Chapter 33: Drooping Blooming Magnolias

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Within the valley, the roar of a dragon resounded, causing the entire mountain range to tremble. The imposing pressure spread in all directions, like waves crashing in the sea.


The immortals on the high platform were intoxicated, but the sudden roar of the dragon startled them, and they reflexively turned their gazes towards the source of the sound.


One immortal opened his eyes and asked in confusion, "Did I hallucinate? Wasn't the Dragon Clan supposed to be absent?"


"With such powerful spiritual energy, I wonder which Dragon Lord is expressing anger."


Discussions broke out among the immortals at the banquet, while Immortal Kongming stared at the valley for a few seconds. Suddenly, he remembered something and hurriedly adjusted his robe before dashing off.


Doubt and apprehension filled his heart as he muttered to himself, "This is bad, could it be that person coming?"


I hope it's just a minor disturbance. My little ones are still under the care of my fellow Daoists!


When the other immortals saw Immortal Kongming sprinting away, they promptly got up and followed, wanting to investigate the situation.


At this moment, the forest path was in chaos, with plants and trees broken, and rocks shattered. Xun Su was swept away by a dragon's tail and coughed up a mouthful of blood into Cheng Yi's arms.


"Ao Yu, don't go too far!" Cheng Yi looked at his eldest son, whose face had turned pale from the tail strike, his anger rising uncontrollably.


"Too far?!"


A flash of white light appeared as the Dragon Lord, wearing a black and gold robe, exuded a chilling aura that made one's heart tremble. His oppressive presence seemed to weigh even heavier due to the tone of his voice.


"I was merely teaching him how to be a good dog."


As the wind rustled his white hair, he turned his head to look at Cheng Yi and his son. The deep coldness in his eyes seemed to press on Cheng Yi's chest like a thousand pounds of force.


His innate divinity and unparalleled power made Cheng Yi's entire body tense.


His mind was in a mess. Wasn't Ao Yu supposed to be severely injured and useless? What's happening now?


Yun Zhao had never seen this side of Ao Yu before. The little dragon he knew was always sitting by the window, flipping through ancient scrolls with an air of indifference, as if nothing mattered to him.


"Oh, it's indeed you all!"


Many immortals arrived from afar, with Immortal Kongming at the forefront. He glanced at Cheng Yi and his son, who were kneeling on the ground, then carefully examined Ao Yu's expression before asking, "So you're all here. What about my little ones?"


"Here we are.” Wu Mu reluctantly spoke, extending his cat head. Upon seeing the group of immortals following behind Kongming, he flicked his whiskers unhappily.


Today's humiliation was indeed significant.


"My little ancestor, did they hurt you when they tied you up?" Kongming rushed forward, untied the white silk, and lovingly held the still dazed Luo Xue with the angry Wu Mu. He looked around angrily and exclaimed, "Who did this?! Who did this?!"


Unfortunately, Qing Jiao had vanished long ago, so Wu Mu could only whisper complaints in Kongming's ear, embellishing the story with added details, fueled by a strong revengeful desire.


Only then did Kongming realize that his arrival seemed to disturb the tense atmosphere. He awkwardly cleared his throat and gestured to Ao Yu, "You all can continue... continue."


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Cheng Yi: "..."


Ao Yu clicked his tongue and retracted his pressure, instantly dissipating the suffocating feeling that had been as oppressive as the deep sea.


The immortal onlookers who had come to join the commotion looked at the stern Dragon Lord before them, and memories of the earlier scene flashed through their minds.


Such a surge of spiritual power didn't resemble the appearance of someone severely injured and debilitated. With this thought in mind, their gazes towards Cheng Yi and Xun Su immediately filled with sympathy.


After all, the Dragon Clan was known for their protective nature, and their temperaments were not usually pleasant, especially this one before them who could be described as unforgiving.


Supporting Xun Su, Cheng Yi struggled to stand up from the ground, his palms hurting from the friction against the sand and stones. He had to suppress the anger in his chest as he spoke.


