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Volume 24, Chapter 5

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Came to Japan Edward Clark met a lot of reporters. The fuss was like it was not a diplomatic visit, but a private visit by a famous actor.


The reason was that Edward and Raymond did not even try to hide from the public. Rather, they, on the contrary, tried to raise the hype in the media.


But they did not give news organizations such services as a press conference or interview, and as a result, under the protection of the police, left the airport.


They went to the Embassy of SSHSA. It could not be called Strange, because Edward Clark is a member of the State institution. Reporters and journalists knew about it, and most of them were behind them, looking at the shadow of the Government of SSHSA in the back of Clark.


In 13:30 they flew from the embassy by helicopter, and in 13:50 arrived on the roof of the tower “Bay Hills ” In Yokohama, where the branch of the Kanto Magic Association is located.


Tatsuya arrived at the Kanto branch of the Magic Association 5 minutes before the scheduled meeting time. Despite the fact that he was told that Edward Clark was waiting in the waiting room, he showed no haste. He was forced to suddenly change his plans just a day ago.


Initially, Tatsuya intended to let Clark wait about an hour.


But he still arrived on time… Perhaps he was much more attached to the notion of ‘ common sense ‘ than he thought himself.


Nice to meet you. My name is Shiba Tatsuya.


Tatsuya, who was brought to the meeting place by the branch employee (but not the one he met yesterday), spoke with Edward in Japanese. Maybe it was childish behavior, something like resistance.


Nice to meet you. My name is Edward Clark.


Unexpectedly Edward greeted him in fluent Japanese.


“It is a great honor for me to meet you.


But Tatsuya not lost the speech and continued to be considered in this case insolent conversation in Japanese. By the way, using the peculiarity of his memory “Do not forget anything that at least once saw or heard “, he almost perfectly mastered not only English, but also the languages of most major countries.


For me, too.


Edward, who answered without removing his smile, looked like a perfect liar, which did not fit his mediocre appearance.


His appearance in a neat suit and beautifully slickeded blond hair, together with a standard figure that is not considered thick or thin for growth of 180 centimeters, created the impression that he is not a scientist or engineer, and a senior manager of the sales department. No, not even a private company salesman, but a government agency?


Undoubtedly, his appearance was not only a way. Although Edward Clark was originally considered an engineer, the role he is now playing is exactly that.


Although Tatsuo offered a chair, he sat on the couch completely without hesitation. On the part of the employees of the branch there was a noticeable concern presumptuous behavior Tatsuya, but Edward, and for some reason, Raymond present here did not show a drop of anxiety and sat in front of him.


I watched the yesterday press conference. Mr. Shiba, your energy plant project surprised me.


Edward was the first to speak.


Thank. But it is far to “project Dion ” both on spatial, and on time scales. I think that this is a great project that does not fulfill even having spent all my life on it.


“How humble.


Tatsuya’s words were hard to understand, because it was sarcasm. He implicitly pointed out that the wizards would be cut off from the human community both in time and in space. By the expression of Edward’s face it was impossible to determine whether he understood this hint.


At least, the staff of the Magic Association, present as observers, looked as if they could not understand. If Edward was able to save “PokerFace ” by realizing it, then he is undoubtedly a villain.


So the Magic Star reactor is a fusion reactor with a sequence of gravity control magic? So you designed it for use at the power plant?


Yes. The completed form will have a design that uses the sea water directly.


The expression of Edward’s face moved slightly. It proved that he understood the hint of Tatsuya that “Therefore it cannot be used in outer space “.


—The construction of a power plant using the Magic Star reactor is certainly a significant project for Japan. But the terraforming of Venus is a hope for all mankind. I would like Mr. Shiba, achieved numerous technological breakthroughs as Silver Taurus, to join the Dion project.


Whether Edward had lost his patience, whether he had planned so from the beginning, but he suddenly voiced the main requirement.


“I think, after looking at the yesterday press conference, you realized that I’m not Taurus silver. But I don’t have to tell you what you know so well.


The last sentence of Tatsuya contained the sarcasm “You have studied the question with the help of Hlidskjalva, so you should know.” The existence of this backdoor to Echelon III Tatsuya heard from Raymond. This fact must also be known to Edward.


-The glory of Taurus Silver comes from phenomenal achievements in the field of software. In other words, Mr. Shiba is the essence of silver Taurus.


—Whatever the software is, without its hardware, it is just plain text. In the relationship between “soft ” and “Iron ” There is no specific claim, which is the main and what is secondary.


That’s not true. Hardware without a program is just an empty shell.


-however, the actual work is done by equipment.


Raymond poked his father in his side with his elbow, and Edward unnaturally Prokashljalsja. Noticing that Tatsuya the conversation in the other direction, he tried to start from the beginning.


