Chapter 5: Making Money Flexibly

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One day later, at the Immortal Spirit Market.


In the Spirit Void Realm, there were many cities on various continents for clan transactions.


In the market, many beast vendors had already secured good positions, pushing their small wooden carts.


Yun Zhao led a spirit steed, and behind the steed, the wooden cart made squeaking sounds.


He arrived a bit late and could only choose a more remote location to set up his cart.


Yun Zhao had planned for the whole day and decided to sell some snacks at the market. After all, the money given by the Clear Sky True Immortal wouldn't be enough to improve the facilities in the kindergarten, considering the prices in the system’s shop. 


He entrusted Luo Xue to the care of the rabbits and found out that they had already started playing hide-and-seek in the courtyard before he left.


Besides, Bai Ze was taking care of things in the mountains, so he didn't expect any problems.


At this moment, a dragon's head poked out from his collar. Ao Yu lifted his head and glanced left and right before retracting back in.


Yun Zhao originally thought that the little dragon wouldn't come, but unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, the little dragon sneaked into the middle of his clothes and refused to come out.


After selecting a good spot, Yun Zhao began arranging various condiments.


His small cart had a unique design. On top was a grill with burning charcoal, and on the wooden boards on both sides were placed various bottles and jars, attracting many curious glances.


He made it together with the rabbits, working on it for a long time to recreate the image of a snack cart from the mortal world.


The surrounding vendors saw Yun Zhao's preparedness and treated him as a formidable opponent.


Their gazes were firmly locked on the small wooden cart, their heads peeking out as they tried to find out what he was selling.


Yun Zhao heated the charcoal fire until it turned red, then turned around and took out the pre-marinated squid skewers from the wooden barrel.


When the customers saw them, they lost interest and withdrew their gazes.


The peddlers sneered disdainfully, realizing that he was just a layman.


These wet and slimy seafood items, with their fishy and sticky texture, along with the disgusting slime and suction cups, it was better to spend money on something satisfying like buns or meat rolls.


Yun Zhao held the skewered squid in front of the little dragon's head that popped out of his chest and asked, "How is it?"

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Ao Yu looked at the squid skewers soaked in seasoning, disgustedly turned his head away, and said, "Ugly thing."


Yun Zhao: "..."


He looked around at the various food stalls nearby and then at the squirming squid tentacles he had skewered. Indeed, they were a bit ugly.


But that was okay, the taste must be good!


However, Yun Zhao stood in front of the small stall for nearly half an hour, and no one was willing to approach.


Yun Zhao had anticipated this situation to some extent. He calmly flipped the skewers on the grill, and the savory aroma gradually wafted from his stall.


"Mom, what's that? It smells so good!"


A child with round bear-like ears tugged at his mother's sleeve, his gaze fixed on the grilled skewers in Yun Zhao's hands.


Such food had never appeared in the market before, and the woman hesitated for a moment, not daring to approach.


The grilled squid meat released delicious juices, dripping onto the charcoal fire, producing a sizzling sound.


Yun Zhao took a small handful of skewers and sprinkled them with vibrant red chili powder. Instantly, the fragrant and spicy aroma spread even farther, dominating the entire snack street.


The child with bear ears immediately pulled at his mother's sleeve, pleading, "Mom, I want to eat this!"


The woman couldn't resist him and had to pay for a skewer. She said, "Young boss, give me a whole one."


Yun Zhao knew that no child could resist grilled squid skewers!


He skillfully cut the squid into beautiful patterns, covered the exposed white flesh with sauce, and sprinkled it with chili powder.


After a few flips on the grill, he handed it over to the mother and son. "Five spirit stones for a whole squid."


The woman paid the money and took it, but hesitated for a while and only tore off a small piece to feed her child. If it weren't for her son's insistence, she wouldn't have bought such a thing.


The child with bear ears took a bite and immediately widened his eyes, holding his face with delight, as if flowers were blooming behind him, and exclaimed, "It's so delicious!"


"Is that so?" The woman, half doubtful, took a bite herself. The squid grilled by Yun Zhao was cooked to perfection, with tender and juicy flesh that was both flavorful and fragrant with the sauce.


A hint of astonishment flashed in the woman's eyes. She had never tasted anything so delicious before!

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There was no trace of fishiness; instead, the charcoal grilling brought out the unique freshness of the squid, which perfectly complemented the sauce.




The child's trembling voice filled with grievances snapped the woman out of her thoughts. She realized that she had already finished the squid, leaving only an empty skewer in her hand.


The woman: "..."


Children's reactions are the most genuine, and after observing for a while, everyone began to take out spirit stones and crowded around.


"Young boss, give me a skewer!"


"I want one too!"


Yun Zhao's stall instantly became lively.


Some people considered it too expensive and were about to change their minds, but they heard Yun Zhao loudly proclaim, "Five spirit stones for a whole squid, one spirit stone for a skewer of squid tentacles, and three spirit stones for five skewers! Ladies and gentlemen, don't miss out!"


Now even more people gathered around the stall. Some just wanted to try something new and paid for five skewers of squid tentacles, while others with large appetites and deep pockets shouted, "Young boss, give me ten skewers of whole squid!"




The stall that was previously ignored suddenly had a long queue, and even the customers from several neighboring stalls sent their staff to buy a few skewers to taste. The previously smug vendors across the street looked at each other in surprise.



One vendor disdainfully sneered, "There are actually people who eat this kind of fishy thing. I wonder what they put on it."


Yun Zhao was busy flipping and grilling the skewers, too occupied to hear such sarcastic remarks.


