who had been made into a puppet.


Two people had a distorted information structure type that Tatsuya had seen before. Without a doubt, those two were Generators.


And a single person with a strange information structure was there. Although he seemed more similar to a regular human than a Generator, his age data was definitely weird.


Even if a person had changed their body's age to be different than their actual age, only their true age would be shown. The body's age would be shown alongside their general health.


However, in the information body that Tatsuya was looking at now, there existed two different datasets for his age.


(Such an information body, I have seen one similar before… When, and where was it?)


Tatsuya sifted through the vast amount of data in his head, quickly finding what he was looking for.


(I see, this was Zhou Gongjin's…)


Due to the fact that Tatsuya had been solely concentrating on localizing his true location that was camouflaged by Ghost walker, the abnormality in Zhou's information structure had gone unnoticed at that time.


However, with Tatsuya never forgetting a single detail, a sense of discomfort appeared.


"Found him. This is probably Gu Jie in person." Tatsuya reported to Ayako and Fumiya with a whisper. Tension ran through the muscles of their back.


"Let's move in immediately."


Fumiya replied with a whispering voice, too. It looked like Ayako didn't have an objection, either.


The three people walked towards the front gate. Due to the magic of the men in black suits, regular humans couldn't see them. Although they had received orders to avoid a fight to the best of their ability, if there was any possibility of the National Defense getting involved, those orders would be ignored.




Nodding at Ayako's voice, Tatsuya pressed the button on the radio he had in his hand.


The light that was illuminating the hospital's gate disappeared. The men in black had cut the electrical wire that was supplying the building with energy. The wire in the ground as well; since there was no need to dig it up due to Magic, it had been a simple task.


To begin with, despite being a private hospital, it was still a proper hospital. It was quite probable that the building had an emergency power supply.


Tatsuya confirmed that the security system had been cut off and signaled Ayako with his hands.


Using Ayako's ‘Mock Teleportation', the three of them jumped on the roof of the hospital.


The light had yet to be restored. "Let's proceed as planned."


The plan was simple, Ayako was to secure their retreat while Fumiya acted as her guard.


Tatsuya was to secure Gu Jie's capture on his own.


Even though both Ayako and Fumiya had strongly opposed this plan, they weren't so childish as to pose difficulties when the strategy had already been set in motion.


"Please be careful."


The brother and sister, who looked like a pair of pretty sisters at present, sent him off in unison.


The lights came back on at almost the exact moment Tatsuya entered the building from the rooftop.


Looking at him, not even a trace of panic was present. This timing was roughly what he had expected, so it wasn't as if it had been "in the nick of time".


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However, he wasn't being carefree at all. Did their target guess that this kind of operation was taking place due to the power outage? The information body that Tatsuya thought was Gu Jie immediately headed for the emergency stairway from his former position in a room on the 3rd floor.


This movement was convenient for Tatsuya. The risk of involving doctors or nurses became smaller with it.


Tatsuya dashed towards the emergency exit, but stopped in his tracks once he reached the last room in the hallway.


Bullets came flying out of the door and crashed into the wall on the other side.


Tatsuya switched his ‘View' from the emergency stairs and focused it on the weapon of his ambusher.


He used ‘Decomposition' on the gun.


The Magic Sequence for ‘Ignition' was nullified and rendered useless by his Gram Dispersion.


The gun of another Generator who was approaching from the back was decomposed.


A door was vigorously flung open, and Magicians turned into Generators jumped out to attack him.


They were not only wielding strengthened magical skills from being prime field agents turned into Generators in the National Defense's facilities, they were also making use of power and speed impossible for humans to achieve. One of the Generators tried to stab Tatsuya with a knife.


However, not only was Tatsuya a product of the Fourth Research Institute, he was also a Magician heavily trained in hand-to-hand combat. The training he had received had been more oriented towards physical strength rather than magic. As someone who primarily learned to use his body, he was completely familiar with the process of controlling his body with Psions.


Though he hadn't received biochemical enhancements to make his body stronger, Tatsuya made up for this disadvantage by protecting the information structure of his muscles so that even if the burden on his bones exceeded the limits, his body wouldn't suffer damage.


The Generator used the ‘Body Ignition' Magic on Tatsuya. Not needing a CAD, that might have been the proof that he had psychic ancestors.


Tatsuya once again used his Gram Dispersion towards the Magic Sequence aimed at him. At the same time, the Generator's blade was parried with his own knife that he took out of his blouson.


The blade lock lasted an instant.


After Tatsuya parried the attack, his power slipped out, but at the same time, the Generator leaped back.


