Ye Shu showing up at the state banquet gave rise to much discussion in the court above and the masses below for several days in succession.

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The noble consort looked exactly the same as the deceased Minister Ye. The implication contained in this was really subtle.

Moreover, come to think of it, the auspicious timing of His Majesty’s decree to marry the noble consort was exactly around the execution of Minister Ye.

There must be no sheer coincidence between the two circumstances.

There were a multiplicity of views on the subject, but much to Ye Shu’s surprise, no one suspected that the noble consort was the actual Minister Ye.

Once in a while, there were one or two voices that did so, but were quickly dismissed by the crowd.

Towards this, Jin Wang wasn’t at all surprised.

This was what he said, “What would they rather believe, that you rose from the dead, or that Gu used a trick to cross the sea and save the life of a traitor who had plotted an assassination?”

No one would dare to believe one or the other.

The theory about rising from the dead was totally absurd. As for the latter, that would be like suspecting His Majesty of lying, who would be so bold to say so?

Needless to say, it was more likely that the officials were all unwilling to believe that the noble consort, who was being extremely lovey-dovey with His Majesty at the state banquet, was the same man as Minister Ye, who was once the most influential man in the capital and moreover had been at odds with His Majesty for many years.

If it was two months ago, Jin Wang himself wouldn’t dare to believe it.

“It seems that I am doomed to only be a stand-in.” Ye Shu heaved a long sigh after hearing out Jin Wang’s analysis.

Jin Wang led him to walk in the snow, smiling as he said, “If you’re willing to let Gu reinstate your identity, there certainly is a way to do it.”

In the face of the speculation in the court, Jin Wang let matters take their course, not stopping them nor offering an explanation.

It was all just to wait for Ye Shu’s decision.

Whatever he wanted and however he wanted it, Jin Wang had a way to attain it.

“Better not,” Ye Shu shook his head. “It’s pretty good the way it is now.”

Once his identity was reinstated, the original owner’s actions would be impossible to justify, rather than the way it is now where things are more at ease.

“It’s all up to you,” Jin Wang paused, then added, “Gu had wanted to let all the officials meet the future Empress. To be stirred up by someone like this, nobody would care anymore.”

Chang Lu was extremely mindful about the norms of etiquette. However, on that night the noble consort attended the state banquet dressed and adorned according to the etiquette of the emperor’s official wife, which actually didn’t arouse any discussion among the officials of the court.

Jin Wang suspected that they didn’t even bother paying attention to what Ye Shu wore that night.

His Majesty the monarch couldn’t help but feel some remorse as his desire to show off went completely unfulfilled.

Ye Shu, perceiving through his thoughts, raised his head close to Jin Wang’s ear and said softly, “Who cares whether or not other people saw it; I wore it for you to see, isn’t that enough?”


Jin Wang didn’t know what to think, and his ears immediately flushed red.

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His Majesty the monarch was apparently quite innocent in certain aspects.

Ye Shu ran away after teasing him, giggling with delight.

The two arrived at the wayside pavilion, and Jin Wang asked, “Tired? Want to go in and rest for a while?”

Ye Shu agreed, and Jin Wang led him in. Servants soon came forward and laid soft cushions on the stone benches, hung bamboo curtains around the pavilion to shelter them from the wind, and placed a charcoal brazier in front of them along with some refreshments.

There was also a bowl of hot soup simmering on a slow fire.

——He was told it was a nourishing medicinal soup specially concocted by the imperial physician, which was good for Ye Shu’s health.

Jin Wang pulled Ye Shu to sit down.

Ye Shu asked, “How does Your Majesty have so much time to accompany me today, aren’t you going to deal with state affairs?”

Jin Wang filled a bowl of soup and put it in front of him, and said calmly, “I have left everything to the Court of State Ceremonies to deal with.”

The Great Yan came to Chang Lu to negotiate a truce, the details of which couldn’t be determined in just a day or two.

Discussing the details though, didn’t require the monarch to participate personally.

And Jin Wang had already finalized the requirements on Chang Lu’s side with the Court of State Ceremonies as early as before the envoy came. Thus, after the envoy’s arrival, Jin Wang was conversely at leisure.

Ye Shu replied with an “oh” as he stirred the soup and didn’t speak again.

