Chapter 41: Sun Yang's Birthday

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Yun Zhao exclaimed in surprise, "Sun Yang's birthday? You know about it too?"


Bai Ze straightened his posture and replied, "When Sun Yang was born, Cheng Yi hosted a grand banquet, and I was invited to attend."


Wu Mu interjected, tilting his head, "Weren't you just mooching off the food and drinks?"


Bai Ze reached out and tapped the head of the black cat, saying, "That's something your master did."


Yun Zhao looked at the cake on the table and rubbed his chin, lost in thought.


Late at night, Yun Zhao looked through the window and saw a little dog in the courtyard delicately nibbling on a paper cupcake. He sighed.


"Why the sigh?" Ao Yu changed his clothes and came out from the inner room, seeing the young man leaning against the window with a worried expression.


Yun Zhao turned his head and said, "I always feel like Sun Yang has suffered too much in the past and I want to be even better to him."


The system reminded: [Sun Yang's satisfaction level has reached maximum value. The host doesn't need to think about anything else.]


Yun Zhao was well aware of that, but it had nothing to do with the mission rewards. Unlike the little ferret, Xuanming, and the others, who had their caring owners behind them, Sun Yang's own people didn't treat him as well.


Sometimes when he saw the little dog playing alone on the slide in the courtyard, he wished that more people would like him.


Ao Yu saw the young man in a pensive state and asked with a collected demeanor, "What are you planning?"


Yun Zhao pondered for a moment and suggested, "Bai Ze mentioned that Sun Yang's birthday is coming up. I want to hold a birthday banquet for him and invite our good friends from the immortal realm to celebrate."


As soon as the words left his mouth, he suddenly realized that the noise might bother Little Dragon and quickly dismissed his proposal, saying, "Forget it, too many people..."


"It's fine."


"What?" Yun Zhao was about to change his mind when he suddenly heard Ao Yu calmly interrupting him.


Ao Yu casually found a scripture and started flipping through it. Seeing that the young man didn't catch on, he patiently repeated, "It's fine, I have no objections."


Yun Zhao immediately pounced next to him, surprised, "I thought you would disagree."

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"I'm not that petty."


Ao Yu turned a page in the book and looked at the little dog outside the window, who had finished the cake but was reluctant to let go of the paper cup. He said in a calm tone, "There has to be an opportunity for those confused people to realize that once something is abandoned, they shouldn't expect to reclaim it."


Yun Zhao felt like he was talking about Sun Yang, but also about others, yet he was quickly delighted. Since he had made up his mind, he was determined to give Sun Yang the most perfect birthday banquet!


Early the next morning, Ao Yu took Sun Yang to the bamboo forest, while Yun Zhao gathered the others in the courtyard and revealed his plan.


Yun Zhao pondered for a moment and said, "If Sun Yang asks, let's say it's a flower-viewing banquet. It'll be a nice surprise for him."


Luo Xue tilted her head and thought for a moment before looking up and saying, "Brother, let us help too!"


"Alright." Yun Zhao squatted down and patted the little cat's head. Luo Xue happily rubbed against his palm and narrowed his eyes in contentment.


Yun Zhao instructed the youngsters to tidy up their dormitories, as they couldn't have their plush toys scattered all over the place. He also had the Little Black Rabbit go to the kitchen cellar to check the ingredients.


Sitting at the stone table, he began discussing the invitation list with Bai Ze.


Bai Ze tapped his head with the pen and planned, "Definitely invite Kongming and Chi Hua Peak, can't leave out Xiaguang..."


Yun Zhao thought for a moment and said, "We should also inform the Wolf Clan."


"Good point." Bai Ze wrote another invitation letter and casually wrote one for the Flower Goddess as well.


Yun Zhao curiously asked, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen the Flower Goddess at the celebration. It seems like she has a good relationship with you all?"


"That's right. Ao Yu goes to battle, and the Flower Goddess soothes the souls of the departed. They each have their own missions." Bai Ze finished drying the ink and called a young man to deliver the letters.


Yun Zhao chuckled and asked, "What about you?"


