Chapter 43: The Banquet Turmoil (Part 2)

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After being idle for about ten days, Yun Zhao finally finished preparing the planned dishes two days before the banquet.


Most of the food served this time consisted of tea snacks and cold dishes, but the highlight was still the birthday cake made for Sun Yang.


On the last day, Yun Zhao specifically asked Ao Yu to take Sun Yang away for cultivation, and he busily worked in the kitchen all night.


To ensure the cake remain fresh when the banquet started, Bai Ze painstakingly arranged several time-stopping formations around it, covering the cake with a layer of light curtain.


Luo Xue and Wu Mu curiously poked their heads out of the window, only to be stunned in place. After snapping out of it, they immediately exclaimed that they wanted a cake like that for their own birthdays.


Yun Zhao sighed and rubbed his exhausted back, reluctantly agreeing with a smile, abiding by the principle of treating everything equally.




As the evening of the second day approached, the ancient bronze bell of Yuming Mountain rang out with a resounding "dong," and its deep and long toll echoed through the sky.


Countless birds flapped their wings, leaping over treetops and the corners of buildings, swirling and dancing in the sky above the mountain peak.


After a long silence, Yuming Mountain finally welcomed the long-awaited distant guests.


The horizon was adorned with colorful clouds, and two cranes flew in tandem, while various immortal clans strolled and laughed on the stone steps of the mountain gate.


The setting sun descended behind the mountains, and the weeping cherry blossoms, adorned with red silk lanterns, resembled floating candlelights. The splendid and extravagant flowers dazzled, and the flickering shadows of the lanterns added a touch of magnificence to the entire mountain.


As the immortals walked along the path, they couldn't help but marvel. They soon noticed many rabbits squatting under fragrant flowers and green bamboo, each carrying a jade lamp to guide the way.


The rabbits looked up and greeted in unison, "Greetings, immortals!"


The immortals couldn't help but laugh and said, "We thought Yuming Mountain was lifeless, but we didn't expect even these creatures to return."


They wanted to bend down and touch the rabbits' ears, but the rabbits blocked their hands with their small paws.


The lead rabbit, with three strands of whiskers twitching, solemnly said, "Immortals, please do not disturb our work. We still need to guide other immortals later!"


The immortals laughed and bowed to the little rabbits, saying, "Hahaha, my apologies. Then please lead the way, esteemed rabbit immortals."


Upon being respectfully addressed as "esteemed immortals," the rabbits immediately nodded and led the way with a proud stride. Unbeknownst to them, the immortals following behind couldn't help but hold their chests, finding their adorable appearance tempting enough to take one home in their storage bags.


As the group continued walking, they entered a spacious garden with clusters of bamboo and a gentle stream flowing through it. Several old trees leaned against a small bridge over the water, while melodious birdsong echoed from the branches, harmonizing with the murmuring of the stream.


The central pavilion was gorgeously and intricately decorated, with emerald green curtains fluttering in the corridors. Under the moonlight and candlelight, the glazed roof tiles emitted a warm glow.


Inside the pavilion, glasses and cups clinked, and laughter filled the air. Green-skirted maidens shuttled through the crowd, carrying trays. The immortals finally realized that they were quite late to the gathering.


"Brother, why did you just arrive? Come, sit here quickly."


A familiar immortal friend greeted the newcomer, urging them to take a seat at the table.

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As soon as they sat down, they noticed that besides the divine radiance that filled the table, there was also Lady Hua, the Flower Goddess, and Lady Xianyue of the Wolf Clan. Even the two divine lords of Chihua Peak graced the occasion.


The immortals marveled inwardly, "Well, well, isn't it said that Dragon Lord Ao Yu is cold, arrogant, and reclusive, disliking socializing? But it seems he has quite a wide network!"


One of the immortals who had arrived earlier swallowed a pastry before speaking, "I heard they were invited by his Dao companion. Even the previous banquet held by the Wolf Clan was arranged by the same person."


"Is that so?"


