Chapter 54: Soup

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Yun Zhao brought Le Huang to the mountain spring and used a handkerchief to clean him before carrying him back to the courtyard. Le Huang, perhaps due to the impact of eliminating waste, remained silent throughout the journey.

Even when Yun Zhao took Le Huang back to the small nest he despised, he did not hear any refusal from him. As soon as the latter entered the nest, he tucked his head under his wings. His posterior was burning with pain, as if he had stuffed it with chili sauce.

Yun Zhao used a cloth soaked in cold spring water to wipe Le Huang, alleviating much of the uncomfortable pain. However... Le Huang felt mentally struck by lightning.

Le Huang closed his eyes in distress, thinking that Yun Zhao must find him disgusting!

Lost in these random thoughts, Le Huang gradually fell asleep after being tossed around all night. Yun Zhao looked at the chubby little bird breathing steadily and couldn't help but chuckle.

The once noisy courtyard returned to tranquility, and Le Huang slept soundly in the latter half of the night. When he woke up, he found a soft little blanket covering him.

The fabric was silky, with an elegant pattern resembling delicate bamboo leaves, as if it had been twisted off a piece of clothing.

Le Huang blinked and turned his head, only to see a person sleeping next to the nest. Yun Zhao had brought over a soft mat and wrapped himself casually in a blanket. His brows were furrowed, and he didn't sleep peacefully.

Le Huang quietly observed for a while, feeling a hint of bitterness welling up in his heart. He had been capricious and picky, causing someone to stay up all night for him. The more Le Huang thought about it, the sadder he became. He lowered his head in front of his chest feathers and awkwardly curled up into a ball.

When Yun Zhao woke up, there were only a few kitten cubs still playing and frolicking in the dormitory. He rubbed his sore neck and sat up.

Worried about Le Huang in the latter half of the night, he came to the dormitory intending to stay awake all night, but unexpectedly fell asleep.

Yun Zhao looked into Le Huang's nest, only to find it empty. Surprised, he asked, "Where's Le Huang?"

Wu Mu opened his mouth and yawned, replying, "He went to bathe by the mountain spring!"

Yun Zhao nodded with a stunned expression, marveling at how the phoenix truly was a creature that loved cleanliness. He didn't plan on lingering in bed and lifted the blanket, standing up. A beautiful tail feather floated down from between the blankets.

"What is this..." Yun Zhao bent down to pick it up. The reddish-gold feather was splendid and slender, with agile fine feathers that shimmered like flames. It was adorned with scattered golden patterns that shimmered like fireflies when shaken.

The system explained, [Le Huang plucked it and gave it to you. His satisfaction level has reached 50%.]

Yun Zhao was surprised and immediately headed towards the mountain spring with the feather in hand.

By the mountain spring, the reddish-golden little phoenix was rinsing off the dust from the previous night in the splashing water, carefully cleaning the fine sand from its claws and basking in the sun between the rocks.

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Hearing footsteps behind him, Le Huang was startled. He anxiously spun in place and quickly stood tall facing the direction of the sunrise. When Yun Zhao approached, he saw a beautiful bird cub standing amidst the rugged rocks, bathed in the rising sun's golden glow.

"Le Huang, thank you for giving me such a beautiful feather," Yun Zhao coughed lightly, expressing his gratitude to the little phoenix.

Hearing Yun Zhao praise his feathers, Le Huang blossomed with joy inside, but he still maintained an outwardly calm demeanor.

The reddish-golden bird turned around, lifted its chin high, and replied, "It's just a molt. Feathers fall out on their own. Consider it compensation for the seafood I owe you!"

Although he said so, the tip of his tail still felt a little sore. Le Huang suspected that he had been too forceful when plucking the feathers in the morning.

Yun Zhao didn't think much about whether the feather was molted or not. He carefully held onto the feather and embraced the little phoenix in his arms.

The young man smiled and said, "I will cherish the gift you gave me and you can tell me whatever you want to eat in the future."

Le Huang was momentarily stunned by his smile and turned his head slightly, whispering, "I'm getting tired of bamboo shoots lately. I want to try something else. Can you make arrangements?"

