Manuke FPS

Chapter 94

Chapter 94

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The motorhome proceeded through the night down the highway, it’s engine roaring heavily . Laptricia-sama and Ashley were resting on the twinbed; the servants attended to them . Their breathing had calmed after the Air Masks I’d taken were put on them . But their fevers from the Mage Masher still hadn’t subsided .  


The Mage Masher caused the intricate flow of magic within one’s body to run rampant . Thus, leaving the afflicted in a deadly situation . In addition to that, with the flow of magic going crazy, recovery magic loses its effect . This meant that it was detrimental for the antidote to be administered, the one only the Knights of the Royal Capital had, to calm the flow of magic .  


“We just passed through the resting area west of the capital . We should arrive at the capital in in hour . ”


I glanced back as I drove and noticed the Escort Leader sitting on the sofa in the living room . He didn’t seem relaxed at all . He sat straight up, his hands on his knees and eyes boring straight… Into the wall .  


“Are you okay?”


“I,I,I,I, I’,m alright . ”


He didn’t look alright at all . The servants had already gotten used to the vehicle already . I figured it was because they could cook, prepare and attend the resting girls while staying indoors; and traveling at the same time . On the other hand, the man had been glued to the sofa since the ride began .  


The instrument panel on the driver’s dashboard was outfitted with a built-in display . It showed the video of the onboard cameras . This way, I could see the situation within the motorhome at all times while I drove . I kept tabs on the girl’s conditions and I stopped whenever their symptoms flared up . I only restarted the vehicle once they’d simmered down . It was a hurried, but careful ride nonetheless .  


“The capital is already in sight . ”


“Oh! We’ve finally arrived”

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After hearing my announcement, the Escort Commander, who’d been seated like a lifeless mannequin, jumped to look through the windshield . I could see that his eyes were slightly moist . Was riding in here that scary…? But this alone didn’t mean that all of our problems were solved . It was already dawn and the gate was open . Although it was not crowded yet, the guards had probably already noticed us and were on the move .


I stopped the Continental some ways away from the gate and asked the commander to take the lead . During our ride, I reminded him and the servants that the Continental was to remain a secret . The vehicle was not my property, but a loan from someone of higher rank . Since it was a secret, if rumors were to spread… I intentionally stopped there . I could see that this had given the intended result by their pale faces . So, I let them all off as I stated I wanted to see Laptiricia-sama and Ashley .  


Both of them seemed awake, but their faces were extremely pale . Their eyes were barely open, as if their eyelids were being weighed down .  


“We’ve arrived at the capital . The captain has arranged for immediate treatment . Please be patient a little while longer . ”


They appeared to have replied, though their voices were too weak . Or, the air masks muffled their voice; maybe both .


I left the rest to the servants before I got off the motorhome . I wished nothing more than to let the girls get treatment right away, but my suit was drenched in blood . It had all blackened at this point . The kevlar mask hadn’t been exempted from the mess . The bloodstains resembled flames on the mask . There was no way I could present myself like this, right? Maybe I should get myself a change of clothes…


Several carriages came from the capital along with horses . The cavalry, raising the standard to the Royal Guard, surrounded the continental . One of the horsemen approached me before he dismounted .


“I take it that you’re the ‘Black Mask’? We’re here to bring Duke Barga’s third daughter and Ashley Zephanel to the clinic immediately . ”


“Thank you . Laptiricia-sama and Ashley will unboard momentarily . Please wait a moment . ”

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“You seem to be covered in a lot of blood yourself . Do you also need medical attention?”


“No . I’ll head to the Duke’s manor to file a report immediately . Duke Barga’s escort commander will be along to accompany you . Also, the servants might’ve inhaled some of the mage masher as well, so please see to them . ”

“I understand . We’ll bring the servants as well . ”


After our exchange, the escort commander stood next to the continental . A moment later, Laptiricia-sama and Ashley stepped off with the help of the servants .   The squad leader and some of the royal guards helped the ladies board a prepared carriage . I saw them off then prepared to enter the capital myself .

“By the way, Blak Mask, what is that thing?”


Of course, it was the leader of the Royal Guards that had to point at the Continental .


“This is a large magical tool entrusted to me by higher ups . I will refuse any question or investigation regarding this . If you even dare to touch it, don’t blame me for being impolite . ”


“No, no . I didn’t mean to do that . I won’t ask anything . ”


The royal guard leader mounted his horse and rode alongside the carriage to the capital afterward . Once they’d gone some distance out, I opened the TSS and returned the motorhome to the garage . Doing so, it was automatically refueled… And as expected… the refueling costs were much, much higher than any other vehicles I owned…It wasn’t that I couldn’t afford it, but the price itself was three times more than to refuel the Dorchester . As I walked to the capital, I decided that I shouldn’t use this often from now on .  


I would hear rumors such as “This morning, the Black Mask entered the Capital drenched in blood; “The black masked became the Blood-soaked Black Mask, or “Another has fallen victim to the Black Mask again” later on . At present, I just ran through the capital and headed directly to Duke Barga’s residence in the first district . I reported on the night raid at the resting area to his guards out front before I went in to meet with the Duke .

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“You have my gratitude, Shaft-kun . Then, how is Laptiricia and Ashley?”


The guards gave way and allowed me entry . Inside, I was greeted by Volker-san who guided me to the Duke’s office .


“The escort commander is with them at the clinic for treatment . ”


“You said they used ‘Mage Masher’? How many days had passed since they’d inhaled it?”


“About half a day . ”


“Only half a day has passed? Well, it’s good then . They should recover as long as the people at the clinic don’t make a mistake . Volker, can you leave us alone for a moment?”


“As you wish . I’ll take my leave . ”


Volker-san left the office, leaving me and the Duke alone .


“Shaft-kun, what do you know about the ‘Mage Masher’?”

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The Duke’s voice echoed through the mostly empty office was not the gentle one I was used to hearing . This time, it was clear and firm .


“I do know that it’s a poison that is supposedly only available to knights to use . ”


“That’s correct . The management is entrusted to the knights . That thing you used to alleviate the poison, did the attackers also use it?”


“Yes, I left the rest of the undamaged air masks they wore in the Escort Commander’s care . I’ve told him to send them to your Excellency . ”


I placed the air mask I’d kept in my pouch on the table . The Duke promptly took the mask and inspected it . He uncorked the cylinders where the wind magic stone was embedded . His sharp eyes became ever more narrow as he carefully examined the inside .


“This airmask is actually under the same strict management standard as the poison . If a foreign invader managed to get their hands on this, then using the mage masher as an emergency weapon wouldn’t work well . ”


He disassembled the mask as if he was looking for some sort of serial number .


“I knew it… Shaft-kun . ”


“Yes . ”


“I have a new request for you . ” 

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