Volume 24, Chapter 4

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Friday, May 31, 2097 year.


Since the morning numerous media representatives have rushed to the main office of Four Leaves Technology.


Needless to say, their goal was a press conference “Taurus silver “. The meeting was to begin at 10 o’clock, but as the crowd of reporters and operators met in front of the building could interfere with traffic and other people’s work, the venue was opened earlier, at about 9 o’clock.


Even traditional large newspapers, usually without interest in the magic industry, organized several groups in the very first rows. Although many of their colleagues hmurilis from such a conceited relationship, but for a third- party observer, these colleagues were no different from the first.


Their indiscriminate conversations dieded when the staff responsible for communication with the media came to the podium. The reporters, holding their breath, watched the FLT employees perform the last checks of the microphone and lighting.


The digital clock in the conference room showed 10 hours. The front door of the conference hall opened, and Tatsuya and Ushijama came to the podium.


Under the clicks of the shutters Tatsuya stood in front of the microphone. The chairs on the podium were not cooked.


Behind the Tatsuya hung the big screen. There appeared the inscription “Project of the power plant on the basis of stationary magic Star reactor “.


The conference room was filled with noise. These were voices expressing doubt as to why the presentation of a new business project is taking place. Not paying attention to the confusion of the assembled, the responsible employee announced the beginning of a press conference.


—I am Shiba Tatsuya, who is responsible for the development of software for the Taurus silver projects.


“I am ushijama Kinji, and I am responsible for developing the hardware of the silver Taurus projects.”


The noise immediately increased. Media representatives gathered here firmly believed that this young man (although he was still a schoolboy, the appearance of Tatsuya can be expressed by the word “young man “, and not “boy “) in the suit-the real identity of Taurus Silver. But this man in the working jumpsuit also called himself Taurus Silver. In the media camp, chaos began.


-uh, Taurus Silver is not the name of one developer.


As the reporters did not follow the questions, Ushijama continued to speak. is the name of the development team, consisting of him and me. We have already updated the personal information about the applicants, and you can confirm it at the patent office.


—… Why did you deceive people so much? “At last he took a hand,” asked one of the women reporters. In fact, they were insensible words, which lacked respect for the interlocutor.


We weren’t going to cheat. Often applications for patents are filed under the name of the firm, and even now it is common practice to have the confidentiality of personal information about individual members of the group.


“N-but Taurus Silver is regarded as a brilliant engineer, who in just 1 year has advanced for 10 years the development of CAD software, and your company did not deny it, right?


“We have never confirmed excessive estimates like ” ingenious engineer “and other things like that.


The reporters had nothing to answer to this irrefutable answer Tatsuya.


-The reason for the confidentiality of personal information was that the mole *… CHM, this Shiba is a minor. For the same reason, we refused the interview. “Continued the nervous Ushijama.


[He almost misspoke, beginning to say, “Young master.]


The care of minors in the present period was a stable social principle. The media couldn’t go straight against it.


“Does it mean that the mysterious man Nazvavshimsja ” The first sage “said in that message, only half was true? -Another reporter delicately changed the subject, asking another question.


“Because Taurus silver ” is the name of the team from me and Ushijamy, the message that Taurus silver is me, Shiba Tatsuya, is misinformation.


Tatsuya changed his first-person address to “Watashi ” not to seem polite to this media representative. After all, the content of the answer was a direct attempt to quarrel with him.


-Misinformation on TV?


-The news showed information different from the truth. It’s called misinformation, isn’t it?


“But the fact that you are Taurus silver is true!


There was a piercing hysterical scream from another part of the conference room.


—it was mentioned earlier that Taurus silver is not the name of one person. “Tatsuya turned to this reporter and answered him with a calm but seemingly brazen voice. Objecting voices stopped.


“However, it is also true that we have caused confusion among people around the world.


Here Ushijama took advantage of the moment, and the awkward voice of wedged in the conversation.


-therefore, here and now, we announce the disformation of Taurus Silver.


The conference room was noisy again.


— … What do you mean?


“It means that we are terminating our activity as Taurus silver. “On this in a sense the brave question Tatsuya returned the obvious answer.


-Does that mean you’re stopping CAD development? -The question came from a reporter from a single publication familiar with the magic industry.


“Ushijama will continue to develop CAD, and I’ll do another thing. “said Tatsuya and pointed his hand at the screen behind him. — This is a new case for the organization of supply of Energy for industrial and domestic needs, using a magic star reactor, or in other words a thermonuclear reactor, which works with the magic of gravity control.