"Sure," Yun Zhao smiled and said as he walked, "But since your body just went through changes, can you eat something light?"

He initially thought the bird in his arms would object, but unexpectedly, Le Huang rested his head on Yun Zhao's shoulder and mumbled, "It's okay..."


When they returned to the courtyard, Yun Zhao placed Le Huang back in the nest, but to his surprise, the little phoenix refused to cooperate and stuck to his shoulder, refusing to come down.

Yun Zhao thought that since the little phoenix had just recovered, it would be a good opportunity to provide him with some spiritual energy for comfort. So, after placing the feather aside, he took the bird and headed to the kitchen.

The rabbits were cleaning wild vegetables at the table and greeted Yun Zhao warmly as he entered. Yun Zhao patted each rabbit's head and noticed the table filled with vegetables. A pile of pea sprouts was pushed to the side, probably discarded by the rabbits.

Yun Zhao picked up a few sprouts and asked, "Why don't you want these?"

Little Black Rabbit stretched its head and glanced at them, shaking its head. "We don't want them. They're too old and not very tasty."

Yun Zhao examined them and realized that they were indeed older compared to the previous batch, but it would be a waste to throw them all away.

After some thought, he grabbed a sieve and plucked off all the tender tips of the pea sprouts.

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"Sir, what are you going to do with these?" Little Black Rabbit used its paws to scrape them a couple of times, puzzled. "There aren't many tender tips, and you'll finish them in a few bites if you stir-fry them."

"I won't use them for stir-frying. I'll make soup with them," Yun Zhao explained.

He went to the pantry, retrieved a sandalwood rack, and placed it on the windowsill, allowing the little phoenix to perch there temporarily.

Le Huang glanced at it and thought that squatting on Yun Zhao's shoulder did indeed hinder his movements. So, he generously moved over.

Yun Zhao praised him and gave his feathers a gentle stroke before turning around to fetch two yams, peeling and cutting them into sections.

The white yam pieces were neatly placed into a steamer, and Yun Zhao started cleaning various types of mushrooms and fungi, chopping them into small pieces and arranging them on a plate.

At this point, white mist began to emanate from the steamer. Yun Zhao lifted the lid and poked the yams with chopsticks, finding them soft. He took them out and mashed them into a paste.

While Yun Zhao pressed the yams, he gradually added water in small amounts. When the yam in the bowl turned into a smooth paste, he stopped and looked up. The windowsill was now occupied by the furry creatures, all leaning against the windowsill and staring at the young man intently.

Yun Zhao couldn't help but chuckle at their greedy appearance. He resisted the urge to touch the little ones and continued cooking.

He scooped a spoonful of animal fat into the pot and melted it, then added the chopped mushrooms and fungi, stir-frying them. The unique aroma of the mushrooms combined with the oil filled the air with an enticing fragrance. Even Xuanming, who wasn't interested in vegetarian food, poked his head out, curious about what Yun Zhao was cooking.

Yun Zhao continued to stir-fry until every piece was coated with oil. Then, he poured in the yam paste and transferred everything into a clay pot, simmering it slowly over low heat.

The yam paste was bubbling, and delightful gurgling sounds echoed from the pot. Yun Zhao stirred it a few times and tossed in the fresh green pea shoots he had carefully prepared. The tender, green shoots instantly adorned the seemingly plain soup with a touch of spring.

When the small bubbles started to roll again in the clay pot, Yun Zhao took the pot off the heat.

Wu Mu and the others eagerly ran to the table and sat down, wagging their tails sweetly, and meowed, "Meow~"

The sweet and gentle sound of their meowing brought great pleasure to Yun Zhao. He took out small bowls and served each of them a portion.

Le Huang tilted his head and sneakily glanced around. When the other kittens noticed, he quickly averted his gaze, turned his head, and looked into the distance. Only his little paws moved towards the enticing aroma.

Seeing the slowly approaching little phoenix, Yun Zhao smiled and handed him a bowl, saying, "Yam soup is good for the stomach. Try it first, and if you don't like it, I'll make something else for you."

