Ye Shu reached out and tugged at the gold chain on his ankle to ensure that the other end had really been secured.

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Jin Wang’s method of preventing him from running away was really…simple and crude.

A dog would remain a dog.

It was the first time that Ye Shu had encountered this kind of situation. He blankly sat on the bed in a state between laughter and tears.

The gold chain was strewn on the plain silk quilt, one of its ends leading to where Ye Shu’s ankle was encircled, making his ankle seem even fairer and finer, painting it with a somewhat…unspeakable sense of ambiguity.

……It made it seem like something bad was likely to happen.

Ye Shu shuddered at the thought of what had happened before.

Suddenly, a warm torso came up from behind. “Awake?”

A thick voice with a low, hoarse texture suddenly shocked his ear into tingles.

“Do you like the present Gu has given you?” Jin Wang rested his head on Ye Shu’s shoulder and looked at him with a smile in his eyes. “Specially customized just for you.”

Ever since Ye Shu’s escape, he had begun to customize this thing. Seven days wasn’t too long nor was it too short, it was just long enough to produce this gold chain.

“……” Ye Shu forced a smile. “Your Majesty, I won’t run anymore.”

Jin Wang smiled. “Gu doesn’t believe it.”

Ye Shu pathetically approached. “Your Majesty……”

“Are you hungry? Gu will have Gao Jin serve the meals.” Jin Wang expressed his concern.

“Jin Lingyuan!”

“Gu‘s here.”

Ye Shu sighed and helplessly asked, “How long are you going to lock me up?”

“Until you no longer want to leave.” Jin Wang helped Ye Shu stand up, his voice extremely gentle as he said, “This gold chain is long enough for you to move around, but still be careful of tripping when you walk.”

Jin Wang helped Ye Shu put on his shoes and draped him his clothes. “Let’s dine first ba.”

Jin Wang went out and instructed the servants to serve their meals.

Ye Shu had long been feeling famished. He couldn’t be bothered to remain at loggerheads with Jin Wang, he sat down and concentrated on filling his stomach.

He ate like a horse. Jin Wang looked at him from time to time. Finally, when Ye Shu finished six pieces of pastries, two bowls of soup, three bowls of rice, and even reached for another bowl, he couldn’t help but speak up.

“Has Duan Chengzhi not fed you for the past few days?”

Jin Wang’s manner of speaking didn’t sound too well as he inquired, thinking that as long as Ye Shu said yes, he would immediately give the hundred strokes to that surnamed Duan to make up for it.

Ye Shu’s cheeks puffed up as he ate. He blinked innocently and shook his head.

Jin Wang frowned. “He really did mistreat you?”

“No, no…” Ye Shu hurriedly pulled the man and said, “He treated me quite well, really.”

Ye Shu had spent the past few days in a stupor and had only eaten in the intervals between his bouts of lethargy. However, that man hadn’t actually mistreated Ye Shu. He took good care of him the whole time; spoiling him with toothsome meals and tasty drinks, even making him a little plumper.

It was only earlier that, in order to enter the palace, Ye Shu hadn’t had the chance to eat since noon.

Jin Wang was skeptical. As he was pondering over it, Ye Shu swiftly grabbed a piece of a sweet cake and mopped it up without resistance.

……The seventh piece.

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Jin Wang coughed and vaguely advised, “A-Shu, you shouldn’t eat too much.”

“……” Ye Shu looked at the dishes in front of him and then at Jin Wang, somewhat displeased. Locking him up and not letting him out, now he won’t even let him eat?

Duan Chengzhi didn’t even do this to him.

The more Ye Shu thought about it, the angrier he became. He put down his chopsticks and said, “……Hmph.”

“……” Jin Wang held his forehead and said, “Eat, eat.”

Surfeited with meals under his belt, Ye Shu lay on the bed and contentedly rubbed his stomach.

Jin Wang wholly absorbed himself in reviewing memorials under the lamp.


He wanted to do something.

Ye Shu then spoke up, “Jin Wang.”

“What is it?” Jin Wang didn’t even look up as he replied.

“I want to enjoy the moon.”

Jin Wang got up and pushed open the window for Ye Shu, and the cold moonlight shone in.

Ye Shu said, “Is this a place to enjoy the moon? I want to go to the imperial garden for a stroll.”

“……” Jin Wang patiently said, “It’s already haishi.”

“So what?” Ye Shu sat up. “When else can I enjoy the moon if not at night.”

Jin Wang said nothing.

Ye Shu stood up and walked towards Jin Wang without putting on his shoes.

He wasn’t used to being chained by the foot and nearly tripped just as he reached the table. Jin Wang then rushed to catch him.

“You—” Jin Wang had not yet recovered from the fright. “Didn’t I tell you to be careful? What if you fall?”