"Why would I deceive you? Lady Xianyue herself confirmed it."


The immortal looked around and indeed saw their familiar immortal friends eating without any semblance of refinement.


Another immortal asked, "Are Si Wu Chen and the others here for the same reason?"


"Not entirely," they replied, pointing to a few young divine beasts leaning on the jade railing at the edge of the pavilion, watching the fish. They whispered, "Look, those divine beasts are all under Yun Zhao's care. Yun Zhao mentioned earlier that this gathering could also be considered a parents' meeting."


The immortals nodded with a vague understanding, then lifted their plates and focused on their meal. Gossip was important, but having another taste of Yun Zhao's culinary skills was not easy. It was better to fill their stomachs first!


After playing enough with the fish in the water, Wu Mu shook his paws and grabbed Yun Zhao. "Are you okay?"


The black cat turned its head and looked at the Mountain Spirit Clan sitting not far away. Qing Jiao was leisurely drinking in the midst of the gathering, seemingly unaffected by everything that had happened. Wu Mu couldn't help but feel annoyed at Qing Jiao's nonchalant attitude.


If Wu Mu had known that the old man in gray from the Mountain Spirit Clan would bring him here, he wouldn't have accepted the gift they had sent.


Wu Mu's eyes carried a hint of apology. He was afraid of causing discomfort to Yun Zhao. Just as he was about to speak, the young man swiftly pulled out a handkerchief and started a whirlwind-style face-cleaning service, interrupting him.


How could Yun Zhao not know what the little cat was thinking? He comforted him in a low voice, "It's okay, with so many people here, they wouldn't dare to cause trouble."


Following the black cat's gaze, Yun Zhao also looked over and saw that the members of the Mountain Spirit Clan were simply chatting and socializing at the table without any intention of stirring up trouble. His slightly worried heart eased a little.


Today was still about celebrating Sun Yang's birthday; they couldn't let other matters hinder them.


Yun Zhao glanced at the sky and felt that it was almost time. He signaled the maidens to start preparing the surprise for Sun Yang according to the plan.


The maidens, understanding Yun Zhao's intentions, carefully placed the prepared cake on a small wooden cart and pushed it to the center of the pavilion. Their movements attracted the attention of everyone at the table.


"What is that..."


"Such a big pastry! I have never seen anything like this before!"


Lady Moon-Bearing laughed and said, "What new surprise is Yun Zhao up to now?"


Bai Yu shook his head and smiled, "I don't know either, but since he made it, it surely won't disappoint."


Ao Yu arrived with Yun Zhao, and they both walked up to the small wooden cart, diverting the attention of most people.


The Dragon Lord remained as dignified and aloof as ever, standing in front of the hall in his black and gold robe. A faint golden light poured from the depths of his eyes, momentarily overshadowing even the shimmering glaze.

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The young man beside him wore a snowy white embroidered robe that radiated a gentle and jade-like warmth. His smiling face made people involuntarily want to get closer.


It seemed that even the Dragon Lord himself thought the same way, as there was always a hint of softness in his gaze when he looked at the young man.


Some immortals teased, "Oh, Dragon Lord seems to be in a good mood today. In the past, we've never seen him patiently show up at a banquet."


"If you had such a gentle and considerate Dao companion, would your mood ever be bad?"


Listening to the praises of the immortals around them, Qing Jiao remained expressionless, squeezing his fingers so tightly that his palm hurt.


Yun Zhao clapped his hands, and when everyone looked, they saw the rabbits leading the way with jade lanterns, followed by the divine beasts kept in the mountains.


"Isn't that from the Immortal Wolf Clan?" someone pointed to the small golden dog inside and spoke up.


Before they could finish their words, another immortal covered their mouth and interrupted, "Ah, let's not bring up the Immortal Wolf Clan. It's all in the past."


They recalled the scene they witnessed during the celebration and patted their chests with lingering fear, no longer discussing Sun Yang's identity.


