Perhaps it was the excessive shock he had received throughout the day, or perhaps it was the fact that he had just woken up and was yet to be clear-headed, Ye Shu’s mind went blank, and only after a long pause did he dryly smile and let out the stifled words, “Y-Y-You count pretty well.”

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Jin Wang, “……”

Ye Shu, “……”

What’s he talking about!

Jin Wang had always been narrow minded. When he had just ascended the throne, the imperial court was unstable. Some courtiers talked behind his back about how the monarch was unable to distinguish between his people. Afterwards, Jin Wang, in the presence of all, cut off their tongues and fed them to the dogs.

He swore so many times…… Ye Shu only felt his tongue go numb, and as if he was about to cry, said, “……I’m sorry.”

Jin Wang, however, laughed.

He gently slid his fingertips over the side of Ye Shu’s face and gave it a playful squeeze. “You should indeed be punished.”

“What’s the punishment for you…” he straightened up and said slowly, “It just so happens that Gu was indecisive about a few things when dealing with state affairs. Minister Ye might as well give Gu some ideas?”

Ye Shu was unaware of what tricks he was playing again, and hesitantly responded, “T-This subject wouldn’t dare…”

“Why not?” Jin Wang raised his eyebrows. “After Gu ascended the throne, didn’t Gu always discuss state issues with Minister Ye whenever Gu encountered them? When Gu was busy, even the folding memorials were reviewed by Minister Ye on Gu’s behalf, why wouldn’t you dare now?”

Ye Shu was stumped.

The original owner didn’t have many scenes in the book, except for the opening scene where he was executed by Jin Wang. The majority of the scenes were memories of his combined past with Jin Wang.

He never knew that Jin Wang had trusted the original owner to such an extent.

No wonder Jin Wang was so angry after learning of his betrayal.

Ye Shu gazed at Jin Wang’s profile, his heart faintly filled with some other emotions.

More than calling it anger, even saying he was simply sad wouldn’t cut it.

He was actually…deeply pained.

Jin Wang, not knowing what he was thinking about, got up and walked over to the table, beckoning to Ye Shu. “Come here.”

Ye Shu then went over.

The table was only equipped with one chair, Jin Wang sat on it thus Ye Shu naturally stood beside him.

“How will you be able to see it from there?” Jin Wang idly leaned back in his chair and lowered his jaw a bit. “Come sit.”

Ye Shu, “……”

Sit where? On his lap?

Ye Shu gritted his teeth. “There’s no harm, it’s okay, I’ll just stand.”

Jin Wang, calm and composed, asked, “Minister Ye wants to defy the decree?”

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Fancy that he just took pity on him. This man is truly a sicko!

Ye Shu was so pissed that his ears turned red, yet he didn’t dare to disobey and stiffly sat on Jin Wang’s lap.

Jin Wang wrapped his arms around him and held him tight.

Ye Shu’s body stiffened a bit more, Jin Wang only chuckled and said, “Wrapping Gu up so tightly last night but refusing to do so today. Minister Ye’s temper…really eludes Gu.”

Who the hell is the elusive one?!

This posture was too close. Ye Shu’s back was pressed against the other party’s chest, feeling the other party’s breath on his nape, burning the flesh there to a crisp.

However, it was…not uncomfortable at all.

Instead, his body seemed to enjoy the feeling so much that it itched to get closer and be held tighter.

This feeling made Ye Shu uneasy, his teeth trembling so much that he almost bit his tongue. “Isn’t Your Majesty going to discuss state affairs?”

“Right,” Jin Wang wrapped his one hand tightly around him and took two sealed letters on the table with the other. “Gu has prepared two written edicts. Minister Ye, help Gu take a look. Is there anything inapt in them?”

Ye Shu couldn’t wait to finish this matter as soon as possible and promptly picked the first edict, looking it over.

The written character in this world was close to seal script, but Ye Shu had no difficulty in reading it.

He soon read the first one, but was somewhat appalled. “Your Majesty wants…wants to take a concubine?”

Jin Wang nodded. “Yes.”

