A long silence fell upon the Yangxin Hall.

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Ye Shu was sitting on his knees on the dragon bed. His heart beating like a drum, he looked out at the figure through a layer of the gauze.

Going a long way around, that surnamed Duan really did send him back, and moreover directly to this tyrant’s bed. He was really screwed this time.

Ye Shu clutched the silk quilt on his body, too deeply afraid for tears.

How did this hell come about? In the book, it was clear Duan Chengzhi had presented a woman. Jin Wang, in addition, didn’t even bother to look at the beauty that was presented to him and directly dragged her out to be flogged.

This plot was different from what he had thought ah???

Ye Shu raised his hand to touch his cheek and found that the disguise on his face had not been removed.

Could it be that this appearance, which he had changed due to a freak combination of circumstances, really attracted Jin Wang’s attention?

If that was the case, then shouldn’t he……act accordingly?

On the other side of the gauze canopy, Jin Wang almost laughed at the man’s determination.

During these seven days, he was not able to catch even a wink of sleep for a single night. The fact that the beauty presented by Duan Chengzhi would actually be him was both abstruse and beyond belief. After his initial shock, what emerged in the bottom of his heart was anger and fear.

This little dummy couldn’t even run away.

If the person who took him was not Duan Chengzhi, but someone else with an ulterior motive, would this man still be alive now?

Sure enough, he shouldn’t be treated too tenderly. 

Thinking so, Jin Wang reached out to open the gauze canopy. Ye Shu also happened to move at this moment.

The two lifted either side of the canopy and suddenly, four eyes met.

A short silence followed.

Ye Shu took the lead to react. A pair of eyes blinked innocently, his voice sounded soft and weak, “Who… Who are you ya?”

Jin Wang, “……”

Ye Shu’s gaze wandered around the hall and then returned to the man in front of him, looking somewhat afraid. “Why am I here?”

Jin Wang, “You……”

Ye Shu looked as if he had finally come to his senses. His complexion instantly turned white, he hugged the silk quilt on his body and shrunk into the bed. “Y-You’re the ruler?! So Lord Duan really sent me here…… I didn’t get to see my mother for the last time.”

Tears trickled down his face, staining it with moisture that would make one feel sorry.

Jin Wang was so stumped by his behaviour that he even forgot what to say. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would never have thought that this man’s dramatic form would come out, narrating a strained interpretation of history.

Acting likewise.

Jin Wang coughed lightly. He instantly collected his expression and said in a gentle voice, “In that case, were you unwilling to enter the palace?”

“……” Ye Shu looked at him cautiously, not daring to answer.

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Jin Wang gently said, “Gu never does things that are against people’s will. If you are unwilling, Gu won’t force you.”

Ye Shu’s eyes lit up. “Then…”

Jin Wang ignored him and turned his head to order, “Drag this man down and flog him to death.”


“No no no, I’m willing, I’m willing!” Ye Shu almost fell off the bed in fright. He clung to the hem of Jin Wang’s clothes and said, “Your Majesty, don’t kill me. I really entered the palace voluntarily!”

Jin Wang had a smile on his face. “Didn’t the official of the Court of Imperial Sacrifices force you to do so?”

Ye Shu repeatedly shook his head. “No, no…”

“But just now you clearly…”

“This subj— ahem… This commoner was momentarily emotional,” Ye Shu gazed at Jin Wang and summoned up his courage to go on with his act. “In fact, it was because I have admired Your Majesty for many years that I volunteered to enter the palace, and I would wish to always be at Your Majesty’s side.”

“You admire Gu?” Jin Wang softly let out a mocking laugh as if he had heard some extremely funny joke. “Don’t all you common folk say that Gu committed patricide,  killed Gu’s own brothers and forcefully waged war; that Gu behaves tyrannically and is an unkind and unjust ruler…… What do you admire about Gu?”

“I……” Ye Shu pondered for a moment, then said earnestly, “The late emperor was unkind. The imperial family excessively indulged in pleasures of life and not only were foreign enemies eyeing the empire covetously like ravenous tigers, the court officials also shielded one another to collude in corruption. What Your Majesty did was to save the people from untold miseries; It was not unkind nor unjust.”

Jin Wang’s expression slightly changed.

“……So you know.” Jin Wang spoke as if with a sigh.


Before Ye Shu could inquire, Jin Wang suddenly caught his wrist and pressed him onto the bed.

A familiar scent then smothered him, making Ye Shu have trouble breathing.