“Who told you to put this on me? I’m not used to this.”

Ye Shu paused, and added mindlessly, “And if I fall, then I fall. The Yangxin Hall is covered with velvet carpets everywhere anyway. You couldn’t even break a porcelain doll if you threw it ah. Will I break?”


Jin Wang was so angry that he wanted to fight with the man.

But he shouldn’t.

This man shouldn’t be touched at this time. He didn’t have the slightest inkling.

Jin Wang’s anger doubled in intensity.

Jin Wang took a deep breath and curved his lips upward. “But Gu is worried about you falling. To keep Gu from worrying, we might as well shorten the length of the gold chain and let you just stay in bed every day, what do you think?”

Ye Shu stiffened and shook his head repeatedly. “No no no……”

“Didn’t you say you weren’t used to wearing it?” Jin Wang’s tone sounded very considerate.

“I’ll get used to it. I’ll get used to it soon.” Ye Shu was terrified. “No need to shorten it.”

Jin Wang smiled in satisfaction. He took Ye Shu in his embrace and sat down at the table. “If you don’t feel sleepy, you can read these memorials with Gu.”

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“I don’t want to read. I want to enjoy the moon.”

“Go to sleep then.”

“I don’t want to sleep,” Ye Shu hooked Jin Wang’s neck and said in a soft voice, “I just want to go out for a little stroll. Let me go out, Jin Wang-gege.”

Jin Wang’s hand holding the memorial wavered.

Noticing his reaction, Ye Shu laughed inwardly, and his voice became even softer, “Jin Wang-gege, is it really not possible?”

Jin Wang’s ears flushed a slight red. “You… You… Don’t call Gu that.”

“Then what should I call you?” Ye Shu leaned close to his ear and said in a low voice, “I will satisfy you with whatever you want to hear.”

Jin Wang’s ears became even redder.

But Ye Shu refused to let him off and persistently called him “Jin Wang-gege,” getting softer and softer as he continued.

Pushed to his limits, Jin Wang threw him back onto the bed and kissed him resolutely.

Jin Wang let go of him after a few moments.

Ye Shu’s breathing had become unsteady and he didn’t dare to commit any more mischief.

“A-Shu, don’t force me,” Jin Wang said as he looked up at him with hints of lust in his eyes.

Ye Shu couldn’t perceive the fragrance of his own faith incense, but Jin Wang could.

The fragrance of green plums had never entirely dissipated, tantalizing and stirring him into restlessness with no regard for the time nor place.

Had it not been for the child in his womb……

Jin Wang’s eyes darkened, feeling the dejection in his chest. He straightened up and turned his head, not looking at him. “It’s too late now. You can rest first. Gu will take you to enjoy the moon tomorrow a bit earlier than today.”

Seeing that he was going to head out, Ye Shu asked, “Where are you going?”




The next day. The two had already had their lunch when Jin Wang summoned the imperial physician to check on Ye Shu.

Ye Shu sat on the couch and let the physician take his pulse.

After a while, physician Feng spoke, “The young master’s pulse is stable. His body is in harmony with…… Ahem, in short, he’s in good health. Your Majesty can rest assured.”

Ye Shu, “?”

That pause in the middle was too suspicious.

The physician then asked, “Does the young master have any discomforts lately?”

Ye Shu thought for a moment and said, “I do.”

He didn’t know if it was because he had been eating too much recently, but he often felt bloated in his abdomen, as if something was hanging from it. 

Ye Shu informed this matter to the physician, who replied, “This is a normal phenomenon. This subject will prescribe a few medicines for the young master. It will alleviate when taken.”

“Is it related to stomach problems?” Ye Shu asked.

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“……” Physician Feng paused then said, “yes.”

……Again, why pause for so long?

Ye Shu looked at him suspiciously.

Physician Feng turned a blind eye to his gaze and said seriously, “The young master shouldn’t remain seated or lie down for a long time. Walk slowly for at least one hour a day and bask in the sun more often.”

Jin Wang nodded and spoke up, “Alright, Gu will remember.”

The more Ye Shu listened, the more strange he felt. “I just felt some bloating in my abdomen. What does it have to do with basking in the sun?” 

Jin Wang interrupted him, “Listen to the physician.”

Ye Shu, “……Hmph.”

Physician Feng looked at the gold chain tied to Ye Shu’s foot, biting his tongue as his face flashed with an expression that said “this old man can’t make sense of young people’s interests.”

The gold chain, which extended from the headboard to the couch of the outer room, could not have been hidden, and Ye Shu had no intention of hiding it either.

The leg constrained by the gold chain dangled by the bedside, which made the chain rustle with a resounding tinkle.

Jin Wang still wanted to save face and uneasily turned his head. “Does Physician Feng have more to say?”