Yam soup was just a bowl of paste, but various mushrooms added a hint of freshness to it, and the vibrant color was adorned by the tender pea shoots. Yun Zhao thought that such an appearance might be scrutinized by the little phoenix. However, to his surprise, Le Huang didn't say anything and obediently ate a few mouthfuls.

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Although he ate slowly without lifting his head, it seemed like he enjoyed it.

After finishing a bowl, Luo Xue licked it clean and smacked his lips with lingering flavor. Then, he pushed the bowl towards Yun Zhao with his paw.

With sparkling eyes, he said, "Brother, I want another bowl."

Yun Zhao chuckled and replied, "This was made to help Le Huang's stomach. Don't you find it too mild?"

Luo Xue shook his head but politely asked Le Huang, "May I have another bowl?"

Upon hearing that it was a soup specially made by Yun Zhao for himself, Le Huang's crown feathers stood straight up, and he happily replied, "Since you like it so much, I'll share some with you."

Yun Zhao was amused by the confident appearance of the little phoenix and served them a second bowl.

While the group of kittens enjoyed their meal at the table, Bai Ze entered carrying two jars of wine.

He grumbled, "How can you all eat alone?"

Yun Zhao chuckled and asked, "Do you want some of the paste that the kittens are eating?"

Upon hearing Yun Zhao's question, Bai Ze glanced and realized that the yam paste didn't look too bad. However, the thought of it being meant for these young kittens made him curl his lips and say, "Forget it. I won't compete with children."

Wu Mu licked his paw and chuckled, "You've stolen plenty before."

Bai Ze: "..." This cat is so annoying.

Yun Zhao looked at the wine jars in Bai Ze's hands and asked, "Where did this wine come from?"

Upon hearing Yun Zhao's question, Bai Ze suddenly remembered the purpose of his visit.

He placed the wine jars on the table and said, "This is newly brewed wine from Kongming. They said to give it to you to taste, but it seems to have a strong aftertaste, so you should drink it sparingly."

"Is that so?" Yun Zhao uncovered the wine seal. One jar was clear and transparent, while the other resembled white jade. A fragrant aroma emanated from the jars.

Yun Zhao's eyes lit up, and he praised, "Such a delightful fragrance!"

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Bai Ze nodded and said, "Kong Ming's craftsmanship is well-known, but this batch of wine is exceptionally mellow. I reckon only Ao Yu and I can have a few cups."

Upon hearing this, Wu Mu became greatly disappointed and grumbled, "I want to drink too!"

"Just you?" Bai Ze poked the cat's head with his finger and sneered, "A mere hundred-year-old kitten like you wants to drink this kind of wine? Keep dreaming."

He extended his finger and moved it back and forth in front of Wu Mu's eyes, saying each word emphatically, "Don't even think about it!"

Infuriated by Bai Ze's smug laughter, Wu Mu pounced on him, grabbed the wretched finger, and bit down. Bai Ze instantly howled, and the two tumbled into a fight.

Yun Zhao stood alone on the side, stroking his chin as he pondered. He then said, "There might be a solution."

Wu Mu released Bai Ze's finger and looked at Yun Zhao with round eyes, questioning, "Hmm?"

Yun Zhao smiled and said, "We still have some of the fruits that the Flower Goddess sent. How about I dilute a portion of the puree and make it into fruit wine?"

The kittens immediately cheered upon hearing this. Sweet fruits paired with fragrant wine, especially when made by Yun Zhao himself, must taste fantastic!

Le Huang had been leisurely eating the soup since Bai Ze arrived. When he finished, he looked up and noticed the two wine jars placed on the table.

"It smells quite enticing..."

The crimson-gold phoenix took small steps, dragging its long tail feathers, and leaned forward to take a deep sniff.

Then, amidst the exclamation of everyone present, the chubby little bird suddenly toppled backward from the table, landing with a loud "thud" on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

Everyone: "..."

Does the phoenix have such a poor tolerance for alcohol? 

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