"Just a moment ago, my son acted out of love for his sibling, and he offended your Daoist companion. Now that Xun'er has been hurt like this, isn't it enough to make amends?" Cheng Yi's face grew dark, and each word seemed to be squeezed out through clenched teeth.


Yun Zhao pursed his lips, feeling like he was portrayed as a bully who took advantage of his position.


He turned his head to look at Ao Yu's profile, concerned about the little dragon's condition since his power hadn't fully recovered. It worried him that Ao Yu was venting his anger on his own behalf.


Sighing, Yun Zhao said, "Since we want to settle the score, then we'll take our leave."


Confused, Ao Yu furrowed his brow and asked, "Just let it go?"


"Yes." Yun Zhao nodded and carried Sun Yang. "Sun Yang broke through just now but fainted afterward. Let's go back and see Bai Ze first."


Unexpectedly, before Ao Yu could respond, Cheng Yi interrupted, saying, "Hold on a moment."


He looked at the unconscious Sun Yang in Yun Zhao's arms and spoke in a deep voice, "I hope the two of you will return Yang'er to me."


Just a moment ago, when they heard that Yun Zhao intended to leave, the immortals thought that the confrontation would end there. They didn't expect there to be further developments.


In an instant, everyone's eyes lit up with curiosity, eager to gather around and watch the spectacle.


An immortal nudged Kongming with an elbow and curiously asked, "Isn't that Cheng Yi's youngest son? How did he end up in Ao Yu's hands?"


Kongming had already heard the whole story from Wu Mu earlier and leaned in close to his old friend, whispering, "He was unwanted by them and was picked up by Yun Zhao... He was raised for a while and just broke through to become a Sky Swallowing Wolf..."


"Oh! No wonder there was a roar from a beast earlier!"


"The Immortal Wolf Clan has been longing for it for thousands of years... It's normal for them to want to seize it..."


"No, didn't the child say that his lifelong spiritual energy absorption was slow and unable to take shape? How did he break through just by being raised by Yun Zhao?"


"He seems to be from the Mountain Spirit Clan..."


"If that's true, wouldn't his healing power be stronger than Young Master Qing Jiao?"


There were various discussions happening around, but Cheng Yi pretended not to hear them and continued speaking, "After all, I am his father. It is only right according to the laws of kinship for Sun Yang to return to the clan. I hope the two of you won't make things difficult."


Ao Yu stared at Cheng Yi as he rambled on, a cold chill appearing in his eyes.

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Just as his patience was about to run out, Yun Zhao suddenly spoke, "I've heard that becoming a Sky Swallowing Wolf with divine essence is the pursuit of your clan for thousands of years."


"Yes," Cheng Yi replied, "Only with divine essence can one fully unleash their power and achieve supreme glory in battle, just like the Dragon Clan."


"The Ao Yu by your side is the best example, isn't he? The favored child of Heaven's Will. Who wouldn't want to be like him?" Cheng Yi met Ao Yu's gaze and let out a cold laugh.


With several immortal witnesses present, he now had some confidence in his words. No matter how arrogant Ao Yu was, he wouldn't dare to make a move in front of everyone.


Yun Zhao gently stroked the ears of the small dog in his arms, feeling fortunate that Sun Yang was already asleep and couldn't hear these chilling words.


He directly pierced through and said, "So, what you want to reclaim is your blood kin or the precious pearl embedded in the clan's door? No matter how you disguise and decorate it, you can't hide the selfish and despicable intentions behind it."


A hand lightly held Ao Yu's hand, and Ao Yu looked at the young man beside him, slightly stunned. His black hair cascaded, with disheveled locks but it couldn't hide the liveliness in his eyes.


The distinct joints of the large hand enveloped the slender fingers of the youth in its palm, smoothing away any unpleasantness in the heart.


Yun Zhao's straightforward words made Cheng Yi flush with anger, and he couldn't help raising his voice, as if doing so would make him more reasonable. "You are not his blood kin, how can you understand the bond between us? His breakthrough and service to the clan are only natural!"


"By what right do you demand him to return?" Yun Zhao sneered. "Are you his father who abandoned him in the wilderness to let him wander, or the leader of a clan wanting to send him off to battle?"


