Chapter 59: Convergence of the Four Seas

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Yun Zhao's mind was entirely occupied by the large crab in his hand, and he hadn't noticed when Ao Yu approached.

"Ah, it's so hard..." Yun Zhao exclaimed as the sharp thorns of the crab's leg shell pricked his palm.

A hand reached over and took the crab from him, accompanied by a few crisp sounds as the long legs were swiftly removed.

Yun Zhao turned his head and saw the newcomer, a hint of delight flashed in his eyes. "Ao Yu! How did you come here?"

Ao Yu coldly snorted, "What? Is it not the right time for me to come?"

"Hehehe, not at all," Yun Zhao playfully bumped his shoulder and looked up, smiling. "You came just in time. I'll grill the crab for you."

With the Dragon Patriarch gone, Ao Jing clasped his hands and greeted him, calling out, "Elder Brother."

He discreetly glanced at him but found that Ao Yu didn't spare him even a glance. Ao Jing silently retreated to the side, lifting his gaze to watch his brother conversing and laughing with the young man before him, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Ao Yu's expression was unusually gentle, and he reached out to tuck away the youth's stray hair behind his ear. He rolled up his sleeves and started helping him open the crab shell.

The crab was disassembled into eight pieces and placed on the grill. The translucent crab leg meat peeked out from the cracked shell, gradually turning creamy white under the charcoal fire.

Yun Zhao picked up one piece, blew on it lightly, and handed it to Ao Jing, saying, "Here, have a taste."

"Thank you."

Ao Jing took it with both hands, watching as Yun Zhao peeled another piece and fed the snowy white crab meat to Ao Yu. He gestured for the maidservant who wanted to help to step back and enjoyed a bite of the tender meat himself after opening a hard shell.

The flesh was delicate, with a fresh and sweet taste that was different from eating it raw. Ao Jing finished the crab meat in his hand with two bites, then quietly withdrew with the maidservants.

When Yun Zhao came to his senses, only he and Ao Yu remained in the surroundings.

He wondered, "Where did everyone go?"

Ao Yu paid no attention to those people, as he had intended to take Yun Zhao and leave directly. However, he suddenly heard the young man praise, "The Dragon Domain is so beautiful. Ao Jing told me that there are many islands nearby. Let's bring everyone here for a visit when we have time, alright?"

"Do... you like it here?" Ao Yu released Yun Zhao's wrist and silently gazed at him.

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Yun Zhao pondered for a moment. "It's alright, very beautiful."

He pointed at the radiant pearls emitting a sparkling glow around them and smiled. "But staying here for too long can be dazzling. Our Yuming Mountain is still more beautiful."

As if pleased by the young man's words, Ao Yu chuckled softly. He transformed into a magnificent silver-white dragon, using his tail to gently coil Yun Zhao and securely place him on his back.

Yun Zhao held onto the dragon's elegant feathers tightly and leaned over to ask him, "Are we going back?"

"No," replied Ao Yu as his tail tip approached, gently brushing against the young man's face, reminding him not to sit in a crooked posture.

"I'll take you somewhere."

The white dragon let out a low hum, swaying his tail and leaping into the air, breaking through the barriers. The patrolling spirit attendants exclaimed and quickly moved aside, their heads slightly bowed as they watched the departing figure of the white dragon.

Yun Zhao, after a long time, lay on the dragon's back. Bubbles floated swiftly before his eyes, and he excitedly reached out to catch them.

The Dragon Jade allowed Yun Zhao to breathe freely even in the deep sea without being affected by any water pressure. He curiously observed the schools of fish swimming around until the little dragon circled past the magnificent red coral, and the surrounding light gradually dimmed.

Feeling somewhat nervous, Yun Zhao pressed closer against the dragon scales beneath him. A deep and melodious voice reached his ears, dispelling some of his fears of the deep sea.

"Don't be afraid, we're almost there."

"Mm," Yun Zhao softly responded, burying himself in the dragon's soft fur.

They ascended along an undersea current, and as the crashing sound of the waves grew louder, Yun Zhao opened his eyes and realized that Ao Yu had brought him to a small island.

The island was not large, with tiny blue-silver flowers densely covering the entire land. Dark rocks surrounding the island were being struck by the waves, while four different shades of seawater clashed on the surface.

