
Chapter 12

Chapter 12 : Lively And Courageous Lady

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The courtyard in early afternoon is empty of people.
I’m currently siting down on a marble bench.

Come to think of it, this is where I got a lap pillow from Reanschild, and it’s been 2 week since then.
I’ve been in Maou’s castle for half month. And became completely familiar with it.

I can feel the gentle breeze that is swaying the foliage on my skin.
It’s spring huh.
The me of last year around this time would never-even in her wildest imagination- Think that she’s going to spend her 17th spring in Maou castle.

I mean I was your normal village girl who you can find everywhere.
Even now, I never consider myself as anything more than a village girl.
Why did things turn out this way?

First, Maou-sama is bad guy. Or so he is supposed to be.
Well, half of him is still a bad guy though.
There’re a lot of people in Maou castle, and they’ve each got their own quirks.

「As the sole human in this place. I’m completely in the dark as to what kind of situation I am in」

「You’re a daughter of a human after all. Maybe you want to be pampered」

A knight who is wearing black armor is coming out from the thicket.
Currently Celazam isn’t by my side.
Well then, should I try to do something that I couldn’t when he’s by my side?

Just like that, I looked at the royal knights.
I’ve gotten used to the armor of royal knights by now.
I’ve no weapon in my hand.

The two royal knights are drawing their dull swords.
The sword blades are showing their majestic luster under the early afternoon sunlight. These subordinates are impressive even when not training.

「You’re late, aren’t you. It was almost the time to go back you know」

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I glared lightly.
I was worried to death whether they’re going to come or not since it’s been more than half of the promised time.

「Well it’s not like we have that much time either. Shall we begin then」

I got up from my bench and went towards the two knights.
I, by no means, am underestimating my opponents.
The current me is barehanded, moreover it’s 2 vs 1.
Anyone would say that the odds are overwhelming against me.
But this is enough for me.

「Your courage should be praised, but we’re your executioners you know. Shouldn’t you be begging for your life by now? 」

「I’m poor at asking for forgiveness. Or, will you spare me if I beg for my life? I might reconsider things if you’ll do that though」

「We won’t. We have no personal grudge against you……….. Not in the slightest, but we can’t stomach the fact that a human is the one who’ll stay by his majesty’s side」

「So you’re going to fix that mistake with this life of mine」

「「Don’t play with words」」


Let me to remind you, I’m not playing with words you know.
My words unintentionally overlapped with his, huh.
If you really want to do it, please do it properly.

The atmosphere calmed down.
The two of them match their breathing and then come to attack me.

A clear horizontal slash.

A nasty stab is waiting for me in the area where I’m going dodge that slashing attack. When I dodge the stab they were aiming for the moment when my balance broke, the other side is already going for my pivot point.


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The offense isn’t stopping even when I barely dodge it.
I took some distance at the same time as they changed their angle of their attack after barely dodging the thrust.

「T-That was close. Yup, it really is different from training. Things get nasty when cooperation is included in the factor」


「I’m just moving like usual」

When I realized, the tip of the blade already right in front of me since they’re moving at the same time to hide each other move. What an excellent discernment.
I barely dodge it by reflex.
But I’m already in this kind of situation just by having them doing joint attacks.
Joint attacks are too terrifying.

Let’s cherish your friend from normal times.

Well then, I don’t think that I could keep dodging their attacks.
I take a deep breath without letting them out of my field of vision.


「OI! ? 」



I wouldn’t miss such an opening and dashed away.
I’ clinged to a nearby person who just happened to be walking by.


That person’s eyes opened wide and then immediately protects her by placing her behind them. This person feels like someone who could make snap decisions and act according to them.
Right after that, that person’s faced against those two who chase me from behind.

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「What are you guys trying to do!」

As expected, I’m getting used to the scolding of Reda-san the head maid.
No one can match the force packed inside her voice.

「che. let’s go」

They retreat once they see Reda-san.
I put up a thumb towards the two of them from behind this reliable back.

Carlile-san, Boze-san. Thank you for your cooperation.
Leave the rest to me.
Boze-san, make sure not to fumble with your words again, okay.

I asked their cooperation in exchange for a certain condition.

I have to leave this this place immediately for my next goal.
I stopped the extremely scary Reda-san from chasing those two by gripping on her clothes.

You can’t do that yet you know, Reda-san.

「T_thank you very much. I don’t know what happened, they just suddenly attacked me. You really saved me there」

「Are you okay? Lefiya-sama. Why are you wandering around in such a place?」

Reda-san supported my trembling shoulders.

「Even lord Barlunt won’t go this far. It must be scary right But it’s okay now. I’ll report those two to Adolphus-sama so that they’ll receive a proper punishment」

Why did Barlunt’s name come out in this matter.
Even when I asked the royal knights, lord Barlunt’s name is the first on the list.

So this means that prime minister Barlunt is trying to kill me.

Speaking of Barlunt, he’s the old man who was shouting loudly at me to chop off my limbs.
I see.  You might say that it might be the case, but for his name to come out this easily made me feel even more uncomfortable.
The mastermind is hidden behind another mastermind.

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Let’s go with that assumption.
That person might be the culprit, or it could be the other person.

Well then, let see who exactly was the one behind all this.

「I’m sorry.   It seems I’m still puzzled by the current situation. Without Celazam and Reanschild around」

「Don’t do anything rash. It’s okay」

「Maybe the comrade of those guys are hiding nearby. They might be hiding somewhere」

Does she bit the bait.?
To be honest, I don’t think that the mastermind is Barlunt. I mean it’s waay too obvious for everyone to see.

Or rather, it’s you right.
The head maid, Reda-san.

I doubted your innocence.
Thus I choose this time and place to move on with my plan.

「If you’re willing to, let me to guide you. Let’s leave this place before another one of them comes」

I just pretended to ponder for a while, but to think that you really took the bait, Reda-san.
Though, it’s natural since your prey is right in front of you, wasn’t it right?
That’s why there’s no way you’re going to miss such a golden chance.

「Thank you very much」

I say my gratitude to her and then follow after her.
But my anxiety was real.
That’s why, thank you very much. For giving me golden chance.
A lady has to be lively and courageous right.

Well then, let me enjoy the journey to the place you’re going to take me to.

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