Jin Wang had been observing him closely these few days, and Ye Shu discovered that he simply didn’t have the opportunity to pull anything else.

——For instance, go to Huitong Building to ask Yu Yan what the original owner contacted him about and what he came to Chang Lu for.


Snow started to fall in no time, but the wind and snow were all blocked by the bamboo curtains, and with the heat of the charcoal brazier inside, it didn’t feel the least bit cold.

Ye Shu had just drank two sips of soup when a servant’s voice rang out from outside the pavilion.

“His Majesty and the noble consort are inside. People with no business shouldn’t come near.”

“It turns out His Majesty and the noble consort are here. This humble one is named Yu Yan, I’ve come here to visit the garden. I wonder if I can come in to take shelter from the snow?”

Ye Shu was stumped.

Why does this guy keep bringing him trouble?

He had coaxed Jin Wang not to get angry with much difficulty, but that didn’t mean that this man beside him was freed of all hard feelings towards Yu Yan.

With Jin Wang’s temper, it was already a great boon that he didn’t put anyone to death without looking left or right.

Let alone bothering them when they’re spending their time by themselves, is he seeking a slow death?

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If he continued to look for trouble, forget about returning to avenge himself, he probably wouldn’t even be able to get out of Chang Lu.

Ye Shu cursed silently in his heart.

Jin Wang remained calm as he tilted his head to look at Ye Shu. “Does my beloved consort want him to come in?”

Another proposition from hell.

Ye Shu put down the bowl of soup and said casually, “As Your Majesty wishes.”

Jin Wang chuckled and let him go. 

He was the envoy of Great Yan and a prince of a foreign state. He shouldn’t be left out in the snow.

It wouldn’t conform to etiquette.

The bamboo curtains were pulled open by the servants, and Yu Yan walked in together with an ink-clad imperial guard.

The guard was tall, with light eyes and deep, handsome features, having somewhat a foreign beauty.

Even Ye Shu couldn’t help but take a few glances.

Jin Wang cleared his throat.

Ye Shu hurriedly withdrew his gaze, straightened his clothes, and sat upright.

Yu Yan bowed to the two of them and said warmly, “I was just visiting the garden to enjoy the scenery, I didn’t expect it to snow all of a sudden. I didn’t disturb you two, did I?”

Jin Wang let out a low hum and ignored him.

The servants closed the bamboo curtains and withdrew from the pavilion, and Yu Yan casually went to sit down directly opposite the two.

The atmosphere inside was momentarily stagnant.

Jin Wang, as though oblivious, tilted his head to Ye Shu and said, “Hurry, have a drink of the soup. It’ll get cold soon.”

Ye Shu, with a bitter expression, said, “I’m not drinking it anymore.”

It wasn’t that he wouldn’t drink it, but the soup had herbs mixed in it which made the taste bitter, and that Ye Shu wasn’t fond of.

Jin Wang softly spoke as he coaxed, “Come on, be good, the imperial physician said you’re in poor physique, you must drink a bowl of this after each day’s meal. Eat some pastries after drinking, it won’t be bitter then.”


“Or do you want Gu to feed you?” Jin Wang leaned closer and quietly added, “Mouth to mouth is also fine.”

Yu Yan, “……”

Was he invisible???

Ye Shu, of course, didn’t let Jin Wang feed him. Gritting his teeth, he finished the medicinal soup in two or three mouthfuls.

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Jin Wang poured water for him to rinse his mouth and then picked up a soft piece of sweet cake from the plate and fed it to him.

Upon seeing this, Yu Yan felt the roots of his teeth turn sour.

After feeding Ye Shu two pieces, Jin Wang then said, “Gu already ordered everybody else to withdraw.”

Ye Shu, “?”

Ye Shu only just noticed that the servants had already withdrawn a few feet away outside. Snowflakes were flying in the air, forming a natural barrier outside the pavilion.

This way, they could speak here without anyone hearing.

Yu Yan smiled faintly. “I thought Your Majesty had forgotten about my existence.”

Jin Wang ignored him and asked Ye Shu with a tilt of his head, “What else would you like to eat?”

“……” Yu Yan gritted his teeth and said coldly, “This is my personal guard, he is trustworthy.”

Jin Wang responded noncommittally.