Tatsuya had wanted to destroy his opponent's posture, but it ended up only lasting for a moment.


On the other hand, he had gained a distance where knives wouldn't be able to reach.


Tatsuya turned his back on his opponent.


He then threw his knife towards another Generator who was approaching from the back.


Perhaps due to this surprising action, the opponent stopped and had to parry the knife throw with his own knife.


His eyes let go of Tatsuya for an instant.


When he turned his attention back to him, Tatsuya had pulled out his gun.


He turned his gun towards the Generator.


Due to the attached suppressor, a small gunshot sound leaked.


The Generator who had expected a magic attack ate a bullet straight from the front.


The high caliber bullet hit him right in the stomach, and the Generator, who had roughly the same physique as Tatsuya, was pushed back. No bleeding could be seen on the Generator who was now on the ground. That was evidence that he was wearing an effective body armor.


Tatsuya turned around once more.


The other Generator had aimed for his neck with the knife in his right hand, and Tatsuya caught it at the wrist with his left hand.


His Magic Calculation Area dissolved the Magic Sequences of ‘Ignition' and ‘Scorching' that the Generator was about to unleash.


That Generator's casting speed was nearing instantaneous levels as a psychic. By sacrificing diversity, his event modification speed had been so drastically enhanced that he could provoke it just by wishing. This came with being a Generator. By getting rid of their free will, it was possible to free up mental activity resources.


However, even with this, Tatsuya's ‘Decomposition' was faster. Even faster than the Generator could complete his magic, Tatsuya's decomposition came out first.


Tatsuya twisted the Generator's right hand and broke his wrist. He then shot him from up-close with his gun.


Even though he didn't have the capacity to feel pain, his faltering physical condition made magic execution nigh-impossible.


Even though the first Generator who had been knocked out had already recovered, his magic execution speed still wasn't back to its normal level.


Suppressing all the Magic Sequences of his opponents, reserve power arose in Tatsuya's Magic Calculation Area with which he counterattacked.


Tatsuya used ‘Partial Dismantling'.


In that instant, holes opened up in the chests of the Generators.


Although the Generators continued to weakly struggle without their hearts, they were in their death throes, and soon, even that stopped.


After confirming that all Psion activity had stopped, Tatsuya headed towards the emergency stairway once more.


Gu Jie had apparently already reached the 1st floor.


Tatsuya jumped down the stairway.


Avoiding damage with minimal inertia control magic, he aimed at the ambulance that Gu Jie had planned on using to escape.


Why was there an ambulance despite no emergency being signaled? Why was there a need for an ambulance to be bulletproof and heat- resistant? Any such questions were shelved in the depth of Tatsuya's mind.


The Psion noise provoked by the Cast Jamming emanating from the ambulance wasn't a problem for him either.


The only thing that was left as an obstacle from Tatsuya were several High Power Rifle bullets shot in succession towards him.


◊ ◊ ◊


On that day, a large-scale VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircraft from the USNA came flying to the Zama base. Considering that the Zama base was a shared territory between Japan and the USNA, this was not unusual. The existence of the Special Forces Training Grounds was a secret that was known to the USNA for historical reasons. There was no reason to refuse the landing and no possibility of that to begin with.


After the aircraft landed, the commander of the base accepted a report from the commanding officer of the transport. This wasn't unusual either. In the case of the commander, if there were specific reasons to this visit, it could save some trouble.


The commander of the USNA Army introduced himself as major Benjamin Lowes. The impression that the base's commander had of him was that of a high-class officer, fearless yet smart. Not only because of their current alliance, but also because he had the type of personality which made him not behave in an unnecessarily rude way.


Still, the base's commander didn't relax. He understood with a glance that it was a high-caliber Magician who had just entered the room.


Since this was a base where Magicians were strengthened, there were precise magic power measurement devices. And although he had skillfully influenced the measurement results, on the contrary, it had only served to prove the height of his skill.


After the formal diplomatic exchanges, Major Lowes started to discuss an incredible matter with a refined tone.


"It is shameful to say, but I have been sent here in order to capture deserters."


"Deserters, you say?"


The commander of the base barely managed to swallow his "Again?". He was one of the few officers who was aware that last year's troubles with vampires had been caused by USNA deserters. This, too, was due to the special circumstances of the Special Force Training Grounds of Zama's base.


"As you might know, on December of the year before last, soldiers of our army had deserted and fled to your country. Although we confirmed that most of them died, it appears that it wasn't all of them."


