Chapter 42: Turmoil at the Banquet (Part 1)

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Amidst the Yuming Mountains, the weeping cherry blossoms were adorned with elegant red silk lanterns, creating a scene reminiscent of a crowded forest of fiery trees and silver flowers.


Yun Zhao sat by the window, resting his chin on his hand as he watched the busy rabbit attendants outside. The ethereal pale golden veils fluttered in the wind, casting a layer of luxurious colors over the entire mountain.


He had intended to help, but to his surprise, the wolf clan attendants took care of everything on their own.


Smiling, they took the broom from Yun Zhao's hand. "Master, go and enjoy yourself elsewhere. We'll take care of things here."


Yun Zhao scratched his head and could only turn around, intending to go and check the kitchen.


Inside the kitchen, the rabbits selected and purchased ingredients according to the menu Yun Zhao had prepared, bustling around and organizing their tasks. They worried that Yun Zhao's presence in the kitchen would attract the playful and mischievous kitten cubs, so they politely asked him to leave as well.


Little Black Rabbit brewed a pot of tea and placed it on the windowsill, speaking with a serious tone, "Master Yun Zhao, why don't you entertain yourself for a while? We have many matters to discuss with Master Bai Ze."


It seemed as if they were instructing a child who interrupted his parents while they were doing household chores.


Just as they spoke, they heard Bai Ze calling for the rabbits from a distance, "Little bunnies, the glass lamps with colored patterns have arrived! Come and see if you like these designs!"


"Coming!" Little Black Rabbit patted Yun Zhao's head from the windowsill and then hurried off to work.


Yun Zhao absentmindedly touched the spot where Little Black Rabbit had rubbed him, taking a moment to react. He couldn't help but feel that this banquet was turning out differently from what he had expected.


"What's wrong with that? You can rest a little more," Ao Yu leaned against the soft couch, casually flipping through the pages of a book.


The fragrance of the auspicious golden beast incense wafted from the Rui Jin Beast Stove, and a glass lamp beside the couch emitted a faint halo, making the dragon lord with his disheveled white hair appear much gentler, devoid of his fierce aura from the daytime.


Yun Zhao tilted his head and pondered. Since their immortal friends received the invitations, congratulatory gifts had been flowing to the Yuming Mountains like a river.


A few days ago, the Immortal fairies had sent silk ribbons and decorations to adorn the mountains. Yesterday, the True Immortal Hongming had also sent a considerable amount of fine wine, instructing Yun Zhao to serve it at the banquet.


Even Bai Yu, who was the farthest away, had sent numerous spiritual herbs and talismans for Sun Yang's cultivation.


The responsible Qingniao birds, exhausted from their deliveries, were on the verge of going on strike. Only after Yun Zhao fed them a good amount of sweet fruits did they agree to continue helping.


Yun Zhao took a few sips of tea and replied, "I just didn't expect everyone to be so enthusiastic about attending. It's almost as grand as the previous wolf clan celebration."


"Rarely do we host a banquet, and it's not just you who's enthusiastic. They also want to join in the celebration," Ao Yu said without lifting his head, casually jotting down a few annotations in the obscure parts of his book. "But this gesture of goodwill, both you and Sun Yang can handle."


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Yun Zhao perked up at the mention. With his chin resting on his hand, his gaze fell upon Ao Yu's face, causing Ao Yu to unconsciously look up and ask, "What's the matter?"


Yun Zhao smiled and said, "I can't help but find your recent words quite pleasant to hear."


Ao Yu put down his pen and hummed, "If you want me to scold you, I can certainly oblige."


Yun Zhao quickly waved his hands, "No, no, it's fine like this..."


He didn't have that kind of peculiar preference anyway...


Yun Zhao stayed for a while longer, getting bored and starting to contemplate weaving small braids with Ao Yu's hair.


With a growing mischievous intent, just as he was about to reach for the tip of the little dragon's hair, he suddenly remembered that when the Immortal Fairy Xiaguang brought the silk ribbons, she also brought a box of clothes made for the little ferret.


That box of clothes was still sitting in the dressing room, untouched. Yun Zhao got up and decided to tidy it up first.


The dressing room was filled with newly arrived clothes hanging everywhere. Ao Yu had neatly organized them by season and color, but the box placed on the ground seemed particularly conspicuous.


Yun Zhao squatted down and opened the box, revealing various styles of little vests. They were made from leftover fabric, as the Immortal Fairy Xiaguang  had said, but they looked exceptionally exquisite.


