Yu Yan, the noble prince of Great Yan, froze for a moment suddenly hearing that cold voice behind him, and then turned back unhurriedly to face the newcomer and saluted, “Greetings, Your Majesty.”

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Jin Wang slowly stalked up to them and asked, “What are you two talking about?”

Yu Yan remained composed. “The noble consort merely reminded me of an old friend, I couldn’t help but want to exchange a few words.”

“Old friend?”

Jin Wang narrowed his eyes slightly as he cast an inquiring look up at Ye Shu on the imperial palanquin.

“I don’t know him,” Ye Shu said with certainty. “He’s confusing me with someone else.”

Yu Yan, “……”

Yu Yan’s gaze swept back and forth over the two and then heaved a sigh, “Well…then, I’ll think of it as a mistaken identity. I’ll take my leave first.”

Saying that, he looked at Ye Shu rather regretfully.

Ye Shu, “……”

Yu Yan turned to leave. Jin Wang withdrew his gaze before it fell on Ye Shu once again.

Ye Shu constrainedly smiled at him.

Are all these emperors from the same family of dogs, giving him a rough time on the first meeting?!

The imperial palanquin slowly headed to the palace. Ye Shu was wrapped in Jin Wang’s embrace, his head bowed sheepishly.

His hunch was right.

There was really nothing good about this second prince of Great Yan coming here.

In the book, there hadn’t been any contact between the original owner and Yu Yan, but earlier, the latter spoke of the original owner’s alias before him, which proved that there had indeed been correspondence between them.

The original owner being hand in glove with Yu Yan…was it also to plot rebellion?

If so, the purpose of this man coming to Chang Lu……

Ye Shu tried to remember, but couldn’t for the life of him recall any details of the original owner’s contact with Yu Yan.

He was so disturbed by his thoughts that he didn’t notice Jin Wang’s hand come up and stroke his earlobe dangerously.

“What are you thinking about?” Jin Wang asked.

Ye Shu snapped out of it and looked up to meet Jin Wang’s gaze, then hastily averted his eyes. “N-Nothing.”

Jin Wang played with Ye Shu’s earlobe, his fingertips sweeping over the tiny mole behind his ear from time to time, and said unperturbed, “Yu Yan said he reminded you of an old friend.”

“……” Ye Shu replied, “He’s confusing me with someone else.”

Jin Wang hummed ambiguously, his voice remained smooth and unperturbed, “Since my beloved consort and he have never met, then could his acquaintance be…Minister Ye?”

Ye Shu’s heart skipped a beat.

Jin Wang was horribly perceptive in this matter.

Ye Shu feigned composure. “I……I don’t even know him, certainly, neither does Minister Ye.”

His expression remained composed, but in his heart, he had already cursed the second prince of Great Yan to death.

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Yu Yan, that asshat, he had such a hard time cajoling Jin Wang not to look into the previous assassination further, yet now here he was, actually adding to the drama. This man beside him would go delulu again.

True to form, this alibi apparently didn’t manage to convince Jin Wang.

But he didn’t ask anything else and only pinched Ye Shu’s nape indifferently.

Ye Shu, like a chastised cat, curled up in Jin Wang’s embrace, not daring to move.

Ye Shu soon couldn’t stand it and cautiously pleaded, “Your Majesty……”

Jin Wang sighed and raised Ye Shu’s jaw, forcing him to look directly into his eyes. “A-Shu, Gu doesn’t like it when you lie.”

Jin Wang drank a lot at the state banquet earlier; his eyes were far less clear and bright than before and he was close enough to be able to smell the light scent of alcohol on him.

Ye Shu was actually innocent.

He really didn’t want to lie, but he really didn’t know why the original owner would correspond with Yu Yan either.

His memories were patchy after he transmigrated. What could he do about it???

The two stared at each other in silence. The atmosphere inside the imperial palanquin was still and heavy.

They finally reached the palace.

A servant pulled up the curtain to help the two off.

Ye Shu was having a hard time staying inside and got up to leave, only to be pulled back by Jin Wang, who picked him up, jumped out the palanquin, and strode towards the bedchamber.

