Manuke FPS

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

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I was doing okay, until I had to deal with these assassins . Now, I’ve been injured . My first since I’ve come to this world and fought the most exhausting battle I ever had so far . My current body isn’t normal anymore . Although my physical capabilities hadn’t improved that much, my body was now akin to that of a VMB avatar . No matter how bad my injuries or how exhausted I got, I would just recover from it as long as I stayed out of combat long enough .



And the assassin’s head was split down the middle, slicing the front from the back . Blood splattered over me . It came with the nauseating scent of blood, along with the blood that rushed through my own body; I was to be alive . Once I’d confirmed that I was, I pushed the dead body off me .  




I tried to ignore the wet sound that came from his body as I checked on my body’s status . Busted left ribs . A blade wound on the right side and a missing forearm . First, while I laid still on my back, I pulled the shortsword out . It was very painful . I screamed as the shock ran throughout my entire body . After a while, I got up with with my left hand on my wound to starve off the bleeding .  


I checked my surroundings and was relieved to find there weren’t anymore assassins left . After all, in my current condition, I felt that even a child could kill me . Now I needed to wait for the natural recovery to take effect . After that, it’ll take no time to heal; just about a second . I also had to bring Laptiricia-sama and Ashley back to the capital as soon as possible . The threat of the ‘Mage Masher’ was still present .  


I raised my right hand to activate the TSS .




And was quickly reminded that my right hand was missing, so I couldn’t activate it… Then, what would happen to my missing arm when the natural recovery kicked in? There wasn’t a case of missing limbs in the game, as it was regulated that way by law . So, I honestly didn’t know what would happen in the event that a limb was cut off . Would it grow back, or would it simply close itself off and I’d lose it forever?


“This is bad… Now where is my arm…?”


I unintentionally spoke my thoughts out loud . I tried to stand and started to look for my missing arm . My body felt heavy and weak, and a dizzy spell quickly came after . I couldn’t stand up… I tried to breathe in fresh air to help myself recover, but all I could smell was the stench of blood . Breathing merely caused pain to flash by my broken ribs and the wound in my side .  


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I had no other choice but to lay on my back to look at the sky; back in the pool of blood . Fortunately, the recovery finally kicked in . The pain in my ribs and side gradually disappeared . I also felt a discomforting itch coming from the stump on my right arm . I lifted the stump to my eyes . I saw blood vessels and muscle tissue growing from the stump . Particles of light gathered around the bone, seconds later, grew at a visible rate with everything wrapping around it . The anxiety of my missing limb finally left me, and exhaustion washed over me . But I couldn’t fall asleep yet .  



The pain had subsided a while back, but my arm took a full 10 minutes to grow back completely . Meanwhile, I had mixed feelings over the fact that my body could recover from any wounds within only 10 minutes . It was like this body was some sort of monster .  


“Captain, how are those two?”


I raised the curtain to the tent where the girls were and called out to the commander .  


“Sha,Shaft-dono! That blood, are you injured?!”


“No, this doesn’t belong to me . I’m not injured . Anyways, how are they doing?”


“Ah, there is no way they’d be fine after inhaling the gas . Not only a high fever, they’re having a hard time breathing . It’ll worsen if it’s left alone . ”


“Can this be of use?”


I showed the gas masks I managed to save from the assassins, and handed them over to the Escort Commander .


“Aren’t those the Air Masks? Well, it won’t detoxify the poison, but I think at least it can help alleviate the symptoms . ” 


“Shaft-dono, what about the assassins? And… What of my men?”

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The convoy leader asked without looking at me as he put the masks on the girls . However, even he should’ve been able to tell the results of the battle .  


“The assassins have been dealt with, but… I’m sorry . ”


“No… It’s alright . ”


The convoy leader also put on a mask . He then probably noticed something, because he stared at me with a questioning look .


“What is it?” 


“No, but is Shaft-dono not affected by the ‘Mage Masher’?” 


Ah… That . I guess it does look strange to him .


