Chapter 76 - The Decisive Battle Part 2

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Zhu Sui looked at Ao Yu in disbelief. It was only when his gaze fell upon the young man seated on the dragon's head that he suddenly realized and sneered.

So, he was the variable!

The group of children, carried on Sun Yang's back, safely reached the ground, and then they ran towards Baiyu and the others with Xuanming.

In the sky, Yun Zhao's robe fluttered loudly in the wind, and he was overjoyed because his little dragon had returned.

The system's voice trembled in his ear, saying, [I was so scared! Fortunately, Ao Yu woke up in time, otherwise, you would have been smashed into pieces on the sea surface!]

Yun Zhao patted his chest and replied, "But everything turned out fine!"

Ao Yu turned slightly and glanced at the young man, then they both landed in a side hall and returned to their human forms.

He held Yun Zhao in his arms and whispered in his ear, "You were so reckless."

Yun Zhao shrugged indifferently, "I said I'd accompany you, so I'll follow you wherever you go."

"Such a fool," Ao Yu said.

His fingers lightly caressed Yun Zhao's face as he shielded him from view, looking up at Zhu Sui in the sky, full of killing intent.

Zhu Sui seemed unbothered by the hostility in his eyes and even chatted casually, "Congratulations, it seems you've fully recovered."

"It's true," Ao Yu's arm transformed into a huge dragon claw, covered in icy dragon scales emitting a chilling aura, "So this time, you won't escape."

As if the signal for the decisive battle had been given, the attacks of the two clashed together simultaneously, and the surging spiritual power spread in all directions. The two figures, one black and one white, engaged in fierce combat in the air.

Ravens, receiving their master's command, swarmed towards the others without fear, with a large group heading towards Yun Zhao.

"Yun Zhao, be careful!" Bai Ze shouted loudly to Yun Zhao and was about to go to his rescue when unexpectedly, thick vines rushed forward to block their way.

Yun Zhao looked at the vine hunting the ravens, noticing the faint golden flowers on them, and a plan came to mind.

He grasped one of the vines and began releasing his own spiritual power. The warm and pure energy was continuously absorbed and devoured by the vine.

The faint golden flowers rapidly grew and enlarged in an instant, and the round petals split open to reveal a large mouth full of jagged teeth.

Yun Zhao exclaimed in amazement, "Wow!"

Bai Ze stopped in disbelief and cursed, "What the heck is this!"

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The vine, displeased, gave Bai Ze a slight pull before returning to Yun Zhao's side and rubbing against him.

Yun Zhao patted the mutated vine, as if telling a child to go out and play, "Go."

Following the command, the vine immediately split open its large mouth in the middle of its flowers and recklessly charged into the group of ravens, devouring them one by one, growing thicker with each mouthful.

The system marveled” [How did you think of this?]

Yun Zhao explained, "I discovered it when I purified Ao Yu. The released spiritual power devours the black qi and replenishes itself. The vines strengthened by spiritual energy should be more effective against these abyssal ravens' attacks."

Looking at the vines that had already eaten half of the ravens, Yun Zhao nodded in satisfaction, "I just didn't expect it to be this effective!"

The system glanced at Ao Yu fighting fiercely in the air and then at the vines voraciously eating below, thinking that the two of them had vastly different styles of dealing with enemies.

The previous evil spirits were dealt with by Bai Yu and the others, and now with no interference from the ravens, Zhu Sui, fighting alone, gradually fell under Ao Yu's attacks.


Another sound of flesh being pierced, a sharp dragon claw was pulled out from Zhu Sui's shoulder blades, and a foul, bloody smell filled the air.

Zhu Sui looked at the Dragon Lord, who was now even stronger than before, a dark and resentful hatred surging in his heart. The more pain he felt, the more his eyes turned insane.

"You think I can only summon ravens!" Zhu Sui sneered, his lower body now transformed into a long, black snake tail. Countless black qi gathered into sharp spikes and shot towards the purple clouds in the sky.

Ao Yu's brows furrowed as he tried to intercept, but the attacking snake tail entangled him.

He looked up and saw that the purple clouds were forcibly torn open by the black qi, and the roars from the abyss grew closer. As if they had sensed an abundant aura, the clawed, black mist-covered hands were reaching out from the rift.

Bai Ze urgently said, "This is bad! Zhu Sui wants to forcibly open the Abyssal Rift!"

He transmitted the purple clouds from the abyss through the barrier. Once opened, the abyssal monsters would be able to cross the Four Seas and unleash their slaughter in the entire realm.