Major Lowes —— Commander of the Stars' First Unit, Benjamin Canopus, seeing through the commander's doubts, came up with a lie. Since the commander wasn't aware of absolutely all the details, he couldn't doubt these words.


"We're not sure what exactly their objectives are but we have confirmed that the deserters plan on kidnapping the doctor who has been providing medical treatment to the Magicians of this base. The attack will take place tonight."


"…Major, you have our gratitude for this information."


"Commander, I think you have an idea of what I'm about to ask of you."


We will deal with this attack ourselves, was what the commander was about to say. Considering that this was about to take place right in front of their noses and that it concerned civilians who were cooperating with them, it was no wonder.


However, Canopus anticipated this reaction and prevented this sentence from coming out.


"I heard that the Ten Master Clans are also pursuing the deserters of our army. We think that stimulating the Magicians currently stationed in this base would be unfavorable for both of our countries."


The commander made a sour face and swallowed the sentence he was about to say.


"Could you, at your discretion, overlook my unit's action in this matter?"


"…This exceeds the range of discretion I am allowed as an officer. Approbation from headquarters is needed."


"Commander. It's an urgent matter. The deserter's attack could happen in a matter of hours. If you say that it is impossible for you to entrust this entirely to us, we could agree to a joint operation with your own forces."


Canopus played his cards right here and now.


"Indeed, if you could lend us soldiers of the Special Force Training Grounds… Number 024, 026, 029, 037 and 041 would be suitable for such a task."


Those were the numbers of the strengthened Magicians that had been stolen by Gu Jie.


"…I agree to this cooperation. However, I'll have you leave the reporting duty to me!"


Towards the speech of the commander, Canopus returned a salute with a nonchalant face.


This event had taken place 3 hours before Tatsuya had rushed into action.


◊ ◊ ◊


Even though Tatsuya instinctively protected his vital points, he couldn't dodge entirely. The first bullet hit his left arm, the second incoming bullet was decomposed while he rolled on the ground. The wound he received on his left shoulder was already healed by his ‘Regrowth' by the time he hit the ground.


The sniper who intervened just before Tatsuya could catch Gu Jie came from the sky. No, with such power, a better way of putting it would be that he fell from the sky.


Neither the shadow of a plane nor a helicopter could be seen. It was as if he had been shot from a human cannon to this place.


(Why is the USNA military here!?)


Tatsuya couldn't help but be surprised after reading that person's information with Elemental Sight.


Again, Zama was a joint Japan-USNA joint base. That a USNA soldier was present there was not that mysterious.


However, why would such a person help Gu Jie's escape?


Despite holding such thoughts and hesitations, as a combat magician, half of his mind had automatically reacted to disempower the appearing threat.


The High Power Rifle the opponent was wielding was instantly turned into separate parts as well as the body armor he was wearing.


If that person had been a National Defense soldier, Tatsuya would've erased him.


However, since Tatsuya hadn't thought about the USNA military possibly being involved, he had yet to decide an appropriate way of dealing with them.


(Erasing him would be —— bad.)


Tatsuya concluded so after disarming the soldier. He was currently in the middle of an illegal operation. Giving the USNA a pretext to accuse Japan of abducting their soldiers would be troublesome.


Tatsuya shot at the soldier who was standing there, petrified, as he had yet to understand how exactly he had been disarmed. Once that was done, Tatsuya used his ‘Regrowth' to restore his body armor and rifle to their original state. This whole process had the sole purpose of making out which magic was used against the target next to impossible to discern.


Then, once again, he went after Gu Jie. The ambulance that Gu Jie had boarded had already driven off.


Tatsuya expanded his ‘View' to search for Gu Jie's location.


However, he was unable to. The ‘Eyes' of Tatsuya were focused on something whose priority was higher, something that he couldn't ignore.


Fumiya and Ayako were fighting hard. He ran in the building at full speed.


Fumiya's reaction to the soldiers who landed on the rooftop was immediate.


The Magic that allowed one to inflict damage to the mind and the soul, ‘Direct Pain', deprived the soldiers' hands of their strength and made them drop their weapons. Still, one couldn't say that his reaction to the grenades that had been thrown from their back had been enough.


Ayako immediately erected a physical barrier, one that would correctly interact with the fragments released by the explosion. However, the grenades that had been shot were not exploding ones, but smoke grenades.


The rapidly expanding smoke made it even harder to see than it already was.


Fumiya was able to unleash magic without relying on his eyes, but he was still a long way from reaching Tatsuya's level.


