Chapter 32: The Arrival of the Dragon Lord

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Yun Zhao cleared his throat and sheepishly stepped forward to help the black cat untie the white silk.


Wu Mu shook its fur and transformed back into a child while muttering curses, kicking the white silk back to Qing Jiao.


Wu Mu, seeing everyone's attention on him, raised his chin with a stern expression and said, "What are you all looking at? Continue."


Yun Zhao sighed and, leading him, walked to Sun Yang's side, sometimes fearing that this child would one day be beaten up by someone and put in a sack.


With the interruption, Cheng Yi's previously prepared emotions disappeared.


Seeing this, Xun Su stepped forward and suggested, "Father, Sun Yang may have just had a breakthrough causing his aggressive temperament. Shouldn't we take him back directly?"


Cheng Yi pondered for a moment and was about to agree when he lifted his eyes and saw the huge beast that had roared at him earlier raising its front paw, carefully using its sharp claws to pick off the withered leaves stuck to Yun Zhao's shoulder.


Cheng Yi was momentarily stunned by the trust and care in its eyes.


He shifted his gaze back to the elegant and kind young man and asked, "I am Cheng Yi, the Chief of the Immortal Wolf Clan. May I know who you are, Immortal Lord?"


"Immortal Lord?" Qing Jiao, who was beside them, suddenly chuckled. "Cheng Yi overestimates him. He is called Yun Zhao, just an ordinary member of our clan who married into the Dragon Clan."


Cheng Yi looked him up and down after hearing this, and his tone became much lighter. "Thank you, Yun Zhao, for taking care of the child."


In the Immortal Realm, who didn't know that Ao Yu, the young master of the Dragon Clan, was seriously injured and had already left the Dragon Palace.


Thinking of this, Cheng Yi let down his guard. It would be much easier to do what he wanted to do...


Yun Zhao thought that the person in front of him was an elder, so he raised his hand to pay his respects. "Yun Zhao from Yuming Mountain, greetings, Chief."


He continued, "When Sun Yang wandered to Yuming Mountain, he was covered in injuries, so I took him in. He is very well-behaved, and it is not troublesome to take care of him."


He reached out and stroked Sun Yang's long fur. The little dog's majestic appearance was quite pleasing to the eye.


Xun Su frowned slightly upon hearing this and couldn't help but look at Cheng Yi. It seemed that this young man had no intention of letting Sun Yang leave.


Sure enough, Cheng Yi no longer beat around the bush and straightforwardly expressed his intention. "I've heard that the spiritual energy of Yuming Mountain has dried up, which may be detrimental to my son's cultivation. After bothering you for so long, we will take him back to our clan now."


As soon as these words were spoken, Sun Yang resisted and took several steps back, causing the ground to tremble under his weight..


The golden beast, with its crimson bloodlust fading from its eyes, turned its head to gauge Yun Zhao's reaction, anxiously letting out a habitual whimper.

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Unfortunately, it forgot that it was no longer an affectionate little dog and couldn't produce the sticky and cloying coquettish voice. Instead, low and deep beast roars escaped its throat, startling a few unfortunate mountain sparrows.


Yun Zhao had long guessed their intentions, so when the other party directly made it clear, he pondered how to respond without causing conflict.


However, Yun Zhao's silence was not seen in the same light by Cheng Yi and Xun Su.


Indeed, as an ordinary immortal who was married off to the destitute Dragon Lord, he must have had a difficult life. How could they miss this opportunity to gain some benefits?


A trace of contempt appeared in Xun Su's eyes. Seeing his father's gesture, he stepped forward and said, "Taking care of Sun Yang is not easy for our friend. Our clan will present precious spiritual plants as a token of gratitude."


Seeing that Yun Zhao remained silent, Xun Su frowned and continued, "I have heard that Young Master Ao Yu is injured, and our clan has many miraculous elixirs. If there is a need..."


Yun Zhao didn't pay any attention to what the person in front of him was saying, but it greatly distressed Sun Yang at his side.


He didn't know what he looked like now, whether he was ugly and ferocious, and whether he could still please Yun Zhao.


Xun Su on the opposite side kept rambling about those generous gifts, but he couldn't even produce a single immortal stone. What would happen if Yun Zhao agreed to their offer and he was left with nothing?


Just as Sun Yang was anxiously contemplating and almost nudging the young man's back with his big black nose, the young man lifted his head and earnestly looked at Cheng Yi.


