Chapter 72: Farewell to the Spirit Vein

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Bai Ze looked up at the darkened sky, which seemed to be pressing down, ominously threatening, making the swirling snowflakes appear even more eerie.

"Not good, the demonic energy here is too dense. Zhu Sui is coming!" Bai Ze quickly formed seals, invoking a formation. The immense Eight Trigrams formation emitted golden light, erecting numerous light screens to resist the encroaching black shadows.

Sun Yang transformed into the form of the Sky Devouring Wolf and, together with Xuanming, and Le Huang, they assisted Bai Ze in guarding the four directions.

"What is going on exactly!"

Bai Yu had drunk too much and decided to return to the mountain earlier without accompanying Si Wuchen to visit their friends. However, as soon as he entered the mountain, he sensed that something was wrong. The bloody demonic energy made his back tingle, but he didn't expect these evil spirits to be so fast; they were impossible to kill completely.

Bai Ze glanced at the Dragon Patriarch reinforcing the light screens of the protective barrier and gritted his teeth as he revealed what had happened earlier, " Zhu Sui is a formidable opponent. I'm afraid his intentions are not as simple as just killing Ao Yu."

Upon hearing this, Yun Zhao's heart skipped a beat. Ao Yu, who had lost control, had entered the Spirit Vein. If Zhu Sui could contaminate the entire Spirit Vein...

"Then perhaps half of the Immortal Realm will be seized by the Abyss!"

Bai Yu didn't need to ponder to know the terrifying consequences. He took out a talisman and dispersed the demons that had squeezed in from outside the barrier.

Wu Mu protected the little ferret and Luo Xue behind him, even though he himself was being oppressed by the thick and dense demonic energy, refusing to retreat as he stood in front of Yun Zhao.


The light screen in front of Ao Jing began to crack and soon shattered into pieces.

Countless demons seemed to have caught the scent of fresh food and gleefully laughed as they crawled in through the cave entrance.

"We're in trouble!" Ao Jing's face turned pale. He still wanted to rush forward and slay them, but the collar of his clothes on the back of his neck was abruptly pulled back, and a figure stood in front of him.

Ao Jing looked up in astonishment, "Dragon Patriarch!"

The biting wind rustled his robes, and the golden light emanating from his half-dragon horn made the demonic creatures retreat, not daring to approach. He took the opportunity to use his spiritual power infused with the aura of the ocean to repair the shattered light screen.

"Go help your friend."

The Dragon Patriarch didn't turn around, but a steady stream of spiritual power spread from under his feet, instantly fortifying the crumbling barrier.

Ao Jing was momentarily stunned, took one last look at the Dragon Patriarch's figure, and then turned to run elsewhere.

The Eight Trigrams formation could protect the creatures in the mountain, but in reality, it was a method that consumed spiritual power.

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Bai Yu, covered in blood from the relentless killing, saw a purple cloud appear in the sky, and countless bats emerged from it.

"Zhu Sui, you wretched creature!" Bai Yu had ascended to the Immortal realm from the cultivation realm, thinking that he would just take care of the elderly in the Northern Land. He had never encountered such hostility before.

He faced the bats that were about to shatter the light screen and shouted into the air, "Senior brother, save me!"

As soon as the words fell, thousands of bats instantly burst into blood flowers, staining the white snow crimson. A figure appeared in the air outside the light screen.

With disheveled black hair and tears flowing blood-red, the demonic creatures that came rampaging were driven into a frenzy of screaming and scrambling.

"Wow, so cool!" Bai Ze looked up at Si Wuchen and couldn't help but admire, then continued to slash wildly at the demons on his own.

However, even with Si Wuchen's arrival, the situation did not improve. Just as Bai Ze's spiritual power was about to run out and the formation was becoming unstable, a warm spiritual power surged from under his feet.

Bai Ze looked back in astonishment, his pupils suddenly shrinking.

The golden formation, with everyone as the center, projected light screens outward, and Yun Zhao stood at the very center of the formation. He cut open his own palm, and blood gushed out, but without even glancing at it, he pressed his hand against the formation.

Blood flowed from his hand, covering the formation, but in the blink of an eye, the faint golden light of the light screen became dazzling, burning the attacking demons into ashes.

As the light screen gradually expanded outward, half of the mountain was enveloped by the barrier, causing the system to shout urgently, [Enough, enough! Are you trying to kill yourself!]

Yun Zhao had only intended to release some spiritual power to energize the formation, but he hadn't expected this person to be so foolish and directly used blood to sacrifice for the formation, driving the system crazy.

