Chapter 58: Encounter in the Dragon Palace

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Yun Zhao withdrew his gaze from the fish swimming outside the window and sighed as he sat in the rocking chair. Ao Jing probably remembered the chair from when he brought Yun Zhao here and had someone send a more exquisite and comfortable one to the room.

The palace where Yun Zhao resided was a hundred times more luxurious than the one he had seen among the Wolf Clan. Maidens dressed in light blue dresses stood silently throughout the palace, ready to fulfill the commands of those in higher positions.

Unaccustomed to being attended by so many people, Yun Zhao moved the chair to the window side and sat down, as if seeking a moment of respite by the window.

When Ao Jing entered with a small fish, he saw the young man lying on the rocking chair with a troubled expression. He furrowed his brows slightly and glanced at the maiden next to him.

The maiden immediately stepped back and soon returned with a delicate porcelain plate filled with various elegantly arranged dishes.

"Sir," the maiden kneeled and bowed, lowering her head, "please have your meal."

Yun Zhao nodded apologetically, whispered a thank you, and sat up. As he looked at the table, he raised his hand but then hesitated.

The dishes on the table were exquisite, but most of them consisted of various types of raw fish and scallops. Thin slices of fish, delicate as cicada wings, were spread like blooming chrysanthemums on one plate, while another plate contained prawns and shellfish arranged in pairs.

Yun Zhao enjoyed seafood and was open to eating raw food, but faced with a table full of raw seafood, he was momentarily at a loss.

"You don't like it," Ao Jing placed his hands in his sleeves and stood aside, speaking in a calm tone after glancing at the young man's expression.

He turned to instruct the maiden, "Take it away and prepare something else."

Yun Zhao quickly stopped him, "It's fine, really. I can eat raw food too."

Ao Jing stepped aside to make it easier for the maidens to clean up, but with a stern face, he disagreed, "It was my oversight. There's no reason to force yourself."

Yun Zhao couldn't help but laugh at the earnest expression of the young boy. He was about to say that he could handle it himself when another maiden entered and whispered softly, "Your Highness, the Dragon Patriarch wishes to see Lord Yun Zhao."

The Dragon Patriarch?

Yun Zhao asked in his sea of consciousness, "Who is this? Ao Yu's father?"

The electronic voice of the system sounded somewhat smug, [That's right! Are you nervous? It's like a daughter-in-law meeting her in-laws!]

Yun Zhao: "... How bothersome."

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Ao Jing was taken aback, dismissed the maidens, and then turned to see Yun Zhao looking somewhat dazed. He thought Yun Zhao was nervous.

The young boy lowered his gaze, his long and dense eyelashes trembling slightly. He walked over and imitated Yun Zhao, tiptoeing to touch the young man's head, speaking with his usual calmness, "Don't worry, the Dragon Patriarch won't harm you."

Yun Zhao smiled and found the child quite adorable. He pinched the boy's face and stood up, saying, "I'm not nervous. You shouldn't worry either."

"I'm not worried," Ao Jing withdrew his hand and turned his head, pouting. "Come on, let's go. Don't keep the Dragon Patriarch waiting."


Yun Zhao walked out of the palace gate with the maidens, and Ao Jing followed along. As they stepped outside the palace, Yun Zhao couldn't help but marvel at the fact that what he glimpsed from the window was just a corner of the Dragon Palace.

White jade steps and glassy tiles adorned the palace, and three sea dragons, harnessed to a golden cart, swam from the coral top. A golden and jade corridor connected twelve palaces, while towering black-armored guards with long spears stood on the sides, nodding respectfully as Ao Jing and his group passed by.

If it weren't for the barrier isolating the magnificent and colorful ocean, Yun Zhao would truly have believed that he was visiting a grand and splendid palace on land.

The maidens led them to the largest palace, which exuded a more solemn atmosphere compared to the twelve elegant palaces on the outskirts. Tall spiritual servants with human bodies and snake tails stood on either side, bowing their heads, clearly awaiting the arrival of distinguished guests.

Yun Zhao followed Ao Jing up the jade steps and entered the palace gate. His gaze was captivated by the sight of immense golden ginkgo leaves intertwined with thick and rich spiritual energy.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the divine tree was rooted in a water pool, where blue and silver ripples flowed, with numerous points of light scattered within, resembling a map of a sea domain.

"Dragon Patriarch, Lord Yun Zhao has arrived."