Journalists began to talk indiscriminately within their groups. Tatsuya silently stared at them until the noise died.


-The design of the installation is not so new. -in returnee to the order of the conference hall there was a voice of Tatsuya. Representatives of the press did not interrupt his questions.


—the installation is planned to be built on the remote island or on the sea surface. With the help of the power generated by the Magic Star reactor, hydrogen will be produced from the sea water, which will be further sent to the land. We hope that together with the process of hydrogen production, we will contribute to the purification of the marine environment by removing harmful substances from sea water.


A simple animation appeared on the big screen showing the mechanism of the installation. Comments to the animation said not Tatsuya, and the employee FLT.


After the animation was finished, the conference room filled up with a loud noise. A correspondent from the industry magazine raised his hand with the interested person.


—… Are you not going to send electricity directly from the thermonuclear reactor?



-I think that many will be concerned about the stability of the Magic Star reactor, so first we decided to build a plant at a sufficient distance from the urban area. Therefore, takinging the loss in the transmission of electricity to the far distance, I designed the scheme of converting it into hydrogen fuel.


-I think that a significant number of magicians will be needed for the operation of the thermonuclear reactor.


It was said by a reporter from a publication directly related to magic.


You’re right. The Wizards participating in this project will be transferred to the island or floating base, on which the plant with the presented installation will be located.


— Are you going to create an independent State of magicians!?


This question was asked by a reporter from a newspaper that was usually set up to be negative to magic.


-Because of its peculiarities, the plant will not be able to function with only one magician. The staff will be more composed of Nonmagic engineers.


—in other words, do you mean that a minority of magicians will rule the majority of ordinary personnel?


—The plant will be operated in compliance with all laws and regulations.


Tatsuya could not restrain his habit of fighting against the magicians. However, the answer was said as a textbook, and at the present stage, when there was no specific data, no one could continue to make false accusations.


-How do you respond to the request for participation in the “Dion Project “?


It was a “cover fire.” The question was asked in a provocative voice by a reporter from the same company as the previous asked.


-Request from the National Scientific agency SSHSA was about the participation of a schoolboy, calling himself Taurus silver. But a little earlier, “Taurus silver ” ceased to exist, so I can no longer respond to this request.


These are empty excuses! “The reporter reflexively shouted in response to the brazen words of Tatsuya.


Tatsuya and himself considered it empty excuses, so do not embarrassed from this exclamation.


-Did Mr. Edward Clark from the National Science agency require me to participate?


The objection was also prepared in advance. It was a counterattack that the reporter would not be able to answer, “Yes.”


“But it’s obvious that Mr. Clark meant you when he was talking about the Taurus silver.


However, the reporter still persisted.


“Is that so?”


Tatsuya knew what the reporter said was true, but for the rest it was not so obvious. Tatsuya did not answer “Yes ” or “no “, he just asked. The reporter was just speculating. So when he was asked, “Is it? “, he had nothing to say.


“Even if another invitation comes from the Dion project, I won’t be able to accept it. The project of the plant with the Magic Star reactor has already moved to the stage of choosing the place of construction. I don’t have time to participate in other major projects. -Summed up the Tatsuya.


Tatsuya press conference was broadcast live on TV.


Speaking of TV, it was meant not to covering a large area of radio waves. It was a small cable news channel. The target audience of this channel were magicians and people interested in magic. He broadcast various news related to magic, and was also known as the channel, broadcasting absolutely all competitions of the tournament of nine schools, using for this split screen.


Kudo Minor, who missed school because of ill health, watched this broadcast, sitting on the bed in his room.


“Tatsuya-san is so amazing…” When the broadcast was over, said Minoru, and sighed. He turned off the TV and went on the bed. In a minor’s thoughts whirled the whirlpool of admiration Tacuej.


He also admired the plan of the energy plant with the nucleus in the form of the installation “star reactor ” (at the press conference Tatsuya did not use the name “Project escapes “).

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He admired the power with which Tatsuya was able to overcome the pressure of what became an enemy to the world, and used heightened attention to his own purposes.


Minoru envied Tatsuo to the depths of his soul.


Tatsuya not give up and freely and unrestrictedly used his wisdom and power to fight the society and the world.


And he, in comparison with this, only lies on this cramped bed, watching other people’s affairs. That’s unfortunate.