Ao Yu naturally wouldn't let Zhu Sui succeed. He tossed Zhu Sui aside and transformed into his dragon form, tearing the giant monsters that tried to escape into two halves. Crimson tainted his body as he roared, but it still couldn't stop their advance.

Countless bone spurs came at him, and as Ao Yu dodged, he accidentally collided with the mountainside, causing huge rocks to mercilessly crush him.

Zhu Sui taunted, "You can't stop me. Coiling in the corner of the abyss for so long, this world shouldn't be monopolized only by you immortal and divine beings."

Ao Yu stood up, retorting coldly, "If the abyss is opened, countless lives will suffer. Countless grievances will become your nourishment. You are only pursuing your own selfish desires. Don't pretend to be righteous."

With a cold smile, Zhu Sui allowed the black mist to pull the Abyssal Rift even wider.

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"Ao Yu!"

Hearing his lover's cry, the silver-white dragon stood up, shaking off the boulders on the mountain and soaring back into the sky to join the battle.

Bai Yu and Si Wuchen guarded the edge of the barrier, but the large monsters that escaped from the abyss avoided them and flew in all directions.

Si Wuchen gritted his teeth, wielding his sword to pursue and intercept, but their numbers were too many, and he gradually couldn't attend to other areas.

Yun Zhao's vine, having eaten too much and suddenly feeling bloated, pounced to the ground and had no intention of getting up, no matter how much Yun Zhao shouted.

For a moment, the tide of battle turned, and a sense of urgent crisis enveloped Yun Zhao. Just as he was about to release more blood to strengthen the barrier, someone arrived at the focal point ahead of him.

"You step back," the Dragon Patriarch said calmly, his hand transforming into a golden dragon claw.

Lifting the giant dragon claw high, amidst everyone's astonished gazes, he forcefully snapped off the last remaining dragon horn on his forehead.

Dense spiritual power surged forth, and Yun Zhao saw that the Dragon Patriarch placed the glittering golden horn into the focal point of the barrier.

In an instant, a resounding dragon's roar echoed through the sky. The faltering barrier expanded outward for several miles, firmly trapping the sharp and roaring monsters within.

Zhu Sui sneered at the bloodied Dragon Patriarch, "Old man, I underestimated you."

However, even with the reinforcement of the dragon horn in the formation, it only bought the group a little more time. After a resounding dragon's roar, the silver-white dragon descended from the sky, crushing several buildings and sending countless debris flying.

Yun Zhao hurried over to hold Ao Yu and provide treatment. The white dragon's scales were shattered in several places, looking very disheveled. It could only softly hum to comfort its lover.

The gloomy sky was continuously shrouded in the blood-red light projected by the purple clouds. The mountains were ablaze, and in the momentary low spirits of the group, Wu Mu standing at a high point suddenly shouted, "Look!"

Yun Zhao stood up and looked. Amidst the smoky haze caused by the forest fires, under the darkened sky, the Flower Goddess's lotus magical artifact emitted a brilliant light, and the Wolf Tribe's azure flag fluttered high in the sky.

The ground shook with heavy rumbling, and led by Kongming, the Immortals charged forward with an unstoppable momentum, surrounding and supporting Yuming Mountain.

The billowing dust surged, and under the attack of the incoming Immortals, the newly emerged abyssal monsters were instantly crushed like trapped turtles. The forest resounded with killing cries and sharp wails.

A smile appeared on Yun Zhao's face, "The Flower Goddess and the others have arrived!"

"Yes," Ao Yu replied.

The enormous lotus light imprint in the sky made the monsters at the Abyssal Rift shrink back in fear. The arrival of the Immortals infuriated Zhu Sui, who cursed and furiously attacked Ao Yu.

Ao Yu used his dragon tail to wrap Yun Zhao and carried him to the focal point, meeting Zhu Sui head-on. His rage made him retaliate without any hesitation.

"No, if we don't deal with Zhu Sui quickly, we won't be able to close the Abyssal Rift," Bai Ze said, his expression still grave as he looked towards the sky.

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At this moment, the vine lying on the ground suddenly started shaking, and Yun Zhao anxiously crouched down to check, "What's going on?"

Could it be that the vine had eaten too much and was feeling sick?

However, the next moment, countless vines rose into the air, rapidly spinning and converging into a strong force. At their tops, a giant bud continuously emerged, grew, and blossomed!

Bai Ze exclaimed, "What is this again!"

