Chapter 71: Ao Yu Loses Control

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"It's no wonder you willingly let Ao Jing come to Yuming Mountain..." Ao Yu lifted his gaze to look at him, his voice resembling fallen leaves in the mountains. "In your eyes, my entire life is nothing more than a tool to stabilize the Four Seas, isn't it?"

"Ao Yu..."

Yun Zhao noticed that Ao Yu's hand was scorching hot, an unprecedented temperature. Worriedly, he tugged at Ao Yu's sleeve.

"The Abyssal creature has been troubling the Four Seas and even the entire realm for far too long. If sacrificing you alone can eliminate this endless hidden danger, anyone else would make the same decision."

The Dragon Patriarch remained calm as ever, his gaze turning towards the wind and snow swirling in the courtyard. He reached out and touched the snowflakes, watching them melt on his fingertips.

A flash of white light appeared, and half of a dragon horn emerged from the Dragon Patriarch's hair. To Yun Zhao's surprise, the Dragon Patriarch's horn looked like a coral remnant, as if it had been struck by a reef, unlike Ao Yu's horn.

"If I could, I wouldn't have targeted you."

Ao Yu's gaze momentarily froze when it touched his father's damaged dragon horn.

For the Dragon Clan, dragon horns were symbols of power and glory, but the Dragon Patriarch’a horn was inherently damaged. He carried too much responsibility to reach this point.

However, in the next moment, the Dragon Patriarch stood with hands behind his back, his eyes filled with the splendor of mountains, seas, and the four seasons, devoid of any trace of guilt. "You’re born with divinity and a godhead. Divine nature is a gift, unattainable by seeking. If you can become the seal between two realms, ensuring peace in the Four Seas for ten thousand years..."

The Dragon Patriarch's straightforward words struck fear into Yun Zhao's heart. He murmured, "Don't you... feel any pain? Ao Yu is your son, and he has just recovered..."

Ao Yu pursed his lips, staring at him intensely, but the Dragon Patriarch did not look at him, only casting his eyes downward in silence.

Everyone present understood his answer through the Dragon Patriarch's silent contemplation.

"How absurd..."

Ao Yu sneered. What was he expecting after all? The agonizing pain in his chest felt like countless insects gnawing at him, and Zhu Sui's mocking words echoed in his ears, fueling his resentment and unwillingness to grow stronger.

At this moment, Ao Yu's appearance had completely changed. His pupils turned vertical, and a faint black mist emanated from his chest. Yun Zhao immediately sensed something was wrong and tried to approach him.

However, Ao Yu raised his hand and pushed him away, swiftly launching himself towards the Dragon Patriarch.

"Ao Yu!"

【Warning! Warning! Target subject is losing control!】

【Warning! Target subject's loss of control has reached 50%! Please host, intervene quickly!】

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Yun Zhao's back was drenched in cold sweat as the piercing sound of system warnings echoed in his ears. He looked up, and Ao Yu's dragon horn had turned ink-black, with fine scales extending from his cheeks to his forehead.

"This is bad! There's Abyssal aura in my brother. If this continues, he'll be consumed by demonic energy!"

Ao Jing pulled Yun Zhao aside, and just as they moved away, the roof behind them collapsed under the overwhelming force of Ao Yu's unleashed dragon soul.

By the time Bai Ze and the divine beasts arrived, Ao Yu and the Dragon Patriarch were locked in a fierce battle.

Bai Ze looked at the black aura surrounding Ao Yu, a sense of foreboding rising within him. In the next instant, the enraged dragon soul swept the Dragon Patriarch from mid-air and flung him towards the ground.

Coughing up blood, the Dragon Patriarch clutched his chest, his breath unsteady. "Stop him. It's Zhu Sui's demonic aura."

"Damn it!"

Bai Ze cursed under his breath and stepped forward to intervene.

Zhu Sui, the leader of the Abyssal creatures, delighted in amplifying the dark thoughts in people's hearts with demonic energy. It was unclear whether it was residue from old wounds or if this cunning creature had found another opportunity this time.

Bai Ze attempted to create a barrier to confine Ao Yu, but the uncontrollable white dragon proved to be even more terrifying than he had imagined. A deafening roar shattered the barrier into countless fragments.

In the next instant, Bai Ze was struck by the sharp claws of the dragon, knocking down a nearby corridor pillar.

【Warning! Target subject's loss of control has reached 80%! Host, evacuate immediately!】

The electronic voice of the system kept repeating in his ear, but Yun Zhao showed no intention of leaving.

