Chapter 77: The Four Seasons In The Yuming Mountain

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The wind and snow calmed down overnight, and the horizon was adorned with delicate crimson hues, like thin silk. Majestic vitality covered the chaotic flowers and leaves, as well as the toppled mountain peaks and ranges.

Flower Goddess and Bai Ze led a group of people to patrol the surroundings and appease the other spirit beasts that resided here. Bai Yu looked at the damaged buildings and palaces with some regret, sighing.

"What's there to sigh about? It's just a few rooms that got smashed. It's a good opportunity to rebuild them," said Lady Xianyue with a smile as she approached him. Her assistant, Chang Xiao, was already skillfully flipping through a notebook, jotting down notes and sketches of the required materials.

After a night of fierce battles and the mental exhaustion from entering the illusion, Yun Zhao leaned against Ao Yu's shoulder, muttering a few random sentences before falling into a deep sleep.

Ao Yu chuckled and affectionately stroked the young man's head before carrying him horizontally to find a relatively clean room to settle him in.

Clearly exhausted, Yun Zhao reflexively wrapped himself in the blanket as soon as he touched the bed, not even bothering to take off his dusty robe.

Amused, Ao Yu used a handkerchief to wipe the dust off Yun Zhao's face and then sat by the bedside, watching him for a while until Bai Ze came to the door and called him, prompting him to leave.

Yun Zhao slept unusually soundly, as if the burden in his heart had finally been lifted, and his body was healing itself while he slept.

When he woke up, he felt a considerable weight on him, especially the warm sensation on top of his head, as if someone had placed a hot water bag there.


Opening his eyes, Yun Zhao found various small and large furry bundles pressed around him, tightening the blanket, essentially physically sealing him on the bed.

He laboriously pulled out a hand and pushed away the warm, fuzzy mass on his head. The soft, warm belly covered his head, making him feel overheated.


Wu Mu held Yun Zhao's head in a crescent moon shape, and after being pushed and rubbed a few times, it grumbled discontentedly. It stretched out its lazy body, then covered its eyes with its front paws and buried its head in the nape of Yun Zhao's neck.

Yun Zhao: "..."

It's so hot…

Still lying at the edge, Sun Yang noticed that Yun Zhao had already woken up. He immediately excitedly propped himself up and gestured to the other little companions to make room.

Luo Xue gently patted Yun Zhao's face with its tender paw, making cute meowing sounds, and affectionately rubbed against his chest, occasionally emitting contented purrs.

"Alright, alright. I don't know how long I've been sleeping. I should get up and take a look," Yun Zhao said as he sat up, letting the two cat cubs hang on him like ornaments. After a brief tidying up, he changed into a clean set of clothes hanging on the screen before pushing open the room door.

The sky was gradually darkening, with only half of the sun's halo remaining on the mountaintop. The immortal beings who came to help with the battle had not left; they were busy using spells within the mountains.

When Lady Xianyue saw Yun Zhao approaching, she smiled and said, "Why don't you take a rest for a while?"

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Yun Zhao replied apologetically, "There are many things to attend to after the battle. I need to come out and help."

"You don't need to worry about that. Thanks to your spiritual healing, the injured immortals have recovered quickly, and there is no residual abyssal darkness in the mountains."

Lady Xianyue opened a booklet and said, "As for the reconstruction of the buildings and palaces in Yuming Mountain, you don't have to worry either. We've taken care of it all. Within half a month, we'll give you an even more splendid place."

"Really? Thank you so much, Madam!" Yun Zhao exclaimed with joy as he received the booklet. However, his smile froze when he saw the detailed illustrations inside.

The drawings were incredibly exquisite, showcasing the true meaning of grandeur and opulence.

"Has Ao Yu seen this?" Yun Zhao managed to force a smile as he looked up at Lady Xianyue. The buildings depicted in the illustrations could hardly be called "buildings"; they were more like celestial palaces that would undoubtedly overshadow even the Heavenly Palaces.

"He has seen it, and not just him. The other immortals also gave their opinions," Lady Xianyue said, pointing at the illustrations one by one. "The Phoenix from the Dan Xue Mountain (Cave) plans to build a luxurious warm pavilion, and they will provide gemstone inlays. Kongming intends to bring a small floating stone to the back of the mountain and let the Flower Goddess plant flowers on it, while also constructing a pavilion to enjoy the scenery..."

"As for your home, Ao Yu..." Lady Xianyue chuckled, "He went to the Dragon Domain and brought all his assets here. The style of the palace where you live remains the same, but the courtyard and the living spaces for the divine beasts have been expanded."

Yun Zhao's head throbbed upon hearing this, especially when he learned that little phoenix planned to replace all the wooden fences with precious sandalwood encrusted with gold and jade. The dizziness intensified.

Oh my, these people are planning to create a spectacular and grand spiritual world, huh...