"Me?" Bai Ze helplessly shrugged, "I'm just a gentle Bai Ze. Naturally, I hide in the mountains and take naps."


Yun Zhao: "..."


Seeing Bai Ze pick up the pen again, he couldn't help but ask, "Do you have more letters to write?"


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Bai Ze realized that Yun Zhao had no experience in this matter and said helplessly, "Ao Yu already mentioned it. We need to invite several nearby immortal clans as well."


"Why?" A tinge of surprise flashed in Yun Zhao's eyes.


Bai Ze stopped writing and explained, "This is a good opportunity to announce to all the immortals. Sun Yang is the Sun Yang of Yuming Mountain, no longer bound by blood relations. Besides, they need to understand that Ao Yu is capable of protecting this mountain's peace."


He glanced at Yun Zhao and murmured softly, "It seems like this guy has recovered pretty well and is quite arrogant..."


Yun Zhao was taken aback, feeling as if his heart had been gently tickled by a feather. Yesterday, it was just a casual remark with Little Dragon, but he didn't expect Ao Yu to privately discuss so much with Bai Ze...


"Lord Yun Zhao, Chang Xiao from the Wolf Clan has arrived!" Xiao Hei Tu (black rabbit) and Chang Xiao waved at him from under a banyan tree not far away.


Usually, in the early morning, the Wolf Clan would send someone to collect goods from the rabbits. Chang Xiao had many tasks to attend to, so he wouldn't normally come along.


Yun Zhao regained his senses and hurried over. "Why did you come personally? Is there a problem with the bread?"


Chang Xiao waved his hand. "No, I heard from my subordinate who came to pick up the bread in the morning that Yuming Mountain is going to hold a banquet. I was afraid that you might not have enough manpower on the mountain, so I selected some efficient maids to come and help."


Yun Zhao looked behind him and indeed saw two rows of beautiful and gentle maids standing with lowered heads.


He was surprised and replied, "How can this be? It's better to forget it."


"Don't say that. Why are you being so polite to us?" Chang Xiao scratched his head. "A banquet involves more than just cooking. The entire mountain needs to be well decorated. How can you handle it all by yourself? I still think we have too few people!"


Chang Xiao's words were not unfounded. Just cooking alone would keep Yun Zhao extremely busy, not to mention everything else. If Lady Xian Yue wasn't afraid of Yun Zhao's thin-skinned nature, she probably would have had Chang Xiao bring all the maids from the Wolf Clan.


Seeing that Yun Zhao still wanted to refuse, Chang Xiao straightforwardly said, "Lady Xian Yue instructed me. You've been a great help during the celebration. If you don't accept, she'll personally come and help you out."


Yun Zhao covered his forehead and chuckled. He didn't expect Lady Xian Yue to have such a spoiled side.


Since the matter had been brought up, Yun Zhao no longer felt the need to be polite. "Thank you all."


"Hey, it's no big deal. Let those guys come to Yuming Mountain and see for themselves. If they dare to speak disrespectfully again, they'll see how Ao Yu handles them." Chang Xiao patted Yun Zhao's shoulder, displaying a sense of righteousness. "If there's anything else you need, just let us know."


Yun Zhao gratefully smiled and agreed.

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After seeing off Chang Xiao, the leading maid, Ming Yan, approached and respectfully asked, "Lord, is there anything we can do?"


She was clever and stood obediently on the side, handing the scroll containing the names of the maids and their respective skills to Yun Zhao.


Yun Zhao took it, glanced through it, and stroked his chin as he pondered. He said, "Chang Xiao is right. We need to decorate the entire mountain. Let Xiao Hei Tu take you to assign tasks. One group will go down the mountain to purchase supplies, while the other group will stay on the mountain to clean and tidy up."


"Yes," the little black rabbit replied, counting the number of people with her large feet. Then she waved her hand to Yun Zhao and led the maids out of the courtyard.


With so many people helping, Yun Zhao felt relieved. This banquet would surely be grand and lively.




Mountain Spirit Clan


In the elegant and quaint palace, a faint mist wafted through the air. Purple wisteria flowers intertwined among the old vines and fell as scattered petals onto the redwood corridor.