Yun Zhao dismounted from the white dragon in amazement and looked up at the ink-blue sky.

The sky was filled with sparkling stars, and not far away, faint purple clouds appeared, resembling the aurora as they intertwined among the stars, gracefully dancing across the entire celestial canopy.

Yun Zhao gazed at the flickering lights within the purple clouds, and his heart suddenly tightened. A strange illusion flashed through his mind.

[That is the mouth of the abyss. Don't stare at it.]

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Suddenly, the system's voice sounded, reminding Yun Zhao to shift his gaze. He looked away but couldn't help but glance in that direction again.

Yun Zhao saw Ao Yu, now in his human form, walking up to him. He tilted his head and asked, "Where are we?"

"The Convergence of the Four Seas," Ao Yu replied, holding his hand. His slightly cool fingers slipped through the gaps between Yun Zhao's fingers and firmly held them as he led him step by step towards the higher part of the island.

"This place is the center of the entire sea, the point where heaven and water converge. The Dragon Clan has guarded this place for generations, eliminating the evil spirits that escape from the abyss."

Ao Yu's voice remained as calm as ever, as if he were recounting a story unrelated to himself.

Yun Zhao followed him through layers of branches and arrived at the flower sea at the highest point of the island. He opened his palm and gently brushed it over the flower leaves that reached his shins.

Feeling Ao Yu's gaze upon him, Yun Zhao lifted his eyes and asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

Ao Yu didn't let go of his hand. His fingertips lightly traced patterns on the back of Yun Zhao's hand as he looked up at the purple clouds in the sky. "This place is close to the mouth of the abyss. It's somewhat dangerous, but also very beautiful. Before leaving the Dragon Realm, I wanted to bring you here to see it."

Yun Zhao followed his gaze and looked toward the distant horizon.

The ink-blue sky seemed like a pouring Milky Way, with swaying and mysterious purple lights spreading through the clouds.

Vibrant lights danced in Yun Zhao's eyes, captivating his attention. He heard Ao Yu's voice in his ears.

He suddenly said, "This is where I fell into the sea from the abyss."

"What?" Yun Zhao was taken aback and turned to look at him.

Ao Yu gently stroked the young man's cheek with his hand before turning around and taking a few steps forward.

Before Yun Zhao could catch up, he saw strands of faint golden light condensing in the palm of Ao Yu's hand. They fluttered around like ethereal ribbons, warm and gentle like the morning sun in spring.

The rippling lights resembled several teasing cat toys, and just as Yun Zhao reached out to touch them, they suddenly darted downwards, parting the surrounding flowers and piercing straight into the ground.

"Hey!" Yun Zhao exclaimed as the ground began to tremble slightly.

A golden-lit jade lamp emerged slowly, breaking through the soil. The flickering light points lingering around seemed to coat Yun Zhao's pupils with a beautiful golden hue.

Ao Yu's dark robe fluttered in the wind, and the rays of light made his hanging white hair gleam with a golden halo. The jade ornament Yun Zhao had tied for him swayed slightly, producing a gentle tinkling sound.

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Ao Yu lowered his gaze and placed his hand on the top of the jade lamp. Invisible brilliance surged from his hand and spread out in all directions. His long, unobscured pupils became as rich as pure golden quicksand in that moment.

"The mouth of the abyss is just above the clouds. Sometimes, when tired, I come to this island to rest," Ao Yu said quietly, his eyes fixed on the jade lamp. His eyelashes were also tinted with warm golden light, but the melancholy in his expression caused a subtle ache in Yun Zhao's heart.

Endless battles earned him respect from the Four Seas, but sometimes, when standing in a desolate place, Ao Yu would gaze at the countless dragon skeletons at the bottom of the sea, feeling a touch of desolation.

He had contemplated his own fate. Perhaps he would inherit the responsibilities of the Dragon Patriarch and continue the honor, or maybe he would remain stationed here forever.

Whichever outcome it might be, he had no regrets. However, he never expected to fall from the altar so early, just like an ancestor buried beneath the sea.

Returning to the Dragon Palace with numerous wounds, he received only a few scattered words of pity. In that instant, it felt like falling into the abyss, and he couldn't help but mock himself that the millennia spent guarding seemed like a joke.