Minoru was thinking. That if he only had a healthy body…


Minoru was sure that he was not inferior to Tatsuo by his mind or magic. This was in no way a self-confidence minor.


Minoru assessed his abilities after he recognized the ability of Tatsuya. His ability was recognized not only by himself. His grandfather, Kudo Rjecu, always cherished his talent.


Successfully avoiding the bad feeling at the contest of dissertations of last year (although Tatsuya in it and did not participate), Minoru won there victory, beating Isori Kay from the first school and Kichijoji Shinkuro from the third school.


When he remembered about the thesis contest, in his memory, one after another, the memories of the events that took place less than a month before the contest were revived. about how they first fought together the next day, October 7th.


The next time they met in two weeks, October 20th.


The next day he bedriddened from the heat and made them uncomfortable.


October 27th. Having closed the escape route Zhou Gunczinja, he believed that he managed to repay the debt for what he held when he was ill.


Minoru remembered all that day. After all, for the first time since his birth was someone useful. So Minoru understood it…


With these memories in memory, Minoru himself did not notice how fell asleep. In his dream he returned that day, October 27, 2096 year.


There was a guy in front of Uji Bridge. In a dream, Minoru observed himself by strangers ‘ eyes.


On the bonnet of the machine from which he looked, sparks poured.


Right before the engine exploded, he jumped out of the car and looked intently at the minor.


Minoru realized that Zhou Gunczinem. What the dream looks like on his face. He escaped along the river Uji, in a downward direction.


Then he was attacked by the suddenly appearing “Girl ” with a hairstyle of Kara. Despite the fact that it was a dream, he clearly felt a strong pain.


These places, these kinds of Minoru should not have known, this experience he should not have experienced.


Before him appeared Ichijo Masaki, behind him-Tatsuya.


Maybe he’s now in his imagination rebuilding this scene based on reports from that incident? Minoru in cold blood, despite the fact that now he was in a dream.


The attack Masaki tore from inside the shin of both his legs. This time there was no pain.


I will not perish. Even if I die, my existence will continue!


He thought he said it with his voice. Undoubtedly, the one who died, grabbing for such a thought, usually must wander a ghost in the world of the living. Minoru felt such compassion, on personal experience having experienced the last moment of life of Zhou Gunczinja.


But the dream was not over. Zhou Gunczinja’s consciousness continued.


Zhou Gunczin sailed upstream of the Uji River.


Suddenly the dream came from the face of the very minor. Zhou Gunczinja’s ghost was approaching.


“Become one with me! Zhou Gunczin shouted and flew in a minor, standing on the bridge of Uji.


The surrounding landscape has disappeared. The bridge also vanished from under the feet. Minoru hung in the air over the river.


Minoru realized that it was no longer a dream about the events that occurred 7 months ago, but an event that actually happens in the present time.


Memories of the events of that time somehow brought him here. More than six months later, Minoru realized that the Ghost Zhou Gunczinja drew his attention.


“Become mine!”


The fingers of both hands Zhou Gunczinja pierced in his chest. Although it is better to say “plunged “. Something invaded inside him. Although Minoru was aware of this, he was surprisingly calm.


Even for himself it was unexpected that he was not afraid of this “evil spirit ” trying to capture him. He didn’t have to be afraid because he knew what to do.


Minoru quickly understood that. Something trying to swallow it was the essence of the same nature as the parasites.


He was an undisputed genius and the strongest user of the magic of the Kudo family. His brothers and sisters did not realize it. And the father apparently did not admit it. But his grandfather certainly understood it.


By the age of 16, Minoru had already mastered all the magic of the Kudo family.


Go away, Ghost.


Minoru used the attacking magic of psychic intervention. In a dream there was no means of help in a call of magic, but even having no physical body, it did not feel inconvenience in use of magic. from “Body ” minor, like the wind, burst out a stream of luminous particles, and with the force, like a hurricane, blew “body ” Zhou Gunczinja.


In this world of Dreams minor and Zhou Gunczin now both were in ghost bodies. Their minds existed in the form of ghosts.


It can not be blow psionovym a stream, like “Spell interrupts “, but the magic of mental intervention is possible both to attack and defend.


Separated’s “body ” Zhou Gunczinja had no hands. They were immersed in a body in a minor on the wrist, and the submerged part tore off.


Give me your body.


Not frightened, Zhou Gunczin again flew in Minoru.


“Although it’s not a usable and naughty body, but I can’t give it away.


