Chapter 55: Fragrant Wine

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Yun Zhao carried the intoxicated little phoenix back to its nest and settled it down. Behind him followed a row of mythical beasts, their eyes full of longing.

Wu Mu pursed its lips, and its fluffy triangular ears twitched. Squinting, it asked, "Yun Zhao, when are you going to make fruit wine?"

Lu Xue also joined in, sweetly acting spoiled and rubbing against his leg. "Brother, can we help? Let's make it quickly, okay?"

"Didn't you just finish eating?" Yun Zhao rubbed his forehead and helplessly walked outside. "Won't you feel uncomfortably full?"

Wu Mu dissented unhappily, "Main dishes, desserts, and fruits all go into separate stomachs!"

Lu Xue and Little Ferret immediately nodded vigorously in agreement.

Amused by the nonsense of his little ones, Yun Zhao could only compromise. "Alright, I'll make it right away. But let's make it clear, you can only have one cup each."

"Ah..." Wu Mu pouted but reluctantly agreed, "Okay, okay, just one cup... One cup is better than nothing."

Yun Zhao shook their small paws, considering it an agreement, and then slowly made his way to the storeroom, bringing out the wine case and brewing equipment.

"Master, are these enough?" The bunnies had picked some fruits from the ones sent by the Flower Goddess and placed them on a plate.

Longan, cantaloupe, and strawberries were piled up, and Little Black Bunny held two large peaches, saying, "Master, peaches are good too, they're crunchy!"

Before Yun Zhao could respond, another bunny spoke up, "Crunchy peaches are not tasty! Peaches should be soft! Soft and juicy!"

"Nonsense, crunchy is better!"

"I prefer them soft!"

For a moment, the rabbits argued, but fortunately, the Flower Goddess had sent various varieties. Yun Zhao took a few of each to mediate the situation. "I'll make both."

Upon hearing this, the bunnies immediately quieted down, clinging to Yun Zhao's leg and speaking softly, "Thank you, Master."

Yun Zhao was delighted by their antics. He instructed the bunnies to peel off the fruit skins while he brought the wine jar.

Chapter 55: Fragrant Wine

Yun Zhao carried the intoxicated little phoenix back to its nest and settled it down. Behind him followed a row of mythical beasts, their eyes full of longing.

Wu Mu pursed its lips, and its fluffy triangular ears twitched. Squinting, it asked, "Yun Zhao, when are you going to make fruit wine?"

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Lu Xue also joined in, sweetly acting spoiled and rubbing against his leg. "Brother, can we help? Let's make it quickly, okay?"

"Didn't you just finish eating?" Yun Zhao rubbed his forehead and helplessly walked outside. "Won't you feel uncomfortably full?"

Wu Mu dissented unhappily, "Main dishes, desserts, and fruits all go into separate stomachs!"

Lu Xue and Little Ferret immediately nodded vigorously in agreement.

Amused by the nonsense of his little ones, Yun Zhao could only compromise. "Alright, I'll make it right away. But let's make it clear, you can only have one cup each."

"Ah..." Wu Mu pouted but reluctantly agreed, "Okay, okay, just one cup... One cup is better than nothing."

Yun Zhao shook their small paws, considering it an agreement, and then slowly made his way to the storeroom, bringing out the wine case and brewing equipment.

"Master, are these enough?" The bunnies had picked some fruits from the ones sent by the Flower Goddess and placed them on a plate.

Longan, cantaloupe, and strawberries were piled up, and Little Black Bunny held two large peaches, saying, "Master, peaches are good too, they're crunchy!"

Before Yun Zhao could respond, another bunny spoke up, "Crunchy peaches are not tasty! Peaches should be soft! Soft and juicy!"

"Nonsense, crunchy is better!"

"I prefer them soft!"

For a moment, the rabbits argued, but fortunately, the Flower Goddess had sent various varieties. Yun Zhao took a few of each to mediate the situation. "I'll make both."

Upon hearing this, the bunnies immediately quieted down, clinging to Yun Zhao's leg and speaking softly, "Thank you, Master."

Yun Zhao was delighted by their antics. He instructed the bunnies to peel off the fruit skins while he brought the wine jar.

Yun Zhao didn't fall for it and continued with his actions, absentmindedly saying, "Then wait until I finish making the strawberry and melon ones, and you can choose for yourself."

Upon hearing this, Wu Mu sighed and slumped by the table, swinging its short legs in discontent.