Yun Zhao snapped back to reality and saw the Dragon Patriarch, with white hair and a golden crown, seated at the head of the inner hall.

Yun Zhao still had concerns for Ao Yu and thought for a moment before asking directly, "Is there something the Dragon Patriarch wants from me by having Ao Jing bring me to the Dragon Realm? Ao Yu doesn't know I'm here. I need to go back."

"You don't need to go back. Stay in the Dragon Realm," the Dragon Lord's voice remained unruffled, as if he was issuing a command to a junior.

"What?" Yun Zhao raised his head, his eyes filled with astonishment.

The Dragon Patriarch lightly tapped his finger on the golden jade wall of the water pool, looking down at the radiance in the water. "Don't worry about Ao Yu. If you stay here, he will come back soon."

Yun Zhao suddenly realized the Dragon Patriarch's intention. He wanted his eldest son to come back home more often.

Yun Zhao shook his head and refused, saying, "I'm afraid I can't."

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The Dragon Patriarch showed rare patience towards Yun Zhao and asked in a soft voice, "Why? The Dragon Palace is abundant in spiritual energy, luxuriously furnished, and you would have thousands of servants and attendants at your disposal."

He looked at the dragon jade hanging from Yun Zhao's waist and said to him, "With unimpeded access to the four seas, you would have more privileges than you could enjoy on land."

Yun Zhao shook his head and replied, "I have many young divine beasts to take care of at the Yuming Mountain."

The Dragon Patriarch furrowed his brow slightly, looking at him with curiosity. "I speak of the noble position that surpasses the four seas, yet you are concerned about those lowly little beasts?"

Yun Zhao shrugged nonchalantly and responded, "If my spiritual power doesn't meet your standards, I don't think you would bother telling me all this, would you?"

"As for Ao Yu..." Yun Zhao spoke truthfully, "If he hasn't recovered, you wouldn't care whether he returns or not. After all, you have already started searching for a new heir after his serious injury, haven't you?"

Ao Jing was qualified to enter the Dragon Palace only after Ao Yu left, indicating that he was the chosen candidate.

"I know how you view me as a father." The Dragon Patriarch stared at the young man in front of him and remained silent for a long time before speaking.

He toyed with the falling golden leaves in his hand, not caring about the disrespect in Yun Zhao's words. "Ao Yu has lost his spiritual power, and as a father, I can ensure his peace in the Dragon Realm."

"However, the burden of the four seas still needs someone to bear it." The Dragon Patriarch tapped his finger lightly on the water pool, and a massive underwater city emerged on the surface. "Since Ao Yu recovered because of you, I hope he will come back. After all, currently, no one else has the ability to surpass him."

Yun Zhao shook his head once again and refused, "If you agreed to Ao Yu's departure initially, then you shouldn't force him to come back now."

The Dragon Patriarch asked again, "What if Ao Yu is willing to come back?"

Yun Zhao thought for a moment and smiled, "Then I'll still have to stay at Yuming Mountain. I have signed contracts with many immortals to take good care of their divine beasts. However, I can visit the little dragon occasionally since the dragon jade allows me to travel freely. It shouldn't be a problem."

"It seems that the conditions here haven't moved you." The Dragon Patriarch turned to Yun Zhao, sounding somewhat regretful. "We haven't reached an agreement."

Yun Zhao nodded, "Indeed."

"Then you will have to stay a while longer," the Dragon Patriarch said, realizing that there was no need to continue the conversation. He casually clapped his hands, and servant girls entered the room.

"Please come with us, sir." They bowed their heads respectfully and politely guided Yun Zhao to leave.

Yun Zhao sighed, knowing that he wouldn't change his mind and could only wait for Ao Yu to come and take him away.

After the young man left with the servant girls, the Dragon Patriarch stood silently under the tree for a long time. He ran his hand over the cracks in the trunk, lost in his thoughts. The reflection of the city in the water pool dissipated, and in a moment of returning to calmness, it suddenly surged violently.

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The sky-blue curtains in the palace fluttered in response to the approaching aura, and the attendants quickly realized what was happening and hurriedly exited the hall.

As the blue-silver water surged out of the pool wall, the Dragon Patriarch extended his finger and lightly tapped on the wall. Invisible golden light emanated from his fingertip, shattering the jade screens on both sides.

"You've come."