Minor has activated the following magic. From emptiness there were lightnings of all colors of a rainbow and have amazed a ghost body Zhou Gunczinja. In this world, magic was called, it was worth thinking about it. Minoru felt freedom compared to the real world.


“Give it to me…


The Phantom body of Zhou Gunczinja was now coald in different places, its once graceful appearance was covered with black spots, and the body lacked some parts.


— … I’m sorry, Zhou Gunczin. But it’s time to finish.


Minoru owned all the magic of the Kudo family. Including magic, methodology to create a puppet-parasite. Including a binding parasite loyalty spell.


“Obey Me, Ghost. Become my food.


In minor’s hands Zhou Gunczinja and activated the magic of enslaving the spiritual bodies.


The usual loyalty spell is arranged in such a way that if you comply with certain conditions, compensation is provided. The compensation used in the production of parasites is the supply of parasites necessary for them to Psionami. The condition for this is absolute obedience. In case of disobedience-deprivation already absorbed Psionov and overlapping of a way of submission of new.


The compensation offered by Minoru is the existence within it. And the condition is to be preoccupied. In other words, using the loyalty spell, a minor “ate ” The Ghost Zhou Gunczinja.


— … Good work. Thank you for your knowledge.


Minoru felt like the accumulated Zhou Gunczinem “secret knowledge ” associated with “Demons ” became his own.


Minoru in his sleep showed “Angel ” smile. This smile was undoubtedly like a messenger looking from heaven to earth, beautiful and haughty, devoid humanity.


Tatsuya expressed his gratitude to Ushijame, who made him a company at a press conference, thanked the staff drafted the venue, and was going to leave the main office.


He wasn’t going to date his father. He had no desire to meet, and his father obviously did not want it either. The assumption of father’s feelings was not a mistake.


Because not subordinate to the father stopped Tacuju, who changed his clothes in the locker room and went to the underground parking, not to get into the network of reporters, spread at the main entrance. He was stopped by a woman calling a member of the Magic Association.


Is this going to be a long conversation?


Tatsuya not experienced a magical association of particularly bad feelings. He asked so Carole because he wanted to leave this place soon. He did not underestimate the ability of the sniff press.


It won’t take long. I just need to get your answer… “The employee timidly answered the question of Tatsuya. The Magic Association sent not a man but a young woman to give Tatsuo a better impression.


But it gave a clear opposite effect. She was frightened by the sight of Tatsuya, as if she had a very meager experience with men (meaning no sexual experience). When a partner has no special tendencies, it is only offend.


But Tatsuo also became awkward, because he had no hobbies like scaring women for fun.


“In that case, get in the car.


But when he offered this employee of the Magic Association, it was impossible to fully say that his act was not a manifestation of revenge.


-Tomorrow afternoon…?


The request of the Magic Association was that they wanted him to meet in a magical association with Edward Clark, who will arrive in Japan tomorrow.


Yes! In the afternoon, at any time convenient for Sheba-Sana!


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The employee begged Tacuju a desperate voice. Looking at her condition, it was possible to see not that she is not accustomed to men, but that it is possible to say, it is difficult to talk to men, or she even has androfobiju [fear of men].


With what purpose the Magic Association chose such a woman? This was an obvious mistake in choosing roles.


It’s a pretty sudden situation.


I’m sorry, please!


The car was an autopilot, but Tatsuya was sitting in a driver seat, according to the rules. And the employee of the association Prizhimalas to the door of the front passenger seat. Tatsuya decided to finish this conversation quickly, but not because of compassion, but because of the irritation of her behavior.


There’s nothing to be done. Then tomorrow at 14:00, at the Kanto branch.


Is it true?


I can’t afford to refuse, can I?


These words were not an attempt to bargain, but true feelings Tatsuya.


Though not officially, Edward Clark asked for a meeting as a representative of the SSHSA government. The end of the meeting, he decided in advance, but the refusal to meet could have negative consequences in diplomatic relations. Tatsuya was not so arrogant or so childish as to ignore it.


-S-S-thank you very much!


The employee expressed her emotions too exaggerated. Tatsuya was no longer able to tolerate irritation. He stopped the car on the roadside and kicked her out of the association’s employee.


Tatsuya went to the first school. Initially, he planned to go there immediately from the main office of FLT. Although he did not go another road, but he still had the feeling that it took too much time.


