Chapter 69: Visitor in the Mountains

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The sports event concluded successfully, and Xiaguang and Master Kongming had finished their meal. They played with their divine beasts for a while before preparing to bid farewell and leave.

Since Chihua Peak was too far away, it was not convenient for Bai Yu and Si Wuchen to come often. Therefore, they planned to visit the Wolf Clan and have a drink with Lady Xianyue.

Yun Zhao had arranged a palace specifically for their guests to stay in, making it convenient for Xuanming to spend some quality time with his master.

Expressionless, Xuanming glanced at Bai Yu, who had been playfully hugging and teasing the falling snow, then used his claws to scrape the stones twice.

It seemed that his purpose of coming here specifically to visit his master was not really needed at the moment...

Yun Zhao, who had made all the arrangements, stretched lazily and went back to his room to sleep with Ao Yu. Occasionally, such gatherings were quite enjoyable for them.

After the sports event, Yuming Mountain returned to its peaceful days, until one day when Yun Zhao woke up to find a bone-chilling cold wind and intermittent cold rain mixed with scattered snowflakes outside the window.

Yun Zhao put on a thick light blue brocade robe and brewed hot tea on the tea table near the window.

The young man's robes were custom-made by Ao Yu. This winter outfit was embroidered with exquisite dragon patterns using silver thread, giving it an elegant and noble appearance.

Le Huang looked at the young man who rarely dressed so exquisitely and whispered to his little companion with satisfaction, "Yun Zhao looks really good today."

Luo Xue also raised his head to take a glance and nodded in agreement.

Yun Zhao looked at the lazily gathered divine beasts at the entrance of the dormitory palace and couldn't help but sigh, "If you feel cold, why don't you go back inside?"

Wu Mu leaned against Sun Yang's fur and lazily raised his paw to scratch his itchy ear tip, "But we also want to see the snow."

"It won't come down for a while, I suppose..." Yun Zhao poured himself a cup of hot tea and sipped it slowly, looking puzzled at the sky outside the window. "It's strange, the temperature dropped so quickly."


At the foot of the mountain.

Dark clouds loomed low, and the damp and icy air permeated every corner of the forest. The dense greenery appeared dim, and fallen leaves scattered around. A crow emitting black energy perched on a bare tree branch.

Just as it spread its wings and was about to let out a few cries, its neck was abruptly severed by the golden radiance of a dragon soul. It fell straight down into the muddy ground.

The completed Dragon Soul gracefully hovered in the air before obediently dissolving back into the White-Haired Dragon Lord's side.

Ao Yu looked at the abyssal crow on the ground and clasped his hands in his sleeves, calmly focusing on a certain spot.

"Come out."

A cold voice resonated through the forest, disrupting the subtle tranquility amidst the rain curtain.

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The rustling of dried leaves filled the air as a black python, emitting serpent hisses, slithered from a nearby location. Its dark scales glistened under the cold rain.

It locked its gaze onto Ao Yu's icy stare and coiled its way up the nearest old tree, extending its triangular-shaped head in Ao Yu's direction.

Just as the crimson serpent tongue emerged from its mouth with a hiss, Ao Yu swiftly swiped with a white light, causing the dark snakehead to instantly fall to the ground and disintegrate into a black mist.

"How crude. I came here specifically to pay you a visit."

The headless serpent body was enveloped in the swirling black mist, and in the blink of an eye, a new serpent head regenerated from the severed neck.

Indeed, it was just an incarnation.

Ao Yu drew a long sword shimmering with a dark red glow. The chilling blade pressed against the black python's scales, moving along its body until it reached the snake's head, exerting a slight downward force.

"Sorry, I don't like looking up to others. Lower yourself a bit, or I'll strike again."

A slight smirk formed at the corner of Ao Yu's mouth, his eyes filled with an imminent sense of killing intent.

The black python remained unfazed, coiling around Ao Yu's sword. "Oh, it's the Chixiao Sword! It's been a long time. I still remember the hole you stabbed me with; it pained me for a long while. I haven't forgotten you for a moment..."


The long sword emitted a clear chime, and the turbulent spiritual energy caused the surrounding air to become heavy and stagnant.

Ao Yu flicked his hand back, and the sword's tip scraped against the black python's scales, creating sparks.

The massive serpent was thrown off balance, crashing heavily into another tree, causing the fallen leaves around it to turn into black mud upon impact.

"Oh, that hurts! We're supposedly reuniting after a long time, and I can't bear such a greeting."

Thick black mist rose around the black python, and a cold wind accompanied by the cold rain dissipated the mist before the figure in front.

He lifted the dark hood, and his hair, like black seaweed, cascaded down, partially obscuring the half-covered face covered with snake scales.