Just as Yun Zhao caught his breath and stopped, he looked up and saw the swarm of demons outside the barrier rushing toward him, wave after wave, relentlessly attacking the light screen before him.

Bai Ze watched one group of demons turn to ashes, only to be replaced by another group, and couldn't help but curse, "Are these creatures suicidal or what!"

"No, they want to capture Yun Zhao."

The Dragon Patriarch's expression was somewhat weary, presumably from depleting too much spiritual power, even his dragon horn on his head had become dim and lifeless.

"Your spiritual power is too pure, it's their natural enemy. “ The Dragon Patriarch quietly looked at Yun Zhao. "If Ao Yu and Yuming Mountain have a glimmer of hope, it lies with you."

Bai Ze seemed to understand the Dragon Patriarch's meaning and wanted to intervene, but before he could speak, Yun Zhao spoke up.

"Of course, I will go find Ao Yu, and I will bring him back safely." Yun Zhao met the Dragon Patriarch's gaze without a trace of fear. "We still have so much left to do, and in the countless years to come, we will have no worries."

The Dragon Patriarch stared at Yun Zhao for a long time before finally speaking, "Go then. You don't need to worry about this place until you bring him back."

Yun Zhao nodded. He glanced at everyone and grasped the dragon jade at his waist before running towards the depths of the mountain.

"Eh, Yun Zhao!" Bai Ze frowned, wanting to stop him, but Bai Yu held his arm.

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"Why are you trying to stop me? Hurry and stop Yun Zhao! Ao Yu is unrecognizable now, and going there might just mean throwing his life away for nothing!"

Bai Ze was extremely anxious. Every one of these people made him worry.

Bai Yu shook his head in disagreement and looked at the retreating figure of the youth. He smiled and said, "He's just going to bring back his beloved. We can't stop him. Besides, whether it's life or death, it's still uncertain. You have to give him a chance to take a gamble."

"Tsk." Bai Ze let out a deep sigh, turned back with a worried heart, and murmured to himself, "These two better not die. After all, I am the witness to this marriage!"

With the barrier now secure, only a few stragglers needed to be dealt with. Bai Ze looked around and suddenly sensed something was amiss, exclaiming in frustration, "Damn it, where are those brats!"


Yun Zhao ran wildly through the forest, following the path he remembered. He was extremely grateful that the system had guided him once before, so he didn't take a wrong turn.

The wound on his hand had mostly healed on its own, but the dizziness from blood loss forced him to pause, leaning against a tree trunk, panting for breath.

Suddenly, a sharp roar came from his ear, and a two-headed wild dog lunged at Yun Zhao with its blood-filled jaws wide open.

Before the claws tainted with black energy could touch a single strand of Yun Zhao's hair, they were violently swatted down and crushed by a golden paw, emitting a teeth-clenching sound of bone dislocation.

"Why are you all here!"

Yun Zhao turned his head and saw that all of his divine beast cubs had followed closely behind him.

Wu Mu poked his head out from Sun Yang's long fur and shouted, "Come on up, we'll take you there!"

Before Yun Zhao could react, Sun Yang bent down, carefully picked up the young man, and tossed him onto its back fur. They continued running forward.

Luo Xue licked Yun Zhao's palm where the wound hadn't fully healed and explained, "There are still many lingering ugly things on the way. We're worried about you, big brother!"

Yun Zhao furrowed his brow. "I'm heading to the Spirit Vein, and the situation there is probably not good. It's too dangerous for you to come along."

Ao Jing sat on Xuanming's back and, upon hearing the youth's advice, raised his head and said, "Yuming Mountain is our home too. You said we should treat it as our own. At this moment, we won't sit idly by."

"Chirp, chirp!" The little ferret nodded continuously from behind Wu Mu.

Yun Zhao looked at Le Huang, who was leading the way, and felt a warmth in his heart. He whispered, "Thank you all..."

Wu Mu waved its paw and said, "Then after it's all over, treat us to a delicious meal! It would be even better if there's unlimited bubble water and little cakes!"

Yun Zhao chuckled, and the uneasiness in his heart lessened somewhat with Wu Mu's joking. He rubbed the kitten's head and nodded, "Sure."


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Wu Mu's eyes were filled with delight, and its long whiskers twitched. It extended its paw for a high-five with Yun Zhao. "It's a deal!"

Yun Zhao also reached out his hand, and their warm palms touched the kitten's paw. "It's a deal."

A hint of a smile flickered in Sun Yang's eyes as it sped up, avoiding obstructing dried leaves. When the group emerged from the cave entrance, Sun Yang finally stopped in its tracks.