All but the jacket, he changed the school uniform in the locker room FLT. Changing a jacket from a business suit on a long jacket from school uniforms, Tatsuya went not to the classroom, but to the office room. There he told the school staff that he wanted to meet with the director.


It was almost noon, the lunch break was about to start. Usually, if the student asks to meet with the director at such a time, he will only be reprimanded and will be kicked from the office space. But, as expected, the staff of the first school knew about the situation Tatsuya. In the current situation, not knowing the circumstances would be strange.


Was the director’s schedule accidentally free at that moment, or did he release him when he heard about the visit? Tatsuya got into the director’s office very quickly.


“Thank you very much for taking the time for me, even though I came so suddenly.


First of all, Tatsuya politely thanked.


I was watching the broadcast. -the director of Momoyama suddenly moved directly to the case. Did you refuse to participate in the Dion project because you had something on your mind that you told me today?


But once Momoyama himself asked, Tatsuo was easier to answer.




—The project of the power plant with the Magic Star reactor… Don’t you have any shorter version of the name?


—Given the planned location of the plant, it is unofficially called the “Project for the extraction of marine resources and the elimination of harmful substances from the coastal zone of the Pacific “, or abbreviated “Project Escapes” from the first letters of the words from the phrase in English: ” Extract both useful and harmful Substances from the Coastal area of the Pacific using Electricity generated by Stellar-generator “.


Escape? This name cannot be officially used.


Momoyama quickly realized that this name contains the meaning of “Escape wizards from military use.”


Yes. That is why at the press conference I called it a “project of the power plant based on stationary magic Star reactor “.


-Hmm… So how far have you been in this project? “asked Momoyama, looking at the Tacuju standing in front of his desk. Standing there, most of the disciples respond with a trembling voice.


—we have already started the actual implementation. It’s not a sham to escape from the Dion project.


Momoyama really suspected that this was a pretext for not participating in the Dion project.


— … I believe you.


In itself, the word ‘ believe ‘ was not a proof of what he really believes with all his heart, but Momoyama still said Tatsuo.


Thank you very much. Although not involved in the “project Dion ” I expressed not directly, now the condition of exemption from classes…- Release from classes is not canceled.


Momoyama interrupted the speech of Tatsuya.


I guarantee you graduate status. And a recommendation to the University of Magic too. So you should focus on moving the escapes project.


— … Are you sure?


The words of Momojamy sounded to Tatsuya too suspicious. The exemption from the classes originally provided by Tatsuo was done under the pressure of SSHSA to make him participate in the “Dion Project “. Now that Tatsuya officially refused, momojame no longer had to treat him in a special way.


-I think that “project Dione ” has a deep meaning, giving an honorable way of life to magicians. That’s why I asked you to participate in it.


Momoyama implied that his special attitude towards Tatsuo was not only because of the pressure of SSHSA. Tatsuya could not understand whether it was true, or it was to pretend that he succumbed to the pressure of the government.


“But now I felt that your” project escapes “also has a deep meaning, giving the magicians a peaceful way of life. According to my estimation, its social significance is not inferior to the “project Dion “. So I don’t think it’s necessary to change your attitude.


— … Thank you very much.


Even after these explanations Tatsuya did not understand the true motives of Momoyama, but, above all, thanked for the praise and bowed.


Good luck, try.


Bowing again in response to words Momoyama, Tatsuya left the director’s office.


When Tatsuya left the director’s office, it was still about 10 minutes before the lunch break. He initially planned to return to Izu, but after a short hesitation, he went to the school council room.


He passed up to the extreme room of the fourth floor, using such a route, not to be seen from the classrooms in which there were now classes.


His ID card without any problems opened the door.


Not too long he was absent. Tatsuya did not feel particularly nostalgic, he just took his usual place and turned on the terminal.


He checked the situation with the current affairs. Miyuki and others without much delay promoted the work of the school board.


Morally to cases that had nothing to do with the work, he did not notice how the lunch break began.


Miyuki and the rest should come after having lunch. So thought Tatsuya, but contrary to his expectations, Miyuki came very soon.


“They, no, Tatsuya.”




Miyuki was not alone. Both Honoka and non-member of the school Council of Shizuku, and Vtoroklassnicy Izumi, Kasumi and Minami came to the school council room almost simultaneously.


You can’t say we haven’t seen each other in a while, right?


Today is Friday. Last time they met near the gate of the first school on Monday. It is doubtful that the greeting “Not seen for a long time” came up to this occasion. and for Miyuki it “long time not seen ” was all the more unsuitable, because with it he communicates every evening on a background.


