
Chapter 11

Chapter 11 : Looking For The Lost Child

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A beautiful maiden was lost.
Then, shall we start looking for the lost maiden?

Our target is a beautiful maiden with black hair with and almost transparent white skin. She always held herself with a calm and charming demeanour. One of Maou’s trusted retainers and one who was in charge of looking after me.
Her thighs was soft yet springy and she also smells nice.

She must be hidden somewhere inside of the Maou’s castle.
Since the entrance of the Maou’s castle is extremely guarded, slipping even just one person out of the castle is a tremendous task.
So she must still be inside of the Maou’s castle.
Inside this stupidly huge castle.



…….. Well, it seems I have to give up looking for her by physical means.

I have no intention to do that from the very beginning anyway. Not even in the white palace I’m living in.
Now, it has been three days since her disappearance.

I advanced along the long hallway, heading toward the drill field as usual, while gathering my thought and ideas.

My movement is restricted since I did not understand the structure of the castle. In the first place, looking for her on my own is impossible.

In that case, what should I do?
Hmm…since it was impossible for me alone, it might be possible if I include others who knew the castle very well.
Where could I find such people, I wonder? Oh wait, there’s some right in front of me.
People who are already familiar with this castle.

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「Good morning.  Take care of me today too」

I gave them a refreshing smile, giving them the impression as if I’m about to go ‘FUHAHAHAHA’.

「Good morning.  You’re as lively as usual, Lefiya-sama」

「Good morning. Lefiya-sama」

「Lefiya-sama is as bright as usual」

I felt great. It’s a good day right, ri~ght?
As one would expect of the relationship of the ones who eat from the same kettle, though we never eat together. They thought similarly.
Even so I really appreciated their honesty.

These royal knights are really honest. Even though they’re the personal guard of Maou-sama, but it’s not the only thing they do.
They also help out with other honorable services due to labor shortages in this castle.
Rather than labor shortages, perhaps the reason why they do so was because they have to protect that strongest Maou-sama, so the number of people was deliberately lessened.

Even though there’s grumbling about the added services duties, such as patrolling inside the castle today, patrolling the basement tomorrow, and being loaned to do patrol duty around the castle, they still did it faithfully..

「Next is patrol duty inside of the castle right. Thank you very much, you must be tired from all of those training right」

「Ah, Yeah.  Thank you for your consideration. …….. To be honest I’m surprised. Even though it’s just a passing conversation, to think that you remembered it」

「Because Maou castle can exist precisely due to the royal guard. So it’s just natural」

Hohoho, my smile is 50% brighter.
A lady. A lady. A lady.
I’m currently a leisurely lady. I force myself to maintain a lady-like smile through self-suggestion.

「You sure have lot of free time huh」

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「Shut up baldy. Oops, dear me, my apologies. It’s just my real thoughts leaking out. Good morning. Adolphus-san」

「……. What did you call me just now」

I got careless and let my true nature surface.
But right now was not the right time to accompany you.
Like hell I want to be treated as someone with lot of spare time by the person who pick a fight every time we meet.
Calling me a leisurely lady.
I have no time to get into a scuffle with you every single time.

「You….. Do you think you’re a saint? 」

He suddenly said that with dumbfounded face.

……… What do you mean by saying that just now.
Did you just eat something wrong?
Who’s the saint, who?
Was that a sarcasm for the boyfriend-less me?

「There’s his majesty on our side and a saint for the human side」

「Do you take me for a fool? In the first place, the one who rivals Maou-sama isn’t the saint, it should be the hero-sama right」

「I heard that the first generation of Maou-sama is beaten by the first generation of saint. It’s the story from 1200 years ago though. Ever hear that story? 」

What the heck? saint-sama is too OP.
Saint-sama defeated a demon king.
Did she beat him in a frontal fight?

「How can I know that? I might know about that story if I go to the holy city, but I wasn’t aware of such a story」

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「Nowadays, it’s the hero who shoulders the job of the saint. There might be various circumstances even in the human kingdom」

「If it’s about Saint-sama, then they do have Saint Marielle-sama. You might think of me as a saint but, that’s impossible. I’m not a saint after all」

「Saint Marielle……… The current saint huh」

You blatantly ignored the last part huh.
Let me open an air hole for your brain.

「Yes. Saint Marielle-sama. Even if the name of my village, Marielle is the same as her. I’m completely unrelated to saint Marielle-sama」

「I see.  I just heard useless piece of information. In the first place, you being a saint might be the biggest joke in history. So it’s better to forget it」

I know that even without you pointing out.
Adolphus is thinking about something with gloomy face.

It seems he’s facing a lot of trouble himself.
Are you worrying about your beloved little sister.

When you’re talking about a lot of nonsense just now, it was because you’re worrying about your little sister condition right. Something did happen right. Uhm.
……… Godspeed.

Adolphus aside, I should talk to the rest of the knights. I have to gather as much information as possible. Even though it was mostly nonsensical rumours, there were also some of them who were crying or lamenting about those rumours and current condition.

I politely listened to the crying type.

I’m repeating the same kind of things for eight hours to each of the six groups.


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You did it. Me.
I collapsed like sack of potatoes on the bed within my own room in the white castle.

With 18 hours of training in one day that I won’t skip, it took me 5 days to collect the necessary information.
My head, legs and arms felt as heavy as lead. So tired. It hurts.

I’m such a fool, well I am indeed.
Why in the heck am I doing something like this.
Nevertheless, I secured the necessary information.

Amongst them was good news in knowing that she wouldn’t be killed right away.
It seems it’s already a well known story that she’s Maou-sama’s trusted retainer who already accompanied Maou-sama even before he raised the revolution.

So hurting her is similar to incur the wrath of Maou-sama. The ones who was taking a residence in Maou’s castle right now, excluding me, are the people who pledge their absolute loyalty to Maou-sama.
So first fact, nobody dares to kill her.

So I can feel relieved that even if she’s taken captive, her treatment wouldn’t be that cruel.

But then, it raised another question.

I’m screening the information while massaging my hands and feet.
In fact, I accomplished the outline of my objective.
Next is in what order I should take the next steps.

I couldn’t just wait for the hostile side to reveal their identity.
I had no choice but to begin with trial and error.
I didn’t want to be too engrossed in this matter nor make too big a fuss over it.

「Shall I stir things up then」

I muttered alone while sinking into my bed.

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