Seeing how the land lay, none of the servants dared to follow.

Jin Wang placed the other on the dragon couch and then leaned over him.

Yangxin Hall was brightly lit.

Jin Wang towered above as he gazed down at Ye Shu.

Ye Shu rarely wore dark clothing in front of Jin Wang. His collar lined with dark red set off his extremely fair skin, and the black robe smoothly cinched his waist, outlining his slim figure.

“One last chance,” Jin Wang said in a warm voice.

Ye Shu turned his head to the side and firmly said, “……I don’t know him.”

Jin Wang undid Ye Shu’s clothing.

Ye Shu closed his eyes and trembled slightly, yet he didn’t resist at all.

His Majesty the monarch was always sensitive and waspish. Having provoked him, he was afraid he wouldn’t be let off easy tonight.

Count him unlucky.

Damn Yu Yan.

The cumbersome court dress has been stripped off of him. Not knowing how this man would do him, Ye Shu nervously pursed his lips tightly.

But Jin Wang slowed down until he made no further action.

Moments later, Jin Wang straightened up.

The oppressive feeling imposed on Ye Shu’s body disappeared, and Ye Shu looked up to see the latter conveniently hang aside the court dress that had just been taken off.

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Then, he lowered his head and kissed Ye Shu very lightly on the side of his face, merely brushing his skin. “Rest early. Gu will take a bath.”

“You—” Without waiting for Ye Shu to continue, Jin Wang turned around and left the bedchamber.

Not even forgetting to put out the lamps in the hall before he left.

Ye Shu slept in fear of light.



A stream of warm water disembogued into the bath from the tap above. Jin Wang was leaning against the wall of the white jade carved pool with his eyes closed in repose.

When the servant finished reporting from the side, Jin Wang then opened his eyes. “That was all they talked about?”

“Yes.” The servant answered in a low voice while kneeling by the bath.

“……You can go.”

The servant withdrew from the bath and Jin Wang then let out a light mocking laugh.

From the way Yu Yan looked at Ye Shu at the banquet, to the brief exchange between the two outside the Taiji hall, his intuition told him that there certainly had to be some kind of connection between them.

Now he was more certain.

Qi Xuan…… Ye Shu’s sealed secret letters to Western Xia were also signed with this name.

What was this guy up to now? Thinking of assassinating him yet again?

Actually, it wasn’t at all difficult for Jin Wang to find the truth.

He knew Ye Shu well enough to know what to do to make him suffer and compel him to tell the truth.

But when he saw the way Ye Shu was trembling with fear, he suddenly couldn’t do it.

It was like this every time. The man wouldn’t say a word, but he would be the one to turn soft hearted instead.

……He was trying his best to treat him well.


By the time Jin Wang returned to the bedchamber, there was no longer any sound inside.

A sliver of moonlight spilled through the window to the floor, outlining the shadow of the young man lying peacefully on the bed.

Jin Wang lay down on the bed and subconsciously tried to take the man into his embrace.

The next moment, a certain hard object pressed upon Jin Wang’s heart.

Jin Wang instinctively sensed the danger. He looked up to see Ye Shu’s eyes, bright and clear in the moonlight, without the slightest trace of sleepiness.

“Don’t move,” Ye Shu raised his hand and pushed the object in his hand a bit forward.

From the dim outline, Jin Wang could see that it was a dagger.

A glimmer of gloom flashed across Jin Wang’s eyes.

He really did want to kill him.

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“You can’t fend it off this time,” Ye Shu had one hand held Jin Wang’s shoulder, and his voice was strangely relaxed.

“If you had stabbed Gu directly, then perhaps Gu really wouldn’t have been able to fend it off,” Jin Wang’s heart sank slowly, and he smiled coldly. “You shouldn’t give Gu the time to react.”

Ye Shu suddenly realized. “Oh that’s how it should be done.”

Ye Shu hadn’t learned martial arts. If he had stabbed him directly just now, with how unprepared Jin Wang was, he might really have been able to succeed.

But that wasn’t possible anymore.

If Jin Wang was prepared, he could always wring off his hand at any moment before the dagger even penetrated his skin.

Ye Shu had no room for resistance.