The ancients got married early. Ordinary people at Jin Wang’s age would have had children already. Besides, Jin Wang was born in the imperial household, and even if it wasn’t a harem of three thousand beauties, there should still have been three wives and four concubines.

But ever since Jin Wang’s ascension to the throne, there had not been a single imperial concubine in his harem.

Furthermore, it was also said that Jin Wang was extremely averse to having this matter mentioned in front of him. From the time he ascended the throne until now, none of the courtiers who dared to persuade him to take a concubine had a happy ending.

Why does he suddenly want to take a concubine now?

In addition…… What’s there to discuss with him about this?

Ye Shu couldn’t make out Jin Wang’s thoughts, thus he didn’t dare to respond rashly.

Jin Wang didn’t urge him either, his palm slowly crept down to Ye Shu’s waist. 

Ye Shu was only wearing thin inner clothing, his slim and taut waist underneath it feeling excellent to the touch. The body in Jin Wang’s arms was taut due to tension, trembling at a touch. Jin Wang himself was having the time of his life.

Ye Shu couldn’t stand him being like this and summoned up his courage to say, “Y-Your Majesty’s move is for the sake of maintaining the imperial family’s bloodline and moreover to ensure the state has successors. This… This subject has nothing to say.”

“Wrong,” Jin Wang leaned close to his ear, his voice seemingly smiling. “Not for the bloodline nor for the state.”

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Then there was someone in his heart.

Ye Shu’s heart flashed with an unexplained displeasure.

Before he could ask more, Jin Wang pointed to the other edict on the table. “Look at this one.”

Ye Shu flipped the edict open.

It was an…execution order.

Ye Shu, the left prime minister, plotted a regicide and rebellion. With irrefutable evidence, the execution shall be carried out on this very day with the death of a thousand cuts in accordance with the law.

Ye Shu’s hand shook and the edict fell onto the table

Jin Wang covered his cold fingers. “What’s the matter?”

Ye Shu curled up his fingertips and asked in a low voice, “Is Your Majesty going to kill me?”

“What do you think?”

“I think……” Ye Shu hesitated for a moment and then said tentatively, “I think Your Majesty doesn’t want to kill me.”

Jin Wang didn’t comment, Ye Shu but pursed his lips and continued, “Your Majesty is the ruler of the state. Life and death are not just a matter of thought. If Your Majesty wants to do something, he doesn’t have to make so many detours.”

If he really wanted to kill him, Jin Wang has had countless opportunities today.

By putting this execution order before him, it is clear that he wants to discuss conditions.

Ye Shu lowered his eyes, trying his best to appear natural. “What does Your Majesty want to do to keep this subject’s life?”

The original owner was directly executed in the book and never encountered any of these.

Although he had no idea why the plot was somewhat inconsistent, Jin Wang was willing to keep him mostly because he still had use for him.

In a flash, Ye Shu’s mind had already made a list of all the people who had rebellious thoughts and intentions to rebel inside and outside the court.

If it wasn’t enough, he could even name the armament situation of the Great Yan and the Western Xia, and the battle tactics of both states.

Using the most confidential information to save one’s life. That’s how it always goes in a book of scheming.

However, Jin Wang simply said calmly, “I’ve clearly told you the conditions.”

Ye Shu was befuddled. “…Ah?

Jin Wang explained, “Gu was assassinated on a hunting trip in Qiuwei. This matter must be settled. The left prime minister is the major suspect in the assassination case and should be severely punished. The left prime minister cannot stay, but you… Gu is willing to let you live.”

“But if you want to live, you can no longer continue to be the left prime minister, nor can you show yourself as Ye Shu.”

“If you’re willing to change your identity…” Jin Wang trailed off and tapped on the first edict.

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Ye Shu’s line of sight followed Jin Wang’s hand down and instantly understood Jin Wang’s intention.

“You want to take me as your concubine?!”

Jin Wang smiled. “Correct.”

Ye Shu, “……”

Is this man on the wrong medication?

Jin Wang asked, “Is my beloved minister unwilling?”

“It’s not a matter of willingness or unwillingness…” Ye Shu was incredulous and looked a little dazed. “…Why this ah?”