"Where were you when he was ridiculed in the clan? Where were you when he had nowhere to go and had to live in the wild? Where were you when he was covered in blood, about to die in a cave?"


"I..." Cheng Yi took a step back, opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a word.


"When his breakthrough becomes useful to you, you eagerly want him to return. But if one day he loses his current power, are you planning to abandon him once again?" Yun Zhao's voice was not loud, yet it silenced the onlookers around.


"The bond between you and Sun Yang as father and son has long been lost. It's ridiculous to use blood kin as a reason to bind him." Yun Zhao stared at Cheng Yi, his face full of mockery.


"No, you can't say that..." Cheng Yi wanted to step forward but was stopped by Kongming.


Kongming advised, "Cheng Yi, just let it go." If they were to fight later, and he couldn't defeat Ao Yu, why invite trouble upon himself?


But Cheng Yi was stubborn and refused to believe it. It was true that Ao Yu was severely injured, but maybe he had taken some kind of spiritual medicine to endure the situation.


He transformed his right hand into a massive beast claw and decisively attacked Yun Zhao and Ao Yu.


The sharp claws swung with the force to shatter rocks, creating a sonic boom as they moved through the air.


Before the fearsome claws could touch Yun Zhao's robe, it felt as if an invisible hand in the air tightly grasped Cheng Yi's neck.


"Cough..." Cheng Yi's face showed terror as he looked at Ao Yu next to Yun Zhao, disbelief filling his eyes.


Ao Yu had merely extended a hand from his sleeve and raised a finger, as if dealing with an inanimate object. In an instant, Cheng Yi felt his neck tighten, and a tremendous force lifted his entire body.


The suffocation made his blood surge, and his face turned purple. His bulging eyes met Ao Yu's gaze.


Ao Yu took a step forward, shielding Yun Zhao behind him, with a mocking curve forming at the corner of his mouth. The glimmer in his eyes revealed the excitement and pleasure of killing.


Cheng Yi was struck by lightning. Only now did he realize that Ao Yu really dared to kill him in front of everyone!

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"Father!" Xun Su knelt down quickly as he saw Cheng Yi on the verge of being choked to death. He knocked his head on the ground and pleaded, "Lord Ao Yu! We were impolite! We will leave immediately. Please spare my father!"


Ao Yu didn't spare him a glance, his interest focused on watching Cheng Yi's struggling in mid-air, on the brink of death.


Xun Su was helpless and began to plead with the surrounding celestial beings. Unfortunately, they all coughed as if they hadn't heard anything. To intercede would surely offend Ao Yu. They secretly observed this Dragon Lord and marveled at the fact that he wasn't someone they could afford to provoke.


Moreover, Kongming had just advised them not to cause trouble. Who could they blame but themselves for inviting trouble?


They had to face the consequences themselves...


Xun Su fell into despair, knelt on the ground, and pounded the ground with his fists, staining the sandstone with bright red drops of blood.


Seeing that the old man was really about to be killed by Ao Yu, Kongming waved his dust whisk and said, "Ao Yu, that's enough."


Ao Yu turned his head to look at him. "What? Are you going to intercede for him?"


Kongming choked. He thought that if he dared to say that, Ao Yu would immediately lift him up to join Cheng Yi, that foolish guy.


Besides, he wasn't really interceding for Cheng Yi. So, he cleared his throat and whispered, "If you kill him now, it will inevitably provoke conflicts between the two clans. Yun Zhao is still running a kindergarten in Yuming Mountain. You should consider him too!" Not to mention taking care of his two kittens...


Ao Yu snorted coldly, probably thinking that Kongming made a reasonable point. After all, the heavenly laws were above all, and he couldn't annihilate the entire Immortal Wolf clan.


With that in mind, he waved his hand, and Cheng Yi was slammed to the ground like a dead dog.


Cheng Yi struggled to support himself, disregarding the intense pain in his neck, gasping for air in large gulps. His heart was filled with fear and uncertainty, and he wanted to go and help Xun Su, but he had no strength left to get up.