Glancing around the wardrobe, he realized there was no extra space left. In his peripheral vision, he suddenly noticed the small box that had been locked away. He planned to take it out first and make room for the ferret's clothes.


Just as he was about to touch the box, Ao Yu walked in and said, "Didn't we clean out the side hall in Dongnuan Pavilion? There are several storage cabinets there. You can put them there."


"That's right. Then I'll take this box there as well so it doesn't occupy space," Yun Zhao said decisively, placing it on top of the ferret's clothing chest and lifting them together. "You called it an accessory, but I don't think you've ever used it."


Ao Yu was about to intervene, but before he could do so, Yun Zhao had already called someone in.


Ming Yuan pushed the door open and was taken aback when she saw Ao Yu. She immediately curtsied and meekly said, "Sir, do you have any orders?"


Yun Zhao handed the two boxes to her and said, "There are clothes for the little ferret inside. Help me take them to the side hall of Dongnuan Pavilion."


Ming Yuan took the boxes and quietly left the room.


Ao Yu opened his mouth to say something but swallowed his words back. He contemplated silently, deciding to wait a few days until Yun Zhao forgot and then take the boxes back and rearrange them properly.




When Yun Zhao came out of the room, Luo Xue and Wu Mu were grooming each other, while the little ferret lay drowsily in a blanket. It was gently patted by Xuanming's paw, making it wiggle its little butt and make some room.

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Sun Yang approached with a gentle wag of his tail and asked, "Sir, don't you need some rest?"


"I feel a bit restless when I have nothing to do. Let me groom you all," Yun Zhao said, taking out a small comb and sitting on a chair, patting his leg to signal them.


Sun Yang happily moved his head closer and rested it on Yun Zhao's lap, enjoying the grooming session provided by the young man.


At that moment, a maid came to report, "Sir, there is someone at the mountain gate seeking an audience."


"Hmm... Who is it?" Yun Zhao asked in confusion.


The maid bowed her head and replied, "It's someone from the Mountain Spirit Clan."


Before she could finish speaking, Wu Mu immediately stood up, baring his teeth and bristling his fur, "Damn, they dare to come again!"


Yun Zhao massaged his forehead and patted the head of the little black cat, "I've told you not to learn foul language from Ah Yan and Chang Xiao. Be careful not to corrupt Luo Xue."


Wu Mu winced in pain, shrunk his head, and slipped away from under Yun Zhao's hand. He angrily headed toward the mountain gate, his momentum fierce, saying, "I want to see what those bastards want!"


Yun Zhao sighed, "..." It's truly pointless to say anything...


Worried that this troublemaker might act impulsively, Yun Zhao followed him. To his surprise, there were several friendly-looking clan members standing at the mountain gate.


They saw the many divine beasts behind Yun Zhao, and even the black panther from Chi Hua Peak was gently rubbing against the young man's hand, their eyes filled with trust and respect.


The two officials exchanged a glance and their tone became even more respectful. "The Purple Robe Officials of the Mountain Spirit Clan pay their respects to Sir Yun Zhao."


Yun Zhao was familiar with the Purple Robe Officials. They were the attendants and aides of the clan leader, but they rarely appeared in public.


Confused by their sudden display of reverence, Yun Zhao couldn't help but ask, "What is the matter?"


One of them cautiously spoke up, "We apologize for the disrespect shown to you during the Young Master's celebration. The clan leader has sent us to apologize on his behalf."


As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a servant behind him approached with a box.


The Purple Robe Official opened the box, revealing high-quality herbs inside, and explained, "We heard that you were interested in the clan's herbs. The clan leader specially ordered us to bring them to you. We hope you will accept them."


Wu Mu sneered and replied, "This attitude is somewhat acceptable, at least better than your Young Master."


The Purple Robe Official smiled and closed the box, handing it over to Ming Yuan, who had silently appeared by Yun Zhao's side.

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Yun Zhao initially wanted to refuse, but he heard Luo Xue and Sun Yang whispering to each other, "The pastries made from these herbs are delicious."


Sun Yang nodded honestly and admitted, "Indeed, they are quite good. Unfortunately, Xuanming hasn't tried them."


Yun Zhao sighed and allowed the maid to take the herbs.


He said, "I understand your intentions. I will accept the herbs."


The Purple Robe Official breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "The clan leader hopes to attend the banquet at Yuming Mountain. What do you think?"


Yun Zhao understood their meaning. When he was compiling the guest list, Bai Ze never mentioned the Mountain Spirit Clan, probably to prevent him from feeling uncomfortable.