Jin Wang calmly said, “Gu’s harem is empty. This is not ideal for the long run. Gu needs someone to fill the harem to shut the world’s preposterous mouth.”

Ye Shu gave him a ‘keep making it up as you go along’ look.

“There is, of course, another explanation,” Jin Wang smiled and roughly caressed Ye Shu’s waist with his palm. “Maybe it’s because…Minister Ye’s body gave Gu a taste of the marrow and now Gu can’t bear to kill it.”

Ye Shu had goosebumps all of a sudden.

D-D-Did this dog emperor take a fancy to him?

“Your…Your Majesty….”

Jin Wang looked down and said in an insipid tone, “The imperial guards are standing guard just outside the palace gates, whether to let them take away this edict and take someone from death row to die in your place, or let them take you along with them to prison. Minister Ye, can you help Gu decide?”

Ye Shu decisively said, “I choose the first!”

Jin Wang smiled in satisfaction. “Very well.”

Jin Wang immediately summoned Gao Jin who was standing guard outside the door.

Gao Jin then came in and Jin Wang explained his arrangements to him step by step.

The entire time, Jin Wang held Ye Shu tightly in his arms and didn’t let him go.

Ye Shu struggled to no avail, he had no face to see anyone and could only bury his head in Jin Wang’s embrace. His ears were all red as he felt the flabbergasted gaze that the old eunuch landed on him from time to time.

After Jin Wang’s explanation, Gao Jin received the edict and left the bedchamber.

“Alright, everyone is gone now.” Jin Wang patted Ye Shu’s arm.

Ye Shu promptly sat up and struggled a bit. “You… Let go of me.”

“Won’t let go,” Jin Wang stroked his back nonchalantly, his voice gentle yet dangerous, “Gu wants to remind you that just because Gu won’t kill you today, doesn’t mean Gu won’t change Gu’s mind later.”

“Therefore, my beloved minister must behave well in the future, otherwise you may have your old life back at any time.”

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Ye Shu snickered in his heart.

He just knew this dog emperor wouldn’t relent so easily.

Doesn’t that mean he just fancied his body and didn’t want to kill him until he got tired of toying with it?

This bitch hole Jin Wang.

He truly is a tyrant.

Ye Shu clenched his teeth before he managed to squeeze out a smile. “Yes, this subject understands.”

“In that case,” Jin Wang said, “sign this edict.”

The personal attendant only took away the edict for the execution of the left prime minister, while the one for instating a concubine was still spread out on the table.

One side of the edict had a blank space left to be filled in: the name of the concubine to whom it referred.

It was already getting dark outside; the lights flickering on the white silk paper flowed in the characters of dragons and snakes, free and unrestrained.

Jin Wang switched to a cinnabar brush, dipped it into the ink, and stuffed it into Ye Shu’s hand.

Then, he held Ye Shu’s hand and leaned forward.

Stroke by stroke, Ye Shu was led by Jin Wang to write down the name that had been with him for years with his own hands.

Ye Shu

A hint of a wondrous feeling suddenly surfaced in Ye Shu’s heart.

Jin Wang leaned in close, so close that Ye Shu could see him fully so long as he simply looked up. His eyes reflected the light of the lamp, the outline of the side of his face was exquisitely handsome, with no fault to pick out.

Ye Shu’s heart shook lightly and he quickly averted his gaze.

The name was settled. The edict was thus completed.

Ye Shu watched Jin Wang put away the edict with a somewhat complex mood.

He didn’t really care if he became a concubine or not; as long as he had saved his own life for now, there would always be a chance to escape later.

The complexity in his mood was because…he had prepared a bucket load of highly confidential news that could possibly lead to the unification of the world, but Jin Wang simply wanted a bed warmer???

This tyrant really has no sense of his character.


Translator: Some jj netizens commented, asking, “The concubine has to sign the edict?” “You just have to tell the world” “Isn’t it only the emperor who could write an edict?” Someone then answered that “it’s more of a marriage contract.”

I just feel the need to add them here hhh(^∀^)ゞ

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