He asked seriously, "May I ask, Chief, do you truly wish to take Sun Yang back?"


Cheng Yi was taken aback, then found it amusing. "You little rascal! We're telling you about the immense benefits, and here you are questioning me."


Seeing the young man calmly gazing at him, locking eyes with his dark and bright eyes, Cheng Yi inexplicably felt a sense of unease.


He averted his gaze and replied, "Of course, I genuinely want to bring my son back. Not only will I bring him back, but I will also mobilize the entire clan's resources to assist him in his cultivation."


Yun Zhao didn't listen to the rest of his words and turned directly to the almost tearful Sun Yang.


Looking at the expression on the little dog's face, Yun Zhao gently smiled and asked, "Does Sun Yang want to go back with your family?"


"I've said it before, if there comes a day when you want to leave Yuming Mountain, you can leave." Yun Zhao walked over amidst the low whimpering of the giant beast and held Sun Yang's nuzzling black nose, whispering softly, "Of course, if you're tired or unhappy outside, you can always come back."


Upon hearing the young man's words, Xun Su couldn't help but furrow his brows. No one would give up endless power to settle in a spiritual mountain with depleted spiritual energy.


However, in the next second, Sun Yang raised his body and let out a roar towards Cheng Yi, expressing his resistance.


Xun Su rushed forward to protect Cheng Yi and shouted, "Sun Yang, have you gone mad? That's your father!"

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Cheng Yi was also incredulous. Veins bulged on his forehead as he struggled to suppress his anger and questioned, "Is this your decision?"


"Yes," came the voice of a young man, and everyone looked at the giant beast before them.


At this moment, Sun Yang appeared exceptionally calm. He transformed back into his dog form and crouched in front of them, his eyes exuding a calmness that made it difficult to meet his gaze.


He said, "I want to stay in Yuming Mountain forever."


Yun Zhao touched the dog's head with satisfaction. It was worth raising this guy. Now that he could speak, he would probably be able to transform into human form soon.


Just as Yun Zhao was happily envisioning Sun Yang's future appearance in human form, he heard Cheng Yi's furious roar from behind.


Cheng Yi's face turned ashen. He had always doted on this second son in the clan, and he couldn't believe that Sun Yang would refuse his offer.


Even after learning that he couldn't shape-shift and became cold towards him, this child still looked at him with adoration in his eyes.


Xun Su felt that his younger brother didn't know what was good for him. Even if he became the Swallowing Sky Wolf, it didn't mean his future cultivation would be easy. Without the resources of the clan, wouldn't it be a waste of this opportunity?


He advised, "Sun Yang, don't be stubborn. You might not understand the current situation. Returning to the clan is your best choice. Stop causing trouble."


"Did Father and Brother forget?" Sun Yang's eyes showed no emotional fluctuations, as if he were recounting a story unrelated to himself. "It was you who abandoned me first."


"On the day of the hunting ceremony, wasn't it you who didn't want me?" 


As these words were spoken, Yun Zhao looked at Cheng Yi and the others in astonishment. This guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes actually abandoned his own child without a change in expression, as if it were a normal thing to do.


"So, you're blaming me," Cheng Yi closed his eyes, then looked back at Sun Yang, as if trying to regain some confidence by softening his tone. 


"But Sun Yang, the pursuit of power has become an obsession for the Immortal Wolf Clan. I carry the responsibility of the entire clan on my shoulders. If I show even the slightest favoritism toward you, it will cause discontent within the clan."


Cheng Yi's face showed a trace of helplessness. "But Sun Yang, I am your father. You can't act so willfully and recklessly."


"Since you had already made your choice back then, it meant that you had forsaken this blood kinship." Sun Yang remained unmoved, casting his gaze towards the distant mountains.


"I don't expect you to care about the hardships I endured outside, the injuries I suffered. Whether I live or die, it's all left to fate." Sun Yang withdrew his gaze and stared directly at his father and brothers. "If I were still the same puppy I once was, would you still let me come back?"


Cheng Yi was taken aback by the question, unable to form a response.


Sun Yang sneered, "So it's better to sever the ties with the clan right from the beginning."

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After speaking, the little dog tilted his head and nuzzled against Yunzhao. "Brother Yun Zhao, shall we go back and continue strolling?"