Now that they were short on manpower, refusing further would make him appear petty.


Yun Zhao could only say, "Please have the clan members attend the banquet on time. I will have the invitations sent later."


The Purple Robe Official immediately beamed with joy and expressed countless thanks before leaving with his attendants. As Yun Zhao watched them depart, before he could even sigh, he was surrounded by the troublemakers.


Yun Zhao found it amusing and asked knowingly, "What's the matter?"


Wu Mu stood up on his hind legs and rubbed his head against Yun Zhao's palm, clearly expressing his intentions: The kitty is hungry and wants some treats!


Yun Zhao helplessly looked up at the sky. As soon as the herbs arrived, he knew these greedy little devils wouldn't let them go easily.


The night was illuminated by the sparse moon and stars.


Yun Zhao didn't have much to do, so he spent some time playing on the slide with the little ones in the courtyard before going to the kitchen to fetch some herbs and prepare pastries.


The herbs were a unique specialty of the Mountain Spirit Clan. They were vibrant green and emitted a subtle fragrance, reminiscent of a secluded orchid in a valley—delicate, refreshing, and not overpoweringly sweet.


The smaller ones occupied the positions by the window, while Xuanming and Sun Yang squatted at the doorway, one on each side, like two door gods.


Yun Zhao felt as though he wouldn't be allowed to leave the kitchen until he made the pastries.


Amused by the thought, he washed the herbs and squeezed out the juice from several bundles. He then mixed the juice with glutinous rice and milk until it was well blended.


The emerald green liquid looked fresh and enticing. Once the bubbles settled, it became a serene piece of delicate green jade nestled in a white porcelain bowl.


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Yun Zhao divided it into several small bowls and adjusted the heat before placing them in a steamer.


Luo Xue and the little ferret hopped around the stove, spinning around Yun Zhao's feet, eager to get their paws on the steamer.


Yun Zhao playfully patted Luo Xue's bottom as a warning and reminded him, "Your fur has only just recovered from being singed. Do you want to get burned again?"


Luo Xue glanced at his own fur with lingering fear and immediately perked up his ears, moving further away.


The sweet aroma seeped out from the gaps in the steamer. Yun Zhao felt several pairs of eyes fixed on him as he carefully opened the steamer.


As the white vapor rose, Yun Zhao fanned it away and took out the small porcelain bowls inside. The translucent pastries emitted a faint fragrance, like a pool of spring water wrapped in ethereal beauty.


Yun Zhao placed the small bowls on the stone table in the courtyard and invited everyone to come and taste them. Xuanming glanced at them and swallowed one in a single gulp. Luo Xue and Wu Mu held the small bowls with their front paws and licked them bit by bit.


It wasn't advisable to eat too many sweet treats at night, so Yun Zhao made a portion for each individual, limited in quantity. The kittens could only savor them slowly, allowing the sweet lingering taste to stay in their mouths a while longer.


After finishing his own portion, Yun Zhao looked around at the maids standing with lowered heads nearby. Although they were supposed to be serving attentively, they couldn't resist the temptation of the sweets and occasionally glanced up sneakily.


Yun Zhao smiled and said, "I also made your portions. Go to the kitchen and have them before resting."


The maids looked up in surprise and saw the young man kindly pointing in the direction of the kitchen. Their hearts warmed, and they respectfully retreated. The close maids walked hand in hand, excitedly heading towards the kitchen.


Someone noticed that Ming Yuan was still walking slowly at the back and couldn't help but call out, "Ming Yuan, hurry up!"


Ming Yuan smiled and waved her hand, saying, "You go ahead. I'm a bit tired, so I'll go back and rest first."


The maids thought that Ming Yuan had been busy all day and was probably already tired. They playfully said, "Then we'll bring your portion of the pastries back for you. Lord Yun Zhao's culinary skills are amazing!"


"Alright, thank you." Ming Yuan nodded and smiled at them, then turned and walked towards the pavilion in the mountains where the maids resided.


The lights were bright at night, and Ming Yuan returned to her room, closing the door behind her. There was no trace of a smile on her face.


With empty eyes, she took out the note she had recorded during the day and focused on drawing a formation in the air, then placed the note inside.


A faint blue light emerged and engulfed the note like flames. Ming Yuan seemed like a puppet, staring lifelessly at everything in front of her.


It was not until the light dissipated in the room that she regained her senses and opened the door as if nothing had happened.

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Translator’s note: We’re getting to the exciting part~ 

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