Fumiya's ‘Direct Pain' was a magic that targeted the mind and the soul. He apparently thought that not being able to maintain visual contact wouldn't affect the magic's effect too much.


However, it was in fact the opposite. The ‘Spirit' doesn't exist in this world. Even if one were to search for them, he wouldn't know where to look. Therefore, to aim this Magic, a link from this world to the spirit world was needed. Suddenly, a screeching like the scratching of glass came from the smokescreen towards Ayako and Fumiya.


"Cast Jamming?"


"No, not exactly. But, this is…?"


Ayako was the one to answer Fumiya's doubt. Still, there was no trace of relief on her face at knowing that this wasn't Cast Jamming. She anxiously searched for the noise's source.


Fumiya, on the other hand, concluded that as long as this wasn't the noise of Psion obstructing magic execution, finding out its source could be postponed. At the moment, their priority was to push back this mysterious enemy.


With the CAD on his right hand, he had planned on using an Activation Sequence to blow away the smoke screen with an air flow. However… His CAD wasn't functioning properly. His Activation Sequence was filled with "noise".


The CAD he had tried to use was a Generalized portable terminal-type CAD, and he was as used to this one as the knuckle duster Specialized CAD he used before. Someone of Fumiya's level couldn't make such a mistake.


Piercing through the smoke screen. High Power bullets struck against the barrier one after the other.


"Yami-chan, increase the amount of Psions injected into your CAD!"


While shouting this to Fumiya, Ayako maintained the barrier by pouring an excessive amount of Psions into her own CAD.


Fumiya operated his CAD once again. As per Ayako's advice, he used twice as much as Psions.


The strength of the signal that returned from a CAD was roughly proportional to the amount of Psions injected in the Activation Sequence. Despite the fact that noise was still mixed in the signal, Fumiya managed to filter it by himself and forcibly executed the magic he wanted to use previously.


The smoke screen cleared up.


The number of enemies had increased to five people. Three were equipped with High Power Rifles, the two that had suffered Fumiya's attack still had trembling arms but were now pointing towards Ayako and Fumiya some sort of flashlight whose muzzle looked like a trumpet.


Fumiya and Ayako instinctively understood that this cylindrical tool was the reason for their misbehaving CADs.


This was the breakthrough in terms of casting obstruction devices that only the USNA had developed, ‘Cast Jammer'. Although neither of these two knew about it, their deduction was spot-on.


"Nee-san, leave this place immediately." Fumiya ordered Ayako so.


"I'll report so you come back and get me later!"




For a moment, Ayako wanted to object but after thinking about it once more, she nodded to his words. She was aware of the fact that she wasn't cut out for direct confrontation.


However, she was a beat too late. Fumiya turned away from the enemies at the front. He jumped, not caring about his long skirt, and threw a kick.


The soldier who tried to attack Ayako was thrown back in the air.


"Yami-chan, are you injured!?"


However, Fumiya didn't come out completely uninjured either. His tights were cut up, blood was trickling down from his foot. The soldier who received the kick had apparently slashed him with his knife.


The material that made up Fumiya's clothes wasn't normal, either. It wasn't on Tatsuya's combat suit's level but it was still a high-level protective suit. The knife that the USNA soldier used didn't seem to be normal metal.


"I'm alright!"


Fumiya landed on his other foot and calmed down Ayako. However, simply judging from the fact that he didn't land on the injured leg, the damage must've been pretty severe. Considering that reinforcements were constantly coming from the air, he didn't even have the composure to treat his wound.


Ayako ripped off one of her buttons and threw it behind Fumiya.


An intense flash occurred, the movement of the soldier who was about to attack Fumiya was instantly stopped.


With Fumiya's magic, the soldier fainted.


In the meantime, bullets had constantly been fired at the two.


Ayako had been unable to leave the place. In order to protect Fumiya from the barrage of bullets from High Powered Rifles, she had to maintain her barrier.


If there hadn't been obstruction from the Cast Jammer, she could have easily used the interval between gunshots to escape with Mock Teleportation. Fumiya, too was badly affected by this, and normally he'd have been able to silence all of them at once. But right now, he had no choice but to use ‘Direct Pain' on a single target at a time. Neither of these two had the composure to wonder about the strangeness of their enemies.



The enemy purposely only replaced the knocked out members with soldiers.


If more numbers were sent at once, the battle would turn into an even bigger uphill struggle.


Neither Ayako nor Fumiya had noticed this.


Fumiya, in particular, had his hands full with holding his own against reinforced soldiers.


Ayako couldn't escape, either, because she had to maintain her barrier to be protected from High Power Rifles. First of all, they had to find a way to deal with those.


