Chapter 70: Unexpected Turn of Events

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As Ao Yu led Yun Zhao back to Yuming mountain, he blushed and hurriedly entered the house.

Ao Yu's lips curled up, his eyes filled with indescribable warmth.

When Bai Ze and the rabbits returned from the spiritual field, they saw Ao Yu with a beaming smile. They wondered how he managed to come back from the foot of the mountain after killing some demons and ended up looking like he was covered in blossoms, dazzling to the point of blindness.

Bai Ze approached and suddenly stopped, furrowing his brow. "What did you encounter? It reeks of evil spirits, disgustingly foul!"

Bai Ze was a divine beast who favored pure energies in the world, and he was particularly sensitive to the abyssal aura. He carefully observed Ao Yu, the vertical pupils in his eyes not fully dilated yet, indicating that he had encountered a formidable level of evil spirits.

"It's Zhu Shi."


Ao Yu's voice remained calm, but to Bai Ze's ears, it thundered like an explosion.

Among the many abyssal fiends and evil spirits, Zhu Shi was the most troublesome. Ao Yu had fought against him several times, and in their final battle, both of them suffered serious injuries. It was unexpected that Zhu Shi had recovered so quickly.

Bai Ze's expression turned grim. If Zhu Shi had come knocking, it was likely more than a mere provocation. Zhu Shi took pleasure in amplifying human malice and feeding on it for power. The abyssal realm, that wretched place, probably could no longer satisfy him...

"Are you planning to go to the abyss?" Bai Ze guessed, his worry evident.

Ao Yu nodded but added an explanation, "I will prepare before going. Don't worry, I don't intend to leave my life there."

Bai Ze looked at him in surprise, clicking his tongue in amazement. "I can't believe such words of cherishing life come from your mouth."

"In the past, you would have..." Bai Ze paused, recalling the past and his face darkened. He imitated Ao Yu's tone, lowering his voice, "Don't bother me. Guarding the abyss is my duty."

The more Bai Ze thought about it, the more amused he became. He continued to mimic Ao Yu, becoming addicted to it, oblivious to the slightly narrowed eyes behind him.


A spell was cast, and a bright white light flashed in the courtyard. The chattering Bai Ze blinked and was transformed into a plump little white duck.

"Quack quack quack?" Bai Ze was shocked.

Ao Yu withdrew his hand and turned around, heading towards the hot spring without paying any attention to Bai Ze's dismayed voice.

Bai Ze anxiously tried to undo the enchantment but found himself powerless compared to Ao Yu. He couldn't break free for the moment, causing him to spin in place in frustration.

Suddenly, he felt a shadow looming overhead. Bai Ze turned his body and saw two kitten cubs crouching low, their round cat eyes shining eerily.

"Quack quack quack!" Bai Ze flapped his wings and dashed away, with the kittens following closely behind, creating a lively scene in the courtyard.


Yun Zhao finished drying his hair inside the house and heard the ongoing commotion in the courtyard. Curiosity piqued, he pushed the door open and stepped outside.

The rain had stopped, but the temperature seemed to have dropped a few degrees. The gloomy sky cast a faint gray curtain over the entire mountain.

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In the courtyard, Wu MU and Luo Xue wagged their tails joyfully, using their claws to playfully poke at a plump white duck. The panicked duck continuously quacked and flapped its wings, darting around the yard.

Le Huang perched on a tree branch, enjoying the spectacle. It tossed a sweet fruit to Ao Jing, who was under the eaves of the opposite house.

Yun Zhao walked over to Ao Jing and curiously asked, "Where did the duck come from?"

Ao Jing quickly finished nibbling on the fruit and replied, "It's Bai Ze. Big brother cast a spell on him, but he'll recover in another hour."

Yun Zhao laughed and helplessly shrugged at Bai Ze, saying, "Just hold on for another hour then."

She didn't know how Bai Ze managed to provoke the little dragon again, but if turning into a duck would keep the two playful kitten cubs occupied and prevent them from running around in the middle of the night, then so be it.

Yun Zhao went to the kitchen and handed the rabbits some strawberry-flavored bubble water, asking them to place it in the courtyard for the tired cubs to drink.