On the other side, after Ao Yu finished discussing the materials for the palace construction with Chang Xiao, he bumped into the Dragon Patriarch at the corner of the corridor.

The Dragon Patriarch's robe was unusually dusty, and his forehead was covered in dark red, but he still looked calm as he met Ao Yu's gaze.

"I'm going back to the Dragon Domain, and Ao Jing will stay with you," the Dragon Patriarch spoke first, breaking the silence. Losing a dragon horn is an irreparable and severe injury, which made his voice sound somewhat hoarse.

Ao Yu nodded and walked past him.

After this battle, the Abyss was too afraid to cause trouble again, and the various tribes' soldiers could take turns to guard, ensuring a peaceful thousand years for the realm.

Ao Yu's footsteps paused for a moment, but he still didn't turn back. Some scars, once left behind, could never be healed. He softly said "take care" and left without looking back.

Kongming and the others continued to work until nightfall before finding an open space to rest.

Although the palace was not yet fully repaired, the kitchen was already set up, and everyone looked at Yun Zhao expectantly.

Yun Zhao understood their intentions and led the little rabbits into the kitchen.

With more people this time and for convenience, Yun Zhao prepared a large pot of bone broth and fried spicy peppers in hot oil. On one side was the spicy and numbing red soup, and on the other was the sour and spicy fruit and pepper soup. Both soups were divided into small pots, offering two different flavors for each table.

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Then, he quickly started to cut up the mountain beasts they had caught, dividing the meat into plates and placing them on the tables. The little rabbits wagged their short tails excitedly, carrying various vegetable dishes to the tables one by one.

Wu Mu, Sun Yang, and the others were not idle either; they went to the seaside and caught plenty of scallops, lobsters, and crabs. The lively seafood was jumping around in the basket, and Yun Zhao washed them all clean to use as ingredients.

"Ah! It smells so good!"

"So, this is a hotpot? The aroma is making my nose tickle; I feel like sneezing..."

"If you can't handle the spice, go to the divine beasts' table; the sour soup is not as spicy," Chang Xiao waved his hand dismissively at the immortals.

"Apologies, but we can handle spicy food too!" Wu Mu said defiantly as he sat at the table with the red soup, proudly puffing his chest out while slurping on the bubbly soup, making Chang Xiao itch to hit the cat.

Yun Zhao mixed crushed ice with the bubble water and shared it with everyone. The Flower Goddess took a sip and fell in love with the refreshing taste, deciding to bring back more fruit as a gift.

On the side, Lady Xianyue immediately began placing an order with Little Black Rabbit. This bubble water (carbonated drink) must be provided to all the tribe members!

The bubbling sound from the pot interrupted the immortals' conversation and laughter. They all grabbed their chopsticks and sat around the table.

The spicy red soup was shiny and aromatic, stimulating everyone's taste buds. They dipped slices of meat into the broth for cooking.

The meat was tender and smooth, the shrimp fresh and bouncy. The crabs they caught were shattered, the meat cooked in the pot before being scooped out. With a mouthful, the spicy and fragrant soup burst on the tongue, offering a satisfying mix of spiciness and delight.

Lady Xianyue and Kongming's faces turned red from the spiciness, but they couldn't bear to stop. They deftly used the crab legs as straws, sucking up the soup. The white crab meat was soaked in the broth, and when dipped into the sesame oil mixed with vinegar, the spiciness eased slightly, but the flavor became even more rich and layered, making them exclaim with delight.

The vegetable dishes brought by the little rabbits were also devoured quickly. The potatoes were tender and delicate, the ivy gourd crisp and refreshing, and various mushrooms and seaweed became exceptionally appetizing when cooked in the soup.

As they reached the end of the meal, there was still half a pot of soup left. Yun Zhao exchanged some sweet potato wide noodles in the system's store and added them to the pot.

The long wide noodles soaked up the soup, and after being served in bowls and drizzled with a spoonful of vinegar, sprinkled with chili rings, they transformed into spicy hotpot noodles.

Realizing that the flavor could be even richer, Kongming added a lot of sesame sauce, and for a while, many immortals followed suit, enjoying the dish with praise.

After the meal, Yun Zhao looked satisfied. Seeing others helping the little rabbits clean up the dishes, he lazily climbed up to sit on the roof of a nearby building.

The night breeze gently brushed his robe as Yun Zhao looked up. The ink-dark sky was filled with stars like fluttering flags, and the moonlight poured between the mountains like ethereal smoke.

He held his face in his hands and sighed, "It's so beautiful..."

Suddenly, the system said: 【Yes, it's beautiful. I must take a photo to keep as a memory.】

Yun Zhao heard a click, and he seemed to sense something. He asked, "System, are you leaving?"


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The system continued: 【Your task is already completed. Although I more or less know your answer, according to the usual procedure, I still have to ask you one last time.】

Yun Zhao smiled, "Go ahead and ask."