Yun Zhao had no intention to engage with these people any longer. He considered Sun Yang's recent breakthrough and thought it would be best to bring him back to show Bai Ze.


Little did they know that just as they were about to leave, Sun Yang suddenly collapsed to the ground.


Yun Zhao was startled. "Sun Yang? Sun Yang?"


Caught off guard by the sudden situation, he couldn't react, but Xun Su immediately came forward, intending to take Sun Yang away with him.


Yun Zhao held Sun Yang in his arms and moved back cautiously, asking with vigilance, "What are you planning to do?"


Cheng Yi's face turned incredibly grim, and he said coldly, "Sun Yang's spiritual energy is in turmoil; naturally, we must take him back to the clan."


Qing Jiao, smiling, also said, "After all, he is your blood relative. Don't let outsiders sow discord. Yun Zhao, it's better to return Sun Yang to them."


"You!" Yun Zhao wanted to unleash a string of curses. This person truly enjoyed inciting conflicts.


"The Young Master is right." Xun Su had probably guessed the grudge between Yun Zhao and the Mountain Spirit Clan, so he didn't have to worry about Qing Jiao intervening.


Receiving a signal from his father, he conjured a long knife in his palm and thrust it forward.


Qing Jiao, with a white silk in hand, stepped forward and intercepted the oncoming Wu Mu. His eyes gleamed with schadenfreude as he looked at Yun Zhao.


Dazzled by the glimmering blade before his eyes, Yun Zhao swiftly grasped the dragon jade at his waist and shouted, "Ao Yu, come quickly!"


The situation had become unbearable, with too many scoundrels.


Yun Zhao's voice left everyone momentarily stunned.


In an instant, the atmosphere became turbulent, and the mountains trembled.


A chilling spiritual energy surged forth, like an unstoppable tidal wave, tearing apart the blade aimed at Yun Zhao into fragments with just a few strokes.


Qing Jiao raised his head, gazing at the darkening sky. He couldn't help but take a few steps back, and Cheng Yi, sensing something, hastily shouted to Xun Su, "Xu Er! Come back quickly!"


However, it was already too late.


Like mist, black clouds tinged with a faint golden light rose from the ground. Yun Zhao stood tall and unharmed, but Xun Su was tightly bound by the black mist, weighed down by an immense pressure that constricted his chest, making it hard to breathe.

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They gritted their teeth and looked behind Yun Zhao, their eyes widening in disbelief.


The forest echoed with the horrifying howls of terrified ghosts. Inky black clouds gathered, forming a barrier resembling a swirling vortex, with golden runes floating and swirling within it.


He had arrived!


With an unrestrained aura, everyone's blood froze in their veins, as if ice had penetrated their bones. Their hearts felt as though they were being tightly squeezed by an invisible hand, pounding like drums, causing their eardrums to throb.


Sweat dripped from their foreheads, and Cheng Yi's mind suddenly became clear that they needed to leave quickly. However, his limbs trembled involuntarily, as if rooted to the ground, unable to move an inch.


In the blink of an eye, a dragon's roar seemed to echo in their ears. A massive dragon head emerged from the center of the vortex, gently resting on Yunzhao's shoulder.


The invisible pressure made the air stagnant, as if a droplet of rain had fallen on moss, and the sound of the lively water droplet became unusually loud at this moment.


Qing Jiao's face turned pale. If one ignored the faint trembling of his hand hidden in his sleeve, he could be considered more composed than Cheng Yi, who was already half-kneeling on the ground.


The dense mist surged, and the white dragon moved around the young man's body, eventually encircling him completely, as if using its flesh and blood to protect its most precious treasure.


The white dragon's eyes gleamed like unsheathed swords as it looked down from above at Xun Su, who appeared as insignificant as an ant. In a calm voice, it asked, "Is it you who showed disrespect to my Dao partner?"


Wu Mu, wrapped in white silk,  stared at Ao Yu with starry eyes.


Wow, he's so handsome!

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Author's Note:


Bai Ze: Costumes ready! Props team, ready! (Serious)


Bunny Squad: Special effects lighting, go! Fog machines on! (Serious)


Author: Pay attention to the timing! Adjust the lighting! Ao Yu, you can make your appearance now! (Eager)


Ao Yu: (Reverting to original form, gaze cold) Let's go.


Author: (Claps the slate) Celebration scene XX, action!




Translator’s note: Ahhh!!!!! My darling is here!!!!!!! 

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