His white hair disheveled, the hair accessory he had tied for Ao Yu in the morning now dirty and covered in soil. Ao Yu's chest rose and fell slightly, his eyes filled with violent killing intent.

Yun Zhao felt a sense of unfamiliarity towards his little dragon for the first time, yet his heart ached intensely.

Clutching his chest in pain, Bai Ze stood up, glaring at the Dragon Patriarch. It was this old immortal who had provoked Ao Yu's loss of control like this!

Yun Zhao wanted to go forward and help Bai Ze, but Ao Yu reached out and grabbed his throat.

"Ao Yu... Ao Yu, it's me..." Yun Zhao's body involuntarily leaned forward, his hand gently touching Ao Yu's arm, now transformed into a dragon claw.

It was icy cold, bone-chilling, and sharper than any blade, even more terrifying than when he had first seen it in the cave.

A familiar voice seemed to sound, and the pressure on his neck relaxed a bit. Yun Zhao let out a sigh of relief and half-opened his eyes, meeting a pair of pale golden vertical pupils that resembled a beast. Faint black mist lingered between them, as if veiled by a layer of darkness.

Ao Yu's mind was in intense pain, as if engulfed in endless flames. It felt as if only by releasing the killing intent in his heart could he quell this anger and resentment.

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Yun Zhao reached out his hand, gently wiping away the moisture at the corner of Ao Yu's eye. "Ao Yu, we're still here for you."

Yes, that's right. There was Yun Zhao, and there was his partner. His partner had promised to be with him forever...

Whether he was treated as a butcher's knife or cast aside, it didn't matter. As long as he had him, anything would be fine...

Ao Yu's heart raced, and his possessiveness over the young man instantly filled his entire being.

"Yun Zhao... You promised... to stay with me forever..." Ao Yu's gaze became somewhat unfocused, his sharp dragon claws still gripping the slender neck of the young man.

"I will definitely stay with you." Yun Zhao was on the verge of tears. He just wanted his little dragon to return to normal as soon as possible.

Upon hearing the young man's response, a satisfied smile appeared on Ao Yu's face.

Whether it was out of pity or love, since he had promised, he would be with him forever.

Yun Zhao watched as Ao Yu's mouth opened, revealing his sharp teeth as he leaned closer. The dragon claw exerted a slight force, forcing Yun Zhao to tilt his head back, exposing his vulnerable neck as if offering it as a sacrifice.

Tears flowed down, and Yun Zhao could even feel the hot breath Ao Yu exhaled, causing him to tremble involuntarily.

"It won't hurt... It'll be over soon..." Ao Yu's other hand gently covered Yun Zhao's eyes. In the moment when the sharp teeth pierced his skin, a roar of a giant beast echoed in his ears.

Sun Yang leaped forward, pushing Ao Yu away and positioning himself in front of Yun Zhao, baring his teeth at him.

Bai Ze's heart pounded incessantly. Dragons were most greedy, and Ao Yu's recent behavior clearly indicated that he wanted to devour Yun Zhao!

Once he devoured a human, he would be completely consumed by demonic energy!

"Ao Yu, have you gone mad? That's Yun Zhao! How could you bear to hurt him!"

Bai Ze stood up and shouted angrily at Ao Yu, "Don't do something you'll regret!"

As if stung by Bai Ze's words, Ao Yu groaned and covered his head. When he looked up again, there seemed to be a glimmer of clarity in his eyes.

He locked eyes with Yun Zhao, his greedy gaze enveloping the young man. Just as Yun Zhao thought he was regaining his sanity, a roar of a dragon echoed through the mountains.

The overwhelming aura caused dried leaves and dust to scatter in the air. Yun Zhao turned his head to shield himself, and when he looked at Ao Yu again, he had transformed into a massive white dragon.

The surrounding black mist rushed to cover the pristine white scales, and the white dragon let out a painful cry. It then swung its tail and soared into the sky, disappearing from everyone's sight.

"Ao Yu, where are you going!"

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Yun Zhao anxiously tried to fly in the direction Ao Yu had gone, but Bai Ze held him back.

"Yun Zhao, Ao Yu's condition is critical now. I need to call upon the Flower Goddess and the others." Bai Ze watched as the white snow fell from the gloomy sky, a tinge of worry in his eyes. "Yuming Mountain is likely to undergo a great change."

"What do you mean?"

Yun Zhao stood rooted to the spot, his mind in chaos. He had relied on the system's reports and believed that restoring the spiritual veins and Ao Yu's spiritual power wouldn't be a problem.