Yun Zhao pressed the strawberries to extract their juice and mixed it with Hanguang Nian, resulting in a layer of pale pink liquid that looked dreamlike, as if it were filled with blooming mountain begonias.

Yun Zhao plucked a begonia flower and sprinkled some petals on the surface of the liquor. It didn't make it taste better, but it certainly made it more visually appealing!

He replicated the method of making Longan Qing Lu to create the melon clear liquor and placed it in front of the divine beasts along with the other three fruit wines, saying, "Here, take your pick."

Lu Xue decisively chose the strawberry one and sipped it in small sips, occasionally sticking its head out to taste Xuanming's Longan Qing Lu.

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Little Ferret chose the melon, while Wu Mu simply chose the peach fruit wine. They gathered together with their friends and exchanged drinks to taste.

Yun Zhao considered the Phoenix's tolerance for alcohol and only selected a few longans to soak in the wine, preserving them with crushed ice. He planned to let the Phoenix taste them when it woke up.

At that moment, Bai Ze smelled the aroma and approached. As he looked closer, he exclaimed, "You're letting them drink alcohol?"

Yun Zhao pointed to a large pot of spring water and explained, "I diluted it with water. Mixing it with fruit juice won't make them drunk."

Bai Ze tilted his head, looking at the bunnies who were holding hands and spinning in circles, and asked in confusion, "Are you sure?"

Yun Zhao chuckled dryly, "They just won't get drunk. I didn't say they won't get excited..."

Bai Ze shrugged indifferently and said, "I don't need any water dilution, but adding fruit juice is a good idea. Help me mix in some fruit."

"Sure." Yun Zhao agreed.

As he was about to start, he suddenly heard a bunny shout, "Master, the little bird is awake!"

"I'm a Phoenix, not some little bird!" a dissatisfied grumble followed closely.

Yun Zhao chuckled lightly and asked Wu Mu and the others to pour the wine into cups filled with fruit. Together with Bai Ze, they went to the dormitory to see Le Huang.

Indeed, Le Huang had no alcohol tolerance whatsoever. He was sitting dizzily in his nest. But upon hearing that Yun Zhao had prepared some wine-soaked longans for him, he exclaimed that he wanted to taste them.

Yun Zhao carried him to the courtyard and fed him one, saying, "Bai Ze said you're not fully recovered yet. You'll have to continue taking the elixir later, so you can only have one."

Le Huang glared at Bai Ze discontentedly, then opened his mouth and took the longan, squinting his eyes as he savored the perfect fusion of fruit flesh and wine aroma. Bai Ze playfully entertained the bunnies while Yun Zhao watched with amusement. After working so hard, he also wanted to taste the fruit wine.

Seeing a few cups of fruit wine on the table, Yun Zhao picked one up and sipped it delicately, savoring the rich and mellow flavor. It was like condensed nectar with a hint of fruity sweetness lingering on his palate.

Yun Zhao became more and more addicted to the taste and, thinking that the little ones shouldn't drink too much, he drank all the remaining cups of fruit wine on the table.

When Ao Yu arrived in the courtyard, he saw the young man sprawled drunkenly on the table, cheeks slightly flushed. Strands of hair covered his eyebrows and eyes, with a few droplets of transparent liquid clinging to his lips.

Bai Ze stood next to Yun Zhao, looking helpless as he softly called out, "Yun Zhao, wake up, wake up!"

Wu Mu nudged Yun Zhao's head and helplessly said, "He's completely drunk."

Ao Yu approached, frowning as he looked at the intoxicated young man. He asked, "What happened?"

Bai Ze coughed dryly and said, "Yun Zhao made fruit wine using the liquor sent by Kongming. I think he accidentally drank a few cups without diluting them with water..."

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"He's capable of such foolishness," Ao Yu's eyes flashed with a hint of helplessness. He picked up Yun Zhao and carried him into the room.

He placed the young man on the bed and used a damp cloth to wipe his face.

Yun Zhao half-opened his eyes, his intoxication making everything hazy. He saw Ao Yu diligently wiping his arms, looking like a devoted maid.

Silver hair cascaded down to his chest, and as he leaned over to wipe Yun Zhao's neck, a few strands brushed against his forehead, sending a tingling sensation throughout his body.

Yun Zhao grabbed the rebellious hair that wouldn't listen to him and muttered, "Itchy, this strand of hair is misbehaving. I want to cut it off!"

With an expressionless face, Ao Yu snatched his hair back from the young man's grip and chuckled, "That's because your hairstyling skills are lacking, causing it to become messy."