Xun Su looked at his father beside him, feeling that the usually strong man appeared so helpless at this moment.


Cheng Yi took a breath and looked at the golden fur in Yun Zhao's arms. The puppy's fur was shiny and well-groomed, shimmering like the sun in the sky.


The sun...


He lifted his head to look at the sky, seemingly recalling the scene when the puppy was born not long ago, and he held him in his arms, spinning under the sun.


At that time, the bright black eyes of Sun Yang were only filled with trust and adoration for himself, but he had personally extinguished those emotions...


Yun Zhao ignored Cheng Yi's bewildered state and turned to Ao Yu. "Shall we go?"


"Yes," Ao Yu agreed, transforming back into his dragon form, soaring into the air with the young man amidst the astonished exclamations of the celestial beings.


"Hey, wait for me! The cat is still with me!" Kongming picked up Wu Mu and Luo Xue and called for the immortal crane to follow. "Is this how you take care of my kittens?!"


Seeing the departure of the main characters, the celestial beings discussed the grace and charm of the Dragon Lord, expressing their amazement.


"I heard that Ao Yu exhausted his spiritual power and turned into an infant. He looks almost the same as before, doesn't he?"


"Is it because of Yun Zhao?"


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"It can't be... The Mountain Spirit Clan is good at healing, but he's just an ordinary member of the clan, right? If he truly has extraordinary abilities, how could the old man from the Mountain Spirit Clan bear to send him away..."


"I see the Dragon Lord as elegant as ever, just like in the past. I wonder how Qing Jiao, the young master, feels when he sees him.”


"Who knows? He probably regrets it, I suppose?"


In the nearby forest, several scratch marks were left on the tree trunk. Qing Jiao blew away the dust from his fingernails, withdrew his gaze, and walked away...




Yun Zhao got off Ao Yu's back, feeling a bit dizzy, and asked, "That was too fast. How did you manage to catch up so quickly?"


The young man gestured, "There was a formidable barrier. It looked quite imposing."


Ao Yu transformed back into his human form and casually brushed the strands of hair hanging on his shoulder. His finger hooked the dragon jade around Yun Zhao's waist. "Didn't I tell you? If you need me, I'll come immediately."


Yun Zhao touched the dragon jade, surprised. "Then, isn't this thing valuable? I should secure it tightly."


"It's fine. Just keep it with you and play around with it." Ao Yu responded casually, taking Sun Yang from Yun Zhao's arms and walking towards the gate and the pavilion.


"As for Kongming, he's still not here, even though we've been walking for a while," Yun Zhao said as they walked and chatted. They bypassed a rocky area and suddenly froze in place.


Before their eyes were countless drooping silk magnolias, with scattered petals decorating the mountain path. The branches gently swayed in the tranquil trail, and the sight of numerous blossoms filled the entire scene with a sense of spring.


Yun Zhao looked at the silent Ao Yu beside him in astonishment. "Where did you find all these?"


Ao Yu avoided the young man's gaze and continued walking forward while answering, "I found them pleasing when I went to Su Yu Valley last time, so I brought some over."


After not hearing a response from Yun Zhao, Ao Yu stopped and turned around. He saw the young man playing with the branches, only to be hit in the face by a dewdrop from a flower bud.


A hint of crimson tinged Ao Yu's ears as his gaze became uncertain. He asked in a low voice, "Do you... like them?"


Perhaps his voice was too low, carried away by the gentle breeze in the mountains. Ao Yu pursed his lips, seemingly making a decision to ask again, "Do you like..."




A thunderous sneeze echoed from the nearby mountain gate.


"Damn it, why are there so many flowers blooming! My nose is itching like crazy! Achoo! Achoo!"


Kongming walked up with the two kittens in his arms, rubbing his nose and then locking eyes with Ao Yu, who looked at him as if he were a dead man.

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Author's note:


Some adorable readers may wonder about Qing Jiao. Well, he slipped away! Keeping him for the upcoming plot is useful, very useful!





Translator’s note: Kongming is a dead man. Ao Yu is trying to be romantic, okay?!!!! My darling is so handsome~

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