The news of Ye Shu’s escape wasn’t known to everyone. Physician Feng was naturally unaware of this and only treated it as a special hobby of His Majesty.

But this was really inappropriate for a pregnant one.

Physician Feng weighed his words and said tactfully, “The young master’s body is currently…unfit for intercourse. Can Your Majesty……exercise a little restraint?”

“……” Jin Wang almost choked on his tea and tried to explain, “Gu actually does…” 

Physician Feng cast an odd look towards the hall. The more he thought about it, the more he felt pity for Ye Shu, and said softly, “This subject would be so bold as to say that the young master needs to keep his frame of mind calm and happy. I hope Your Majesty will be considerate.”

Jin Wang didn’t get what he said and asked, “How is Gu not considerate?”

“……” Physician Feng said, “This subject heard that Your Majesty brought the beauty offered by the Official of the Court of Imperial Sacrifices yesterday back to Yangxin Hall. Your Majesty enjoys a happy fate as the man from Qi. This subject dare not dissuade, but Your Majesty should also be considerate to the young master’s feelings, at the very least……”

Physician Feng’s old face flushed and said in a low voice, “At the very least don’t let the two beauties serve Your Majesty together. That would be too…bad.”

Cough, cough, cough

Ye Shu was lying on the couch drinking water when he heard what was said and almost choked to death.

Two beauties serving together???

What happened yesterday had already been spread like this?

He looked in astonishment at Jin Wang, who was equally blank.

This couldn’t be blamed on Physician Feng.

Yesterday, Jin Wang directly took the beauty to Yangxin Hall and didn’t go out all night, thus everyone thought the beauty had already been copulated with His Majesty. In addition to that, Jin Wang had been claiming that the noble consort was still living in the same Yangxin Hall.

If both facts were combined, didn’t it mean that both beauties were copulated with in one night?  

Figuring out the whys and wherefores of this, Jin Wang kept silent for a moment.

Who was enjoying a happy fate as the man from Qi? He hadn’t even touched either of them.

Jin Wang was at a loss and could only kindly agree and have his people send physician Feng off.

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Ye Shu finally couldn’t hold it, rolling on the couch with laughter. “Your Majesty is embracing beauties from pillar to post, enjoying the happy fate as the man from Qi. It really arouses the envy of others hahaha……”

“Ye Qian.” Jin Wang tugged at the gold chain on his foot and shook it menacingly.

Ye Shu immediately stopped.

“Would you like to go to the imperial garden?” Jin Wang asked.

Ye Shu turned over and leaned into the other side of the couch, facing away from him. “No.”

He wasn’t allowed to go yesterday, so he wouldn’t go today.

“……” Jin Wang’s face stiffened. He leaned down to unfasten the gold chain on his foot and asked patiently, “Let’s go wherever you want to go then. Gu will accompany you.”

Ye Shu’s eyes lit up, but he still didn’t look back. “Wherever I want to go?”

“Correct, wherever you want.”

Ye Shu, “I want to go out of the palace.”

Jin Wang fell silent.

Ye Shu stared at him for a moment and then lowered his gaze again in a downcast manner. “If that’s not allowed, then forget it. I’m not going anywhere, just continue to lock me up in here.”

He curled up his legs and huddled on the couch, looking aggrieved.

Physician Feng had just said to keep him in a happy mood. Jin Wang sighed and compromised, “Alright, Gu will accompany you out of the palace.”

In a split second, Ye Shu changed his countenance. He got up and darted into the bedchamber to change his clothes.

……Not even bothering to keep up the act.

Jin Wang felt frustrated.

He originally wanted to keep this man confined in Yangxin Hall, not allowing him to go anywhere so that he could learn his lesson. How come, in just a few words, he had been duped into taking this man out of the palace?

Jin Wang blankly gazed towards the bedchamber, reflecting on when he had spoiled this man to such an extent.

This won’t do. If this continued, he would ride roughshod on Gu‘s head.

He shouldn’t have promised to let him out of the palace. Gu hadn’t even been mollified yet.

Thinking this, Jin Wang got up and walked towards the bedchamber.

He would tell Ye Shu that they were not going out of the palace, and that it was useless no matter how much he cried and begged.

Before he could walk into the bedchamber, he saw Ye Shu striding out, and the two of them almost ran into each other.

Jin Wang subconsciously caught the man and asked, “What is it this time?”

Ye Shu broke free from his embrace and raised his hands smilingly.

He held a human skin mask in his left hand and a white veil in his right. He looked up and smiled at Jin Wang. “Your Majesty is leaving the palace today. Do you want the noble consort to accompany you, or the new beauty?”

Jin Wang was dazzled by his smile and suddenly forgot what he was about to say, lost in thought as he replied, “Any…Anything is fine.”



Jin Wang: Gu can have 3p by marrying only one wife. You all don’t understand this happiness.

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