Yun Zhao didn't know either. The vines, carrying their giant flowers, shook toward him. Suddenly, he understood what the vines meant and walked over to channel his spiritual power into them.

The warm spiritual power arrived as expected, and the pure light coated the vine with a beautiful golden glow. The next moment, a tremendous roar drew the attention of the battling Immortals, causing their hearts to tighten.

The vine, like towering mountains, twisted its robust form, and at the very top of its flower disc, a ferocious large mouth split open. It plunged into the forest, catching the fleeing monsters and gulping them down with a crunching sound.

Kong Ming was shocked, "What kind of monster is that?"

The Flower Goddess raised an eyebrow, "It's the spiritual vein of Yuming Mountain."

Hearing their conversation, the Immortals fell into utter silence. They had seen countless spiritual veins, but what Yuming Mountain had... was quite unique and distinctive, indeed.

Yun Zhao touched the vine and shouted, "Take it slow, don't choke!"

The vine nodded while chewing and then took another bite at the airborne monster. Its ferocity even made Si Wuchen, who was busy fighting in the air, pause and politely make way for it.

Si Wuchen pointed to the monsters behind him that hadn't been killed yet, "Go ahead, eat them."

The vine happily nodded, "Roar! (Thank you.)"

The remaining monsters suddenly panicked and rushed towards the Abyssal Rift, eager to return to their old home.

After clearing out the stragglers, everyone's attention turned to Ao Yu and Zhu Sui, who were still fiercely fighting.

When Zhu Sui's snake tail was cut off by Ao Yu again, his painful roar shook the earth. Ao Yu didn't give him any chance this time and used his tail to slam him onto the ground.

However, the vine intercepted halfway, extending its branches to wrap around Zhu Sui and slammed him onto the focal point. Abundant and pure spiritual power burned the black mist-covered Zhu Sui.


The excruciating pain made him scream in agony. The scales on his face curled and withered, peeling off layer by layer, leaving his face bloody and even exposing half of his white bones.

Ao Yu also arrived shortly after, but before he could say anything, he saw the vine smashing its flower disc onto the focal point again. When he looked up again, he could only see half of the dark tail being sucked into the vine's mouth for chewing.

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Ao Yu: "..."

Everyone else: "!"

The vine looked up and gulped down with a "gudong" sound, then obediently looked at Yun Zhao, whose face turned pale.

Yun Zhao was exasperated, "My dear, this thing is not meant to be eaten!" The entire vine was covered in black mist, and even after so long, it could still disturb Ao Yu's consciousness. Who knows if there might be any side effects!

The Flower Goddess examined the vine and breathed a sigh of relief, "No problem, your spiritual power is very helpful. It can purify Zhu Sui."

Yun Zhao thought for a moment, then waved to the vine, which reduced its size and obediently circled around the focal point, lying down.

Yun Zhao stood in the center of the formation. It was the Bagua Formation set up by Bai Ze and had been further enhanced by the Dragon Patriarch, covering a radius of several miles around Yuming Mountain.

He cut his arm, letting the fresh blood drip onto the Dragon Jade.

"Yun Zhao!"

Ao Yu frowned, wanting to stop him, but Yun Zhao shook his head at him, "It's okay, I'll be fine soon."

A pure light enveloped the young man's body as he held the Dragon Jade against the focal point.

In an instant, a burst of white light appeared, and amid everyone's exclamation, this warm and friendly aura spread in all directions. Glittering points of light, filled with hope, flew past the crowd and floated into the distance.

The gloomy sky cracked like a damaged porcelain bottle, and the faint morning light pierced through the heavy clouds, shining upon the tranquil Yuming Mountain.

With the appearance of the daylight, the desolate and long night was over. The light points dissipated the blood mist brought by the cold and death, falling into the now dark red soil.

All the battling Immortals were wrapped in abundant spiritual power and healed. Yun Zhao, who was at the focal point, gently closed his eyes, seemingly immersed in the peaceful atmosphere as well.

Scenes flashed before his eyes. He saw playful divine beasts, drinking with immortal friends, and the colorful scenery of Yuming Mountain and the boundless ocean.

He opened his eyes, and the white light gradually dissipated. Yun Zhao met the golden eyes in front of him.

"It's over," Yun Zhao said to his little dragon, his black and shiny eyes filled with a smile.

"Yes," Ao Yu replied.

Ao Yu embraced his lover, greedily inhaling the warm and gentle aura emanating from him.

Everything had ended, and he would forever have his own dawn.

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