"It has indeed been a long time," Ao Yu tapped his sword on the ground, his tone as icy as a winter's day. "I remember all of your tricks, Zhu Sui."

An overwhelming aura imbued with the presence of dragons silently descended, causing the falling raindrops, swaying branches, and flying sparrows to freeze in time.

"Don't hold grudges like this."

Zhu Sui paid no attention to the tense atmosphere around him. He curiously touched the frozen raindrops hanging in mid-air, the familiar coldness making him shudder, yet he continued to touch them almost addictively.

"If I hadn't been a bit heavy-handed, you wouldn't have realized the true nature of your Dragon Clan."

Zhu Sui casually shrugged, and a few wisps of black mist lingered around his fingertips. "You've been fighting in the abyss for a thousand years, but to them, you're nothing more than a useful tool."

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Rustling sounds echoed through the leaf-covered muddy ground as several serpents slithered from all directions, raising their upper bodies. With crimson eyes fixed unblinking at the Dragon Lord in the center.

Even though the Dragon Clan had always been indifferent to blood relations, growing and cultivating under the direct guidance of the Dragon Patriarh's hand, it would be false to say that there was no trace of familial affection. Otherwise, they wouldn't willingly guard the abyss.

As if struck in a sensitive spot by that mocking voice, Ao Yu raised his gaze to the person before him.

The moment his gaze fell on the black scales on that person's face, the old wound in his chest seemed to ache faintly, reminding him of past encounters.

The malevolent aura from the abyss spread towards Ao Yu's feet. The long sword quivered, a cold light flashed, and a sharp sword aura attacked Zhu Sui.

As if expecting it, Zhu Sui instantly transformed into black mist, only to reconstitute his body on Ao Yu's other side.

Blood dripped from the sword, and the dark red drops splattered onto the muddy ground. The approaching snakes hastily retreated.

"It seems you've recovered even stronger than before. Is it... thanks to your companion?" Zhu Sui narrowed his eyes slightly, surveying the furious Dragon Lord up and down, his hand lightly touching the bloody, mangled wound on his chest.

He reminisced, saying, "He's truly handsome, and his spiritual energy smells delightful. He's so gentle with every divine beast, a likable child."

As soon as his words fell, a dragon's roar resounded in his ears, followed by intense pain in his neck.

Ao Yu reached out, gripping his throat, and the frigid fingers began to tighten their grip. "What do you intend to do?"

"Oh, you care so much about that little mountain spirit, don't you?" Zhu Sui seemed to have discovered something amusing and grinned.

Even with his neck held in someone's grip, he appeared quite relaxed. He even had the mood to inquire further, "But are you sure he really likes you?"

Ao Yu coldly sneered, but his heart ached at the sound of Zhu Sui's voice. The black mist emanating from Zhu Sui traveled along Ao Yu's arm, like a venomous snake waiting for a deadly strike.

"Ao Yu, can you distinguish between love and pity?"

Zhu Sui's voice sounded like an inquisitive child, and behind his grinning mouth, two sharp fangs could be vaguely seen.

Ao Yu's eyebrows furrowed deeply as he stared intensely at Zhu Sui's eerie eyes, which resembled vortexes in the depths of the sea.

"You, as a person like you, are nothing more than a discarded blade. How could anyone truly love you? If you were truly worthy, your father and the Four Seas you once guarded wouldn't have abandoned you, right?" Zhu Sui narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Isn't that right?"

"It's not for you to say."

Ao Yu's golden eyes had unknowingly transformed into vertical pupils, shining ominously in the silent and gloomy forest.

The bones beneath his fingers emitted a grating sound, and as he watched Zhu Sui's dying appearance, unable to utter a word, a sense of satisfaction from the act of killing surged from the depths of his heart.

However, Zhu Sui laughed, his reddened face distorting the half-covered face filled with snake scales.

At that moment, a young voice sounded not far away, "Ao Yu!"

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Ao Yu was momentarily stunned, and Zhu Sui took the opportunity to transform into black mist, dissipating along with the snakes.

Before leaving, his voice came faintly, as if mocking from the depths of the abyss, "Ao Yu, do you really think of yourself as a savior?"

His heart clenched, Ao Yu furrowed his brow in vain, remaining rooted in place.

When Yun Zhao approached, he saw Ao Yu standing alone in the rain. His snow-white hair was drenched and clung to his forehead in wet strands. Even his long eyelashes were coated with a layer of moisture, giving him a pitiable appearance.

Yun Zhao hurriedly held up an umbrella, lifting his hand higher to shield Ao Yu from the rain. With a concerned expression, he took out a handkerchief and quickly wiped the water away, his actions as efficient as ever.