The two were locked in a silent stalemate, and after a short while, Ye Shu suddenly released his hold and threw the object voluntarily on the bed.

The object just happened to fall under the moonlight, and Jin Wang then saw clearly that it was merely a scabbard.

What was the meaning of this?

Jin Wang vaguely understood something and turned his head to inquire, when Ye Shu suddenly raised his hands to hook them around his neck and nestled up against him. “I just wanted to let you know, if I really wanted to kill you, there’s no need at all to resort to a foreign prince.”

They were both so intimate that nothing could come between them; they even slept together every night. If Ye Shu really intended to kill him, he had countless ways to let Jin Wang die unnoticed.

He didn’t have to go a thousand li away to find a foreign prince to come to the capital to conspire an assassination.

Jin Wang’s expression remained cold. “Even if you can kill Gu, you can’t, however, escape the imperial city without outside help.”


Makes so much sense.

You emperors in general just think too much.

Ye Shu sighed and made up his mind not to beat around the bush.

He looked up to kiss the corner of Jin Wang’s lips, and he said with a soft voice, “I’m really not thinking of rebelling against you, believe me for once, alright?”

“Then Yu Yan…”

Ye Shu said displeased, “Can you stop mentioning him, I’m trying to coax you!”

I’m trying to coax you.

These words struck Jin Wang’s heart without warning and left it ringing.

Jin Wang opened his mouth, but couldn’t say a word.

Ye Shu gazed into his eyes and said seriously, “You asked me before what it would take for me to believe you. Now, I also want to ask you the same thing.”

“Jin Wang, I don’t want us to be suspicious of each other anymore. Such a thing is quite tiring.”

“You have secrets you’re keeping from me, and there are things I can’t tell you for the time being as well, but I never ever have the intention of harming you.”

He knew what Jin Wang was afraid of.

Colluding with foreign enemies was the crux of the matter in Jin Wang’s heart.

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Just because this man didn’t further pursue the case of the assassination, it didn’t mean he didn’t care about his betrayal at all.

On the contrary, he was actually very concerned.

And even then, he didn’t do any harm to him.

He gave all his tenderness, consideration, and concessions to Ye Shu.

Ye Shu could see that clearly.

Therefore, today, he wanted to give something back to him.

Ye Shu leaned up and kissed him again, then slowly slid his hand down.

Jin Wang’s breathing stalled and then he grabbed the other man’s hand. “Don’t…”

“I’ve long known that it’s no use talking to you this much. Better to practically do something about it,” Ye Shu sat on his knees in front of Jin Wang, looked up and smiled at him, with eyes clear and bright. “This time it’s voluntary.”

On a beautiful night in the moonlight, layers of gauze canopy covered up the ambiguous sounds.



After a long time, Ye Shu slumped, exhausted, in Jin Wang’s arms and indignantly remarked, “Next time if you want to take this long, you’ll have to take care of it yourself.”

Jin Wang, “……”

Could he be blamed for this?

Jin Wang held the man in his embrace and softly kissed his temple.

Ye Shu asked in a low voice, “You’re not angry anymore?”

Jin Wang didn’t answer.

Ye Shu looked up and glared at him. “I’ve coaxed you this way and you’re still angry?”

“Not angry,” Jin Wang put his arms around him and sighed, “There’s really nothing Gu can do about you.”

Jin Wang just couldn’t get angry ever since Ye Shu kissed him.

That’s how principled His Majesty the monarch was.

The man in his embrace gradually quieted down. Jin Wang suddenly asked, “Are you coaxing me because you’re worried that I’ll take offense and then torment you?”

“Correct,” Ye Shu leaned against him drowsily, and with weariness in his voice, “You’re such a petty man. If you’re angry all the time, wouldn’t it be me who suffers?”

Jin Wang chuckled and was about to answer, but heard Ye Shu added, “But there’s another reason.”

“What is it?”

Ye Shu rubbed against Jin Wang’s arms like a little beast, then found a comfortable position, and closed his eyes contentedly. “I don’t want to see you being upset.”

I don’t want to see you being upset.

So I’m willing to coax you.

It’s as simple as that.

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