The Dragon Patriarch turned around and calmly looked at Ao Yu standing before him. He didn't seem surprised by his arrival and even commented, "You're faster than I expected. It seems you have recovered quite well."

Ao Yu remained silent. His white hair was somewhat disheveled, and there were traces of blood on the hem of his black robe, which he disdainfully eliminated with magic.

Dealing with the evil flood dragons near the Dragon Realm's boundary took some effort on his part.

He lifted his eyes slightly, the golden pupils devoid of any emotions, silently locking gazes with his father.

"You think a few evil flood dragons can hold me back for long?" Ao Yu mocked.

"They were not under my command." The Dragon Patriarch didn't mind his tone but still explained, "The Abyss has been unstable lately, and the power of evil spirits has been disturbing sea creatures. You should have sensed the continuous heavy rain in the past few months."

"So what?"

Ao Yu didn't want to hear him talk about these things and directly stated his purpose, "Where is Yun Zhao? I want to take him away."

The Dragon Patriarch gazed at his long-lost son, feeling a sense of emotion at the change in the once aloof Ao Yu.

He looked at him for a long time before speaking softly, "I hope you come back. I have met Yun Zhao, and he is a good child. It would be good for both of you to stay in the Dragon Realm."

A hint of mockery appeared in Ao Yu's eyes. He approached, unaffected by the pressure from the one in power.

He bluntly exposed the truth, "So you must have examined his innate spiritual power. If it has nothing to do with my recovery, I suppose you would kill him and find me another Dao companion."

The Dragon Patriarch didn't deny it and nodded calmly, saying, "But he is quite good. He's much better than Qing Jiao, whom you killed. He deserves to be half the master of the Dragon Clan in the future."

Hearing the Dragon Patriarch's response, Ao Yu wasn't surprised at all. His father had always acted in this manner.

The implications in the Dragon Patriarch's words were already clear, but Ao Yu's face showed no expression as he coldly said, "I won't come back. Let me take Yun Zhao with me."

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Ao Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, disdainfully concealing his bloodthirsty intent. "You know, no one can stop me."

Faced with Ao Yu's displayed killing intent, the Dragon Patriarch wasn't angered. He crushed the golden leaves in his hand and scattered them on the water surface. "Returning to Yuming Mountain would be too much of a waste for you."

"What is considered not wasting? Endless battles in the Abyss, or guarding this palace and this tree until your power dissipates and you're kicked away?" Ao Yu looked out the window at the magnificent scenery, his expression indifferent, showing no attachment to this place. "I am tired of this life."

"Besides, I don't owe anything to the Four Seas."

Ao Yu's voice echoed in the spacious palace, and the light and shadows outside enveloped the young Dragon Lord. He stood coldly before the Dragon Patriarch, his golden pupils flickering with indifference and a hint of contempt for the person in front of him.

The Dragon Patriarch silently watched as the shattered leaves were swallowed by the water, as if sighing. After a long time, he turned and pushed open the door.

Ao Yu followed him and asked, "Where are you going?"

The Dragon Patriarch replied in a calm voice, "I'm taking you to see that child."

Ao Yu didn't expect the Dragon Patriarch to agree so easily. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, as he had prepared himself for the worst. The two walked out of the hall side by side. The attendants on both sides were not surprised by Ao Yu's return. They respectfully stepped aside and bowed slightly.

The servant girls followed behind them as they passed a jade bridge and turned a corner of the corridor. Suddenly, Ao Yu caught a familiar smell of charcoal. He was worried about Yun Zhao and unconsciously quickened his pace. He pushed aside the attendant holding a lantern in front of him and was momentarily stunned by what he saw.

In the courtyard outside the palace, a pile of charcoal was emitting heat under a simple grill. Yun Zhao received a large crab from the hand of a snake-tailed spirit servant and gestured to place it on the grill.

However, he looked troubled and said to the young boy in green robes beside him, "Ao Jing, this crab is still too big. Don't you have a more suitable grill?"

Ao Jing replied softly, "We don't have any, but you can break off its legs and grill them."

Yun Zhao suddenly realized, "Oh, right!"

The Dragon Patriarch walked over to Ao Yu's side, following his gaze, and couldn't help but comment, "It seems like your Dao companion is adapting well to the Dragon Domain."

Ao Yu: "..."

Author's Note:

Dragon Lord: Come back, my child!

Ao Yu, on alert: You wish!

Yun Zhao: Damn, these crabs from the sea are so good!

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