—the team, arachidonic “Taurus silver “, yesterday broke up, so I will refuse the request of his participation. Instead, I would like to ask you here again. Mr. Shiba, would you take part in the Dion project?


-I’m sorry, but yesterday I already took responsibility for the project of the energy plant using the Magic Star reactor. If you hadn’t asked for silver Taurus’s participation from the very beginning, but you turned to me at once, I had an option to leave the project of the plant to other people… I can only say that this is bad luck. I’m sorry, but you’d better retreat.

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Tatsuya responded with a clear rejection of Edward Clark’s demand right before the staff of the Magic Association.


After that, between Edward and Tacuej several times repeated a series of similar questions and answers, but eventually Edward could not argue Tacuju.


Edward knew that Tatsuya could not agree. But he miscalculated that he could not put Tacuju in a disadvantaged position, taking from him any obligation.


“I knew that the usual methods would not help… But I did not expect such stubborn intransigence.


Dad, what are you going to do now?


Now these two were in the hotel room provided by the Embassy of SSHSA. The two rooms next door had bodyguards. This could be called an unprecedented case when the staff of the organization associated with the government were treated as VIP. It proved once again that Edward Clark is not a simple engineer.


“Perhaps this goal is not achieved peacefully.


Edward was not going to ask what his son thought.


“I think killing is a last resort.


Raymond showed no attempt to morally evade the possibility that his father rubbed hands with dirty deeds.


The lack of secrets between them may have been due to good relations between the son and the father, but from the side of human upbringing, their relations differed greatly from the social standards. Perhaps Edward believed that, in general, the moral aspect could be ignored when he gave Raymond the terminal Hlidskjalva.


“But we have to consider this option if we cannot neutralize this person with the help of the project Dion.


For Edward, the purpose of the Dion project was not to develop Venus. And not in resettlement there, if as a result Venus will be terraformed. The real goal was to completely neutralize Sheba Tatsuya. In neutralizing the magic of strategic class “Explosion of matter “.


“But, like you said, it’s a last resort. Tomorrow I’ll give an interview on TV. The public opinion of the Japanese should be ignited.


-and looking at the result of this, come up with the next move?


That’s right, Raymond.




Raymond saw Edward frown after he nodded, so he turned to him.


-The new Soviet Union may decide on the power approach, without waiting for the tactics with public opinion to be triggered…


Edward was concerned about what step the new Soviet Union would make, and, more precisely, the ugliness.


-If their “power approach ” Ends halfway, then Shiba Tatsuya can get the data for the counterattack. So I want you to be careful for a while…


-Would you study the question of Hlidskjalvom?


Edward shook his head after hearing the suggestion of Raymond.


-Rumors say that in the new Soviet Union built a system of reverse detection in opposition to Echelon III. I do not think that HLIDSKJALV will catch the tail, but… We must not risk ruining the current cooperating relationship with the improper.


I got it, dad.


Raymond seemed disappointed, but still agreed with Edward’s protest.


So I’m free tomorrow?


Don’t go too far. Right, just in case, tell me, what are you going to do?


I think I’m going to visit Tia.


Tia? Ah, the daughter of the Kitayama family?


Edward briefly paused, counting the advantages and disadvantages of deepening ties with the relatives of the owner “group Hokuzan “, known even in SSHSA.


—… Why not? You can go.


Yes, I got it.


Raymond went into the bedroom in a brisk step. Probably going to call Shizuku. Edward gave his son a glance with a smile.


On Sunday, a meeting between Tacuej and Father Shizuku, Kitajamoj Ushio, ended in a short time and in a peaceful atmosphere.


Help Ushio “Project escapes ” confirmed the words of Todo Aobas about his connections. and Todo not forcing him to do it. Providing magicians with non-military jobs corresponded to the wishes of Ushio.


At the current stage it was still early to talk about the costs of construction and operation, so today Tatsuya finished on what explained Ushio more detailed details of the project, which he did not tell at the press conference.


I heard a lot of interesting things. It was a useful time.


Ushio in an elevated mood held tacuju and Miyuki to the exit from the living room.


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—If the energy of the star reactor will serve not only for the production of hydrogen, but also for the extraction of lithium, cobalt and uranium, it would be quite profitable. There are companies in our group that are looking for resource collection from sea water, so I’m thinking of letting you look at the research materials.


“Thank you.


Although the knowledge and reasoning of Tatsuya in Magic Engineering were at the highest level, but his knowledge of the industry, after all, were like a regular schoolboy. The production secrets that will make a profit from the extraction of resources are what Tatsuya wanted to learn the most. The firm promise of comprehensive cooperation from Ushio was for Tatsuya a huge step forward.


Oji, can we see Shizuku?


[Polite appeal to a middle-aged man. Something like “Uncle ” (not the one that’s a relative).]