Even the Mountain Spirit Clan was invited to this banquet, but the Immortal Wolf Clan was left out except some people. Bringing it up again would only annoy people.


Sun Yang was pushed to Yun Zhao's side by a few little kittens, looking at the smiling faces of everyone with confusion.


The little dog tilted its head and said, "My lord, isn't this a flower-viewing feast? I wanted to help the rabbits get the ingredients."


Lady Xianyue burst into laughter at the remark, raising her hand to tap Chang Xiao and Ah Yan's head next to her. "Learn from Sun Yang, be more sensible!"


Chang Xiao and Ah Yan glanced at each other and shrugged helplessly.


Yun Zhao caressed the dog's head. Sun Yang used to cuddle in his arms and call him "Brother Yun Zhao," but now he had become more reserved, always properly addressing him as "Lord Yun Zhao" alongside the bunnies.


"Bai Ze said that today is your birthday, so we wanted to invite all the immortals to celebrate your first birthday at the Yuming Mountain," Yun Zhao raised his glass, his eyes filled with a smiling expression, and his dark and shiny pupils shining like stars in the night sky.


Sun Yang's eyes widened instantly, and he stuttered, "Th-this, my lord... I... It's too grand!"


"Don't feel embarrassed. If anything, next time it's my birthday, you can catch more fish to give me!" Wu Mu lifted his front paw and patted Sun Yang's back fur, appearing laid-back, which helped Sun Yang relax a bit.


He looked at the immortals around him, all with smiling faces, and his eyes suddenly turned red. He nodded and said, "Thank you, everyone!"


"That's right! Come on, everyone, let's celebrate Sun Yang's birthday together!" Bai Ze raised his glass and laughed loudly.


"Happy birthday, Sun Yang!" Kongming Zhenren raised his glass with a smile, planning in his heart to make a bigger celebration for his own little cats next time.


Fairy Xiaguang playfully said, "Oh! Can a little dog grow bigger on its birthday? Is it more satisfying to scratch the skies as a Sky Swallowing Wolf?"


The Flower Goddess sighed helplessly, "Can't you all spare this waterside pavilion? If it reverts to its original form and collapses, we'll all end up in the water."


"Senior brother, do you think it would be more suitable for us to raise dogs?" Bai Yu took a sip of wine and turned his head to ask.


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Si Wu Chen (White Jade) pondered seriously for a moment and said, "Probably not. Dogs are too clingy."




"Hey, Xuanming, why are you so agitated? I was just joking... Hey! Don't tug on my new clothes!"


Laughter and noise filled the hall for a while.


Yun Zhao turned his head and saw Ao Yu standing aside, holding his glass and clinking it against his own with a crisp sound.


Ao Yu looked at the young man, under the candlelight, Yun Zhao smiled and said, "Congratulations on your new life with Yuming Mountain."


Ao Yu seemed momentarily lost, and the butterflies in his heart fluttered as if they were about to burst out.


He finished the wine in his cup and whispered, "Thank you."


Thank you for coming to Yuming Mountain, and thank you for giving me a new life.


"Yun Zhao! Let's cut the cake!" Wu Mu popped up and shouted, more excited than the birthday boy, Sun Yang.




Yun Zhao asked Bai Ze to dispel the formation, and the light screen disappeared in an instant, revealing the intact appearance of the cake.


The four-layered exquisite cake was predominantly in shades of green, infused with herbal essence from the Mountain Spirit Clan, exuding a faint fragrance. Delicate cream petals adorned the cake, adding a touch of vibrant spring atmosphere.


The most astonishing part was the pastry animals placed on top.


A little rabbit with a mushroom basket peeked out from the grass on the third layer, a black panther and a ferret catching fish on the layer below, and two black and white kittens swinging on a swing on the layer above.


At the very top of the cake sat a golden cream little dog, squatting in the middle and tilting its head to look ahead, holding its favorite jar of honey.


Yun Zhao had crafted every scene to be cute and delicate, astonishing the immortals who gathered around to admire it.