The system fell silent for a moment, and the familiar electronic sound rang in Yun Zhao's ear: [Congratulations, Host Yun Zhao, for successfully completing the task. You can now redeem your rewards. You can choose to exchange the immortal stones in your possession for currency and return to the mortal world, or you can follow the path of previous hosts and become a lord of a small planet!】

Yun Zhao replied, "I still want to stay in the Immortal realm and accompany Ao Yu for a long, long time."

The system clicked its tongue:【Fine, you are the most uninspiring host I've ever had.】

"There's nothing I can do. Life here is already what I've dreamed of," Yun Zhao said, supporting his chin and watching the immortals below who were now drinking and having fun. He smiled.

The system sighed helplessly:【Alright then... Well, goodbye?】

Yun Zhao felt a moment of loss in his heart, but all good things must come to an end. He still said, "Goodbye. I wish the next host more generosity than me."

【Hmph, at least you know you're stingy.】

Leaving behind this remark, the system fell silent and did not respond to Yun Zhao's further calls. Yun Zhao let out a light sigh, realizing that the system had indeed left.

Out of habit, he searched in his mind, and suddenly, he found that the store was still there! He immediately opened it and found a small note left by the system.

[The store will update regularly every week, and the prices will remain the same. Welcome, Host, to visit at any time!]

Yun Zhao chuckled; the system couldn't bear to let go of its commissions.

Underneath the building, Sun Yang was quietly lying under the tree, and Xuanming paid no attention to the drunken immortals. With a few leaps, he climbed up the tree branch and let his dark tail hang down.

The two kitten cubs lying on Sun Yang's back stared at that tail, occasionally stepping on Sun Yang's body with their padded paws, eager to jump up and playfully pounce on it.

Le Huang strolled by, holding his tail feathers, and Little Ferret followed behind him, picking up the golden dots he shook off onto the ground.

Yun Zhao looked at them and couldn't help but laugh.

He heard the sound of tiles colliding behind him, and someone sat down next to him. They asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, just looking at those little rascals," Yun Zhao replied.

Yun Zhao shook his head, leaning his head on Ao Yu's shoulder, and together, they looked up at the twinkling stars in the sky.

"Speaking of which, do you remember saying in the illusion that you would give me a big pearl?" Yun Zhao picked up the dragon jade hanging from his waist and swayed it, a teasing smile in his eyes.

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Ao Yu turned his head slightly, his ears turning a faint shade of red. After a long pause, he whispered, "I've already moved the private treasury here... I'll take you to pick one later..."

"Then I must choose carefully, the biggest and brightest one," Yun Zhao said with a mischievous smile. Ao Yu pursed his lips, blushing slightly, and cupped Yun Zhao's face in his hands, drawing closer.

Their lips met, cooled by the night breeze, and faintly carrying the sweet scent of fruit juice, making Ao Yu unable to resist the urge to explore further.

However, their actions were interrupted by a gaze from behind that made them pause. They turned their heads and found a row of divine beast cubs squatting behind them, staring at them with wide eyes.

Luo Xue approached on shards of tiles and tilted his head, asking, "Is Yun Zhao gege licking Ao Yu daren? I want to try too!"

Yun Zhao blushed and pushed Ao Yu away slightly, hugging the little cat in his arms and rubbing it, which made Ao Yu smile.

Wu Mu and the others cleared their throats, looking up at the starry sky. They abandoned the idea of turning their heads and fleeing the scene, mustering the courage to gather around and watch the stars together.

"Um... those stars combined look quite like little fish jerky..."

"We just finished eating, why are we hungry again?"

"Yun Zhao, what are we eating tomorrow? Can we grill rice cakes?"

"I want to eat cupcakes and deep-fried pastries!"

"Squeak squeak! (All, all!)"

"If you keep making noise, I'll throw you all down!"

Yun Zhao was surrounded by a group of cubs, who took advantage of Ao Yu's warning to playfully mess up their fur. Amid the playful chaos, Yun Zhao's heart overflowed with boundless warmth when he looked into those faint golden pupils.

When Yu Ming Mountain is rebuilt, their trees will bloom all over the mountain. Yun Zhao will explore the continuous mountains and rivers of the Immortal realm with Ao Yu, admiring every stunning landscape together.

With clouds and mist abound, stars filling the sky, and the company of lovers and friends throughout the four seasons, this will be the best ending, year after year.


Translator’s note: Hello, the story is completed now! There are a few extras and I’ll try to translate them as soon as possible. There are only a few chapters for the extras. 

This is a wonderful, feel good story, and I truly love and enjoyed this story. It’s one of those stories that can make you smile and laugh. Please support the author as thanks for this wonderful story that brought smiles to our faces. 

Also, don’t forget to support me. Enjoy and have fun reading. Thank you to all readers! 

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