Just when Fumiya was about to take desperate measures and try his luck, the situation changed drastically. Two gunshots resounded.


The noise that was disturbing the CAD's functioning suddenly vanished. "Tatsuya-san!"


Ayako instinctively called out his name.


Near the rooftop's entrance, Tatsuya stood with his face hid by a helmet. He was pointing his gun at the soldiers who had been operating the Cast Jammer.


One of the reasons Tatsuya didn't just jump on the rooftop was that he wanted to avoid making himself an easy target for snipers, but that wasn't all. He wanted to scatter sleeping gas on the 1st and 2nd floor too. It was now necessary to abandon the idea of preventing a ruckus but he at least needed to find a way to prevent innocent doctors and nurses from being involved.


The extra time it took for him to scatter the gas capsules in each floor's corridors made his arrival late, so much so that saying that he was "in the nick of time" wouldn't be an exaggeration. At the very least, he had arrived in time to prevent Fumiya's reckless final charge.


Along with the gunshots, the Cast Jammer effect was interrupted.


The gunshots had been nothing but a decoy, in truth, and Tatsuya had used Decomposition on the devices.


The High Power Rifles were turned towards Tatsuya. Tatsuya did not Decompose them.


The high power bullets were propelled out of their muzzle. Reading their trajectory, he held up his hand.


It was a trick that he had already shown during the 2095 Thesis Competition, but still, it's effect was undeniable.


The soldier, who mistook this for Tatsuya grabbing with his bare hand the bullets, was petrified.


Tatsuya did not overlook this chance.


With his Decomposition, tiny holes were made in their body armor. The soldiers who had been operating Cast Jammer and the five others rolled on the floor, bleeding from the holes in their stomach.


On the other side of the rooftop, Fumiya mowed down the rest of the opposition with ‘Direct Pain'.


"You two, are you inju…"


Beginning to say so, Tatsuya frowned behind the helmet's visor.


He extended his left hand towards Fumiya's injured foot. The knife wound disappeared in an instant. The cut up tights were also repaired in the process.


After confirming that this was the extent of their injuries, Tatsuya shot the five bodies in the holes created by his earlier Decomposition.


"Umm, what exactly are you…"


With a pale face, Ayako asked the reason for Tatsuya's cruel deed.


"I want them to think they have been knocked down by a gunshot. Though they'll probably understand just by looking…"


With what looked like a wry smile, Tatsuya used his knife to stab the enemies Fumiya had defeated.


"They won't die. If their injuries are treated quickly, then they'll be saved."


From the inside of his helmet, an excuse that would do nothing to assuage their conscience came out. This wasn't an excuse to justify his act, but an excuse to get Fumiya and Ayako's consent.


"…Are we going to leave them like that?"


Fumiya wasn't condemning Tatsuya. He was just wondering if they should leave the enemy here.


"These are USNA soldiers. Kidnapping them is probably a bad idea, and moreover, they probably have no clue about Gu Jie anyway."




Despite answering so, Fumiya wasn't entirely convinced. They intervened in his mission despite being soldiers of the USNA, and for him, that meant that they had to have some clue about the whole affair.


However, he could understand why capturing USNA soldiers would be a foolish action.


"Well then, let's retrieve the enemies that have been knocked down in the hospital."


"Two Generator corpses are lying down in the 3rd floor's corridor. I'll show you the way."


Nodding to Tatsuya's proposal, the three of them returned in the building.


◊ ◊ ◊


"Major Canopus. The obstruction force has been annihilated."


"Wait until the Yotsuba members withdraw to retrieve them."


"Understood, sir."


At that time, in the USNA aircraft that had landed in the base of Zama, such a conversation was taking place.


"Did the car that Heigu boarded manage to escape safely?"


"No pursuing vehicle detected."


"Good. Keep an eye on it with the satellite."


"Yes, sir."


Canopus was currently a step ahead of the Yotsuba regarding the pursuit of Jiedo Heigu. It was all thanks to their intelligence agency. As part of the precautionary measures regarding foreign Magicians, the Psion wave pattern of Gu Jie had been analyzed when he was in their country.


That, coupled with short distance radars that could recognize specific Psion wave patterns, was a technique that Japan didn't have yet. It was as if the USNA Army had already captured Gu Jie.


However, Canopus wouldn't move in to restrain Gu Jie's course of action. He was diligently following the instructions he was given by Colonel Balance.


How to guide Gu Jie to the high seas while obstructing the movements of Japan's pursuit units? Canopus thought about this for a long time.

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