"Bai Ze said you came to the foot of the mountain to deal with the abyssal creatures. Why do you look so disheveled? Let me see if you're injured," Yun Zhao hastily pulled at Ao Yu, his face filled with worry.

Ao Yu couldn't help but chuckle at his anxious appearance. He took the umbrella from Yun Zhao's hand and held it, leading him back. "I'm fine."

Yun Zhao breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear."

On their way back, Yun Zhao asked about the abyssal creatures, but Ao Yu shook his head and reassured him, "They're all taken care of. Those crows won't come again."

"I see..." Yun Zhao nodded at his words, but there was a slight hint of disappointment in his expression. Both he and Luo Xue thought the taste of those birds was quite good.

Seemingly aware of what the youth was regretting, a hint of amusement flickered in Ao Yu's eyes.

Water droplets rolled down the umbrella, forming a curtain of rain.

When they reached the mountain gate, Yun Zhao stopped and looked up at Ao Yu. "What are you thinking?"

Ever since they met earlier, he felt that Ao Yu had been unusually quiet today.

Zhu Sui was a great demon from the abyss, and he was the one who had caused Ao Yu's severe injuries. Although he couldn't escape unscathed either, Ao Yu had severed half of his tail.

Now, Zhu Sui had managed to make his incarnation leave the abyss and provoke them. Ao Yu wondered how many malevolent spirits he had swallowed to recover so quickly.

If he intended to harm Yun Zhao...

Ao Yu felt a trace of unease and tightened his grip on the young man's hand.

"If I want to go back to the abyss to deal with some creatures..." Ao Yu pursed his lips, still intending to discuss it with his companion.

But before he could finish speaking, Yun Zhao interrupted him. "Are you planning a campaign? That's possible, but you can't go alone. We'll go and discuss with Lady Xianyue and the other immortal sects. We need to join forces to subdue them," Yun Zhao said seriously. "Protecting the spiritual realm is not something you can do alone."

Although Yun Zhao didn't know why Ao Yu suddenly changed his mind, he chose to respect his decision. After all, their little dragon was kind-hearted and beautiful.

A faint smile appeared in Ao Yu's eyes. "It's not that grand. I just want to resolve some hidden dangers."

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Yun Zhao guessed, "Are you planning to find the creature that injured you back then?"

Ao Yu thought for a moment and nodded honestly. He couldn't lie to the young man.

So, he wanted to go solo...

Yun Zhao didn't hesitate and said, "Then I'll wait for you on the island where you usually rest. If you get injured, I can help you with the healing immediately."

Ao Yu disagreed, "It's too dangerous."

But Yun Zhao waved his hand dismissively, "I will bring various immortal treasures. You don't know, after that banquet, Master Kongming and the Flower Goddess gave me many precious items that I haven't used yet!"

The youth was afraid that Ao Yu would go alone, and he kept talking non-stop. Ao Yu absentmindedly caressed his face, his fingertips gliding over the smooth skin.

He agreed, "Alright."

"What?" Ao Yu's voice was low, and Yun Zhao couldn't hear clearly. He held Ao Yu's hand and shook it, tilting his head to let the little dragon repeat it again.

Looking at the young man's bright eyes, Ao Yu's throat tightened. It felt as if he could sense the warmth of his face with just a slight bow.

Just like the first time they held hands and climbed the mountain together, it was so warm that they couldn't bear to let go.

Ao Yu's long lashes trembled, and he leaned down, gently brushing his cool lips against the young man's earlobe.

Yun Zhao felt a slight burning sensation and shivered all over, gripping Ao Yu's hand even tighter.

The gentle pressure of his lips deformed the delicate ear, but it quickly sprung back into shape when he pulled away, causing Ao Yu to let out a soft laugh.

His sharp fangs lightly nibbled on the soft earlobe, trailed down the face, and the warm breath sprayed against Yun Zhao's skin, making his face blush.

Yun Zhao felt like his brain was filled with mush, and his whole body became intensely hot.

Just as their lips met his tongue, they suddenly heard several unrestrained exclamations.


Both of them stopped their actions and turned their heads, only to see two kittens, one black and one white, frantically trying to brake with their paws, their butts slipping as they swiftly curled themselves into balls, even tightly pressing their fluffy tails.

The little phoenix, unable to curl up into a ball, met Ao Yu's slightly narrowed pupils, looked left and right, and hastily dove into the nearby shrubbery.

Its elegant tail feathers covered the two cat balls loyally.

Ao Yu nodded in satisfaction, lowered the bamboo umbrella, and cupping the young man's still dazed face, he kissed him gently.


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