— … You came to tell the school about today’s press conference?


Miyuki quickly recovered from the shock and gave an unexpectedly correct guess.


Right. Did you guess?


“Given the press conference, I thought it might be related to her…


As Miyuki said, she was informed in advance about what will be told at today’s press conference.


Yes. I just talked to the principal. Although I declined to participate in the Dion project, the release from the classes remains in effect.


“That means how…” What were you going to do here?


Not only Miyuki, but Honoka was somehow nervous. It seemed that they felt uncomfortable with his presence. Tatsuya had such an impression. In the room of the school council gathered Miyuki, Honoka, Shizuku, Izumi, Kasumi and Minami. All but the first Tatsuya, were girls. Maybe they were going to talk about something girly?


“No, this is… We were going to see a press conference here, Tatsuya.


— … Got it.


When Tatsuya held a press conference, there were still classes. Conscientious students could not watch it live.


Miyuki probably recorded the broadcast on the school board’s server. The channel associated with the Magic news, for sure, had a contract to broadcast to schools of magic.


“Then I’ll go to the library, call me when you get home.


Even Tatsuo was ashamed to watch his press conference on TV. As if running away from it, he hurried out of the school council room.


After school, Tatsuya met with friends in the school cafeteria. Not only with Miyuki and others with whom he met in the school board room, but also with the rest of their regular company. Since he was in the car today, it was impossible to go to a habitual café, located on the way to school.


The Disciples ‘ views, directed at them from all sides, were annoying. But today we can make an exception.


The record of the press conference was reproduced not only in the school board room. At lunchtime, the recording was shown on the big screen in the dining room. Many students watched the recording at their personal information terminals. So everyone was interested.


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Tatsuya, I saw it.


Naturally, his friends also looked.


“Join this boob, good job.


Tatsuya-san, only you could think of that.


I think it’s really amazing. I’d never have thought of that before.


After Leo was told by Eric, Mizuki and Mikihiko. The reaction was more open among his former classmates than among the school board group.


Perhaps it was because they had no extra emotion.


—Construction of a plant that generates energy using a star reactor? Tatsuya. And he has no name simpler, like an abbreviation?


Leo asked about the same as Director Momoyama. Perhaps many have thought about it.


-There is an unofficial abbreviation “Project escapes “.


What’s the Cape? What is this cut from?


-Extract both useful and harmful Substances from the Coastal area of the Pacific using Electricity generated by Stellar-generator. E from “Extract “, s from “Substances “, C and A from “Coastal area “, P from “Pacific “, E from “Electricity “, s from “Stellar “. All together-escapes. Translates: “Extraction of both useful and harmful substances from the coastal zone of the Pacific Ocean using the electricity produced by the star reactor.”


-ha-ha… I’m guessing he matches that word.




Leo, as usual, decided to show his uncharacteristic wit.


What away?


From military use.


Having heard the words of Tatsuya, before that cheerfully smiling Leo made a serious face.


— … Even so?


Leo is a descendant developed as a weapon of magicians with improved bodies. He clearly realized that “escape from military use ” is a “Escape from the fate of magicians compelled to be a weapon.”


Not just Leo. Mine, which is also a descendant of the developed as a weapon of magicians with improved bodies, also, of course, understood it. The other members of the company also changed in the face. In particular, the faces of Honoka, Kasumi and Izumi froze. These three were highly likely to have genes that had been modified in the generation of their fathers and grandfathers.


Yes, that’s right.


Tatsuya did not conceal this intention. Friends and so would understand it, there was no sense to hide.


“You have to succeed, whatever it is. Mikihiko said in a serious voice.


It’s going to be all right, it’s Tatsuya-kun.


Erica tried to blow a tense atmosphere, cheer everyone. The faces were softened when they heard her.


Right. If it’s Tatsuya-san, it’s going to be all right.


You said you had a place to choose. And when will the construction actually begin?


After Honoka, whose speech not only expressed confidence, but was closer to religious belief, Mizuki asked about a specific schedule.


-The project has already started.


-uh? Then to School…?


“Although the release has not changed, I plan to go back to school, when the situation will calm down a bit. -With a slight smile answered Tatsuya Okruglivshej eyes Mizuki.


True? Thank God…


Honoka exaggerated his relief. This behavior has caused all smiles.




To Tatsuo turned Shizuku, standing next to Honoka.