Little Black Bunny sat on the wooden cart, holding a money jar, and watched as customers handed over money and received their skewers.


In less than an hour, Yun Zhao sold out the two large barrels of seafood he had brought. When Yun Zhao announced they were sold out, many disappointed customers still looked longingly at the wooden barrels.


"Is it really all gone?" the customers persisted. "You can go back and get more. We'll wait here."


Yun Zhao helplessly shrugged. "I only prepared this much. I'll make more next time."


Reluctantly, the customers left, turning their heads three times as they walked away. Yun Zhao packed up the wooden cart and called for the spirit steed to pull it back.


On the way, Yun Zhao sat on the cart and counted the spirit stones in the money jar. Surprisingly, there were more than three thousand five hundred spirit stones!

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Yun Zhao gave fifty spirit stones to Little Black Bunny as a reward for its help today. The bunny happily wagged its ears and hopped around on the cart.


Yun Zhao carefully counted the money. The grilled squid and scallops sold today had no cost, except for some spices and charcoal expenses he had brought himself.


Grilled squid aroused people's curiosity and could be sold for some time. At today's rate, Yun Zhao could earn quite a bit to buy toys and facilities.


With these thoughts in mind, Yun Zhao finally let go of his worries. His eyelids grew heavier, and he couldn't help but lean on the railing of the wooden cart and take a nap.


By the time the spirit steed slowly pulled the cart and Yun Zhao up the mountain, Yun Zhao was already fast asleep, showing no signs of waking up.


Little Black Bunny scratched its head, about to hop away to find Bai Ze for help, when a large hand pushed it away.


The bunny looked up and immediately shrunk its neck, keeping its distance.


Ao Yu, dressed in a long robe, lowered his gaze. His long lashes gently swept down, and the red teardrop mark at the corner of his eye was particularly conspicuous.


He leaned against the railing of the wooden cart and let his gaze fall on the young man who was already fast asleep.


This guy hadn't rested since they went fishing by the seaside. He spent the whole day in the kitchen blending spices, cleaning those slimy seafood, and even made this strange wooden cart with the rabbits.


He must be exhausted now. He pushed aside the jar of spices and curled up on a small wooden board, sleeping so soundly.


Ao Yu looked down from a high vantage point, observing for a while. The deep and murky pupils beneath his long lashes were like turbulent clouds, unfathomable.


He bent down, and his silver-white hair gently brushed across the young man's cheek.


"Staying by my side. What is your purpose?"




The only response he received was a mumble from the young man, his lips slightly parting, revealing a hint of dark red flesh as it moved with his breath.


The slender fingers gently touched the lips, and the tender and soft sensation made Ao Yu pause for a moment, as if under some kind of spell. It was only when he felt the wetness on his fingertips that he abruptly withdrew his hand.


Expressionless, he wiped his licked fingers on Yun Zhao's clothes. "You're covered in the smell of the sea, so filthy."


When Yun Zhao woke up, he found himself lying on the bed. He propped himself up with his forehead, and Luo Xue, who was scratching and kicking in the bed, saw Yun Zhao wake up and immediately let go of the pillow, walking over to lick the back of the young man's hand.


Yun Zhao chuckled and lifted the little white cat in his arms.

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At night, mountain flowers scattered in the wind.


Ao Yu and Bai Ze stood under a tree, looking through the thin window curtains, where the silhouette of a person and a cat playing could vaguely be seen.


Bai Ze leaned against the tree like a boneless creature, observing Ao Yu up and down. "Tsk tsk, the purity of the mountain spirit race's aura is truly evident. Look at you, able to maintain your human form for so long, unlike that day of the wedding when you appeared so ethereal..."


With coldness in his pale golden eyes, Ao Yu swept his gaze over, and Bai Ze instinctively swallowed the words he hadn't finished.


"How is the investigation going?" Ao Yu spoke in a calm tone.


Bai Ze sighed and said, "He's just an ordinary mountain spirit, with no parents to rely on since they died early. He was probably chosen for the substitution marriage because he had no background."


Ao Yu listened quietly, his eyes seeming contemplative.


Bai Ze cleared his throat and changed the subject, saying, "Since his spiritual power is useful for your recovery, what else do you have to worry about?"


Ao Yu's eyes flickered slightly. He listened to the laughter coming from inside the house, lowered his eyelids, concealing the emotions in his eyes.


The abyssal demonic aura piercing his heart couldn't compare to the despair of being abandoned by his own clan. The glory of past battles could easily turn into smoke.


He had no worries. He just couldn't believe that someone would still be willing to stay by the side of a waste like him.


The door creaked open, and the person inside came out, carrying the cat in his arms, surprised. "Hey, you guys are here! I was just about to look for you!"


The last time Yun Zhao saw Ao Yu in human form, they were separated by a veil. But this time, when he met those pale golden eyes directly, Yun Zhao truly experienced the visual impact of true beauty.


He called out loudly, "I was about to go to the kitchen and make something to eat. Do you want to join me?"


"Sure, sure!" Bai Ze eagerly waved his hand and stepped forward, acting like the vanguard rushing to the cafeteria after the last class.


"Ao Yu, come quickly! I'll steam two extra fish today!"


Ao Yu lifted his eyes at the sound, and the youth under the shimmering light beckoned to him with a smile in his eyes. The mountain flowers that fell from the sky landed in his hair, but the youth remained blissfully unaware.


He looks so foolish when he smiles.


Ao Yu averted his gaze and slowly walked towards the person.


"Why rush? I'm here now."

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