The weather had been getting colder recently, so it was important to provide some warm food.

He went to the cellar and took out two pieces of stored lamb meat. After cutting them into chunks and blanching them, he added some simple spices and stewed them in a pot.

As the cold wind howled outside, the hot soup in the pot simmered and bubbled, dispelling some of the chill.

At that moment, a little rabbit came running over and exclaimed, "Master, there are visitors in the yard!"


Yun Zhao asked the rabbits to keep an eye on the cooking, washed his hands, and went outside. He speculated that Baiyu and Si Wuchen had returned with people from the Wolf Clan.

However, as soon as he stepped out of the door, he saw the visitors and was surprised, freezing in place.

In the courtyard, Ao Jing stood respectfully to the side, and standing next to a young child was the esteemed Dragon Patriarch of the seas.

The Dragon Patriarch also noticed Yun Zhao and nodded at him. "It's been a while. Yuming Mountain is even more beautiful than I imagined."

"Thank you," Yun Zhao nodded, feeling a bit awkward since the Dragon Patriarch came uninvited and he wasn't sure what to say.

Wu Mu, who was always bold, left Bai Ze behind and approached the Dragon Patriarch's robe, sniffing and sneezing disapprovingly. "Hmm! Such a strong smell of the sea!"

The Dragon Patriarch lowered his eyes and looked around at the divine beasts. He smiled and said, "You have quite a few divine beasts here."

"Yes, they were all gifts from the immortals," Yun Zhao said, picking up Wu Mu and telling him to go play elsewhere.

Yun Zhao asked, "May I ask the reason for your visit to Yuming Mountain?"

The Dragon Patriarch looked at Ao Jing by his side and spoke kindly, "I came to see if Ao Jing has caused you any trouble."

Ao Jing was taken aback and immediately said, "I apologize for causing concern, I forgot the time to return to the palace."

"It's fine, no worries," the Dragon Patriarch waved his hand and walked over to sit at the stone table.

The fragrant aroma from the kitchen wafted through the courtyard, and it was almost mealtime. Yun Zhao considered it and said, "Why don't you join us for a meal? Ao Yu went to the hot spring but will be back soon."

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The Dragon Patriarch nodded in agreement. "Go ahead and attend to your tasks."

Upon hearing this and seeing Ao Jing nod at him, Yun Zhao felt relieved and returned to the kitchen to continue his busyness.

There were still plenty of cabbage and tender pea shoots in the spiritual field. Yun Zhao brought some over, washed them clean, and cooked them all in a pot. He also prepared a few small dipping sauce dishes for the rabbits to place on the table.

When Yun Zhao brought the pot of cooked lamb soup to the table, he saw Ao Yu, who had just come out of the hot spring, standing in front of the Dragon Patriarch with a mist of water surrounding him. Ao Yu coldly questioned, "Why are you here?"

"The Dragon Patriarch came to visit Ao Jing," Yun Zhao explained, placing the soup on the table and tugging at Ao Yu's sleeve.

He wasn't concerned about the Dragon Patriarch himself but worried that any conflict would make things difficult for Ao Jing.

Ao Jing now returned to his formal demeanor, standing respectfully beside the Dragon Patriarch, devoid of the lively playfulness he had before.

"Is that so?" Ao Yu sat down and glanced at the Dragon Patriarch with suspicion. The Dragon Patriarch seemed unfazed by his attitude, calmly sipping his tea.

As the enchantment on him had expired, Bai Ze regained his human form and picked up his chopsticks, sitting down and lightening the atmosphere with a laugh. "Oh, I'm starving! Let's not talk about these things now, or the dishes will get cold."

Ao Yu clicked his tongue disapprovingly, dissatisfied, and took his seat with Yun Zhao.

The lamb soup seemed to taste even better in the cold weather. The cabbage was sweet, and the pea shoots were crispy and tender. The combination of the meat's fat and the lamb's flavor made for a delicious treat. Even Wu MU, who loved meat, ate a substantial amount.