What’s that?


Father wants to meet.


Kasumi rounded eyes from the words of Shizuku. It was easy to guess what she had mistakenly thought, but the real meaning was, of course, different.


I think it’s about the project.


I got it. When do I arrive?


Tatsuya immediately guessed that it was the work of Todo hands. But he did not show it, but asked Shizuku with a serious expression of his face.


He said he’d be happy to meet on Sunday.


What time is it?


-The exact time is not assigned.


“In that case, how about I bother you in the afternoon, say, at 1:00?”


I think it’s going to be all right. I’ll call you if the circumstances change.


Yes, good.


Thus, this simple coffee break accidentally became for Tatsuya a significant event.


As a result, Tatsuya not go to the villa in Izu, and went to a new house in Tjofu.


Tomorrow he must meet Edward Clark at the Kanto branch of the Magic Association, and the day after tomorrow he should visit the House of Shizuku. Returning to Izu was ineffective.


This will be the first time Tatsuya will stay overnight in a building in Tjofu. Miyuki was excited by this fact stronger Tatsuya. No, to be more precise, Tatsuya not worry at all. Only Miyuki one and worried.


-Tatsuya-herself, Miyuki-herself, all kind.


Yes, good night.


Good night, Minami-chan.


The upper floor of the building was fully occupied by the residence Tatsuya and Miyuki. Its structure was the same as that of an ordinary mansion, and it had several different rooms with separate entrances.


Separate entrance to the rooms Tatsuya and Miyuki, and a separate entrance to the room where mine lived. … In other words, mine “has changed work ” with “maid who lives in the employer’s family ” on the “Maid on Demand.”


In other words, it meant that Tatsuya and Miyuki would spend the night alone in their residence. For Miyuki it was a situation where she could not do without excitement.




Miyuki changed her appeal to Tatsuo on “They-herself ” Even when they got into the car, and there were only “their ” around.


But it started not today. Even in phone calls, she called him that. She performed what she said on Saturday night at the villa in Izu.


For her, it was not a conscious fulfillment of the said. As Miyuki said, it is most natural for her to call him “They-herself “. From that day, 5 years ago, in the summer, in Okinawa.


Go to the bathroom first.




Miyuki advised him to go to the bathroom after he left mine, not because they were arguing with each other, who would be doing housework.


The bath was fully automated, from cleaning to filling it with hot water.


There was a similar bath in their old house. But in the new house automation was a step higher. You could take a bath without doing anything with your own hands. Tatsuya figured it out by entering the bathroom.


Tatsuya for a moment seriously thought, whether it is necessary to just use this “human washing machine ” (Fully automated shower cabin), because this bathroom corresponded to the luxurious layout of these apartments and was equipped Not only a huge bathroom, but also an ample place to wash. As a result, he decided to wash the traditional way.


But even if it was said “Traditional “, everything around was also automated.




After washing the hair it was not necessary to spend time lookinging the shower head to the touch. After the Voice command in the right place pour hot water.


When Tatsuya washed away the shampoo and stretched his hand behind the washcloth to wash the body, he felt from behind, on the other side of the door to the bathroom, signs of human presence.


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He didn’t feel any stress. Although he was back to the door, it was clear to him that there was a Miyuki, as clearly as if he had seen it right in front of him.




Who was tense is Miyuki. Her voice was indecisive.


What happened?


He had absolutely no idea why she was here. No, he didn’t understand the reason she talked to him while she was washing.


—… Let me wash your back.




He had no difficulty in hearing what Miyuki said. He couldn’t understand them either.


But he still didn’t understand.


Lose your back? Who? To whom?


It was very unusual, that Tatsuya got confused by superfluous thoughts.


I wash your back.


Whether she lost her patience with no answer, or saw a chance in the absence of a refusal. Miyuki opened the door to the bathroom. Tatsuya strongly regretted not having locked the door.


But it was too late. Miyuki steps were heard. Tatsuya couldn’t look back. Luckily, he was able to quickly get a towel hanging next to him. With his help he somehow managed to hide the part below the waist.


The signs of Miyuki were felt very close. He did not know what kind she was now.


After thinking that if there was a mirror, Tatsuya hastily threw away that thought. But it really was. Mirror. Right in front of Tacuej. True now its surface was concealed by a damper. Tatsuya thought he was lucky to have no habit of bathing in front of a mirror.


