Chapter 4: Settlement of Private Property

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Luo Xue sniffled and let out a hiccup, tears the size of beans clinging to its fur, making it look disheveled. Its voice turned hoarse from crying as it coughed twice and continued sobbing.


Catching a whiff of Yun Zhao's scent, it blinked its swollen, red eyes and looked over.


In reality, Master Kongming had been kind to it. The floating island had an abundance of spiritual energy, ensuring a worry-free living situation. However, as a cat, Luo Xue was often left alone in the mountains without companionship or comfort.


The brief companionship from yesterday had been the happiest day it had experienced in a hundred years.


Yun Zhao was surprised as he gently took the teary cat into his arms and comforted it, "What's wrong? Why are you crying like this?"


Witnessing Yun Zhao's patient actions, Master Kongming felt a twinge of embarrassment and turned his head away.


"It's my fault. I thought of bringing him back to my floating island at night to absorb spiritual energy, so that he could transform sooner."


Master Kongming wiped the sweat from his forehead, let out a long sigh, and continued, "Little did I know that as soon as he came back, he hid under the bed and refused to come out. He woke me up in the middle of the night with his crying, as if he thought I would never bring him to your nursery again..."


Yun Zhao couldn't help but laugh and sigh. He understood Master Kongming's disdain for the spiritual energy of Yuming Mountain, but he hadn't expected this little cat to become such a devoted fan of the nursery so quickly.


"So, will he be staying with me from now on?" Yun Zhao asked tentatively.


He wiped away Luo Xue's tears, and the kitten whimpered, nuzzling against Yun Zhao's neck.


Then, with its front paws tightly wrapped around Yun Zhao's neck, it turned its head, pleadingly looking at its owner.


Master Kongming could only nod and say, "Well, so be it. As long as he's happy."


The old man with white hair glanced at Luo Xue, who clung to Yun Zhao's embrace, feeling a pang of sadness in his heart. He had raised this little kitten for a hundred years, but it had never shown such affection towards him.


Unable to resist his curiosity, he asked, "Yun Zhao, how did you manage to do it? Luo Xue never shows any affection towards me and always hides at the slightest disturbance."


Yun Zhao rubbed the fluffy top of Luo Xue's head against his chin and smiled, "If Master Kongming could spare more time to accompany him, and if the young disciples in the mountains were a bit more patient, perhaps the situation would be different."


Master Kongming was startled after hearing that and couldn't help but remember how he had neglected this cat in the past. Perhaps a long time ago, it would have patiently waited for him at the door...


Yun Zhao comforted Luo Xue, stealing a glance at the dejected expression on Master Kongming's face. In the mortal world, Master Kongming would be considered one of those people who impulsively decided to keep a cat.

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But Yun Zhao didn't care about Master Kongming's mood. Immediately, he collected the accommodation fee of 30,000 spiritual stones and politely escorted him out of the mountain gate.


Master Kongming took three steps, turning back with reluctance. Seeing that Luo Xue didn't spare him a glance, he could only cover his chest and leave with a sense of bitterness.




The system suddenly chimed, [Congratulations, the satisfaction level of the divine beast 'Luo Xue' has reached 20%. Please continue your efforts, host!]


Yun Zhao entered his consciousness and saw a golden icon added to the system interface.


Curiously, he clicked on it and discovered a small mound with a few sparsely grown saplings on top.


"What is this?" Yun Zhao asked.


The electronic voice of the system sounded with a hint of delight, [Dear host, this is the spiritual vein of Yuming Mountain! With the nourishment of the spiritual power of many divine beasts, the spiritual vein can come back to life!]


Yun Zhao noticed a small white cat icon beneath the representation of the spiritual vein, emitting a shimmering golden light that flowed into the small mound.


Presumably, this was the nourishment that the system mentioned, brought by the divine beasts to the spiritual vein of Yuming Mountain.


The system provided a careful reminder, [The higher the satisfaction level of the divine beasts, the stronger the nourishment they provide to the spiritual vein.]


Yun Zhao understood and after checking a bit, he hugged Luo Xue and started walking back.


After crying all night, Luo Xue, having achieved its heart's desire, dozed off in Yun Zhao's arms.


Yun Zhao chuckled, giving the cat's head a few rubs, and returned to his room. He placed the little white cat under the blanket and replaced it with the little dragon, which coiled around his neck.


Ao Yu opened his eyes and saw Yun Zhao. He hummed twice and went back to sleep.


With his injuries not fully healed and unable to absorb the spiritual energy from the mountains, sleeping was the only way for him to recover.


However, the spiritual energy within the young man's body had already made him much more relaxed than before.


With the commotion, Yun Zhao lost the inclination to go back to sleep. He brewed a pot of hot tea and set it on the stone table in the courtyard, organizing the produce from the mountains.

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Yuming Mountain was considered Ao Yu's private property, and Yun Zhao initially thought there wouldn't be much stored food. However, he discovered that Yuming Mountain not only bordered the sea but also had several spiritual fields in the back.


Divine beasts were particularly picky eaters, and the prices of provisions in the marketplace were exorbitant. However, having the spiritual fields changed the situation.


The system reminded him, [Host, you don't have anyone available to help you cultivate.]


Yun Zhao sighed, realizing it was true. He had to tend to the fields and take care of the little ones, and he was truly stretched thin.


However, well... Yun Zhao stroked his chin and pondered. The farming gene deep within him compelled him to take a look at what the spiritual fields looked like.


So he eagerly ran to the back of the mountain, brushing aside the obstructing branches, and indeed saw several plots of land emitting a faint shimmer.