The large chunks of lamb had no gamy taste. When rolled in the vibrant red chili oil, accompanied by rice, it became fragrant and spicy. Just a few mouthfuls caused a slight sweat to break out.

The Dragon Patriarch took a sip of the lamb soup, narrowed his eyes, and savored the flavor, feeling the chill in his body gradually dissipate.

He looked at Ao Jing and said, "I know that you're reluctant to leave the sea realm."

Blushing, Ao Jing nodded, and Yun Zhao placed an extra piece of lamb in his bowl, causing him to immediately bury his head and focus on eating.

Ao Yu coldly sneered, "Don't assume that your Dragon Palace is so great. If he doesn't want to go back, he has his reasons."

The Dragon Patriarch set down his chopsticks, and everyone else immediately stopped their eating, carefully observing this strained relationship between father and son.

Despite the continuous lack of respect, the Dragon Patriarch did not become angry. He simply explained, "But the Dragon Palace would be more beneficial to his cultivation. Since he hasn't returned for a long time, I had to come and check if he has been dedicated to his practice."

"I will teach him myself. There's no need for the Dragon Patriarch to personally make a trip," Ao Yu retorted.

Ao Jing looked at his older brother with surprise, the excitement rising within him subsided when he met the Dragon Patriarch's gaze. He lowered his eyes and poked at the food in his bowl with his chopsticks.

"I thought you wouldn't have the patience for this," the Dragon Patriarch said, lifting his bowl and taking another sip of soup. "However, the four scenic views in the mountains are even better than I expected. Compared to the dullness of the sea realm, this place is a rare dwelling. I feel at ease knowing that you are willing to teach him."

A look of surprise flashed in Ao Yu's eyes, while Ao Jing continued to keep his head down, unable to discern his expression.

The Dragon Patriarch paid no mind to what others were thinking and proactively picked up a piece of lamb, imitating the others by dipping it in the condiments and slowly chewing.

After the meal, the Dragon Patriarch took Ao Jing to a side hall to inspect his recent cultivation progress.

Wu Mu and the others looked sympathetically at the young boy in green clothes and smacked their lips, lying on the soft cushions and rolling on their backs.

Thankfully, Kongming, the old man, wouldn't come to check their cultivation progress for no reason.

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In the courtyard, Ao Yu took a sip of tea and looked at the fallen leaves on the ground, lost in thought.

Yun Zhao held the tea cup to warm his hands and asked, tilting his head, "Thinking about the Dragon Patriarch?"

"Mm," Ao Yu nodded, leaning slightly towards Yun Zhao, seeking the warmth from the young man's body. He let out a sigh and whispered, "The Abyss has been unstable recently, and Zhu Sui's actions must have caught his attention. I thought he came to persuade me to return and lead the troops to conquer."

"But he didn't mention anything," Yun Zhao embraced Ao Yu's arm and snuggled closer to him.

He guessed, "Perhaps he thought that you've already done a lot for the clan and felt guilty in his heart!"

Ao Yu frowned, "He wouldn't. That old immortal has thick skin."

Listening to the little dragon's evaluation of the Dragon Patriarch, Yun Zhao couldn't help but laugh, "Well, aren't you also thinking of going to the Abyss to deal with Zhu Sui? Later, talk to him and let's accompany you."

"Us?" Ao Yu looked at him in confusion.

"I've thought about it. I'm just worried if you go alone to find Zhu Sui. There are so many Abyss creatures, who knows what tricks he might play," Yun Zhao held his hand and counted on his fingers, "Flower Goddess, Bai Ze, Baiyu, Si Wuchen, oh, and Lady Xianyue will surely lend a hand as well."

Ao Yu chuckled, "You know how to call for help."

"Hehe..." Yun Zhao leaned against his shoulder and rubbed against it. "I'm just worried about any complications. We need to be safe. I'll wait for you on the island. After you deal with Zhu Sui, you can leave, and the Dragon Patriarch can arrange for others to guard the rest."

"Mm," Ao Yu listened to the young man's plan and softly agreed.

They sat together, watching the sky gradually being engulfed by the darkness of the night. Yun Zhao was filled with indescribable happiness in his heart. There were still so many things he wanted to do.