“They, I beg your pardon…”


White hand Miyuki stretched forward to the side of the head Tatsuya and took a sponge for the body. For an instant the breasts of Miyuki touched his back. Tatsuya felt though light, but relieved, when he realized that by touch it was a feeling not from bare skin, but from towels.


Namylennaja sponge clung to his back. Not only the sponge, the thin fingers of the Miyuki also touched the back.



“Miyuki, why are you so suddenly…? “Tatsuya could no longer keep silent and ask without turning.


-I am making you uncomfortable…?


No, no inconvenience.


In fact, he was very uncomfortable. But Tatsuya knew he didn’t have to say it here.


“Thank God…


The voice of Miyuki, who sounded like she was concealing tears with joy, said that there would be a great trouble if he were mistaken.


— … But that’s probably enough.


Fingers Trushhej back Miyuki a little trembled.


—… Even a little, but I want to be there for you.


The voice also trembled with shame.


“We haven’t been together lately… Is that a bad thing? Miyuki whispered with a sweet voice. Whispered these affectionate words.


— … No. “Muttered Tatsuya, as if fascinated as if they were manipulated.


Was it someone’s hobby, but the bath in the new house was 2 times longer than the usual bathrooms.


In this bathroom, Tatsuya and Miyuki now sat together. … Back to back.


The courage to turn the face was neither Tatsuya nor Miyuki.


But even if it was long, for two at once there was not enough space. The growth of Tatsuya was more than 180 centimeters, and the growth of Miyuki was also higher than average growth in women. Moreover, the Miyuki had long legs uncharacteristic of Japanese.


When they entered the bath, they both took their towels off. Even Tatsuya could not remain calm from touching to bare skin, though and backs. The face of Miyuki was red not only from hot water.


—… They. How long are you going to be here? -asked Miyuki, trying to pretend that the voice sounded as normal.


I’m going back to Izu on Sunday night.


The voice of Tatsuya, on the contrary, was solid.


-Return to the first school you still… Can’t you?


“I don’t know how SSHSA and the new Soviet Union will behave. I think we need to watch the situation a little bit more.


“It is clear…” murmured Miyuki with unconcealed disappointment in her voice. But she didn’t say something selfish, like, “Come back soon.”


-Can I… To visit you again in Izu?


Course. I’ll be happy to see you at any time, unless of course it hurts your studies.


“Well, they. You sound like my guardian?


“Can’t a big Brother be a Guardian?” Even the groom can be a concurrent guardian.


Miyuki unwittingly giggled from this inept joke (?) Tatsuya.


Right. The only one I can rely on is you, they.


Yes, trust me.


In the words of Miyuki was an unpleasant undertone that she “cannot rely on his father “, but Tatsuya pretended not to notice. Such care will be painful for Miyuki.


Sunday… Can I go with you to Shizuku house?


-really… It would be better if there was a Miyuki.


Miyuki was a little surprised, because Tatsuya suddenly spoke in a serious voice.


It means… What do I need to attend during my personal conversation with Father Shizuku?


—I will welcome the first sponsor of the case, which can become the work of our entire life. I think it’ll be better with you.


The work of our whole life. Miyuki could not understand the wrong meaning of these words.


“All right, they…


Miyuki enthusiastically nodded and plunged under the water.


Miyuki? Are you okay?


Tatsuya Timidly asked this, because the feeling from the back of Miyuki, which had barely touched him, suddenly became like a snug fit. Miyuki tightly leaned to Tatsuo.


If it is special, it is already a little bit beyond what can be stopped by a simple smile.


But what if it wasn’t intentional?


— … What do you mean “OK “…?


The voice of Miyuki, answering the question Tatsuya was somehow razmjagchjonnym.


“… That’s not good, “thought Tatsuya. “Miyuki overheated in hot water? “- Miyuki, you better get out of the water already.


— … and the truth…


In response to the warning, Tatsuya Miyuki only nodded and said it with a helpless voice. There was no sign of movement.


“… What to do? “Carry bare miyuki on hands was really the last resort.


If you call for help from mines, then he must first get out of the bath. In the current situation it will be quite difficult to get out of the bath without touching the body Miyuki. In addition, he feared that the Miyuki could simply go under the water, deprived of support in the form of it.


Tatsuya, you might say, was confused.


As a result, it took more than a minute before his mind came to the idea of pulling water out of the bath.


…Fortunately, on this day neither the Tatsuya nor the Miyuki did not catch cold from the long sitting in the hot water.

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