The current turn of events left him feeling confused and helpless, only able to look at Bai Ze and the other divine beasts.

Before Bai Ze could speak, the injured Dragon Lord had already stood up with the support of Ao Jing. He spoke slowly, "It's the root of trouble left by Zhu Sui."

"Ao Yu was severely injured in the confrontation with Zhu Sui. In order to prevent Zhu Sui's demonic aura from eroding his consciousness, he chose to dissipate his own spiritual power and plunge into the sea." The Dragon Patriarch's voice, amidst the falling snowflakes, sounded chillingly calm.

"But knowing how hard he had just recovered, you still made him become the seal between the two realms!"

Tears streamed down Yun Zhao's face, and the Dragon Patriarch closed his eyes before speaking again, "Indeed, his spiritual power has recovered. However, no one can guarantee that Zhu Sui's black aura has not remained within him, tempting him to lose control, just like what is happening now."

Bai Ze was astonished by the Dragon Patriarch's words and sneered after a moment, "You truly deserve to be the ruler of the Four Seas!"

The Dragon Patriarch remained silent, standing amidst the snow.

Yun Zhao wiped away his tears and asked the system in his mind, "Where did Ao Yu go?"

The system remained silent for a long time before speaking again: [I apologize, but the current danger level of the target subject is too high. I do not recommend you go and find him. You can choose to abandon the mission. Although it will be considered a failure, you can still retain your completion progress and exchange it for corresponding rewards.]

Yun Zhao refused, saying, "I want to go find him. I'm sure he's still waiting for me."


Yun Zhao pleaded, "Please, system, I'm begging you."

After a moment, the system spoke: [As your system, I still suggest that you consider my plan. However, as your partner, I respect all your decisions.]

Yun Zhao was taken aback and grateful. "Thank you."

The system sighed, seeing his determination, and said, [He has entered the spiritual veins of Yuming Mountain. You can understand it as self-sealing.]

Yun Zhao was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

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The system explained, "Ao Yu must have realized that his consciousness was being eroded by Zhu Sui's demonic power. By entering the spiritual veins, he can avoid losing control and unleashing his murderous instincts. Of course, if there is truly no way to save him, it would also make it easier for you to end him."

"Ao Yu..." Yun Zhao clenched his fist, suppressing the bitterness in his eyes. Ao Yu was truly a foolish dragon!

Yun Zhao raised his hand and rubbed it on the back of his hand absentmindedly. Then, he turned to Bai Ze and said, "I know where Ao Yu went. I have to go find him."

Bai Ze, knowing where Ao Yu had gone, still disagreed and grabbed Yun Zhao. "It's too dangerous!"

Yun Zhao said, "Can you guarantee that the other immortals will have a solution once they arrive?"

"Well..." Bai Ze choked. He couldn't guarantee it. He only wanted Yun Zhao to feel more at ease.

Yun Zhao understood his good intentions and looked at Bai Ze. "Then let me give it a try!"

Bai Ze couldn't understand why a weak mountain spirit like Yun Zhao would fearlessly go in search of a rampaging giant dragon. But facing those black and bright eyes, he couldn't bring himself to refuse.

"You can go," Bai Ze sighed, a smile returning to his face. "Make sure to bring that guy back!"

Yun Zhao smiled and nodded firmly. "Okay."

However, in the instant the words fell, the sky became densely clouded, casting a dark shadow over the entire mountain.

The purple-black mist surged out from the forest, rolling like turbulent clouds, threatening to engulf everything in the mountains. Through the haze, faintly visible were numerous ferocious gaping mouths and a pungent smell of blood permeated the air.


Luo Xue's ears twitched as he took a few unsteady steps back, trembling and pressing himself tightly against Wu Mu.

The Wu Mu turned its head and licked its little brother's head to comfort him. It then looked back at the shadows, sharp nails protruding from its pads.

Yun Zhao furrowed his brow. "What is this?"

Before Bai Ze could answer, several golden talismans flashed through the mist, accompanied by sharp and piercing roars. Covered in blood, Baiyu emerged from the forest and walked towards the group.

Baiyu's face was stained with the blood of the monsters. He wiped it off with disgust and said to them, "Yuming Mountain is surrounded by Abyssal creatures."

Author's Note:

Uh-oh, trouble's brewing! The little dragon has turned into a butterfly and flown away!

(The final chapter begins, and this time it's up to Zhaozhao to be the hero and save the day!)

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