Bai Ze rubbed his chin and praised, "No wonder Yun Zhao said it gave him a headache to make. No matter how many times I look at it, I can't take my eyes off it."


Ah Yan looked envious and muttered, "I envy Sun Yang so much. I also want a birthday cake like this, celebrating all my first 500 years of life!"


Chang Xiao sneered coldly, "Dream on."


Yun Zhao was about to start cutting the cake when he suddenly remembered something. He turned to Sun Yang and asked, "Do you want to make a wish? I'll go get some candles for you."


Sun Yang shook his head and declined, his eyes gleaming as he looked at the cream little dog on the top of the cake, a satisfied smile curving his eyes.


The little dog's wish had long been fulfilled!


After the celebration, Yun Zhao distributed the cake to the immortals, and he thoughtfully left the small animals on top for his own little master.


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Each bunny received a cream miniature bunny resembling themselves. They joyfully held the cake and spun around in the hall, their adorable appearance making the guests burst into laughter.


Yun Zhao took a bite of the cake, smooth and delicate, with just the right amount of sweetness. He was about to let Ao Yu taste it when he turned his head and saw Ao Yu leading Sun Yang to a corner.


Ao Yu coughed lightly, seemingly uneasy, and took out a scroll from his sleeve, putting it into a small storage pouch. He casually hung it around Sun Yang's neck and instructed, "It's a cultivation technique, study it carefully."


Yun Zhao found that book familiar and said, "Hey, isn't this the one you've been annotating recently... Mmm!"


Ao Yu grabbed Yun Zhao's mouth and narrowed his eyes, warning him as he squeezed the soft flesh of his cheeks, "Eat your cake."


"Mmm..." Yun Zhao nodded helplessly, finally released by Ao Yu.


A hint of a smile flashed in Sun Yang's eyes as he approached and rubbed against Ao Yu's hand.


Ao Yu turned his head and patted the dog's head with the back of his hand, saying, "What are you rubbing against? Don't imitate the antics of kittens. If you don't learn properly, you'll be punished."


Sun Yang obediently nodded, using his paws to fiddle with the storage pouch around his neck, promising to diligently cultivate.


Yun Zhao found it amusing, but then he saw Wu Mu and Lou Xue standing by the jade railing, watching the swimming fish.


Lou Xue was engrossed, and his little vest became wrinkled from rubbing against it, but he didn't seem to mind.


He was about to walk over and caution the little troublemakers when he heard Xiaguang standing outside the waterside pavilion, enthusiastically beckoning him over to talk.


Yun Zhao smiled helplessly and turned his head to walk towards them.


"Has the little ferret been causing you trouble? Don't be deceived by its appearance; it's quite mischievous inside." Xiaguang pointed to the snow ferret playing in the water, holding a glass of wine.


Yun Zhao chuckled in understanding. Indeed, it was a little troublemaker, occasionally even pulling the tails of the bunnies.


But when Yun Zhao looked into the watery, beady eyes, he couldn't bring himself to blame it. He could only make more delicious treats to appease the bunnies.


At that moment, a maid approached with a tray of food and bowed slightly, saying, "My lord, have some wine. It was sent by Master Kongming."


Yun Zhao glanced to the side and saw that it was Mingyuan, the maid.


On her tray was a glass made of glazed glass, and the liquor inside shimmered with a faint purple light, quite unique.


"Sure." Yun Zhao smiled as he took the offered glass, bringing it to his lips for a sip.


The wine was sweet and refreshing, with a hint of floral fragrance. Yun Zhao smacked his lips and said, "Not bad. Since the wine we bought ourselves isn't enough, let's bring it all out and pour it for everyone."


"Yes." Mingyuan smiled and lowered her head, then gracefully retreated.


In that brief moment when the green-dressed maid passed by the elegant young man drinking at the table, a faint smile appeared on his clear and bright face. He couldn't wait to see a good show.

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Translator's note: This is the regular update. More will follow for the bonus chapters. 

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