When the little dragon fully recovered and his own task was completed, Yun Zhao could take the cubs to explore the Immortal and find more adorable little divine beasts!

Yun Zhao happily fantasized about it. At that moment, the little black rabbit hopped over, wagging its long ears, and said, "Sir, the Flower Goddess has sent more fruits."

"That's perfect. Go and prepare a fruit platter, and let everyone taste it," Yun Zhao said to Ao Yu. "I'll go and call the Dragon Patriarch and Ao Jing. It seems that the inspection of their studies is almost done."

After saying that, Yun Zhao patted the little dragon's head and got up to go.

The secluded side hall was adorned with ancient trees and flowers, creating a tranquil dwelling.

Yun Zhao walked along the corridor and as he neared the entrance, he heard the Dragon Patriarch's questioning voice. The familiar tone carried no emotions.

"Have you carried out the tasks I assigned to you properly?"

Yun Zhao was stunned, his brows slightly furrowing. He suppressed his aura and stood still.

The oppressive atmosphere inside the room was terrifying. Ao Jing stood before the Dragon Patriarch, his eyes cast down, and his fingers involuntarily clenching his robe.

The Dragon Patriarch glanced at the child in front of him, his brows furrowing. After Ao Yu's serious injury, the Four Seas couldn't be without an heir. Fortunately, there was still a Qinglong with innate divinity in the Dragon Clan who could be nurtured.

Although his divine power talent was inferior to Ao Yu's, he was obedient and steady, always valued by the Four Seas as the Dragon Sovereign.

Yet now, he too had started to become restless.

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The Dragon Patriarch spoke calmly, "When I asked you to come to the Yuming Mountain, it was for two reasons: to investigate the situation here and to ease the relationship between Ao Yu and the Sea Realm. Ao Jing, it seems you have forgotten to report the progress to me."

Ao Jing pursed his lips. He had always been aware of the Dragon Patriarch's intentions. He was about to report when his trembling fingers touched the small seashell hanging from his waist.

It was tied by Yun Zhao...

"Dragon Patriarch..."

The voice of the young man in green clothes trembled, and he knelt down, placing his forehead on the cold ground. "I can't do it..."

The Dragon Patriarch looked down at him and said, "Do you understand what you're saying?"

Ao Jing lifted his head, summoning the courage to look directly at the Dragon Patriarch for the first time. "My elder brother and Yun Zhao treat me sincerely. I cannot do anything that goes against their wishes."

"So, you're planning to betray me, betray the entire Dragon Realm?" The Dragon Patriarch squatted down, adjusting the scattered strands of Ao Jing's hair between his fingers. "The Abyssal Maw has started to expand. Urging Ao Yu to return to the Four Seas is of utmost urgency."

Ao Jing gritted his teeth and said, "Are you so eager for him to return? Do you want him to lead the troops and guard as before, or do you intend to use the Tree to seal him completely in order to suppress the Abyss?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the hall fell into a dreadful silence.

The Dragon Patriarch's expression turned grim. "You're quite clever."

Ao Jing's face turned pale, and he smiled bitterly. "You're a heartless father, to treat my elder brother like this."


The Dragon Patriarch became furious, raising his hand and knocking the young child to the ground, causing him to collide clumsily with a jade screen.

As he slightly raised his gaze, he caught sight of the reflection of a figure in the window.

The Dragon Patriarch furrowed his brow, pushed open the door, and confronted Yun Zhao, who hadn't had time to dodge.

Yun Zhao took a step back in disbelief, bumping into a solid chest, and felt the icy cold hands wrapping around him. His whole body turned cold, and he turned his head to the side, catching a glimpse of Ao Yu's tightly clenched jawline.

Ao Yu, who had followed silently without their notice, stared at the silent Dragon Patriarch before him.

The unstable and turbulent aura pressed down the surrounding air, as if sharp pebbles were revealed when the tide receded, causing aching pain in one's heart.

Author's Note:

This is considered an extra update (proudly pats myself on the back).


Translator’s note: *long sigh* This part breaks my heart. 




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