Only at that moment did he discover that those handsome eyes, which were so close, were bloodshot.

There was the sound of the door closing, as the servants in the hall all retreated.

Ye Shu gulped.

This dog emperor wasn’t going to……

Jin Wang condescendingly gazed at him and softly repeated, “You obviously know everything…”

Ye Shu didn’t understand and asked, “What… What do I know?”

Jin Wang said nothing.

His eyes darkened as he swept his fingertips across the side of Ye Shu’s face, causing the man beneath him to tremble slightly with nervousness. 

Ye Shu’s consciousness was heavily clouded these past few days since there had been so many days without contact with Jin Wang’s faith incense. A Kunjun desperately needs their Qianjun’s comfort during pregnancy. Having been drugged, the emptiness of the past few days had not been obvious, but now that the effect of the drugs had subsided, the emptiness returned in a swirl of dust.

This instinctive desire of his body was far more honest than his reason. He moved impatiently and reached out to tug at Jin Wang’s clothes.

“Your Majesty……”

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A Kunjun’s soft, pleading call could almost make people lose their reason, but Jin Wang just looked at him fixedly and said, “Say what you just said to Gu again.” 

Ye Shu paused for a moment and obediently repeated, “What Your Majesty did was to save the people from untold miseries; it was not unkind nor unjust.”

Jin Wang’s palm rested on Ye Shu’s jaw, making the latter look directly at him. “The one before that.”

Ye Shu, “The late emperor was unkind……”

“Wrong. The one before that sentence.”

Ye Shu looked into those sinister eyes and spoke tentatively, “……I have admired Your Majesty for many years so I have volunteered to enter the palace and would wish to always be at Your Majesty’s side?”

Jin Wang smiled. “Good.”

As soon as his voice fell, his fingertips finally felt the edge of the human skin mask and effortlessly peeled it off.

The human skin mask then fell to the ground, and that well-favored and gentle appearance appeared before his eyes.

“……” Ye Shu forced a smile. “Your Majesty, good evening.”

Jin Wang also maintained the curvature of his lips. “Good evening.”

A short silence followed once again.

Ye Shu’s smile faded a little and he promptly looked as if he was about to burst into tears. “……If I say I just went out for a simple stroll that day, would you believe me?”

Jin Wang asked back, “What do you think?”

Of course he wouldn’t believe it. His Majesty the Emperor’s lustfulness might have befuddled his mind, but he was not a fool after all.

Ye Shu, with an agonized appearance, said, “…Then is it too late for me to apologize now?”

Jin Wang remained collected. “What do you think?”

“……” Ye Shu resignedly tilted his head. “Punish me ba.” 

“You do deserve to be punished,” Jin Wang’s voice was quite light but with a chilling, dangerous undertone. “You deceived the emperor. You failed to keep your word. You seized the ancestral ceremony as an opportunity to flee, even at the expense of giving Gu a drug… Every one of these crimes is a capital offense.”

“Ye Shu, how do you think Gu should punish you?”

Ye Shu’s eyelashes trembled and said nothing.

“If you don’t speak up, Gu will decide for you.”

Jin Wang’s eyes held a derisive smile as his hand went down and touched Ye Shu through his clothes.

Ye Shu shuddered all over.

“J-Jin Wang!” Ye Shu’s voice trembled. But he didn’t feel any discomfort, on the contrary it was……very pleasurable.

His body had a kind of unexplained dependence on Jin Wang. He somehow felt irrepressibly comfortable with just a light hold. 

However, Jin Wang simply held still, not making another move.

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Ye Shu’s eyes were red.

“Why are you looking at Gu like that?” Jin Wang asked indifferently. “This is not for your pleasure. Don’t forget, this is your punishment.”


Ye Shu initially didn’t understand why Jin Wang said this was his punishment until the latter started to put his words into action.

The imperial family had always had a rule of sending palace maids to teach the princes about intercourse, but it was said in the book that Jin Wang never cared for those maids and even drove all of them out.

It was also clearly written in the book that this man had no interest in self-indulgence. So why the hell did His Self-Taught Excellence know so many techniques of torture.

Ye Shu was soon tortured by him until he was thoroughly disoriented. In the end, he was reduced to a puppet in the hands of Jin Wang and couldn’t free himself. He had to cry and plead in all sorts of ways and utter soft words.

This was really the most terrible punishment in the world.