The fact that the friends of the daughter came to ask for help together greatly softened the attitude of Ushio. As expected Tatsuya (or it would be better to say “as he planned “), the presence of Miyuki proved useful.


“My daughter will be happy if you do.


Ushio smiled widely, responding to a request Miyuki to meet with Shizuku.




At this point in their conversation wedged experienced a kind maid.


What’s that?


-Shizuku-Odzjosama now with the guest.


-Guest…? Yes, if you think about it, I’ve heard something like that.


That’s not a problem. Then maybe another time.


That’s not a problem.


After hearing about the visitor, Miyuki tried to abstain modestly, but Ushio stopped it.


—This guest is a student whom Shizuku met while studying abroad… Yesterday he suddenly said he wanted to meet. It sounded absurd, and I already wanted to give up, but I couldn’t do it because he said he was coming back to his country soon. He’s valves-Koonu has a relationship, this guy. So I thought you’d be aware of the situation.


—A person who is relevant to me? “After hearing the words of Ushio, he asked Tatsuya instead of Miyuki.


“This guy’s name is Raymond Clark.


With the information network of the owner of a large group of companies, he should know the meaning of the surname “Clark “. Tatsuya finally understood the intention of Ushio.


All right, Oji. We’ll meet them. “Bowing down,” answered Miyuki.


Clear. You, take them to your daughter’s room. Ushio immediately commanded the maid.


Everything went as smoothly as it was in a pre-made scenario.


Shizuku met Raymond not in his room, but in the tearoom.


The door of the tea room was open. Although there was a servant nearby, Ushio would not allow her daughter to stay alone in a closed room with a guy about the same age. Although it could be an order and mother Shizuku.


Shizuku, I’m sorry for the intrusion.


“Ah, Miyuki…


Hearing the voice from the hallway, Shizuku turned to the door. Was it imaginable that she looked like she felt relieved?


Raymond Clark. Sorry about the intrusion.


-Shiba Tatsuya… Yes, come in.


Raymond was a stunned invasion of Miyuki and Tatsuya, but after Tatsuya called him, he answered with a smile.


-Yesterday we could not communicate ease. It’s a good thing we met. Raymond switched his attention to Tacuju.


You wanted to talk to me?


“Isn’t he here for the courtship of Shizuku? ” — Thought Tatsuya, but he was also interested in what Raymond would say, so he sat in front of him. Shizuku, sitting opposite Raymond, moved to a place on the side of the table before Tatsuya answered Raymond. Miyuki Village between Tacuej and Shizuku.


I wanted to hear your opinion.


Ignoring Miyuki, Raymond answered Tatsuo.


Listen, Tatsuya.


Raymond Ease called Tacuju as if they were friends. Well, at least it was better than using embarrassing names like “God of Destruction ” (The Destroy), so Tatsuya decided to keep quiet.


—The project of the energy plant with the star reactor… Uh, does he have a simpler name?


You already know if you did a research.


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“You’ve already researched this hlidskjalvom,” a hint with a tinge of sarcasm was in Tatsuya’s answer to Raymond’s question.


-even if I understood, having, but at the press conference it was not.


Raymond Sulked and took look. Tacuju not amused to look at the inflated face of the guy, and he ease told about the name of the project escapes.


-Project escapes? I mean… Okay.


Raymond interrupted his question because he intuitively realized that instead of the “escapes ” value, Tatsuya gives more meaning to the word “escape.”


“Are you seriously planning on the escapes project?”


Everyone’s asking me about it. -Pronunciation Tatsuya, having made a tired face.


-“Project escapes ” is not a simple excuse from “Project Dion “. The first thing to consider is that this project was invented before you invented it terraforming Venus. “He answered Raymond with a voice in which there was not a drop of friendliness.


“It is cruel to call it… Invention.


“So you really want to terraform Venus?”


Raymond, who tried to object to Tatsuo, was cornered a new question.


-Real resettlement will be possible not after 10 or 20 years. The elapsed time will be measured for centuries. It will be necessary to invest money and efforts for many generations. I don’t think SSHSA have motives to take this huge project seriously. No, not just SSHSA. I do not think there is at least one country with such motivation on the present Earth. If anyone can take on such a grandiose project, then only the world government, right? I think that’s the way it is.


— … The plan of settling Mars is also advancing as an age-old project.


-it is only planned. The methods of movement are not even defined yet.


-Don’t you think that such a grandiose project is just compel to the creation of the world government?


After seeing the situation worsened, Raymond changed the selection of arguments.


“If we forcibly unite the world, the usual war will simply change to civilian.


But even this ended with another argument from Tatsuya.


— … Doesn’t Tatsuya have a dream?


-I prefer only those dreams that can be realized.


Even after this pretext, Raymond’s heart Tatsuya remained steadfast.


“But then there will be no romance.