Ye Shu finally came back to his senses. “You two made an appointment to meet here?”

Jin Wang replied, “It was Gu who passed on a message for the second prince to come.”

“Let’s not beat about the bush ba,” Yu Yan looked at Ye Shu and said, “So you’re the Minister Ye. Although you and I have never met before, I have seen your portrait.”

Ye Shu said nothing.

Since their first meeting, he actually felt that Yu Yan’s attitude towards the original owner was quite strange.

It was a serious crime to contact foreign dignitaries in private. Yu Yan shouldn’t be so undisguised and express directly in front of Jin Wang that they knew each other.

It would be even more stupid if the original owner had really collaborated with him to seek rebellion.

Yu Yan shouldn’t be so dumb.


Before Ye Shu could discern more of the situation, Jin Wang took the lead in saying, “Perhaps it’s not appropriate for the second prince to speak to Gu’s consort in this way in front of Gu. It’s better for the second prince to explain his intentions first.”

Yu Yan’s eyes swept back and forth in front of them and then nodded, “May as well.”

He took out a sealed secret letter from his bosom and pushed it in front of Jin Wang. “This is part of the border defense map of the Great Yan. Consider it a gift from me to Your Majesty.”

Jin Wang’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Yu Yan stood up and said, “This humble one is sincere. Minister Ye and Your Majesty should be at ease with me ba?”

Jin Wang unfolded the secret letter, scanned it roughly, and asked, “What does the second prince mean by this?”

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“You have not yet informed His Majesty of the matter?” Yu Yan looked at Ye Shu, caught the latter’s innocent eyes, and became silent for a while. “No wonder…”

Yu Yan explained, “I have been in secret contact with Minister Ye for several years. Three years ago, Minister Ye passed a message to me, telling me to keep a low profile and wait for the right time.”

“He told me that in the future, the Great Yan would send an envoy to Chang Lu. Minister Ye promised that if I find a way to come to the capital as an envoy and reach a cooperation with His Majesty, His Majesty would surely help me get revenge and ascend to the imperial throne.”

“Just didn’t expect that…”

Yu Yan coughed lightly. “Didn’t expect that by the time I arrived at Chang Lu, Minister Ye would have already left the position of prime minister and become the……noble consort.”

Then, he gave the two of them a ‘don’t quite understand the affair between you two’ look.

Yu Yan recounted the matters in a casual manner, while Ye Shu was in a huge shock.

The original owner contacted Yu Yan, not to seek rebellion at all, but rather to persuade Yu Yan to cooperate with Jin Wang.

Jin Wang may not immediately understand the significance of this act, but in the future, Yu Yan would have a vital role to play in Jin Wang’s conquest of Great Yan. 

The original owner had contacted Yu Yan several years ago, at a time when Jin Wang had not even ascended to the throne, and Yu Yan was still a nondescript prince in the imperial palace of Great Yan.

How could he calculate that the Great Yan would send envoys to Chang Lu and how could he be so sure that Jin Wang would certainly help Yu Yan?


——“A-Yuan will be the emperor in the future…… As a ruler, you ought to be strong yourself in order to make your state strong…”

——“There is a vacant position for the left prime minister pending in the court. Is Your Majesty willing to bestow it to me?”

——“I have to help my ruler unify the whole state ah.”

The words that the original owner had said were still fresh in his mind. A bizarre idea suddenly surfaced in Ye Shu’s heart.

He felt that…the original owner seemed to be able to foretell the future.

Or rather he found out about what was going to happen in this world from somewhere, it was like….how he himself had read the book.

But if that was the case, why would the original owner, who had helped pave the way for Jin Wang three years ago, decided then to assassinate him?

What exactly happened in those three years?

Ye Shu’s thoughts were momentarily distracted, unable to make sense of the clues. Jin Wang and Yu Yan kept talking, yet he didn’t hear a word.

Yu Yan soon left the pavilion with his guard, leaving Ye Shu and Jin Wang behind.

Jin Wang held Ye Shu’s arm down to his cold fingers and asked softly, “Is this the secret you’ve been keeping from me?”


(Little theater)

Yu Yan: I wanted to push the plot forward and offer my role for assistance, but I got to eat dog food instead. Do tool people have no human rights???

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