Yun Zhao slid down from the dog's fur and took a deep breath as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Clouds and mist swirled up from the ground, rendering everything ethereal. Vines turned charred and drooped weakly to the ground. It seemed as if sensing Yun Zhao's arrival, they struggled to lift their thin branches and waved their leaves at the young man.

Step by step, Yun Zhao approached the majestic Spirit Vein tree. However, the lush branches and leaves emitted a chilling aura, even the leaves themselves were tinged with a suppressed purplish-black color.

The eerie atmosphere frightened Luo Xue, who tucked her tail and moved closer to Xuanming.

"So heavy with death energy."

Wu Mu stepped into the murky water, lifting its paw in disgust and shaking it. "Is this really the Spirit Vein of Yuming Mountain?"

"It is."

Ao Jing looked up at the giant tree. Its golden leaves had already dimmed and become lifeless, eroded by the black energy. Yet, he could still imagine the sacred scene of the noble white dragon coiling around it.

The system broadcasted, [The target's loss of control value has reached 90%. Host, if you consider leaving now, there's still time.]

Yun Zhao's gaze fell on the tree as he asked, "If I leave, what will happen to this world?"

The system paused for a second before answering, [The mission will be deemed a failure. The target's loss of control will reach its maximum value, and the world will collapse.]

Yun Zhao caressed the tree trunk, the rough bark causing his palms to ache. "I've always wanted to ask you, the illusion that occurred when Ao Yu and I made eye contact in our beast forms, it wasn't just a simple illusion, was it?"

The system responded, [That's correct. It is something that would happen.]

Yun Zhao continued, "Ao Yu losing control will lead to the collapse of the world. So, by restoring his spiritual power, you're actually preventing the collapse from happening, right?"

The system admitted, [According to the original timeline, Ao Yu is the fuse for the destruction of the entire realm. We detected your strong affinity and ability to heal the divine beasts, so we placed you at a pivotal moment in time to try to change the situation.]

[However, unfortunately, based on the current situation, it appears that our judgment was wrong, and the destruction of the Immortal realm is inevitable.]

Yun Zhao shook his head, denying the system's judgment. "No, you also said that he hasn't completely lost control yet. As long as there's a one in a million chance, I will try."

The system warned, [If you die in this world, I won't be able to turn back time. I must remind you again that your choice is not rational!]

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Yun Zhao chuckled. "Love has never made anyone rational. Otherwise, why would there be so many cases of lovesickness?"

With that said, he no longer paid attention to the electronic voice of the system. He looked at the dragon jade in his hand and said to the cubs behind him, "I'm going to find Ao Yu. You can stay here."

The divine beasts glanced at each other and silently surrounded the tree, sitting down. Different-colored spiritual power surged from beneath them into the Spirit Vein tree, and in an instant, white light radiated, dispelling layer after layer of black mist.

A narrow entrance appeared on the tree trunk, and Ao Jing calmly said to Yun Zhao, "Go ahead. We'll wait for you to bring our elder brother out."

Yun Zhao glanced at each of the cubs, and the dragon jade in his hand began to emit a radiant glow.

"Let's go."

Just like going down the mountain for a leisurely trip, Yun Zhao waved to them and entered the mist of light. "I'll be back soon!"

Wu Mu watched as the young man's figure was swallowed and disappeared by the white light. It also waved its paw and whispered softly, "Don't break your promise, Yun Zhao..."


Yun Zhao was blinded by the white light, unable to open his eyes. He felt his surroundings spinning before being abruptly thrown onto the ground.

"Cough, cough..."

Yun Zhao patted the dirt off his body as he stood up, frowning. "What kind of teleportation is this? So rough."

Before he could finish his quiet complaint, a cold voice sounded in his ear.

"Who are you?"

Yun Zhao looked up and couldn't help but be stunned.

Before him stood a child dressed in elaborate clothing, with half of his white hair tied up and adorned with a jade ornament. His pale golden pupils were full of alertness.

Jade-like dragon horns protruded from his hair, splitting into a small fork. He had a somewhat delicate appearance, except for the silver-white dragon tail that he couldn't retract. Overall, he appeared to be a proud little Dragon Lord.

Yun Zhao was shocked and frantically interrogated the system in his mind, "Who is this?"

The system coldly snorted and taunted, [Can't you tell? It's obvious. This is your dear lover.]

Yun Zhao was puzzled, "Huh?"

The system replied, [The precious childhood version.]

Yun Zhao: "!"

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