However, it seemed someone had beaten him to it.


In the fields, four or five little rabbit spirits were working together, stealthily plucking sweet white cabbage from the fertile soil. One rabbit would pluck and throw it back, and two others behind would catch it and stuff it into a large sack.


The rabbits worked together in perfect harmony.


Yun Zhao took a step forward, and a dry branch snapped, alerting the thieves.


The leading little black rabbit was shocked and called out to its companions, "Run, run! That dragon's little wife is coming to catch us!"


Quick to react, Yun Zhao swiftly took out the Immortal Binding Rope and flung it, binding the rabbits into a bundle in front of him.


The black-furred rabbit drooped its ears and cried, "We're going to be made into spicy rabbit heads, wuwu!"


Curiously, Yun Zhao crouched down and asked, "You're the little monsters from Yuming Mountain. Why are you stealing from the spiritual fields in the back? This is Ao Yu's property."


Upon hearing that, the rabbits chattered and complained, "It's all because of that dragon coming to Yuming Mountain! The spiritual energy in the mountains is decreasing, and we have fewer radishes to grow!"


"We planned to steal these cabbages and leave, but we didn't expect to be caught by you. What bad luck!"


Ao Yu was awakened by the rabbits' voices and opened his eyes. They trembled in fear, not daring to say more.


Warm fingers landed on Ao Yu’s head, comforting him with a couple of gentle pats.


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Ao Yu glanced away, his restless tail brushing against the young man's ear. He had heard plenty of harsh words before, so these petty squabbles meant little to him.


Yun Zhao placed the sack filled with cabbage beside the little rabbits and spoke sincerely, "Everyone, Ao Yu was injured due to his battles in the Abyss. As citizens of the Immortal Realm, how could we slander a hero in his time of need?"


The rabbits exchanged glances, nervously fidgeting their paws.


They listened as the handsome young man continued in a gentle tone, "Now is precisely the time when Yuming Mountain is facing difficulties. Our meeting here is fate, destined by the heavens to stand side by side and find a breakthrough to overcome this predicament."


"R-Really?" The rabbits ears’ drooped, and their round black eyes became slightly moist.


"I understand that everyone is going through tough times and feeling resentment and confusion," Yun Zhao gently stroked their fluffy heads. "It's natural to have negative, discouraged, and unwise thoughts."


The black-furred rabbit hung its head, feeling a wave of apprehension.




Yun Zhao's voice suddenly rose, startling Ao Yu on his neck. He opened his eyes, looking surprised at the impassioned young man.


"Everything in the past is gone! As citizens of Yuming Mountain, we will strive hard and work together to embark on the path to prosperity!"


The rabbits were captivated by Yun Zhao's words, picturing themselves lying on the most comfortable grass cushions in the mountains, with radishes on the left and cabbage on the right.


Just as the black-furred rabbit was getting fired up by his speech, Yun Zhao untied the Immortal Binding Rope.


He returned the cabbage to their embrace and said, "The days of struggle are difficult, and I understand that you have made your decision. It's alright, you can go."


He held the little paw of the black-furred rabbit and gave it a squeeze. "I understand. I wish you all find a better home than Yuming Mountain in the future."


"W-We won't leave, wuwuwu..."


The black-furred rabbit dropped the cabbage and leaped into Yun Zhao's embrace. The other rabbits followed suit, bustling over.


"We're sorry, wuwuwu... We were wrong!" The rabbits huddled together, sobbing and reproaching themselves for their foolishness and shameful acts.


Yun Zhao happily rubbed each rabbit's head, feeling satisfied, and said to the system, "The farming workforce is in place."


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System: [Message received...]


Yun Zhao squatted on the ground and engaged in a detailed conversation with the little rabbit spirits, handing over the herb seeds he had brought from his clan.


Yun Zhao passed the seeds over, saying, "These are seeds I brought from my clan. Please plant them together. The juice from this grass is exceptionally sweet."


The little black rabbit extended its paws and solemnly received the seeds, its round black eyes welling up with tears. The other rabbits formed two lines on either side and applauded.


This wasn't just an ordinary bag of seeds; it symbolized the trust the Dragon Clan's young lady had placed in their rabbit spirit clan.


Yun Zhao reached out his hand in a ceremonious manner and shook the black paw. "Shall we split the crops we grow evenly, fifty-fifty?"


"Fifty-fifty?" The little black rabbit was profoundly astonished. What a generous and magnanimous person!


Shaking its head, its ears flopping around, it said, "Sir, we can't do that!"


Yun Zhao hesitated. "Then what do you suggest?"


The little black rabbit replied happily, "We'll be content with a thirty percent share. The spiritual plants will be more than enough for us."


"Alright." Yun Zhao gently touched its ear and stood up, speaking earnestly. "Thank you very much for your hard work in the future. Yuming Mountain will always remember."


After resolving the turmoil caused by the farmland dispute, Yun Zhao opened the marketplace and perused the furniture section. Numerous new cat trees and scratching posts caught his eye, their adorable appearance tugging at Yun Zhao's heartstrings.


However, when he saw the price, his heart sank instantly.


The cat tree cost a staggering five hundred immortal stones! Converted according to the system's ratio, that equated to a whopping five thousand spirit stones!


Yun Zhao gazed up at the sky with tears in his eyes. Being broke was truly terrifying.


Initially, he contemplated giving up, but the thought of the well-behaved little cat not even having a cat tree filled him with sorrow.


He couldn't let children suffer, and he also wanted to increase Luo Xue's satisfaction level!


Yun Zhao pondered while rubbing his chin, and an idea formed in his mind.


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