“Thi,this mask is actually a magic tool . It also provides a similar benefit to the air mask . ”


“I see, so that’s how it is . ”


Perhaps because the Escort Leader infused some magic into the mask, the wind magic stone glowed . He also infused some magic into Laptiricia-sama and Ashley’s mask .


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“We’re heading to the capital . Inform the servants to prepare to depart . ”



With that, I exited the tent and went into the next one .




“You’re exaggerating too much . The assassins have been dealt with, prepare to depart . I need you all to go and help Laptiricia and Ashley prepare . ”


The servants still seemed frightened, but I left them anyway . Will they be okay? I felt a little worried and opened the TSS to extract 3 Gift Boxes from my inventory . I put the assassins’ corpse, their weapons and the broken masks aside . Then, I put the bodies of the guards that’d been covered in linens to another side then I placed them into two separate boxes .  


The last gift box was used to stash the luggage and anything that pertained to Duke Barga, leaving the carriage mostly empty . Lastly, I also peeled off the coat of arms . The carriage now just looked like a regular luxury coach . I didn’t know whether it was because of the Mage Masher, or because the assassins had killed them, but none of the horses were left alive . Without them, there was no way that the carriage could reach the capital . But of course, I wouldn’t let the girls just die .


Opening the garage menu, I took out something I’d never used even during the time I played the game . A motorhome called the Continental . A motorhome, in a nutshell, was a luxurious RV . Originally it was just a stage prop for the PvE mode . Players could purchase one for a hefty price once they’d earned consecutive wins on hostage missions . Players could still use it for PVP or other modes, but summoning it usually caused other players to just shoot at it with RPGs out of sheer jealousy .


I never really used it since it was a bus-sized coffin and the repair costs were high . Some players who owned them also would sometimes go into the PvE mode, and just cruise around to enjoy the scenery . I didn’t have that kind of hobby though .


Light particles gathered and created a large shape before me . Then the Continental emerged . It was a huge 12 meter long mostly silver bus . I entered my PIN code on the touchscreen on the vehicle’s side, in which a set of stairs extended outward . I climbed up and opened the door, sliding it to the side . This was the first time I’d summoned the vehicle, so naturally, it’s also the first time I’d seen the inside .  


I knew from the catalog that it’d included a driver’s seat, living room, kitchen, a complete bathroom and a bedroom . I intended to make sure it was all in working order . Electricity… Check . Water? Check . Hot water? Check . I wondered if the toilet was also connected to this water . The refrigerator also worked . The TV… Well, of course, it just showed a static screen . I then lowered the stairs that lead to the second floor . There was the bedroom .


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So far, it showed favorable results . When I exited the RV, I noticed the Escort Commander staring at the Continental in a daze .  


“Shaft-dono? What in the world is this…?”


“… Well–”




“Well, it’s a magic wagon- a magic wagon to… Carry people… . Windowless magic carriage . It’s basically a magical carriage . ”


“A magic carriage?”

“Right . I’m conducting a test on this experimental vessel at the behest of another employer . This carriage doesn’t require horses, but a lot of magic stones are required to move this guy . That’s why I didn’t dare to use it before . But now that it’s an emergency, this carriage will move faster than the horse-drawn one . Better get in and leave immediately . ”


“What? There was actually something like that? This is the first time I’ve heard of a magical carriage that didn’t need horses . ”


“That’s a given . This project was a secret . So, just quickly finish the preparations . I’ve already secured the dead . The luggage can also be taken in . All that’s left to do is for everyone to board it . ”


“I understand . You have my gratitude for your consideration . Let’s prepare to depart immediately . ”


I ended up deciding to use the Continental because the other option, the Dorchester, lacked beds . Besides, there were four other servants with us . I was worried that the Dorchester would be too small if I considered space for sleeping . The necessity of having two beds for the girls, plus the fact that Laptiricia-sama had already seen the Dorchester; I was afraid she’d make the connection . I had no choice but to make such an impact to hide .  


I tapped the Escort Commander’s shoulder, then headed to the tent where the ladies rested . Riding on the Continental, the journey to the capital would be shorter . A regular journey would take two days at most . However, if I drove non-stop throughout the night, we’d arrive there by morning .  

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