But Raymond was not in the spirit. It seems that the words of Tatsuya will be something “holy” to him, something that Raymond cannot yield.


“When it is done, it ceases to be a dream. But when you do not know whether it will be realized or not, it can still be called a dream.


You’re a romantic. Does this mean that the “project Dion ” For You is a romance that neglects the possibility of exercising?


-A man of magic, the power of thought, will fly into space. Isn’t that romantic?


“Why should I do that?”


— … Uh?


Raymond froze with surprise on his face.


-To go into space by force of magic. I’m not against this dream. But this is your dream? There’s no reason I have to help.


“This is…” The reason you want to tie me to the project of Dion is not chasing the dream. This is based on more realistic calculations.


— … I got it. Then let’s talk about realistic things.


It seemed that Raymond had already lost the dispute, but he showed an unexpected persistence.


-Thanks to the development of the ocean can be a little stretch to reach the limits of the capacity of the Earth. But the limits of the earth are finite. Even they will be expanded, but one day the final limits will be reached, which cannot withstand the growth of the population of mankind.


“I do not deny such a future.


“In this case, space exploration is a reality that we should not turn away from just because it is difficult! For humanity to continue its prosperity, we must go into space as long as we still have the strength to do so.


— Why space exploration will be a decision of population growth?


— Uh…?


Raymond now had an expression of his face, indicating that he did not understand sincerely.


—… But isn’t that a solution? The land has a limitation of capacity, so you need to go beyond the land…


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Raymond was perplexed to argue with a confused voice.


“Space is also a limited space.


Is… Maybe it is. But… — a space that can be redone in a fit for human life is even more limited.


— ……


“Even the exploration of space cannot escape the limits. Humankind can only delay the attainment of these limits.


— … These are empty excuses.


“If we only extend the time to reach the limits, we must work on what we can really do.


—… This is sophistry with extreme arguments! Space has no real limits! With Magic, humanity will endlessly conquer new frontiers!


“However, the goal of the escapes project is not to respond to population growth.


— …


“I’ll complete the star reactor and implement the plant to reach my goal. You strive into space to reach your goal. If that’s your real goal.


Without finding the words of the refutation, Raymond slowly stood up with the face of the defeat.


TIA, I’m sorry. I’ll probably go.




—… Tatsuya. We’ll never let you escape.


I’m not going to let you catch me.


“I would like to see the day when you regret these words. … All right, Tia. I’ll see you again.


Raymond, leaving, looked only towards Shizuku.


— … Yes. Ray, I’ll see you later.


Sadly smiling after answering Shizuku, he went out through the left open door.


In the tea room though there was no oppressive mood, but unpleasant residue remained. To change the atmosphere together with the air, Shizuku asked the maid to open the window. Using the remote control, it turned on the TV. It was also for a change of mood, but the transmission, which was shown by TV, could give a reverse effect.


Shizuku, leave it, please. “Tatsuya stopped Shizuku, who wanted to switch the channel.


Edward Clark’s interview on the screen continued.


—… Thus, if we talk about the true significance of the use of magic for the future of people, it should be used for the exploration of space.


Edward in the TV spoke English, but his speech was synchronously duplicated subtitles.


—I believe that the Magic thermonuclear reactor is a wonderful invention. But it should be used in places where it is difficult to replenish fuel reserves, and sunlight is unstable. For example, on the moons of Jupiter. It will be able to produce electricity steadily even when the satellite is going into the shadow of Jupiter because of its circulation around it.


-the period of Ganymede circulation is only 7 days. Even at Callisto he is a little less than 17 days. Tatsuya muttered in an ironic tone. Of course, his voice did not reach the place that was on the other side of the TV screen.


-The development of the ocean can be carried out by other technologies, not using magic. The necessary power for the industry can be achieved by using the electricity generation of oceanic solar power plants and geothermal sources. A rare talent, called magic, should be used for more meaningful purposes.


“says almost the same as we just heard, isn’t it?


In the voice of Miyuki, asks Tacuju was not an irony or an aversion, but naïve simplicity.


“Maybe it’s because they’re father and son?”


“Father and son?”


Shizuku looked a little izumljonnoj.


-I have not confirmed it through the third-party official agencies, but there can be no errors.


“That means how…” Shizuku, did you not know? Didn’t you have a home party or something like that when you were an exchange student?


The question of Tatsuya was based on the prejudice that in America, compared to Japan, much more often arrange parties at home.


Ray didn’t have a party at home.


So, Shizuku and the truth often called for parties during exchange studies. But America does not seem to be different from Japan in that it all depends on a particular family and a particular person, how much the parent will interfere in the relationship of his child with friends.


“I would like Shiba Tatsuya-san to take part in our project in order to open the future for mankind. I hope so.


Speaking on TV, Edward emphasized public principles. Tatsuya, who knew his true motives, grinned at hearing these words.

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