"Ao Yu..." Yun Zhao spoke, softly calling his name. The night breeze carried away the faint sound, dissipating it bit by bit.

But the next second, Ao Yu looked over, raising his hand to gently hold Yun Zhao's hand. Like a devoted follower who had wandered for a long time, he finally found his own deity and devoutly planted a kiss on the back of the young man's hand.

"Since falling from this place, I have come to despise the humiliation brought by the abyss," Ao Yu's golden pupils, reflecting the young man before him, were filled with a hint of contented smile. "But when I think that this is the beginning of meeting you, it doesn't seem so bad."

The purple light surged in the sky, accompanied by the radiance of countless stars. Ao Yu's deep golden eyes resembled whirlpools, drawing Yun Zhao unconsciously closer.

"I want to stay with you forever." Yun Zhao tiptoed, tilting his head to press his lips against the cool mouth of the little dragon. Those pale golden eyes suddenly brightened, resembling countless points of light floating in a flower field, pouring forth intense and passionate love without reservation.

Yun Zhao heard a soft laughter in his ear, and he was embraced by someone.

It felt like a long time had passed. Ao Yu's fingertip wiped away the tears that unconsciously welled up at the corner of the young man's eyes, and he lightly rubbed his chin against Yun Zhao's head. "You promised me, don't go back on your word."


Yun Zhao looked up, and the starlight scattered across the sky fell into the young man's eyes, prompting Ao Yu to uncontrollably lower his head and gently kiss those bright eyes.

At this moment, the golden light dissipated from around the jade lamp, and Yun Zhao turned his head to look. A small shell treasure box floated out of the lampshade.

"What is this?"

Ao Yu curled his finger and lightly tapped the shell. It trembled and opened, revealing a few strands of radiant white light.

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"It's something I found at the bottom of the sea when I came of age. According to tradition, it is a gift to be given to a future partner." Ao Yu's ears turned slightly red, and he turned his head to avoid Yun Zhao's gaze as he took out the round and lustrous pearl from the shell.

"So, is it for me?" Yun Zhao tried to get a closer look at the little dragon, but he sidestepped and avoided his gaze.

Ao Yu took off the dragon jade from Yun Zhao's waist and played with it in his hand together with the pearl. "Every dragon has its own associated immortal mountain, which should be found within that mountain. However, the resources of Yuming Mountain are still too scarce compared to the sea."

Upon hearing the dragon's soft explanation, Yun Zhao imagined the scene of the newly matured white dragon searching for shells at the bottom of the sea. His eyes curved, and he smiled even more charmingly.

Ao Yu set the pearl into the kiss-shaped part of the dragon jade and reattached it to Yun Zhao's waist. Yun Zhao gently touched it with his hand, and a faint light appeared at his fingertips, eliciting a soft exclamation from him.

"Thank you, I really like it." Yun Zhao held Ao Yu's hand and shook it. He understood what Ao Yu had said and suddenly realized that Yuming Mountain was Ao Yu's associated immortal mountain. No wonder their fortunes were intertwined.

Ao Yu and Yun Zhao strolled around the island until the seawater around them began to surge with a chilling sea mist. Only then did he say, "Let's go back."

Yun Zhao nodded, but after thinking for a moment, he said, "Before we go back, should we inform Ao Jing? He took care of me while I was in the Dragon Palace."

Ao Yu wanted to say that it was his duty, but looking at the young man's smiling face, he couldn't bring himself to refuse.

"Let's do as you suggest."

Ao Yu quickly brought Yun Zhao back to the Dragon Realm. Yun Zhao held the little dragon's hand and walked toward the palace from his memories. Suddenly, they heard familiar voices of commotion.

"Wu wu... Where's big brother? I want my big brother..."

"Squeak squeak!"

"The palaces here are just average, much more monotonous than our Dan Xue."

"Hey, Luo Xue, stop crying. Can Bai Ze handle it? Don't lead us the wrong way again!"

"Don't cry, don't cry... I've been searching for the palace among so many!"

Bai Ze was surrounded by a group of divine beasts, scratching his head in frustration and looking around aimlessly. Just then, his eyes met with the gaze of the two people beside him.

His eyes instantly lit up. "Yun Zhao!"

Yun Zhao chuckled and looked at Ao Yu. It seemed like there was no rush to go back now. It felt like the team building session was finally complete...

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