A grey-robed old man walked slowly into the hall. The simple and elegant robe he wore showed no wrinkles. He lifted the bamboo curtain and stopped in front of a kneeling young man.


Silently, attendants approached and placed a pot of brewed tea on the tea table before bowing their heads and retreating.


The gray-eyed elder's gaze swept over the young man's head, and a glimmer of sharpness flashed in his eyes. He spoke, "Qing Jiao, what are your plans?"


Kneeling before the Mountain Spirit Clan Chief, Qing Jiao looked up without a trace of timidity and asked with a smile, "Grandfather, did you send away Kongming Zhenren, who came to lodge a complaint?"


The Mountain Spirit Clan Chief nodded. "You shouldn't have acted against them."


Qing Jiao smiled indifferently. "Just a mere scattered immortal, what concern is there? It was just a small altercation that I found displeasing. It's not worth your attention."


The Mountain Spirit Clan Chief looked at his most beloved descendant and said, sweeping his sleeves, "The small altercation you speak of is related to that Dragon Lord."


Qing Jiao remained silent, glancing sideways at the purple wisteria outside the window. His hand clenched unconsciously on his knee.


The Mountain Spirit Clan Chief knew well of his arrogance and advised from the side, "Ao Yu is recovering, and no matter what, his dao companion is one of our clan. You mustn't bring these disturbances to the surface."


He narrowed his eyes and stared warningly at the young man. "Qing Jiao, causing too much trouble is not a good look."

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"Grandfather," Qing Jiao replied, unperturbed by the sudden rise of the Mountain Spirit Clan Chief's tone.


He chuckled mockingly and played with a petal between his fingers. "Do you really think Yun Zhao would wholeheartedly support our clan?"


The Mountain Spirit Clan Chief shook his head. "He is still a member of our clan after all."


Qing Jiao laughed, and then the smile vanished from his face. "Well then, Grandfather, have you received an invitation to the banquet at Yuming Mountain?"


"I haven't," the Mountain Spirit Clan Chief replied in a flat tone.


Qing Jiao crushed the petal between his fingertips. "When the immortals attending the banquet see this, how do you think they will speculate? Surely you don't believe that Yun Zhao accidentally forgot to invite our immortal clan?"


The Mountain Spirit Clan Chief fell silent, but Qing Jiao knew it was a signal for him to continue speaking.


He casually brushed away the scattered petals on his clothes and continued, "A common clan member who is not valued has climbed to a high position. How could he still care about where he comes from?"


The Mountain Spirit Clan Chief instantly understood his meaning. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at the exuberant young man before him and guessed, "You want to..."


Qing Jiao stood up, meeting the gaze of this highly respected grandfather. His eyes contained a dizzying desire. "In that case, let me fulfill this marriage contract. It would be more suitable for our clan, wouldn't it?"


The Mountain Spirit Clan Chief furrowed his brows. He turned his head and stroked his gray-white beard, contemplating. "You want to replace Yun Zhao..."


"Not replace," Qing Jiao interrupted the old man's words. He took a few steps forward, his eyes filled with displeasure on the verge of eruption. "I just want everything to return to its original state."


"That's impossible," the Mountain Spirit Clan Chief averted his gaze. "The marriage contract is already a fact, and there is no other way."


"It's not necessarily impossible," Qing Jiao scoffed lightly. "If something were to happen to him, it could give us an excuse to fulfill the marriage contract anew."


The Mountain Spirit Clan Chief's thoughts were triggered by Qing Jiao's words. He looked at Qing Jiao, who still appeared as an elegant and graceful young man, but he knew very well the ruthlessness of his own descendant's methods.


He didn't mind. This was his chosen successor, and it should be this way. To always be the most prominent moon, one must extinguish anything that tries to steal their radiance.


The Mountain Spirit Clan Chief asked solemnly, "What do you plan to do?"


As soon as he uttered those words, he remembered the personality of the young man before him and quickly changed his wording. "Have you already taken action?"


"Indeed," Qing Jiao turned around and looked at the wisteria beneath the bamboo curtain, as if genuinely appreciating the floral scenery. "I have already taken action."

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