"No!" Under the influence of alcohol, Yun Zhao acted like a helpless and mischievous child.

He tugged at Ao Yu's hair, gently patting it between the strands with his hand, furrowing his brows as he lectured, "My skills are excellent! I comb little dragons' hair every day, and I even practice with Sun Yang's tail fur! If it's not well-combed, it's the hair's fault!"

"...Sun Yang's tail fur?" Ao Yu raised an eyebrow, taking a deep breath. He closed his eyes, enduring the temptation for a moment, but eventually couldn't resist. He seized Yun Zhao's wrist, tilted his head, and lightly bit down on it.

He was both exasperated and amused. "Only you could come up with something like this."

Yun Zhao chuckled mischievously, holding his wrist and examining the bite mark under the faint light seeping through the tent. After staring at it for a while, he tilted his head and locked his gaze onto Ao Yu, remaining silent.

"What are you looking at, drunkard?" Ao Yu found it amusing, but after being stared at by the young man for so long, he started to feel a warmth in his ears. He cleared his throat and was about to turn his head when the young man suddenly reached out and cupped his face.

Yun Zhao muttered, "You bit me!"

A tinge of faint redness appeared at the corners of the young man's eyes. The shimmering water in his black, long eyelashes made him look pitiful, as if he had suffered a great grievance.

Ao Yu gazed at him for a while, his voice unconsciously lowering as he softly said, "Yes, I bit you. What do you want to do about it?"

Yun Zhao instantly gained confidence. He opened his mouth and said, "Then I want to bite you back!"

Without waiting for Ao Yu's response, Yun Zhao held Ao Yu's face and leaned in. With parted lips, he took a bite on the cold flesh of Ao Yu's lips.


Ao Yu was caught off guard by his sudden action. A faint taste of blood lingered between their teeth.

What an intoxicated fool!

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The young man seemed quite interested, as his hand, still cupping Ao Yu's cheek, slowly moved down to his neck. Ao Yu turned his head to evade the approaching small mouth and used his large hand to pinch Yun Zhao's mouth into a small chicken beak.

His gaze was incredibly clear, with a tenderness that he himself didn't notice, as if in his pale golden pupils, there was only the person in front of him.

"You..." Ao Yu pondered for a moment, then tentatively asked, "Yun Zhao, do you know who I am?"

Yun Zhao squinted his eyes, his finger tracing the contours of Ao Yu's face. His mind was slightly intoxicated but unusually clear at this moment.

He lifted his head to touch noses with the little dragon, their breaths blending together. Ao Yu heard him reply, "Of course, I know. You are Ao Yu, my cutest little dragon! But... hehehe... we are already partners since we were by the lake before!"

Ao Yu was momentarily stunned but then let out a long breath.

Yun Zhao raised a finger and waved it triumphantly in front of Ao Yu's eyes, emphasizing, "Real partners, you know!"

A hint of a smile flashed in Ao Yu's eyes. He took hold of Yun Zhao's finger and lightly bit it, his sharp teeth grazing against the soft flesh.

He mumbled, "Still not the real...".

Feeling the dampness of soft flesh on his fingertips, Yun Zhao retracted his finger and frowned in displeasure. "Why isn't it real?"

Ao Yu laughed and embraced the young man who was about to start acting crazy again, waving his hand to draw the layers of gauze curtains around them.

He leaned down and whispered in the young man's ear, "Let me teach you..."

Yun Zhao was about to nod in agreement when his response was cut off by the lips that covered his own. He could only whimper and tilt his neck in response.

A slender wrist was held by a single hand and pressed against the top of his head. The long fingers turned white at the knuckles from the force applied, and the snowy white hair covered the disheveled black hair, intertwining until they were completely entangled.

Uncontrolled waves of pleasure bloomed in his mind like flower petals after rain. The gauze curtains were swept open as if seeking help, only to be drawn back again.

Feeling the droplets of sweat on his face, Yun Zhao blinked in a daze. He felt like a small boat floating on the sea, and it was only by reaching out and touching those faintly radiant dragon horns that he found some peace of mind.

In the moment he held onto those dragon horns, a sigh seemed to echo in his ears, and the arm wrapped around his waist suddenly tightened.

It seemed to be raining outside, with a drizzle falling from the sky. The dense mountain leaves were adorned with raindrops, and the crystal-clear dew followed the veins and slid downward, landing on the yet-unopened buds of the sea hibiscus…


Translator’s note: Where the rest? I feel robbed~ LOL. Two more bonus chapters and we’re back to regular one update daily. 



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