Ye Shu, sapped of his energy, sank into the dragon bed as Jin Wang threw the silk handkerchief he used to wipe the filth off the bed away and then likewise lay down.

Ye Shu instinctively recoiled.

Jin Wang couldn’t help but laugh. “So scared?”

Half of Ye Shu’s face was buried inside the quilt, his eyes still slightly red, as if he had been greatly wronged.

“Alright……” The kind of look he had in his eyes always brought forth feelings of remorse. Jin Wang took the man into his arms and said in a low voice, “No more punishment today. Gu will let you off this time.” 

It was infeasible to have intercourse in the first three months of pregnancy, but his Kunjun’s body was in extreme need of soothing; Jin Wang could only use this way. Both to help him be relieved and also serve as a punishment. This was precisely killing two birds with one stone.

Ye Shu’s breathing was unsteady, leaning into his arms while panting slightly.

Jin Wang couldn’t help but tease him. “You couldn’t even bear it just this once. What shall be done in the future? Gu isn’t done with the punishment yet.”

Ye Shu incredulously asked, “There’s more ah?”

Jin Wang raised his eyebrow. “Do you think your crime of absconding can be offset in one go just like that?”

“……” Dog! Em! Pe! Ror!

Exasperated, Ye Shu no longer paid attention to him. Jin Wang pulled over the quilt and covered him up carefully. 

“It’s still early. Sleep a little longer and get up for the evening meal.” Jin Wang said.

Ye Shu was too tired from the torment he had experienced and soon his eyelids drooped, and he vaguely answered, “Okay.”

Jin Wang stroked his hair and let out a low hum. “Now you know what the end result of running away is. Will you still run away in the future?”

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Ye Shu, with eyes closed, faintly said, “……Of course, I will. Why, should I wait for you to bully me?”

Jin Wang’s eyes began to cloud up.

“But it’s not like I can actually run away from you……” Ye Shu’s voice weakened due to his deep drowsiness. “Might as well not run away. I’m so tired.”

That gloomy countenance faded in a flash. Jin Wang took a deep breath, he drew his arms even tighter and turned on his side to lock the other in his embrace.

“Right, you can’t run away from Gu,” Jin Wang gazed down at the young man in his embrace, his fingertips sweeping over his ear, a certain tenderness in his eyes. “Fool, you could never run away. Gu won’t let you.”

The ancestral temple was an unforeseen accident. Jin Wang never made the same mistake twice.

A smile spread across the corners of his mouth. He lowered his head and kissed Ye Shu on his forehead.


Ye Shu slept until midnight when he was woken up by hunger. Ye Shu rubbed his stomach as he sat up and accidentally came across a warm torso beside him. 

Jin Wang was still asleep as Ye Shu looked down at him.

The Yangxin Hall remained unlit, only the watery moonlight through the window shone into the hall.

Jin Wang lay on his side, fast asleep. His handsome face was half hidden in the darkness and half set off in contrast by the moonlight; pale and cold.

His countenance seemed especially worn out.

Ye Shu looked at him, and by curious coincidence, he reached out his hand and softly touched the shadow under Jin Wang’s eyes.

Teen times Jin Wang would be reduced to such a state were few and far in between, including the time when he went through the betrayal of the original owner. Ye Shu had never seen such an exhausted and vulnerable Jin Wang. Being the ruler, he was never supposed to show his vulnerability to the outside world.

Regardless of who it was in front of, or when.

Was he really…so worried about him these days?

Ye Shu had grown up alone without parents by his side. He had learned to treat people kindly and tried to fit in with the community, but his upbringing gave him an innate sense of distrust and alienation towards people. He had had a few friends around him over the years, but still could never trust them with all his heart.

This was the first time he felt that someone in the world cared for him.

Ye Shu’s fingertips slid down and gently poked at the side of Jin Wang’s face.

As a matter of fact, this feeling……was not too bad.

A rumbling sound came from his belly. Ye Shu rubbed his stomach and was about to get up to ask someone to get something to eat when, just as he knelt up, he suddenly heard the sharp clink of chains colliding.

Ye Shu paused, looking along the direction from which the ringing sound came.

Around his slender, fair ankle was a manacle, to which was fastened a fine gold chain.

The manacle was exquisite in texture, lightweight and portable. A layer of soft velvet padded it on the inside, thus it didn’t feel like much when worn. The gold chain was long as well as secure. The other end was hidden into the inner side of the bed, safely fixed in a place where Ye Shu could not see.


You’re playing this big???

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